38—Friday, March 10, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Rules in Saying the Slintone Esreh BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1967. JTA, Inc.) It is required that the worshiper place his feet rigidly together dur- ing the main body of prayer (i.e. the Shmone Esreh—the 18 bene- dictions. Rabbi Yose ben Chanina in the Talmud (Berahot 10b) derives this requirement from the position the angels assumed in their service to the Almighty, as the Bible writes: "And their feet were straight to- gether" (Ezekiel 1:7). Man, in his prayer, is thus emulating the angels and takes on their position as they stand before the Almighty. The medieval codifier, Rabbi Jacob ben Asher (Tur, Orach Chayyim, 27) contends that since prayer is a substitute today for the original temple sacrifice, the worshiper must assume the characteristics of the Kohen (the priest) during Arab Infiltrators Active on Borders; Israeli Wounded TEL AVIV (JTA) — Arab in- filtrators and saboteurs stepped up their activities on three of Israel's borders last weekend—near Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. The most serious of the incidents took place about 630 yards from the Syrian border, when a tractor being driven toward Kibbutz Sha- mir hit a mine, seriously wounding the Israeli driver. The site of the blast was near the Syrian gun post of Darbashyia. On the Jordanian border, infil- trators surprised a night watch- man, robbed him of his watch and money and started to abduct him. However. the watchman was re- leased when- the infiltrators reach- ed the border and escaped into Jordan. On the Lebanese frontier, Le- banese soldiers drove off a flock of 100 sheep, taking the sheep across the Lebanese border. The sheep belong to Kibbutz Marga- liyot. Sunday, Lebanese authori- ties notified Israel, through the UN Mixed Armistice Commis- sion, that the sheep will be re- turned. Meanwhile, a serious wreck was narrowly averted last weekend when the engineer of the Tel Aviv- Jerusalem train discovered heavy logs had been placed on the tracks at a point about nine miles from the Jordanian border. The barricade could have de- railed the train, but the engineer found it possible to halt the loco- motive in time. Seven young Arabs who were part of a Bedouin en- campment nearby were arrested by Israeli authorities on suspicion of having placed the logs across the railroad tracks. sacrifice. One must therefore place his feet together as the priests did during sacrifice. The Bible order- ed them to "stand and serve" (Deuteronomy 18:5). Joseph Kare, the author of our Shulchan Aruch explained the requirement for keeping one's feet together during prayer as a means of removing all possible material thoughts from one's mind and thus having nothing else in mind but his engagement in prayer before the Almighty. (Bet Yosef, Tur, Orakh Hayyim 95). He also quotes Rabbi Isaac Abuhav as citing another reason—i.e. that by keeping his feet together in a fixed position the worshiper demon- strates that he has abandoned all attempts to flee and directs his every desire to the Almighty. He is thus rigidly fixed in his position of service and bondage to G-d be- fore whom he is, bound and help- less. Many worshipers actually raise their heels while reciting the "Kedusha." Rabbi Jacob ben Asher considers this to be a means of "raising their bodies upwards." This demon- strates a feeling that one is ele- vated to his loftiest spiritual posi- tion when he is reciting the "Ke- dusha." At this point man is closest to resembling an angel since he is actually repeating the doxology of the angels (i.e.—Holy, Holy, Holy, etc.). Furthermore this moment was so exciting that the prophet writes: "And the posts of the door were moved at the sound of them (i.e. the angels) that called" (Isaiah 6:4). The author of "Shibbole ha-Leket" (Rabbi Ben- jamin) writes that if even wood and stone shook at the utterance of these words of Kedusha, how much more should the sensitive human shake. Thus, the human being is moved to spiritual heights which he demonstrates by lifting his- heels when he recites the Kedu- sha originally recited by the angels. Dover Issues Folkloristic Collection NPD Not Just Lunatic Fringe, Dr. Prinz Says In an article in the current issue of Look magazine, Rabbi Joachim Prinz of Newark, N.J., reported on his recent fact-finding tour spon- sored by the American Jewish Con- gress and said that the National Democratic Party (NPD) in West Germany represents convictions shared by many Germans, not just a "lunatic fringe." This nationalist Minority party, often described as neo-Nazi, received a show of sup- port in Bavaria last year. Dr. Prinz, expelled from his na- tive Germany by the Gestapo in 1937, returnd in an attempt through dialogue and interview to plumb West German attitudes toward Jews. He spoke with stu- dents, officials and others includ- ing novelist Gunter Grass. "I do not think it is correct to say that (the NPD) is a neo- Nazi movement," the rabbi told Look, "(but) a new movement, with Nazi elements of course, but with an ideology attuned to . . . new con- ditions . . That makes it much more dangerous, because if the movement would repeat the sio- S. African Says Jews Not Unified on Race Problem in Homeland JOHANNESBURG (JTA)—Gus- tav Saron, general secretary of the South African Jewish Board of De- puties, returned here from a four- months' study tour of the United States, Europe and Israel. The South African Jewish leader told the