Rabbi Joshua Sperka Translates Proverbs and Arranges Biblical Work by Topics; Plans More Translations Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka is the author of a new hook which has been published by Bloch. It has a long title: "Proverbs to Live By. Arranged by Topics, and the Book of Proverbs, In a Modern Transla- tion with Resumes Preceding Each Chapter." While the main title is in the first four words, the com- plete description is relevant be- cause it explains the author's ap- proach to the biblical work and indicates that he has written • his own translation of the Book of Proverbs, he has arranged it topi- cally and has offered resumes of each section: The Detroit author's contention is, as stated in his preface, that "the Bible today is the least-read best seller," that it is not read popu- larly because of "external hind- rances and difficulties." and he announces that with this work he intends to proceed to translate ' other biblical hooks to transmit their messages in modern idiom." How does he intend to modern- ize biblical translations? He offers several examples of his own ap- proach. Thus. Proverbs 12:24 in a hitherto translated form reads: The hand of the diligent shall bear rule; But the slothful shall be under tribute. Rabbi Sperka's version, in his I translation of this modernized verse, reads: diligent man shall become The a master; The indolent man will Under the title "Man and God." The introduction to his new book explains the place of Prov- in section three. the Detroit author erbs among the wisdom literature has grouped selections dealing with'' of the Bible, he explains the as- prayer, punishment. righteousness. cribed authorship to King Solomon truth. That group is followed by and defines the message and the Quatrains on morality, economics. content of the book. He has divid- etiquette, wisdom. Then there is a ed the first portion of his work section on "Moral Essays." which includes topics on family life, woman of valor, the path of wis- dom. But thereafter he starts anew. presenting the entire Book of Proverbs in its sequence. entitling each chapter in his own fashion, the first two, for example. being "Ignorance Leads to Crime" and "Wisdom, a Protection From the Perverse," and each chapter starts with the author's resume. thereby providing a guide to the book for the reader. With a revised translation df Proverbs now in process of pre-,L paration by a group of national.; ly prominent scholars who repre- sent the Jewish Publication Soc- iety of America, it will be in- teresting to make further com- parisons between existing, and planned revisions, and Rabbi Sperka's. RABBI JOSHUA S. SPERKA Meanwhile his work emerges as into numerous sections of related a most unique undertaking—in the proverbs and in this portion he form in which the book's contents does not follow the sequence of are subdivided, as well as in the the verses. Commencing with a form in which the author hopes to section entitled "Man Himself," popularize biblical works by means the quoted proverbs begin with of simplification in order to at- 14:17. There is a broad classifica- tract the average modern reader. tion in this grouping which is fol- become subordinate. Aid to W. German Jewry Pointing to the need for empha- lowed with proverbs dealing with The Conference on Jewish Ma- sis on the biblical theme, Rabbi - Man and Man," on social rela- tionships, economics and many re- terial Claims Against Germany Sperka states that "what humanity last year allocated a total of $180.- needs is biblical guidance that will lated issues. 000 for medical aid, educational provide meaning and purpose in In all instances, the proverbs and religious activities and general life," and he urges a "return to are selected where they fit, re- relief projects for the Jewish com- the source of our spiritual ideals— t gardless of the sequence of the munity in West Germany. Ube Bible." original work. 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