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'Dti.:- ;;lt3 Dti; ;it M N .ilti; :Dt3 :m ' :)ii .' -: m M : :;1t.: m lti '..m 313 i.11.; 3q lt:: Dr 3 i3t3 Dt: IM ile m ilti; It: ilti 1 1c..; ilti: N 7:1t3 K - . 1t; .. ii • ilti: 7: 1t3 a lt_; ilt: M ;II!: DtE; Dq Dti; .It;: Dti; alt ti M; • .3 Iti . lto :7:1C3 Dc3 Dt3 ElC .It;: 'fit' :1 • 0.e. t3 it:: ElEi - Elti Reaffirmation .:„.., THE JEWISH NEWS REAFFIRMS he gave us the encouragement a strug- lin, Dr. A. M. Hershman, Dr. B. Bene- whose friendship will not be for- dict Glazer, Clarence H. Enggass, gotten. gling periodical needed to survive. ITS CREDO OF 1942. There were the late Samuel N. Hey- Sidney Allen, Issac Shetzer, Morris We are grateful to those still in On this joyous occasion, on the 25th man, Leon Kay, David Kabaker, Schaver, Abraham Cooper, Judge anniversary of the founding of the Julian H. Krolik, William Hordes, Charles C. Simons, H. C. Broder, our midst who upheld our hands in a Wilam Friedman, Dr. Leo M. Frank- Herman Radner, and many others, time of uncertainty—Leonard N. Sim- newspaper aimed at serving the best _ ons, Theodore Levin, Lawrence Mi- interests of our community, of Jewry .CI 0' CI --=—.a-m a =CI lo pl 10 of chelson, Walter L. Field, Morris Gar- and America, we present anew the III vett, Max Osnos, Nate S. Shapero, platform which served as a basis for James I. Ellmann, among them—they our e,xistence and which was to be From The Jewish News—Volume 1, No. 1—March 27, 1942 CI were the men of vision who recog- the guideline in a program of creating The Jewish News makes its appearance with this issue as YOUR nized that a community without a an informed community. o newspaper, as an organ for the moulding . of Jewish public opinion, as r- an instrument to strengthen the Jewish community, and for the advance- j good newspaper is like a community We present this platform anew in ment of the morale and courage of American Jews in this hour of crisis. El without a soul. a spirit of re-dedication to the basic This is our credo: purpose of maintaining a vital organ 0 The result is a matter of record. A A newspaper's responsibilities are immense in time of peace; they a responsive Detroit Jewry has shared for our people. We repeat it in a I are far greater in time of war. spirit of reaffirmation of the respon- in the great task of assuring proper We are conscious of these responsibilities as Americans. sibilities that are ours and the ob- communication aimed at creating a ic r We are conscious of these duties as Jews. knowledgeable community. Nearby jectives that need to be fulfilled in The Jewish News believes in the American way of life and is here a communities—Windsor, Flint, Pontiac behalf of a cooperative community. il to contribute everything possible towards its survival. —are sharing in this dedication to 3 - , The Jewish News believes in the sacred American ideal of Fair Play _ cause of service to Jewry. Advertisers We reiterate what we offered 25 have learned that they benefit from years ago with a sense of gratitude _ and dedicates itself towards the complete realization of this ideal. The Jewish News is confident that Americans are prepared to fight o the vast coverage of The Jewish News, for the encouragement that has been for their rights and that they will refuse to peimit fear to dominate _ and their role is vital to our existence. given us, with deep appreciation to our land. We are here to help defeat the spirit of fear. The 25 years—many of them difficult Detroit Jewry for having recognized The Jewish News believes in the Four Freedoms enunciated by Presi- ones: the years of tensions in Jewish a dedicated objective of the merits dent Roosevelt and will fight for these freedoms on every American front, 13 life, of challenges which demanded and for having assisted in making in the American i way. accuracy in news coverage, caution possible the emergence of a news- The Jewish News pledges itself to a program whose concern it be- 1 and realism in judging events—have, paper for all the people, without bias, comes to keep Jews and non-Jews fully informed on facts relating to a we hope and believe, not only justified the Jewish position; whose chief interest it is to advance the