TIIE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 mcutt, c , Aut•rlcan Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National . Editorial Pnhli , h•d every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. r ',! ■ :;C4 :-.16•rription St; a pear. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit. Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Ectoter and Publisher CARM1 M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections Thi., Sabbath. the fifth day of Nisan. 5727, the following scriptural selections will rend ill our synaaogues: l'entatenchal portion. Ler. 14:115:33. Prophetical portion, 11 Kings 7:3-20. Candle lighting, Friday, April 14. 6:54 p.m. 1 04. 1.1. No. 4 April 14, 1967 Page Four Israel's Difficulties Several years of prosperity, accounted for in large measure by the continuing flow of immigrants into the country, which created great needs for housing and encouraged un- pr•cedented merchandising, have halted sud- denly. creating a crisis that adds to the bur- dens of the very small state. Now. with a renewal of hostilities on the Syrian border, which have added to the tax- payers' burdens, as well as numerous other problems, Israel faces serious difficulties. Once again the Israelis' kinsmen are called upon to provide whatever aid may be avail- able to reduce the pressures. Israel must provide for the defense needs out of tax dollars. But there are other re- Jewry's Duties sponsihilities which must be shared by Jews everywhere. Duties involving the settlement of escapees from lands oppression, the needs related to Israel's industrial development which is linked with the means of solving un- employment problems and of assuring jobs for new immigrants, and other tasks that call for proper integration of incoming set- tlers—these demand the participation of the Jewries of the world. That's where our cur- rent responsibility lies in our community where we are now striving to secure the funds that will assist in making Israel economically secure. Our aid to the United Jewish Ap- peal and to the Israel Bond efforts must go on unabated if the Israel crisis is to be prop- erly resolved. Dr. Heller Defines Major Terms Anti-Semitic Literature--Mail and Hand Delivered in 'Vocabulary of Jewish Life' had learned from this forgery. When. soon after the desecration of the Trenton. Mich.. synagogue, people became aware of the distribution of large quanti- ties of anti-Semitic literature, they were shocked. The surprise element was in the unawareness of the existence of a vast num- ber of groups that are engaged in spreading hatred, in distributing the vilest type of propaganda against .Jews and Negroes and often also against Catholics. In spite of the constant exposing of these bigoted elements, people appear to be un- informed about the tactics of the hate- spreaders. Their hate sheets are being dis- tributed not only by hand. as was the case with the youngsters who were caught with anti-Semitic leaflets in Trenton and elsewhere. The mails are used constantly, and there is little that can be done to stop such utilization of the freedom to pamphleteer. From Toledo, for example, during the past week. there emerged another type of circular letters, sent to all newspapers, ap- pealing to Christians to act against unseen enemies but at the same time branding Jews as culprits. For example, the circular claims that "in 1954 one James Warburg said on the Senate floor 'We will have one world government . . " True: it is an illiterate appeal but if there are people who believe that there ever was a Warburg who addressed the t'.S. Senate. they can be misled into mis- chief. This type of biased literature carries the name and address of the author of the hate leaflet. and he is distributing it according to law. That is why it is so vital that the truth should be made known to offset the false- hoods --- because falsehoods under the guise of freedom of expression and freedom of speech can not under existing law be barred from the mails. The spreading anti-Semitism is in evi- dence also in the continued reprinting of the spurious l'rotocols of the Elders of Zion which had been exposed as falsifications by Philip Graves. in the London Times, in 1921. for which some American leaders had apologized to the Jewish community but which neverthe- less continue to have wide circulation. Adolf Hitler used them for his propaganda purposes against the Jews. Now they are being exposed again in several publications in England. The mere fact that it has become necessary again to expose them is an indication that they serve a vile purpose. In History Today, published in London, there appeared an article on the Protocols by the eminent author, Christopher Sykes, which pointed to the fact that Hitler was careful not to refer to the Protocols after he came to power but that the task of spreading the vile literature widely was left to underlings who made wide use of it. Sykes concludes his article by stating: Presumably Hitler and Goebbels knew the truth, but could not face it. In his will Hitler showed that right up to the end he was syellbond by1Si ideas lha -the conCepli-on -onlit-oity Ironically enough, it was during the years of Hitler's power that the full story of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion at last came out. The occa- sion was a long trial held in 1934, 1935 and 1937 in Berne. Certain Jews of Switzerland brought an action against a group of Swiss Nazis headed by a man called Theodore Fischer. Their contention was that by circulating the Protocols the Nazis were guilty of an offense under the Berne law against obscene literature. The interest of the trial today lies in the evidence. Among the witnesses were Philip Graves, Count du Chayla, Princess Radzh ill and several Russian personalities of the ohl regime. From their testimony and notably that of a former Russian editor, Vladimir Burtsev, the whole crazy and complicated story was finally pieced together. One witness, Professor Svatkov, gave the name of the forger. He was a man called Golovinskii, whose immediate superior in General Ratchovskirs Paris office was a certain Henri Bint. The latter's main duty in this agreeable society was to provoke exiles into action which made them liable to extradition. Svatkov had heard from Bint in person the whole story of how