press here that he found much misunderstanding abroad of South African Jewry's position on his country's racial programs. He added he felt there was need to increase the opportunities for dialogue between Jewish leaders in South Africa and in other coun- tries, particularly the United States. Reporting that he gave some 40 lectures to Jewish audiences dur- ing his visit to the United States, he declared that "almost invariably direct questions were put to me, asking how the Jewish community fitted into the over-all pattern of race attitudes in South Africa and why South African Jewry did not take a communal stand on racial problems." Explaining that he did not see his role as one of defending existing policies but instead one of interpreting to American Jew- ish audiences "forces and trends at work in South Africa," Saron stated that he tried "to give an objective picture of our racial situation and how it differed from that of America." He said he tried to make his American audiences understand that "in the South African context there could not be a collective Jewish approach to political is- sues," that differences on these is- sues were "as sharp in the Jewish as in the general community, and that each individual had the demo- cratic right to hold his own opinion and to act upon it in the political sphere." Dover Publications has issued in paperbacks classics by Andrew Lang—"The Red Fairy Book," "The Yellow Fairy Book" and "The Violet Fairy Book," others in the series soon to be available. Familiar fairy tales are included in this series of books unabridged, with complete collections of illus- trations from the traditional works. The well known English tales are in this volume—Pied Piper, Jack and the Beanstalk, Snowdrop —and there are many tales from many languages. In their totality, this collection presents a veritable treasure in stories, excellently portrayed. Most Change in Divorce Laws of the illustrations are by H. J. of Canada Recommended Ford. With the foremost folkloristic in Jewish Congress Brief workS drawn upon, this series OTTAWA (JTA) — The Cana- serves excellently the purpose of dian Jewish Congress has sub- turning to brief stories, to enter- 17 Jewish Youths Get mitted a brief to a special parlia- taining reading. Suspended Sentence for mentary committee here, consider- ing changes in the commonwealth's Syrian Mission Sit-In divorce laws, recommending that a Latin Govts. Requested NEW YORK — Seventeen Jew- new law must do away with the to Ban Hate Matter ish students who staged a sit-in at present procedures "which recog- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) the Syrian Mission to the United nize adultery as the sole ground of MONTEVIDEO — Delegates to a Nations last October received sus- divorce." Such a requirement, the CJC stated, is "completely inade- session of the South African execu- pended sentences last weekend in tive of the World Jbwish Congress criminal court. quate." Arthur J. Goldberg, U.S. am- Filing its brief at the request of adopted Tuesday a resolution ask- the special committee, the CJC re- ing all Latin American govern- bassador to the United Nations, commended that "divorce proceed- ments to ban printing and distri- had signed the complaint against the defendants. They were told by ings ought to include conciliation buting Nazi materials. The resolution also asked the Judge Milton Shalleck that their procedures, without which divorce courts will not get empowered to governments to revise existing sympathy for the Israelis "doesn't legislation to make it a crime to give you the license to violate the dissolve a marriage." The brief stressed that "the Jew- diffuse religious and racial mater- law here." "The very type of thing you were ish concept of marriage has always ial inciting hatred and to outlaw been that, while the marriage bond all organizations practicing such protesting against," he said, "was is expected to be inviolable, it is activities. Another resolution urg- what you did in invading the Sy- not indissoluble" and referred to ed Soviet authorities to extend full rian mission." The defendants' lawyer, Harold the tradition which "makes it cultural and religious rights to 0. N. Frankel, said the youths had abundantly clear that divorce can Soviet Jewry. A roundtable was held on the been "overcome with' sorrow" as only be a last resort for the relief of the parties when marriage has resurgence of neo-Nazism and its a result of border incidents be- tween Syria and Israel. been irretrievably broken down." international repercussions. gans of 1933, it would sound ridic- ulous." Not only is racism unconstitu- tional in West Germany, but too few Jews remain there to carry the blame for social or economic ills, the article points out. Dr. Prinz called the NPD "not a lunatic fringe . . . Some of its con- victions are widely shared by a great many people." He thought that if the party's importance was being exaggerated outside Ger- many, it was being seriously under- estimated within, and that its ap- peal to "dissidents and discon- tents" created a disturbing parallel to Hitlerism. Unemployed Hold Demonstrations in Cities of Nazare th and Tel Aviv TEL AVIV (JTA) — Demonstra- tions against Israel's rising unem- ployment were held in this city and at the all-Arab city of Nazareth this week. On Monday, about 100 persons demonstrated in front of the labor exchange here, when a watchman at a nearby synagogue started to remove from a wall of the house of worship