24—Friday, March 10, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS People Make News Hedy Bowman of Owosso Engaged to David Blatt LETTER BOX Kosher Hospital Food From Former Patient Wins a Thank You sounds to Jewish music should be applauded and recognized as something new. It is unfortunate that many peo- ple resist change and their daily lives are evidence of the stereo- type existence. Three cheers for Cantor Orbach and Temple Israel for leading the way and having the daring to create and bring to the public view new media of expression. LEONARD H. TRUNSKY 19481 Robson * * * (Editor's Note: The reviewer agrees—and so said in the review —that Cantor Orbach possesses an outstanding tenor voice and shows great imagination. The reviewer merely questions the propriety of presenting a jazz service—including songs sacred to the Jewish exper- ience—on the bima. Presenting something new for the sake of pre- senting something new is not al- ways the wisest course.) Mayor Cavanagh's office an- Robert W. Marans has been ap- pointed to the faculty of town nounced that ZELDON COHEN has Editor, The Jewish News: been appointed to membership on planning and urban design at Flor- the Detroit Committee for Neigh- I was very happy to read an arti- cle in the issue of Feb. 24 relating ida State University. Marans, born borhood Conservation and Im- to kosher meals in hospitals. in Detroit, received his bachelor of proved Housing. Cohen will repre- May I take this opportunity to architecture degree from the Uni- sent the Jewish Community Coun- express my personal appreciation cil for a three-year term ending versity of Michi- and thanks to the Great Lakes gan and masters January 1970. A member of the Chapter of the Union of Orthodox of urban planning executive committee Of the Jewish Jewish Congregations of America, degree from Community Council and formally Women's Branch for instituting Wayne State Uni- co-chairman of the council's com- this new project of kosher meals at munity relations committee, Cohen versity. In 1964- most city hospitals. 65, Marans ac- is presently chairman of the coun- I, for One, was one of those cepted an invita- cil's subcommittee on neighbor- patients who lived on eggs and tion to join the hoods. He has been active in local tuna fish whenever I was hos- faculty of archi- and national affairs of the Ameri- pitalized. It was certainly un- can Jewish Congress for many tecture and town MISS HEDY BOWMAN appetizing to eat the same meal planning at the years and is a founder of that or- A July 8 wedding is planned by three times a day for 10 to 12 Marans Technion - Israel ganization's business and profes- days, let alone being on a salt- Institute of Technology, Haifa, sional chapter in Detroit. At the Hedy Suzanne Bowman and David low-calorie diet. where he instructed a course in present time, Cohen serves as a Joel Blatt, children of Mr. and free, May I commend Mrs. Milton Mrs. Norman Lee of Owosso and member of the AJ Congress Michi- city and regional planning. At pres- the late David Bowman and Mr. Duchan, president of the Great ent a regional planner in charge gan governing board. and Mrs. Irving Blatt of Elgin Rd., Lakes Chapter, also Mrs. Seymour * * * of design studies, Marans is con- Ribiat, Mrs. Irving Wyman and nected with the transportation and DR. ZVI KARNI, associate pro- Huntington Woods. Mrs. Harry Portnoy for a most out- land use study of Detroit. He is fessor in the Technion's depart- Miss Bowman, a music teacher standing and worthy project. an adjunct faculty member in ment of mechanics, will continue at Michigan State University, is A Thankful Former Patient, Wayne State University's school research for the U.S. Air Force president of Alpha Epsilon Phi R. T. of social work. Among his al:film- Office of Aerospace Research, Sorority. Her fiance is a senior in • tions, Marans serves as a member under the aegis of the Technion pre-law at MSU, where he is af- Reader Defends Cantor filiated with Zeta Beta Tau Fra- of the Detroit Chapter of Amen- Research and Development Faun- and Temple Jazz Service can Society for Technion's board dation. This is the fifth renewal ternity. Editor, The Jewish News: of directors. of the contract, and the grant for * * Reference is made to the review the coming year is 15,000 pounds Maurice Samuel Calls of "Synagogue Sounds of the Six- WALTER LAQUEUR, director ($3,000). Earlier, it was announced ties" that apeared in The Jewish of the Institute of Contemporary that DR. U. OPPENHEIM, asso- Day School Key to News last week under the heading History at London's Wiener ciate professor in the physics de- "Bop and Blessings at Temple." Library, has been appointed a partment of the Technion has been Future of U.S. Jewry , Max Schrut This writer attended the concert visiting professor for the spring awarded a grant of $18,000 to con- Maurice Samuel, a prize-winning For Good Photographs aM fails to understand the sar- semester on Brandeis University's tinue his studies for the propul- author who rates scholarship close and Prompt Service faculty of contemporary Jewish sion division of the aerospace re- to breathing in life's scale of pri- casm and lack of understanding - Call Me at studies. search office. Prof. Oppenheim, orities, Tuesday called the modern that the reviewer exhibits. Cantor Orbach has been in * * who is head of Technion's infra-red day school the key to the future of Detroit six years, and our Jew- Dr. ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN, world Physics laboratory, is also doing Jewish life in America. Weddings — Bar Mitzvahs Samuel, who visited Hillel Day ish community is fortunate to chairman of the Keren Hayesod in research for the American Nation- have him in our midst. Besides We Come to Your Home - al Bureau of Standards. School Tuesday morning, applaud- Jerusalem, Mrs. Rose Halprin, With Samples * * ed what he saw there in a lecture possessing an outstanding tenor head of the American section of voice, his imagination in bring- UN 4-6845 TY 5-8805 the Jewish Agency for Israel, and GEORGE RICHTER, 23170 later that day at the Adas Shalom ing new thoughts, ideas and Dr. Emanuel Neumann, member Beverly, Oak Park, left for Holly- adult institute. The author of "Blood Accusa- of the Jewish Agency Executive, wood, Fla., where he will be honor- will be co-chairmen of the national ed by the John Hancock Mutual tion," recently awarded the Heri- committee for the Albert Schiff Life Insurance Co. at its annual tage Award of Bnai Brith, spoke . Tribute, it was announced by President's Club business confer- on "Learning—A People's Priority" Mendel N. Fisher who has been ence, March 13-17, at the Holly- at the synagogue. "The love of learning is unique named national chairman. The din- wood Beach Hotel. to Judaism," he declared, adding ner in honor of Albert Schiff will * * * "The day school has a tradition of be held at the New York Hilton meeting of the American that approach to learning. It is At April 2. ORCHESTRA. Section of the World Jewish Con- necessary for the formation of a * * * gress, held in New York, Dr. MAX core of Jewish leadership." CALL: LI 7-0896 or LI 5-2737 Dr. WILLIAM I, ELNBLOOM of NUSSBAUM of Los Angeles was Voicing his support for federal New York City, an authority on unanimously reelected chairman. visual aids for the partially blind The meeting approved a program of aid to parochial schools, Samuel will conduct a clinic and seminar seminars and colloquia on inter- said: "We musn't make a fetish to acquaint Michigan optometrists national affairs to be held in New of this state and religious ques- and their patients with the newly York and in other major cities in tion." And on Jewish federation aid to day schools: "There will developed 3.5x binocular reading the United States. Leading World glass. The all-day clinic Sunday Jewish Congress experts from come a time when it is recog- will be sponsored by the Associa- Europe and other parts of the nized as a necessity." Pointing to the Jews' historic tion of Michigan Optometrists at world, as well as from the United stress upon learning, Samuel said: the Statler Hilton Hotel. States, will participate. "To other ancient peoples, mono- * * * * * theism was the privilege of philos- FRED,WOLF, bowling champion Leumi Financial Corporation, sub- ophers. In Judaism, God was a and a radio disc jockey for 15 sidiary of Bank Leumi le-Israel, sort of national policy: 'All the years in Detroit has accepted the has announced the appointment of people must know.' Every individ- appointment as Crusade Chairman PHILIP COHEN of White Plains ual was entitled to knowledge . for the Macomb County Unit of the as vice president. indeed, it was sinful for him not to Michigan Cancer Foundation, Dr. * * * pursue it. Knowledge was the pre- Manuel Jacobs, president of the Rabbi A. BRUCE GOLDMAN requisite for a full life." unit board of trustees, announced. has been named by Columbia Uni- Cautioning his audience against * * * versity as counselor to Jewish stu- "the enormous assault on intellect from the mass media, from the Announcement of the reappoint- dents. * * * great population explosion," he ment of JOILN L. CANFIELD, mayor of Dearborn Heights, as ISRAEL GALED, director gen- Said "We who have set the world chairman of the American Cancer eral of the development ministry, an example on education still have Society's 1967 Crusade for Wayne was named president of Rogosin In- the unique key to education. . . County was made by NORMAN N. dustries, a major textile complex The Jewish world is in the day ROBBINS, president of the Wayne developed by Israel Rogosin, the school. At Hillel, I had a glimpse County unit. The American Cancer American Jewish industrialist and of what the Jewish education sys- tem should be." Society is supporting research philanthropist. * * at Wayne State University, Michi- gan State University, University of Appointment of DAVID BROWN Oak Park High Reunion Michigan, Adrian College and Mich- as director of education for the igan Technological Institute, Michigan Cancer Foundation was Planned for Class of '57 The Oak Park High School class Houghton. April is, by presidential announced by E. W. Tuescher, of 1957 is planning its 10-year re- proclamation and acts of Congress, executive vice president. union for June 3 at Bonnie Brook Cancer Control Month. Among the Country Club. 40 volunteers honored recently at Couples Club to See the first biennial awards dinner A questionaire has been for- held by the Wayne County unit `Taming of the Shrew' warded to all those in the class, were MRS. RAE SCHWARTZEN- Temple Israel Couples Club is and the planning committee re- FELD and MRS. JEAN COHEN. sponsoring the premiere showing quests that all those who have * * * of "The Taming of the Shrew" 8:15 not returned them to do so im- Dr. GEZA SEIFERT, chairman p.m. Wednesday at the Mercury mediately to Sandy Bernstein Lef- of the Union of Jewish Communi- Theater. Elizabeth Taylor and kofsky, 22181 Marlowe, Oak Park, ties in Hungary, was decorated by Richard Burton star in this famous or call her at 547-0847. The class of '57 was the first the Hungarian government with Shakespearean comedy. For res- the Order of the Knights of the ervations contact Burt Mintz, 353- to graduate from Oak Park High School. 9817, or Leon Belin, 398-0204. Cross. BLAIR STUDIO Al Beigler, Your Host