Jewish News Staff Marks 25th Anniversary Ex-Auschwitz Deputy Commander Ruled Medically Fit to Serve Term (Direct JTA Telef.Ype Wire to made at a conference by Israeli The Jewish News) Ambassador S. Divon with the FRANKFURT — Robert Mulka. Brazilian Foreign Minister, Eshkol the former deputy commander of reported. The foreign minister in the Auschwitz death camp who was Brazil said he will pass on Israel's sentenced to 14 years' imprison- request to his government. ment after the mammoth first trial The case is now before the Bra- of Auschwitz personnel here in 1963, and released for reasons of zilian High Court, which will decide ill health, was rearrested Wednes- on whether Stangl will be extra- dited. day. * The 71-year-old defendant was German Court Bids Retrial released from jail in January 1966 after obtaining a medical certificate of Two Eichmann Aides asserting that he was not fit" to KARLSRUHE (JTA)—The High serve out his term. Recently, doc- tors issued a new certificate that Court has set aside the unusually he was competent to serve his lenient sentences handed down by term. His release last year evoked a Frankfurt court in February sharp criticism inside and outside 1965 on Otto Hunsche and Ilermann Krumey, two aides of Adolf Eich- of West Germany. mann who were charged with par- Another action against Mulka is ticipating in the murders of hun- still pending. The state prosecution dreds of thousands of Jews. filed an appeal against what it Hunsche was acquitted and Kru- called a "lenient" sentence against mey was sentenced to five years' Mulka. This appeal has not yet imprisonment for his role in the been acted on. murder of 300,000 Jews. * Israel Intervenes for Extradition of Stangl by Brazil JERUSALEM (JTA)—Israel has asked the government of Brazil to grant one of the three requests addressed to it for the extradition of Franz Paul Stangl, the Nazi commandant of the extermination camps of Treblinka and Sobibor, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol in- formed the cabinet here Sunday, The request that Brazil accede to one of the extradition applica- tions—filed in Brazil by Austria, West Germany and Poland—was • • • Whitney Museum Exhibits Drawings of Nazi Horrors NEW YORK (JTA) — The Whit- ney Museum of American Art, one of the country's leading museums, is showing an exhibit of 30 power- ful drawings depicting Nazi bru- talities, created by Mauricio Lasan- sky, internationally known artist and director of one of the most influential graphic art workshops in the country at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. The exhibition was initiated by Kneeland McNulty, curator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, who saw the works in the artist's studio on the Iowa campus. HEBREW SELF-TAUGHT BY r *sn excellent r rn'tsoo-yahn to say l'hah-geed last ah-hahrohn how? - AHARON ROSEN .236 1171'7 .237 1i1112.2 .238 VIT'N .239 ehkh thus kahkh 7pr .240 appetite rm.,2171 .231 teh-ah-vohn soup 717,3 .2 3 2 mah-rak tomato 71'373S7 .2 3 3 ah-gvah-nee-yah ritip .234 fruit peh-roth sea valun .235" T 7'75x'7 1Yi7 11R :V] — rmirt n 4 i1 L J7x t7 -nnrni xi? ?ntip4 zi1 7 nn t2r3'? 1n-131-nnrt'7 u177? 't?in .1i=z;z7) 't? tzt, — „inn ,niin nnL? The Jewish News' 25th anniversary was observed by its staff at a luncheon. In the upper photo is the official family, Carmi and Philip Slomovitz, standing, and, seated, Mrs. Carmi (Sharron) Slomo- vitz, Randy and Gabriel Slomovitz and Mrs. Philip (Anna) Slomovitz. In attendance were staff members: Sidney Shmarak (and Mrs. Shmarak); Charlotte Hyams and her fiance, Harold Dubin; Danny Raskin, Marjorie Newberger, Gloria Bellock, Judy Glassman, David Stein and Seymour and Ilattie Schwartz. In the party were The Jewish News legal advisers, Morris Garvett (and Mrs. Garvett) and Gordon Ginsberg; the newspaper's accountants, Sidney J. Newman and Ralph Warenoff (and Mesdames New- man and Warenoff); the first bookkeeper of The Jewish News, Mrs. Irving (Dena Goldsmith) Greenberg (and Mr. Greenberg); former Jewish News City editors Frank Simons (and Mrs. Simons) and Mrs. Louis (Ruth Levine) Cassel; and former members of The Jewish News editorial department, Max Simon (and Mrs. Simon) and Mrs. Louis (Sally Kornweiss) Katz (and Dr. Katz). Afforestation E mployment As sists 6,000 KIRYAT GAT — The afforesta- tion work of the Jewish National Fund has been stepped up to give work to over 6,000 casual laborers, on top of the 650 skilled foresters permanently employed by the JNF. The tree planting program for the season ending now had been en- larged to over 5,000,000 saplings thanks to the abundant winter rains. For next year, the planting of at least 7.000,000 trees is participates with a further 5,000,- 000 pounds (S1,666,667) in paying planned, and preparations are al- the wages to the laborers it has ready under way in the JNF tree asked the JNF to absorb. These nurseries in all parts of t h e details were given by Sharon Weitz, head of the JNF aforesta- country. The budget of the Jewish Na- tion division, at a press conference tional Fund Afforestation Division which took place recently in the for the current year amounts to Jewish National Fund planting 10,500,000 pounds, ($3,500,000) center of Plugot. near Kiryat Gat while the Israel Labor Ministry in the Lakhish region. ,n4i '41t ► jn rr, ,n:-rr =.7gri — TY 'tg -"?— n ,Y?tg ,"z?t1 ,':1'9111 r°;,,:e7V , tPz?V ,11 1 ?V .j 'n — ...31,n1pri. 13:-3l 0? In — 74i7 71373 cin;? ,=Lai ;limp 0? rx ?my; 1:131 '71-11 .75i7 , 34 - Reading material in vocalized Easy Hebrew, and also material for advanced students may be obtained through your local Hebrew Organization or by :Oiling to: Brit Ivrit Olamit, P.O.B. 7111, Jerusalem, Israel, Published by Brit Ivrit Olamit 40—Friday, March 31, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS