Israel Criticized in Senator 'Clark's Report; Proposals Include Readmission of Refugees Friday, April 21, 1967-17 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Bnai Brith Charters Law Enforcement Lodge PHILADELPHIA—The 65 char- and personnel from the State WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen. the formation of an international from moving in an extreme anti- ter members of a new Bnai Brith Liquor Control Board, the depart- lodge in Philadelphia have a com- ment of licenses and inspections Joseph S. Clark, Pennsylvania consortium to rescue the Egyptian Western course. At- Democrat, in a report to the Sen- economy from impending disaster Mackawee descibed Israel as "a mon interest. Their profession is and the Philadelphia District ate Foreign Relations Committee on condition that Nasser should pawn of Western imperialism" in enforcing the law. torney's Office. on his recent study mission to the substantially reduce his armed announcing the intention to block Bnai Brith Law Enforcement Ignorance never settles a ques- Lodge is composed of city magis- Middle East, stressed the Arab forces." He urged conditioning of Israeli transit of the Red Sea. —Disraeli. trates. policemen, postal inspectors tion. refugee problem and urged that further food shipments to Egypt on (Syrian President Atassi an- the United States "utilize diplo- "cessation of Nasser's acquisition nounced that Syria was ready "at matic pressure on Israel to repa- of arms from the Soviet Union or . any moment" to launch a war on triate a substantial number of elsewhere and the return of his Israel, it was reported Tuesday refugees who might be persuaded troops from Yemen." from 3eirut. He invited all Arabs to return to their own villages In other recommendations, Sen. to come to Syria to join ranks of inside Israel." Clark said the United St a t es his "popular army" of farmers, He suggested that the United should take the initiative in elimi- workers and peasants for the "war Nations "break up the camps grad- nating the Arab refugee camps of liberation.") ually, pa3,ini, the government of and the assimilation of the refu- Arab diplomats have asked the Jordan a sufficient international gees into the economies of Israel subsidy to move families on to and the Arab countries where the United States to clarify whether or not the United States has as- arable lands or into communities camps are located." He urged that sured Israel that the U.S. Sixth where employment opportunities "the United States should continue Fleet would defend the Jewish can be found in Jordan and else- to uphold the political independ- where — possibly to some extent ence and territorial integrity of state. The Arabs made reference to on arable land soon to be irrigated the State of Israel. an interview of Israeli prime minis- closer to the Jordan River." at the other side of ter Levi Eshkol published by the Sen. Clark said the policy he the Looking coin, Sen. Charles H. Percy, U.S. News and World Report maga- recommended, including repatria- Illinois Republican, warned the zine. Eshkol indicated in the in- tion to Israel, "has its dangers Senate that "with so terview that the United States had and should be carried out grad- much of Tuesday our national attention given Israel defense reassurances ually and with great care. But a on Southeast Asia, involving the Sixth Fleet. continuation of the present policy concentrated is unfortunate that trouble It was learned Tuesday that a may hold even greater dangers." it spots in other of the world number of so-called pro-Western He pointed out that the numbers fail to receive parts adequate consi- Arab governments have asked the of Arab refugees were increasing deration." United States to define its secur- and that the camps were breeding He singled out the dangers ity commitments to them and to hate and trouble. Produced under strict Rabbinical supervision. Certificate on request Israel was subjected to criticism emerging iri the British withdrawal Israel. (Related stories Page 19). by Sen: Clark who went even from Aden and the South Arabian terming Egyptian Presi- federation as well as Syrian ter- rorism against Israel. dent Nasser a "pharaoh." In his first Senate address on He charged that he found in brael "little internal democracy the Near East, Sen. Percy ques- within the many political parties." tioned whether He alleged that the original drive the peoples o f which founded the country and South Arabia built its political and economic ; would find real structure has pretty well petered independence, cit- out. There is a good deal of apathy ing Egyptian and cynicism in the new genera- military occupa- tion, both of sabras (born in Is- tion of Yemen. rael) and immigrants." Alluding t o Sen. Clark maintained that Egypt, Sen. Per- °there is no real economic need cy said "The for more immigrants" to