morale of our existence: they are a tribute to a whose aim was and remains the eleva- tion of the highest standards of 0 our people and to hold high the banner of democracy, religious free- community that knows the merits of dom and good will among all faiths• to fight against fraud, deceit' and proper communication and will con- journalism and of assuring for our misrepresentation, and in that spirit to set a high example for ethical 0 tinue to give encouragement in the readers the fullest coverage of global : conduct in our community. task of endlessly striving for the type a of newspaper a great community . de- news. We are motivated by the community responsibility_ of establishing the most friendly inter-denominational relations, of advancing the Good A review of the events that had Neighbor policy between Jews and non-Jews, of establishing the type of vserves. led to the formation of The Jewish The fulfillment of our pledges, the relations which serve to bUild a wholesome American life based on realization of what could well have News would be incomplete without 13 inter-faith - co-operation. been interpreted in 1942 as a mere recognizing the friendship of a group The Jewish News pledges itself to serve as the organ for the good of the Jewish communities of Detroit and Michigan, and for our sister ° dream, are to the credit also of scores of men who gave the encouragement of national leaders, of the news serv- that was needed in introducing an a communities throughout the land. ices which gave us their fullest co- To that end The Jewish News subscribes to all the American Jew-. operation, of the giants in American enterprise in which only a handful had _ e ish news-gathering agencies and pldges to give its readers the fairest El Jewry whose friendships we valued a semblance of faith. Newspapers to- collection of factual information regarding Jews everywhere — locally, then, those who continue to labor with day are falling by the wayside because o throughout the state, nationally throughout the world. us today, whose dedicated labo s as of the prohibitive aspects of prOduc- In order that tht th .Jewish , communities may keep abreast with all Jews and as Americans we admire ' and tion and the expensive elements of that is transpiring in Jewish life and with the various shades of opinion a respect, with whom we hope to con- among us, we pledge ourselves to serve as a clearing house for these tinue to share in uplifting our coun- news gathering. Then, as now, very try's high ideals in the years to come. 0 opinions, and to approach Jewish issues without partisan coloration. An few believed that an idealistic effort to give this community a newspaper I effective Jewish public opinion must be an informed Jewish public 0 In the course of the intervening opinion, and our task is to achieve that end. years it has been a genuine privilege worthy of the high - ideals of our The Jewish News dedicates itself to the cause of alleviating suffering. w i sth seolharighof goals jew fBoorristhse m people could possibly succeed. There I3 ernyg anp dossbibigleotrtyo, ede Jewish mouars s e lsveisn tloanddso oef vesrlayvthi [ among the ththeatopepurdessw and was the handful that showed con- enlighten our people on the various. needs making claims upon us be they and their pioneering efforts of the Seven Arts and Feature Syndicate; Agency Nathan ZiPrin with heads of national movements; 0 in the fields of relief, of Palestine's reconstruction, or the defense of (3 Telegraphic have borne fruit, serving as an inspira- I our rights everywhere. with Israeli leaders who share the tion to the larger community. The Jewish News pledges itself to place service to the community 13 recognition of the vitality of informa- above the profit motive. The late Fred M. Butzel saw the _ tive publications; with men in our In this spirit The Jewish News makes its formal appearance as p rofessional field in Jewish commu- need and recognized the sincerity of s . YOUR newspaper, as the organ dedicated to the service of the most a nities throughout the world. those who took an interest in filling sacred causes having your interest and concern. that need. He gave the first boost _ The Editor's Wife and his children We are here to serve and to befriend you. Acting together, we are retain vital roles in this venture, and that was so vital in the task of El in a position to bring the most good to America, to the ideals for which. a loyal staff is a contributing factor creating a news or gan of justified America stands, and to the Jewish communities which form an important Etowards the maintenance of - an im- m e r i t. Henry Wineman, Judge element in the American commonwealth. III portant' organ for Jewry and for Theodore Levin, Maurice Schwartz, 0 .....