Messages to Jewish News From Many The Jewish News acknowledges': After all the "big shots" have with gratitude the editorial salutes,' sent you their greetings on the on its 25th anniversary in the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, of The Detroit Jewish News, it is my Milwaukee, published by Irving G. great pleasure as a small fry in Rhodes, former Detroiter, and the the American Jewish community Southern Israelite, of Atlanta, Ga., to take this means to express to whose publisher is Adolph Rosen- you my personal felicitations and berg, president of American Jewish good wishes on this auspicious Press Association. occasion. We wish to express sincere Throughout the many years thanks to the many well wishers since we first worked together in for written and telephonic greet- the same building at 111 Fifth ings; 'to Messrs. and Mesdames Avenue, you have on many occa- Milton Winston and Philip Cutler sions proved your real friendship and the organizations they repre- for me, and whenever I had the sent, including JNF, ZOD, Sisters opportunity of meeting you either of Zion Mizrachi, Ladies of Ye- at a convention or at some other shivoth Beth Ychudah; to asias function in New York, it was a Zwerdling and the organizations simha break in my chores. May you and your lovely wife l'e represents in Ann Arbor. and the many others who have contine to enjoy many more years of happiness and derive nachos written, telegraphed, /telephoned and made contributions to several from your eminent public service. causes in our honor. ERNEST E. BARBARASH • Public Relations The advent of the twenty-fifth Zionist Organization anniversary of the publication of I of America • s • The Jewish. News marks a high point in your career. The Jewish No wonder The Jewish News of News, under your direction, has March 17 was ample. A silver an- won a place of leadership in the niversary carries weight. It may Nan of Jewish journalism in this well represent a third of a per- country. You have succeeded in son's life span. Mention was made making The Jewish News an organ o f, your 45 years in the newspaper of communication that stands for business. Now there's a figure that integrity, reasonableness, and ef- brings back memories. ficiency, and that clearly and Like Blanche Hart and the Han- unequivocally reflects a Jewish as nah Schloss Building with Scout well as American point of view. I Troop 23 whose alumni are the I congratulate heartily; and trust Old Timer Melanie Friedenberg that the years ahead will be with Campfire Girls and the Dra- signalized by continuing progress matic Club (both of which I be- and success. longed to). Later the Jewish Wom- SAMUEL M. I.EVIN en at their 89 Rowena headquar- Professor Emeritus, ters, forerunner of the Jewish Corn- Wayne State University munity Center., In behalf of the AssoCiation of Hebrew Teachers of Metropolitan Detroit, I wish to exteud our warm- est congratulations On the 25th anniversary of The 4ewish News. We as Hebrew teacher's have in the past few years experienced the impact of your worthy newspaper. The peaceful and historic agree- ment between the United Hebrew Schools and Hebrew Teachers As- sociation is in no small measure due to the existence of The Jewish News. In a very enlightened and dynamic manner The Jewish News mirrors and thus promotes a very constructive inter-relationship be- tween the various institutions and groups in our community. The Jewish News represents the ideal platform needed in a viable Jewish community. Similarly, your penetrating cov- erage and analysis of events per- taining to the Jewish community the world over serve as a power- ful and very necessary link be- tween the Jewish communities. May The Jewish News continue to grow from strength to strength. MENACHEM GLASER, President Ilerbew Teachers Association • • • The Jewish News has been a most cohesive force for good in the Detroit Jewish Community, and as such it has grown in im- portance and in stature from year to year. Today it is a giant among the English Jewish weeklies of the country. However, any newspaper or any other institution, only reflects the character, personality and intellect of a man. Its prime mover. It is in acknowledgement of this fact that I salute you, on this auspicious occasion. LOUIS L. SILVERFARB • • • There is no question that The Jewish News has become part of the Jewish household in terms of keeping informed on the problems and the successes of Jewry, lo- cally, nationally, and interna- tionally. . Keep up the standards that you have set for yourself. Let us hope that we will all be around to cele- brate another 25 years of The Jewish News. GEORGE M. ZELTZER, President, United Hebrew Schools 20—Friday, March 24, 1967 You and your entire staff should take great pride in the splendid issue published March 17 to denote your 25 years of service to the Jewish commu- , nity. I found it most interesting and informative; excellent from an editorial and production standpoint. My congratulations