By Philip Slomovitz Purely Commentary Our Press and Our Conscience: Observations on Occasion of Jewish News' 25th Anniversary A. quarter-century service to our community merits consideration of the status of Jewish journalism Lord Macaulay, in his essay written in 1828, reportedly said: there were three estates in Parliament — he referred to Kings, Lords and Commons — but, he said, in the Reporter's Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important by far than they all. Half a century ago, when he was taunted about his foreign birth by an antagonist who told him his own ancestors came here on the Mayflower, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise replied: Sir, MY ANCES- TORS WERE AT MOUNT SINAI WHEN MOSES, ON MY ANCESTORS' BEHALF GAVE YOU AND THE ENTIRE WORLD THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. By the same token, viewing Macaulay's definition of the Fourth Estate, we go back much, much farther into history in trac- ing newspapers. In the 52nd Chapter of Isaiah we read: How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of the messenger of good Tidings that announceth peace The harbinger of good tidings. While the : first newspaper on record anywhere in printed form is believed to have been ACTA DIURNE — Acts of the Day — published in Rome as a record of the Roman Senate and was posted in public places in the year 69 before the present era, we consider Isaiah who prophesied in Judaea six centuries earlier as the first to have -spoken as a newspaper — as the messenger of good tidings.. This may be viewed as a play on words and as a fickle boast. But, taking into ac- count our biblia, our Chronicles written many years before Acta Diurne, we believe that what is now a newspaper — the Window on the World — sterns from the cultural traditions of our people. In the modern printed form, there were several stages of Jewish Journalism. It commenced with the Ladino — the Judeo-Spanish-dialect Jewish newspaper Gazeta de Amsterdam in Holland in 1678. Interestingly, the second Jewish newspaper on record also appeared in Amsterdam, in 1687, only nine years later — and this time as a Yiddish newspaper. That Yiddish newspaper was in the Judeo-German lyre Teitch. It was known as Dienstagishi Und Freitagishi Courantin — the Tuesday and Friday Courant. It lasted only 16 months. Before very long, Moses Mendelssohn published his Kohelet Musar, the Hebrew weekly that appeared in the year 1750 as an impetus for the revival of the Hebrew language. It anticipated the Haska- la movement. For a time there was a Ladino press. It flourished as a Spanish-Jewish dialect press serving the Sephardic communities. There was a substantial element that read Ladino in this country. But the last copy of the Ladino newspaper published in New York, the LA VARA, was dated Jan. 23, 1948. Its publisher, Albert S. Torres, was compelled to abandon the venture when it readership was reduced to a few hundred. While there still are Ladino periodicals in Israel, where there is a very large Sephardic community, the last of the Ladino newspapers published mehutz la-aretz — outside Israel — vanished when the last such organ stopped publishing in Turkey three years ago. Now we come to one of the most powerful journalistic instruments on rec- ord anywhere — the Yiddish press that became such a vital factor in Jewish life. In 1914, when the Jewish population of this country was less than half of our members today — there were then ap- proximately 2,400,000 Jews in this country in that year — there were 10 daily Yiddish newspapers in the United States. Their total sworn circulation as recorded in Editor and Publisher was — in 1914 — 762,910. Today, with more than twice that number of Jews, there are left in our midst two Yiddish dailies with a total readership of much less than 100,000 in the entire country. These figures are here mentioned with a sense of sorrow over the decline of a great factor in the life of our peo- ple about a generation ago. In its hey- day, the Yiddish press was the great guide of the Jewish masses. It created 2 Priday, March 17, 1967 — the strongest links between the Jewries of the world. It was a force for the retention of Jewish values and for the spread of knowledge. It was an effective social force, and under its aegis no one would have dared suggest that Jews must be taught adherence to causes such as civil rights and the equality of men. Our traditions taught such high ideals, our people accepted them, our press labored under their influence. In the interim, a new era has set in true of many. But that was in the dif- ficult days when there was no Jewish Telegraphic Agency, when news was not gathered as speedily as it is today, when distances could not be spanned as rapidly as today. There was a time when the English- Jewish