Israel. source of danger He charged that "as of last fall threatening t h e almost the entire classof spring independence of graduates from the engineering We value highly the C) seal of approval of THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH states in the school of the technical univer- proudly CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA, which appears on so many Heinz labels. Sen. Percy Middle East as sity was unemployed. Unemploy- elsewhere is not the old colonial advertise our Kashruth endorsement extensively right through the year. ment is becoming chronic and powers, but new ones." However, please do not draw a mistaken inference from those Heinzads. persistent in the urban areas." Tracing the difficulties on the The fact is: Sen. Clark found it "disturbing" Syrian-Israel frontier, he charged on Passover/ that the Israeli "press is tame and the Syrians with "unprovoked vio- Heinz CI Varieties are Kosher foryeaCround use, but censored on security matters, a lence" which he termed "unpar- The tg does not mean "Kosher for Passover." phrase given, as in the United donable." Sen. Percy said "Syria To make assurance doubly sure, we publish this, our annual message. States, the broadest of meanings." has fomented many acts of vio- And we also use this opportunity to wish you and your dearones a /. , , The Senator asserted that "a few knee from its territory against Happy Passover. vigorous hawkish military leaders Israel." an undue influ- exercise tend to The Illinois Senator accused ence on politico-economic deci- Syria of failing to cooperate with sions. Moreover, the country has the United Nations Truce Super- liyr3r : remained in a state of military vision Organization and refusing alert for so long that Israel seems to discuss "without any precondi- to have become a modern Sparta tions the single point on the agenda III its political-military attitudes." to which it had agreed." He point- "The status quo in politics, milt- ed out that "at every stage Israel Cary policy, economics, and sociol- has reiterated its readiness to dis- -- ogy may well be breaking down cuss the point immediately." in Israel." he stated, "What will lie called attention to Syria's replace it is anybody's guess; but threat "of aggressive and hostile it can be hoped that the drive acts over all the demarcation Which founded the country can be Communicated to new leaders who lines." Meanwhile. South Arabia's will maintain a secure and pros= leading nationalist movement, CONDENSED porous state oriented to war d the. Nasser-backed "Flosy" front CONDENSED peace." for the "liberation" of South • VII Sen. Clark said there would be 771 114*, CREAM OF Arabia, pledged Tuesday that a no peace or disarmament in the Flosy regime in Aden "will cer- Mideast until "the United States MUSHROOM tainly close the southern en- and the Soviet Union agree, to- trance to the Red Sea (the Eilat gether with their respective allies, route) to Israel shipping." The VIEI NZ to stop the arms race; England, western end of the protectorate France and West Germany and CONDENSED commands the narrow channel other Western powers are per- between the Red Sea and the CREAM OF suaded that their own national Gulf of Aden. CONDENSED self-interest is not in permitting According to reports received in citizens to make a fast buck their selling arms, but in peace in -Washington, the secretary-general by Mideast: and the Arab nations, of Flosy. Abdul Qawee Mackawee. the Unable to purchase or manufac- former chief minister of the Aden ture weapons required for modern protectorate, pronounced that the 1.11 141 WI Yr C114114 warfare, accept the inevitable and regime to emerge upon British de- make permanent peace with Is- parture would be "an Arab social. .177'/(e.(e4e4 .17 ■ ••.4 /PIE 7,3 4444.4444, ■•■•■ ist republic." He said "our policy 44 7. L" In tomato sauce will be hostile to Britain. the o According to Sen. Clark "pri- United States and Israel alike." marily this is a problem of deal- Flosy is the leading terrorist r. ing with Nasser, for if he should disappear from the scene or be movement in Aden and the adjoin- ing sheikhdoms which form the to a civilized brought around attitude there are no insoluble British-protected South Arabian Britain has announced barriers to such a course of ac- federations. Von in the other Arab states, intention to pull out. I TO NTT WT Tuesday's strong expression sur- Most of which are too weak to prised U.S. officials who have bet aggressive externally." Sen. Clark recommended that maintained informal contacts with HAVE A DELICIOUS Manischewitz PASSOVER Never on Passover! We never (FAMILY SIZE' v‘Ei 14E1 NZ HEINZ VEGETARIAN BEANS VIE I NZ "IMEMMEZ,z El NZ ATO PEA SOUP HEINZ VEGETARI VEGETABLE SOUP MEIN? TOMATO KETCHUP ILI HEINZ COMPANY l United States should promote Flosy in hopes of preventing it