Golovinskii had adopted Le Dialogue aux Enfers. Monsieur Joly's book was not the only basis of the forgery. Edouard Drumont had unknowingly supplied much inspiration, and among other publications an anti- Jewish German novel called Biarritz had been of , help to the forgers. It was from this book that they took the...idea of the Elders. In Biarritz, however, the Elders are not addressed by their chief but by the Devil in person in the course of a meeting held in a graveyard. Svatkov's evidence was dis- puted, but upheld by Burtsev on first-hand recol- lections. It may contain inaccuracies, but it fits all the ascertainable facts. The case of the Jews against the Nazis was allowed by the court, but dismissed by the Appeal Court in 1937 on the grounds that the Protocols did not conic within the legal definition of obscene literature. Those credulous beings to whom I re- ferred in my opening paragraph take great com- fort from this fact and insist that the failure of the case leaves the fogery unproved. In fact, the judgment of the second court fully supported the evidence given to the first. So that should have been the end of the story. Unfortunately not. Further editions of the non- sense came out in Germany, Italy and Spain soon after the trial and the Protocols may be said to have enjoyed a second Spring. It is still widely read in Arab countries today, where it is held to provide the key to the riddle of IsraeL With shame it must be admitted that the Protocols have been republished in England since the end of the Second World War. One can see why the Protocols go on being read. It is painful to have to admit the truth of anything that Hitler said, but there can be no doubt that when he declared in Mein Kampf that the masses find vast untruths more credible than small ones, and that in consequence those who use a lie in propaganda work should always tell a big lie, he showed an uncanny degree of shrewdness. This is one of the biggest lies ever devised by a liar, and for that reason there will for long be fools to believe it. It is clear that the venom has not sub- sided, that the worst of the anti-Semitic litera- There is a constant search for definition of Jewish terms, for explanations of Jewish traditional practices, for informative data about Jewish practices. Hebrew Publishing Co. two years ago issued an important volume by an eminent scholar. Dr. Philip Birnbaum, entitled "The Book of Jewish Concepts," which contained an immense amount of information based on definitions of Jewish terms. A similarly valuable work, "The Vocabulary of Jewish Life," by another eminent scholar, Rabbi Abraham Mayer Heller. has just been published in a revised edition by Hebrew Publishing Co. Like its predecessor, this book provides explanations for hun- dreds of terms, for many Jewish practices, for ideas in Judaism that are not generally understood. As a supplement to Dr. Birnbaum's book this is a great contribution to Jewish scholarship. Its definitions are briefer than those in Birnbaum's but they contain the meat of the subjects. Also, there are many terms not included in Birnbaum's. Subject-wise, Dr. Heller's collection of terms is interestingly divided. It appears in special section, devoted to the home, synagogue, marriage and the family, extension of greetings, the Sabbath, the Jewish calendar, fast days on the Jewish calendar, theology. mourning, learning, human virtues, Israel, Jewish law, ethical principles, and a number of other classifications. Each division is preceded by an explanatory introduction which throws light on the terms in that grouping. A thorough "Index to English Transliterations" guides the reader in the search for terms of a general nature. The resort to "vocabulary" in the title of the book is quite appropriate. The hundreds of words defined make this a vocabulary as well as an encyclopedic collection explaining major Jewish practices, evaluating words and terms, presenting the meaning of holidays and traditional observances. . Here, for example, is a typical item in the book. Commencing the section "Ethical Principles and Practices" with the terms "Bain Adam la-liabero," translated as "Between Man and His Fellow Man," Dr. Heller's definition is: "Theology, philosophy, morality, ritual, ceremony—all are intrinsic elements of Judaism, but ethics is its very heart. The Jewish sages emphasized the importance of good relations between man and his fellow man above all other duties, God readily forgives the repentant for sins committed against him but the wrongs done to another man must be righted by the repentant before pardon is granted by God." Rabbi Heller's definitions reveal the universality of Jewish concepts. Thus, Tova, goodness, favor, is interpreted as: "To render service to a fellow man is the religious duty of a good Jew." The word Emet, truth, is thus evaluated: "A legend relates that when God was about to create man, some of the angels favored while others opposed his creation. Among the arguments winning God's final approval was that man is capable of truth, the basic foundation for the support of the universe. Where there is no truth there can be no justice, no love and no peace, the spiritual pillars of the world." Thus all the words explained form a vast ethical, spiritual and theological vocabulary, causing Dr. Heller's "The Vocabulary of Jewish Life" to emerge as a very good and very useful book. Medicine as Career Outlined be Medical practitioners and especially students of medicine will guided towards interesting professional channels in "Your Career lo Medicine," by Dr. Alam It. Bleich, published by Cornerstone Library Publications distributed by Simon and Schuster. Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Hebrew University medical school are among the schools listed in an appendix. In relation to Israel, the author tells about the four-year program at the Jerusalem medical school where "the value of the close personal relationship between doctor and patient is realized and practiced." Lure still is widely distributed. Which HI& Many medical aspects are reviewed in Bleich's book, including the cates that the task of striving for a wider grandfathers". in wbiell knowledge of the truth remains a major task speciality of family practice, "babies and doctor, etc., etc. - TWAT geriatrics is discussed, the government