httearation of Jewish Campus Life Into Total Community Program Urged 15 Groups Form Body to Fight NY State Aid to Religious Schools WASHINGTON (JTA) — The faculty members "will have doubl- NEW YORK (JTA)—Fifteen civic, "power structure" of the American ed in a decade." educational and religious organiza- Jewish community was criticized This was based on reports from tions joined Monday in announcing Monday for its failure to integrate directofs at many of the 235 formation of a statewide Commit- Jewish campus life into the com- American colleges where Hillel tee for Public Education and Re- munity's "plans, programs and now functions. Further evidence ligious Liberty to oppose any leadership." of this growth was given by Dr. changes in the state constitutional Members of the National Com- Louis Gottschalk of the University provision barring public aid to mission of Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- of Chicago, commission chairman, parochial schools. Establishment of the committee, dations, many of them university who reported that a Hillel program educators, strongly endorsed the to encourage Jewish study, scholar- which uses the acronym PEARL, view of Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, ship and research among faculty was announced at a news confer- Hillel's national director, that the members, begun as a "pilot effort ence in Stephen Wise Congress Jewish community is "unwisely at 17 schools three years ago, has House. Spokesmen said the group would overlooking an important poten- since spread to 103 colleges. "These beginning results are work "to inform the public about tiol of creative support" by its tendency to regard flu, college a convincing demonstration that the danger to public education and campus as "an appendage to ra- many Jewish academicians wel- church-state separation posed by ther than an integral part of the come a continuing opportunity efforts to water down or destroy" to probe, interpret and discuss Article XI, Section 3 of the New total community." their religious heritage and cul- York Constitution at the Constitu- "An evocative development of tural traditions on a level re- tional Convention opening next Jewish life on campus is that it flecting the intellectual needs month in Albany. is acquiring its own continuity as and standards of the academic The provision forbids state grants a rooted community and can no community," Dr. Gottschalk "directly or indirectly" to a n y longer be dismissed as merely said. school "under the control or direc- a four-year transitory period," He described the faculty pro- tion of any religious denomination. Rabbi Kahn told the Hillel Com- gram as "self-motivated and Among the sponsors of PEARL mission at its annual meeting self-determined" by the Jewish are the New York groups of Ameri- here. This growing stability, he faculty members "who conscious- can Jewish Committee and Ameri- said, is drawn from one-fifth of ly feel a need for some kind of can Jewish Congress, Anti-Defama- the Jewish students who enroll affiliation with Jewish interest." tion League of Bnai Brith, National in American universities. Many of these academicians, he Council of Jewish Women and New "This is the large proportion said, "largely removed from or- York State Federation of Reform that, after graduation, marries ganized Jewish life, can be per- Synagogues. and establishes a family life suaded to take on active identities Leo Pfeffer, special counsel of while remaining on campus with the larger Jewish communi- the American Jewish Congress and many more years for post-gradu- ties when the isolation of their professor of constitutional law at ate work, and even, in increas- own campus community is dimin- Long Island University, is serving ing numbers, staying put in ac- as temporary chairman of PEARL. ished." ademic careers." On the same theme, Rabbi Jay Kaufman, Bnai Birth executive State Court Voids Old Clause Barring Jews vice president, contrasted the American Jewish student organiza- from Owning Property in Wayne, New Jersey tion "which begins and ends its TRENTON, N.J. (JTA)—A three- was taken. Now another suit may activities on campus and is al- judge panel of the State Superior be necessary to determine whether lowed little involvement in adult Court's Appellate Division, here, all the property owners or only communal affairs" and its counter- has ruled that a restrictive clause some are bound by the new "null parts in Europe and elsewhere in effect barring Jews and others and void" ruling. that are encouraged to be a part from owning property in a section Wayne is the town in New Jer- of the decision - making process of Wayne, N. J., is "unquestion- sey where, several