-10 Ei —70 CI 13 Ch America. Maurice Aronsson and Abraham Srere o--=-- CI joined him in showing us the con- Thus , what we have achieved is not THE JEWISH NEWS fidence we needed so urgently in an limited to Detroit. We aimed at creat- Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Incorporating The Detroit hour of crisis for Jewish journalism ing a newspaper with total coverage Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press in Michigan. Isidore Sobeloff could Association, of all vital Jewish news, and we hope National Editorial Association. not have been more helpful. He su- we have succeeded in setting standards he Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Published every Friday by The pervised a temporary cooperative cir- Road, Detroit, Mich. 4825. VE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. for vital creativity in. journalism. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan 0 M io iltil ..,It?,\. .t: lt. 1 t;'.1 :Iti mi The Jewish News: Our Platform / Elti, M.: m DE • :'l Elti ini :It'. ' M It a M Elq lti; I I I culation agreement between the Jew- The Jewish News enters upon the PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI Ni. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK CHARLOTTE HYAMS • -ish Welfare Federation and The City Editor Advertising Manager Business Manager Editor and- Publisher 26th year of its existence in a spirit Jewish News and in that way many • 4l of complete adherence to the prin- who might otherwise never have rec- Sabbath Scriptural Selections ciples we first enunciated.We •• are ognized the need for a vital Jewish This Sabbath; the sixth day of Adar II, 5727, the following Scriptural here to serve our community. We are newspaper acquired a share in a great selections will be read in our synagogues: '. - obligated to provide the completest cultural undertaking. Mr. Sobeloff Pentateuchal portion, Lev. 1:1-5:26. Prophetical . portion, Is. 43:21-44:23. news, to• gather the best interpretive shared with us the abuse that was Fast of Esther Tora readings: Thursday: Pentateuchal portion, Ex. 32:11-14, _material, to be fair in judging the I:; r • ... hurled in charges that there were hetical portion, porti Is. 55:6-56:8.' 34:1-10. Prophetical events that transpire. We pledge anew "subsidies" — accusations that were . t.; . Candle Lighting, Friday, March 17, 6:22 p.m. to fulfill our obligations with the never justified. As a former news- El ti; March 17, 1967 honor and the dignity obligatory upon paperman he recognized the merits of VOL. L, No. 30" Page Four honorable Jews and Americans. Dt3 an important community organ and Drt: m ► kW b:E:4 6:41:411:46:41:2;4 ► ;±:4 1X:4 PiX4 120.21 bit. 44 414;4 I•X:4 kW 6:::41: 1 :■ :4 Ict . ;414:: ■ ;41.a6:4 tk6;41W WI 6:41:41: ► ■ :4 6: It:I 11:4::4 6:1.2 6:1:4 6:!...4-4 4:6:4 124;41 lok6;4 I:1E4 12:4 11: ■ 42 1:6;4 6: ■ ::411X:4 6:o .:4 62E:4 1{:±:4 6:4E:4 t:t:416;DK:t:4 61. 6 .:414:. 6:4 6:4E• :4 1:1;4 1:D 11:4.;4 7 t.:4 6:6:4 ba6:4 II: ;4.44.6 if-47. ....41—Friday, - THE DETROIT JEWISH' NEWS E.1 Eiti il Elli; ..i; lr :3(3, Eici m D ti Elti; M i;t3 , , ;:lt: R:; M alq 3t3 ti r = Ei ti; q Dri ini ;It ElE %1t•: t.t: Elti ;113 Elti El t•: ;313_ :It. ;:nii: ?It: Elq Elti Elti DE; Elk Dc: El ti ri: ;.l{.; , 7 ilti; Elti. Elti Elk: Eit.. !1t Elti; :83 ■ ::4 1:16;41416;4E.4W160.1 ,17,7, :57, .7:74 Fr!ZI prZ, t....tenZo .7.:. 4774 ii.77. iNTI trZt e_i trZi enZi .747...177.4 .7;71 .7.74 :I:AtA trin .:71.70.7,4 ..1.7:7"...7:7t orZt ir:74 1, ....1r7.7.1.7:71.7.7.i .7Zie_711.74.7t irin i5.71,„...4,7:fe tfe71.:7,:i tiraZit:!..1:71:17.4 trof, i7Z1.....4 MI if:74 iprZiorZi ,.....try!.....i 'March' 17, 1967 Elk; =1t; ...4 t