weeklies had to turn to many un- qualified and undependable sources for news. Now we can laugh at incidents that took place some 40 years ago among our papers — the few that functioned at that gen: I tATAN,INgi..Intggpf ig*,4:111:,:iit' alifI gItir . , • •. THE YIDDISH NEWSPAPER was a great Americanizing force be- cause it kept abreast of the times and was as much a spreader of knowledge as it was a source of information. It was as much a literary reservoir as it was a newspaper. So important was the Yiddish newspaper that when William Randolph Hearst conducted an unsuccessful campaign for Governor of New York he established a daily newspaper of his own in Yiddish. So vital was that press that when Louis Marshall, the then un- questioned leader of American Jewry, felt impelled to know the mind - of the masses, he desired to lead properly by understanding the masses, and he learned Yiddish to be able to read their newspapers. He was of the Yahudim, but he studied the language of the masses. And when Marshall desired to influence the masses, he established, together with Zvi Masliansky, a Yiddish daily of his own. It could not complete with Forward, Warheit, Morgen Journal, Tageblatt. But he made the attempt. .**•• . itititaMatl.t.3SMIMMMirttVA and in the changing climate there has emerged a new force — now a major meritorious journalistic factor in Jewish life — the English-Jewish press. A number of Jewish periodicals were published in English in this country towards the end of the first half of the last century. They were all short lived. The first English-Jewish weekly newspaper appeared on Oct. 26, 1849. Robert Lyon was its publisher. It lasted only nine years, but during that period another newspaper was issued in Cincinnati by the founder of the Reform Jewish movement — Isaac M. Wise — under the title the Israelite, and that paper has appeared uninter: ruptedly for about 110 years. What is this press — the English-Jew- ish press — which is best described under the title IT HAPPENS EVERY FRIDAY? It is the instrument that causes Jews in hundreds of thousands of Jewish, homes throughout the land to await the postman every Friday morning for the arrival of THEIR newspaper, bringing them news of their rabbis' sermons, the successes of our youth and of men in the professions who have' made their marks in life, informing them about our kinsmen who are ernerg-_ ing with dignity as leaders in industry .and in commerce, telling them about birthS and marriages, about the passing of friends, giving them news about confirmations. Deliberately do we mention first, the social and personal aspects of our peOple in our immediate midst in order to accept a . vital factor in life — that we must concern ourselves with our immediate neighborhoods and with the elements that affect our personal lives. In this respect your Jewish newspaper is no different from the general press as the medium that cements intimacies between friends and communities. Because of this vital function of the Jewish press some of the English-Jewish weeklies had been referred to in the past, by the blinded - elements who did not recognize the vitality of great instruments, as SHMUSS GAZETTES. Of course, it was I;'0*;ttr03*‘2" •'',.:W...*::•74 -7, 4'40.M74:&65 ;MN WU, %.:4 3 4■ i *3.4■1112,44$56 PS: 4.$.:*eg I 4:!..14kegt:Ott:e4I4. . • *z...ty •:34' • _ time — when editors would pick up a London-English Jewish weekly to copy from it a story about a fire that devastated an old shtetl, - about a pogrom or some other calamity overseas. The very paper from which the story was rewritten would recopy it some months later because it would fail to recognize it. Those days are gone; The period of the Shmuss Gazette is dead. Now the press here described is the great factor that emphasizes accuracy, that insists on full coverage and time- liness, that is served by the great instru- ment known as the JTA — the Jewish Telegraphic Agency — without which the Jewish world would he a desert lacking the basic cement — the rapidly develop- ing information through its news cables —that binds Jews and Jewries together. This press is the guardian over the public welfare of our people. It is the historian of Israel. It is the reporter af- fecting every occurence in our lives. It is the chronicle of our time that may well be considered the third volume of the Biblical DIVREI HA-YAIVIIM — the Book of Chronicles. It is the watchman over our freedoms, the defender of our basic American ideals and of our sacred Jewish traditions. There undoubtedly are three major fac- tors that are vital to our existence and to our survival — THE SYNAGOGUE, THE PRESS AND THE ORGANIZED COMMU- NITY. Into the latter we lump all of the philanthropic, educational and recreational movements. In the writings of Thomas Jefferson we find this telling statement: "When the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe . . . Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspaper, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter." This does not suggest the ignoring of two of the vital factors in behalf of any other third, but especially by applying the Jeffersonian principle it is apparent that none of the agencies mentioned can MN-"Tvcrq* *N*- .4trksfan- - .w gtzeztt ir*****Re The Second Front _Page The Second Front Page for this issue, which will commence the regular news and feature sections of The Jewish News appears on Page 17. Featured in the news sections is the announcement of the total subscription enrollment of the Jewish com- munity of Flint, announcements of the opening of the 1967 philanthropic campaigns in Detroit and in Flint, important news developments in this country, Israel and overseas. Kik ekitte: 04 , . eA mit . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS =5›,4 function properly unless there is a strong press. None can subsist without proppi* communication, whether it is between c cities and their suburbs or. American Jewl - - and the rest of the Jewish world. We must view our English-Jewi press as THE BRIDGE BETWEEN THE" KEHILLOT• It is the watchdog with- out which the great Jewish movements — whether it is the cause in support of Israel or any other agency — would be helpless. There is a basic problem in which all of us are involved and in behalf of which the conscience linked with our existence haunts our people and hurls challenges at the communications agencies. A distinguished American Jewish lead- er, upon his retirement from the presidency of one of the major national Jewish organ- izations (Joachim Prinz, AJ Congress) said in his farewell address at his organization's annual convention: "WE NO LONGER CAN SAY WITH ANY CERTAINTY THAT THERE WILL ALWAYS BE JUDAISM, THAT WE ARE AN *ETERNAL PEOPLE." He spoke of our youth who are willing to march and to demonstrate in the solu- tion of American problems who "DO NOT KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT JEWISH HIS- TORY AND TRADITION TO UNDER- STAND THAT THESE ARE GREAT JEW- ISH ISSUES AS WELL, AND THEY ARE NOT CONCERNED ENOUGH ABOUT THEIR JEWISHNESS TO CARE." Several factors are packed into these two brief quotations. There is an element of despair to which we cannot subscribe. We have been in the habit of saying NEZACH YISRAEL. LO YESHAKER — "the eternity of Israel shall not be betray- ed." How, therefore, can we even entertain the idea that there will be an end to the eternal people? How can we say it while reading the LO OMUTH KI EKHYEH — "I shall not but live" — in our Psalms. These quotations provide an answer: knowledge . . . knowledge . . . knowledge! They say to the young Jews: know yourselves! And they also touch upon a very sensitive subject: the diversionist de- velopments which have caused some Jews to rebuke us for what they believed was failure by us to render unto Caesar all that is Caesar's — to go out sufficiently for civil rights activities. Tire conscience involved in communica- tions IS our major concern. It also in- volves the basic Amreican ideals and chal- lenges. If our youth will know its ethics, its traditions, its historic background, it will appreciate and accept the simple: and es- tablished rule that the dedication to the rights of man is indelibly inscribed in our lore and is inseparable from our basic duties. It is only when we do not under stand this elementary principle that we ex- coriate ourselves — and with a debasing result. And if our youth is to end debasing let it recall that it is from our treasures that have come the admonitions on the Liberty Bell of UHROTElli DROR BA- ARETZ — "thou shalt proclaim lib throughout the land" — and we have tributed something towards the cementing of American principles that are rooted in Hebraic ideals. The English-Jewish press reaches into approximately 300,000 Jewish homes. There is the perfect right to ask what has happened to American Jewry that 2,400,000 Jews in 1914 should have had in their midst nearly 800,000 readers of Yid- dish newspapers, and in 1967, with a total Jewish population of closer to 6,000,000, the chief journalistic service reaches into only 300,000 homes. There surely are a million or more Jewish families in this country. If 300,- 000 families are recipients of Jewish NEWSPAPERS, what about the other 700,000 families who are untapped? There is another related matter — that of the Jewish Publication Society. The JPS now has approximately 13,000 members. It is the major publicly owned American Jewish publishing house and it has a vital appeal to all American Jews. Why is it that out of more than a million American Jewish families only 13,000 are (Continued on Page 6)