to your organization. Best regards, ELMER E. WHITE Executive Secretary Michigan Press Association Allow me please to join in ex- tending my sincere personal good wishes and tribute to you upon your outstanding achievements in presenting broad interest of Jew- ish life. I find The Detroit Jewish News not only one of the great English- Jewish weeklies in the nation, hut the most interesting in editorials and in world Jewish affairs. I wish to emphasize that reading the English Jewish News every week became of a habit to me, and am always looking forward to re- ceive The Jewish News every Fri- day. My best wishes for your con- tinued success, WOLF LEVITAN 2566 Park, Detroit * • • Yasher koach on the 25th Anni- versary of The Jewish News. Before I began to dictate this letter I tried to think of what else had happended in 1942 that was of more than ephemeral signifi- cance. All I could think of was the Biltmore Zionist Conference, the anouncement of plans for the the American Jewish Conference, and the sinking of the Struma. Back in 1942 these events over- shadowed the birth of The Jewish News, but in the long perspective of Jewish history I have a hunch that the birth of the journalistic newcomer of 1942 will loom brightly. BERNARD POSTAL, Director, Public Information National Jewish Welfare Board • • • I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you and yotir son, Carmi, on the 25th anniversary of The Detroit Jewish News. Your paper is one of the great Anglo-Jewish papers 'in the coun- try. As an editor and publisher you are outstanding. People in NI any Quarter Have just heard that you are celebrating the 25th anniversary of The Jewish News, and I want to add my congratulations and best wishes to the many you will un- doubtedly be receiving. It hardly seems 25 years since you started The News, but I don't suppose there is any disputing the fact, and, after all, our association goes back even further. I know it sounds a little formal from an old friend, but I can't resist saying that you are turning out one of the very top papers in the English-Jewish field, and that your leadership in the field of English-Jewish journalism has been an inspiration and 'guide to all of us in the field through these many years. In the quarter century since you lish-Jewish press has made mag- lish-Jewish press had made mag- nificent progress. Yearly, it achi- eves greater acceptance and recog- nition in the community as an im- portant communal force. There is no doubt in my mind that the Eng- lish-Jewish press has played an im- portant role in strengthening the patter_n of Jewish life in America. Most assuredly, it is a mighty force in the continuing battle for Jew- ish survival against the assimila- tive forces in an open society. I look forward with happy an- ticipation to joining you on the oc- casion of your 50th anniversary. With cordial best wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, HENRY W. LEVY Public Relations Director Jewish Agency American Section • • • We, the Detroit Chapter of Had- assah, besides congratulating you, wish to share your joy in the suc- cess and the achievement of 25 years of genuine service to our community. You and your newspaper have been such good friends to Hadas- sah, generous with space and al- ways displaying your interest and loyalty to our activities. How can we express our appre- ciation? We offer the heartfelt best wishes of our many members that there be many, many more years of active participation in the life of our community for you, your family and The Jewish News. Sincerely MRS. JACK W. PERLMAN President Detroit Chapter of Hadassah • * • Please accept my warmest con- gratulations on the superb silver anniversary issue of The Jewish News. Detroit is lucky to have the top man in the country in Jewish journalism and we are all very proud of you. May you go from strength to strength in the years to come. IRVING I. KATZ, FTA Executive Secretary Temple Beth El Heartiest con gratula tioa! Twenty-five years' of local and international history have been re- ported flawlessly through the pages of The Jewish News. Your valuable commentaries, editorial-s, and reviews have helped further Judaic and American culture. As the ethnographer of our times, your contributions consti- tute the living history of a people. Our fads, fables, and foibles are duly recorded along with our aspirations and achievements. Long may you continue to en- lighten us. Even 'til one hundred and twenty. Then. Carmi can take up the call. Maseltov! LEONARD W. MOSS Chairman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Wayne State University * * Among the many congratulatory letters and notes of praise which you have received on the occasion - of the 25th anniversary of The Jew- ish News, this little note of thanks and encouragement may not be very significant. I think you know how I feel about the importance of the serv- ice which your paper is rendering to Detroit's Jewish community and to every worthy