a poster an- nouncing the rally for the jobless. The unemployed tried to inter- fere with the watchman, causing a near riot. Police dispersed the de- monstrators, but no one was ar- rested. On Wednesday, a number of un- employed workers began a sit- down strike in front of the Tel Aviv Labor Exchange, demanding immediate employment. In Nazareth, where 1,000 unem- ployed are registered at the local labor exchange, about 100 persons staged an orderly protest demon- stration. That action had been sponsored by local Communists Monday. Meanwhile it was estimated in Treasury circles that Israel's de- ficit by April 1, the end of the current fiscal year, will reach about 400,000,000 pounds ($133,000,000). A few months ago, the treasury had estimated that the deficit would be 300,000,000 pounds ($100,000,000). At the same time, however, there was encouraging news from the government's statistical office. Israel Justice Chief Defends Secret Trials in Security Cases (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Justice Minister Yaacov Shapiro affirmed . Wednes- day the government's determina- tion to continue to take strong ac- tion against all persons, journalists or others, who published classified security matters. He said he would not be de- terred from such action b:' the controversy last month over the disclosure that two editors of the sensational weekly, Bul, had been secretly arrested, tried, convicted and jailed on such charges. The minister warned that such action would be taken whether the published information was true or false. Answering questions an a Kol Israel radio program. the minister also revealed that a third person, whose identity he did not disclose, was being held in jail without pub- lic knowledge of his arrest, trial and sentencing. He stressed that such special legal procedures were necessary because of Israel's delicate se- curity position. Morocco Jews Puzzled by King Hassan's Speech (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) CASABLANCA — A speech from the throne by King Hassan II, in which he again stressed the im- portance he attached to Islamic values in the "new Morocco" evok- ed varying comment from Moroc- can Jewish communities Wednes- day. The king again emphasized the high value he placed on religious works in this Moslem country and the eminent place occupied by re- ligious studies in Morocco's scho- lastic curriculum. It was recalled that some time ago the king re- ceived a delegation of Jewish lead- ers, who presented greetings to him on behalf of the Jewish corn- . munities. The latter reported that the cost- of-living index continues to drop. The statisticians said that the cost- of-living index had dropped in January 1967 by .01 point below the figure of January 1966, and that a further drop was expected to be shown in the figures for Feb- ruary of this year. Bircher Cries Bias When BB Lodge Turns Him Down LAKEWOOD, N.J. (JTA) — Michael P. Silverman, president of the Lakewood Bnai Brith, confirmed that he had barred a John Birch Society member from joining the Lakewood Lodge because he was not Jewish. Silverman said he had no in- formation about a statement made by George Demetry, 36, of Jackson, N.J. that he had filed a complaint of discrimina- tion against Bnai Brith with the New Jersey State Civil Rights Division. Demetry said he had tele- phoned Silverman about joining the Bnai Brith lodge and that when he told the Bnai Brith president about his Birch So- ciety membership, Silverman "abruptly ended the conversa- tion." The Birch Society member in- sisted he was "definitely not anti-Semitic" but added that he saw nothing wrong about the remarks last month of Newton Miller, then vice president of the Wayne Township Board of Education, who had called for the defeat of two Jewish candi- dates for the board because, as Jews, they were likely to want to spend heavily for education. Rabbi Morris Adler : Composite of Man By ROSE E. FARBER He was a man. As simple as all that. Replete with foibles - doubts • That beset any human. Wherein then the difference? Why the homage? Endowed by the Creator of All — Embodied in his very soul A Spark! That light that rises above and beyond. That ever-illusive quality of Humaneness. Commpassion. Understand- ing. That give stature. (The average give lip-service to) His Endowment is our Legacy! For HE WAS HIS FELLOW-MAN. This Legacy-Will it thrive? Vibrate? Multiply? Or become dry parched. Will it bear the fruit of the seeds planted Or the winds blow these priceless par- ticles into the nowhere? The world will long remember what he did here. And that Legacy shall always remain animate Pulsating throbbing through the veins of all Who yet shall breath whom he touched By thought. By word. By deed. By hand. This fruit must flourish! And grow grow grow grow and reach the In- finite or we disintegrate with the flying seeds. And this man who lived and died among us Will have trod this earth in vain. For embodied in his very soul Was his fellow-man. ALL FELLOW-MEN.. HE IS. American Jewish' Historic Society Receives Grant NEW YORK — The Jewish His- torical Society is the recipient of a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts according to a joint announcement made by John B. Hightower, executive director of the council, and Dr. Leon J. Ober- mayer, president of the society. The grant will be used to cata- logue the book, manuscript and art collections of the society by provid- ing the services of two librarian- museum trainees.