islation prohibiting U.S. business firms to cooperate with the Arab boycott of Israel. Called on the government to Offers carry out Premier Kosygin's pledge fr" THE FINEST DEAL that Jewish families wishing to be vo• THE FINEST SERVICE WASHINGTON (JTA)—The im- tion of the United Nations Con- united with relatives outside the Come See for Yourself at portance of Jewish involvement in', vention on Genocide and interna- USSR would not face "bureaucratic the struggle to end the Vietnam tional human rights treaties out- obstacles." Called for the admission of Red war was stressed by Rabbi Arthur ' lawing forced labor and slavery J. Lelyveld, president of the Amer- and guaranteeing t h e political China into the United Nations "in ican Jewish Congress, in an ad- rights of women. the interest of encouraging uni- Asked rabbinical authorities to dress before his organization's na- versal membership" in the inter- tional women's division convention. correct "inequities" in present Jew- 20735 GRAND RIVER national organization . . . with the Serving notice that the American ish divorce laws, with special em- iel KE 2-7 500 Oak Minutes Southfiel Jewish Congress regarded Vietnam phasis on the problems of desertion understanding that this action will d not entail the exclusion or un- Between 6 Mile & Evergreen as a "Jewish issue," Rabbi Lelyveld and the remarriage of widows. seating of any other member state." Urged enactment of federal leg- said: "We are proud to be the cut- ting edge of every forward move- • ment of self-respecting Jews who take both their identity within the Jewish people and their covenant role seriously. This is why we of the American Jewish Congress have spoken out on Vietnam — because we are loyal Americans and because we are-faithful Jews." The Jewish Congress leader said that "everything in our tradition prompts us to believe that there are times when silence is immoral. 'Thou shalt not stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor' is a primary demand of Jewish ethics recorded in the Book of Leviticus." An ap- peal for peace in Vietnam also highlighted a convention address by Sen. Ernest Gruening, Alaska Democrat. Mrs. Charles L. Snitow of Scarsdale. N.Y., was elected to another two-year term as president of the group. Rabbi Joachim Prinz, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Or- ganizations, told the convention that he saw a "lack of religious values, as we understand them, in Israel." Ile said "our concern is that Israeli youth identifies Jess ish religion with ritual." He deplored "the lack of social concerns, the fact that we do not hear the voice of religious Israel in terms of peace and war, social justice. integration and similar issuc• " Stating that Israel was not 'merely a sovereign state "but a people of which we are a part," Rahhi Prinz held that American Jewry had "a stake" in "censor- ship in Israel, secret trials held. certain police regulation from the British, Mandate which have not yet been repealed." Rahhi Prinz said that American Jews "ought to he not merely per- mitted but invited by Israel to help solve the problem of separa- tion of church from state, a separa- THEY'RE READY to plant and bursting to bloom this tion which does not exist in Israel and which permits religious groups spring! Your choice of two hearty rose bushes, free, to form a political bloc in Israel— for saving $100 in a new or current account. Choose blocking not merely politics as they do. but blocking religion it- from a variety of bushes ... from many beautiful self, chaining religion and the free- shades. Planting instructions included. (One pair of dom of religion to the exigencies of politics." rose bushes per family, please.) A warning that public educa- tion and church-state separation but all savings in by were "gravely threatened" by mounting attempts to se cur e quarter's return in June! full April 10th earn a government grants for parochial schools was sounded at the clos- ing session of the convention. In a resolution. the 500 delegates voiced concern that benefits to Current PASSBOOK church-supported schools were Yearly "merely a beginning toward the SAVINGS Rate ultimate goal of full public financ- ing of nonpublic schools on the basis of parity with the public schools." Adoption of this stand came as a ranking officer of the American Jewish Congress sharply criticized a call by Senator Jacob K. Javits, Republican of New York, for re- pealing the New York State con- stitutional guarantee forbidding aid DETROIT given "directly or indirectly" to 19830 West Seven Mile Road at Evergreen / KE 7-3400 church and synagogue schools. Howard M. Squadron of New DEARBORN / 13007 West Warren 1 584-7650 Y o r k, a vice president of the AJCongress and chairman of its UTICA / 45676 Van Dyke / 731-4500 commission on law and social ac- tion, said Sen. Javits had "be- BEVERLY HILLS-BIRMINGHAM trayed both constitutional principle 14 Mile at Southfield / 644.0440 and the future of public education." In a series of resolutions, the OAK PARK-HUNTINGTON WOODS American Jewish Congress women: Backed a campaign for secur- 25555 Coolidge at Sherwood / 547-6400 ing 1.000,000 petition signatures calling on all sides in the Viet- nam war to stop the fighting and "begin negotiations now." • Senate ratifica- Called for THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS S—Friday, April 14, 1967 IVICongress President Insists Vietnam Vi'ar 'Jewish Issue' IRV KATZ . • FOR YOU... on our 15th anniversary! Everything's coming up ROSES for Metropolitan Federal savers! 4 0, 2 ° METROPOLITAN FEDERAL SAVINGS