cause which de- pends on your paper for commu- nication with the public. Personally, I am a great admirer of yours and I havg not waited for the 25th anniversiiry to tell you this. It is my sincere hope and wish that you • will carry on this noble work for many inure years to come. A. MICH.AELS Executive Director Israel Histadrut Campaign • • My attention has been called to the fact that The Detroit Jewish News is now celebrating its 25th anniversary and I hasten to send you both my own and the American Technion Society's heartiest con- gratulations. Few English-language J e wish newspapers enjoy the deservedly high reputation of your newspaper. It is a tribune of information, a guiding light and an important component in the Jewish commu- nity structure. The fact that you are a Founder of the Technion makes us all very pleased and very proud. MAURICE M. ROSEN President American Society for Israel Institute of Technology 1000 Fifth Ave., New York • • * On behalf of Greek Line we wish to congratulate you upon the.25th anniversary of your dynamic, popu- lar and extremely well-liked publi- cation. We are proud to know that The Jewish News is our paper, a voice of our community. GREEK LINE Robert Leibovitz, Vice President Paul Manz, Midwestern Manager Remember the old, magnificent Shaarey Zedek Synagogue on Wil- lis Avenue? Long before Mary Caplan affiliated with the Jewish Center and took Jewish women out of their kitchens, she formed a group of teen-agers who perhaps were floundering in their adoles- cence. We held our meetings at the synagogue. She promised us a "leader" by the name of Phillip Slomovitz. He was not too long out of col- lege, slim, unmarried, studious looking, and very inspiring. "Don't be, just a social club" he advised. "Grow — by doing." He named us the Young Judean Literary Club. Do you remember, Mr. Slomovitz? At your suggestion, we wrote week- ly essays which we read at meet- ings and discussed. The group turned out to be a credit to the community. Perhaps you were more or less responsible. Years later I married my first hfazel Tov and Yasher Koakh — husband at the Shaarey Zedek on Willis. )3r. Kirschbaum had just may you grow from strength to returned from study in Europe and strength. was our usher. You'd be surprised With best wishes and kindest how many of the babies he de- regards. livered are subscribers to The Jew- LOUIS KASLE, ish News:- Our most honored guest Flint, Mich. Was Fred Butzel. Many Happy Re- turns! EVA MARCUS DISHELL, 19167 Ohio • • • Heartiest Greetings! Mary joins me in sending you and Anna loving congratulations on the quarter-century of excellent serv- ice. Your Purely Commentary col- umn in this current News is typical for the good and great-minded ex- pressions to be found weekly in The Jewish News. Your A Reaf- firmation offers worthy study -in conscious ideality. I love its refer- ences to "The Editor's Wife and his childresq" The choice testimonials provide Among the historic events which occurred in 1942, the year of the founding of The Detroit Jewish personal satisfaction for each of News, was the adoption of the "Biltmore Platform" which was formulated in May of that year at the your grateful readers. emergency conference held in New York, at which 600 delegates unanimously adopted the program Phil, in self honor there is honor presented by David Ben-Gurion in support of a Jewish State. In this historic photograph, Dr. Chaim for everyone. it is most pleasing Weizmann is shown at the lecturn, with Ben-Gurion at his left. B-G inspired the assembly to vote the and invigorating to enjoy good declaration as the postwar aim of American Zionism. Other conference leaders were (from left): Rabbi taste, good nature, good conduct— Israel Goldstein, Judge Louis Levinthal, David Wertheim, Arthur Lurie, Louis Lipsky, Meyer W. Weisgal, each provided regularly by The Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, Mrs. Tamara de Sola Pool and Rabbi Abbi Dille' Silver. Detroit Jewish News. On his visit to the United States, Ben-Gurion returned to the Biltmore Hotel ballroom where, in an With love from staff to staff and impassioned wartime speech, he had formulated — and energized American Jews to support — the far- home to home. reaching declaration for • "Jewish Commonwealth" in Palestine. The Israeli leader, accompanied by Mrs, With best regards, Ben-Gurion, ended his four-day stay in New York by addressing a Bnai Brith dinner which commemo- JOHN M. DORSEY, M.D. rated the adoption of his Biltmore Platform. The objectives of the Biltmore Platform also became University Professor a rallying point for non-Zionist groups in America persuaded by Ben-Gurion's unyielding insistence that Wayne State University nothing short of "a Jewish Commonwealth integrated in the structure of the new democratic world" was an acceptable postwar solution for righting "an age-old wrong" against the Jewish peoplr THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Historic Photograph of Notable 1942 Event