weeks ago, the and not limited to the periphery of ably null and void, and no court former vice president of the local Jewish community life." will rule otherwise." board of education opposed pub- He called for a "community The court, however, reserved licly the election of two Jews who awareness" of the changing Ameri- decision on whether the ruling is were candidates for board mem- can campus and "stubborn efforts ._to . be applied to the community at bership. In the subsequent elec- to involve it in Jewish affairs with large, or to a group of 17 previous tion, the Jewish candidates were at least the same organized in- defendants, or to two individual defeated.. tensity as is given to Jewish sub- defendants who figured originally urbia." in the complicated litigation. An indication of the burgeoning The case was filed by two prop- New Yorker, 87, Presents growth of a permanent campus erty owners who charged that a Ambulance to Israel community is a Hillel estimate covenant signed by all property NEW YORK—Charles Paston, at that by 1970 the number of Jewish owners in the exclusive Packanack 87, looks ahead to the future of Lake section of Wayne required the owners to be members of the Israel, and on occasion looks back International Symposia Packanack Lake Country Club and to his first visit to what was then Palestine 40 years ago. Community Association. Scheduled at Technion Looking ahead, he presented an It was alleged that member- HAIFA — A one-week interna- ambulance to Israel's national Red ship in the community was tional symposium on artificial re- Cross Service at a recent cere- charge and management of aqui- barred to persons of Italian, mony at the Congregation Sons of fers (underground water reser- Spanish, Latin American or Israel in Brooklyn. voirs) will start March 19 at the Jewish background and to all Looking back, the veteran Zion- Technion, Israel Institute of Tech- other persons not of a Northern ist and long-time supporter of European or Christian back- nology. The symposium is organiz- American Red Mogen David re- ed by the International Association ground. minisced about his first visit and The club had told the lower court compared the sandy wastes of yes- of Scientific Hydrology with the that it would not enforce the cove- support of UNESCO. terday with the blooming, develop- One hundred and twenty experts nant, and the lower court desig- ing land that is Israel today. from 20 countries and 115 from nated the club officers as repre- Paston, who emphasizes the Israel have confirmed their parti- sentatives of the community whose great need for ambulances and actions would bind the entire com- cipation. first-aid equipment, has helped In September, a symposium on munity. It was on that part of the many other medical and philan- computer control of natural re- lower court's ruling that the appeal thropic causes, including the sources and public utilities will Shaarey Zedek Hospital in Jeru- take place at Technion City. The LA Job Agencies Take salem. symposium is sponsored by the Is- rael Committee on Automatic Con- Biased Orders—ADL Minibus Plans Create trol which is affiliated to the in- LOS ANGELES (JTA) — More ternational federation—IFAC. than 85 per cent of private employ- Mini-Mess in Tel Aviv TEL AVIV (JTA)—The muni- Among the scientists who will ment agencies in the Los Angeles attend are the world president of area are flouting the Fair Employ- . cipality of Tel Aviv has raised a storm here by announcing it the IFAC, professor P. J. Nowacki ment Practices Law by accepting of the Institute for Nuclear Re- discriminatory job orders, the would permit "minibuses" to op- erate. in this city on Saturdays. search, Warsaw, and Prof. J. F. Pacific Southwest region of the As a reprisal against permitting Coals of Cambridge University, Anti-Defamation League of Bnai "minibuses" here, the Bus Co- England, former IFAC president. Brith reported. operative, which has enjoyed a Leading scientists from nine coun- Milton A. Senn, regional ADL di- tries have contributed papers deal- rector, said the survey results, monopoly on bus transport here, ing with subjects in their respec- showing that 87 per cent of the is threatening to operate public transportation in Tel Aviv on tive fields. agencies did so, had been sent to the attorney general and to the Saturdays. Benefactor Angered by that announcement, Fair Employment Practices Com- the Religious Council announced And he gave it for his opinion, mission. Monday it would study the possi- that whoever could make two ears He revealed that the ADL had of corn, or two blades of grass telephoned 86 job agencies supply- bility of starting its own, compet- ing bus company, after which it to grow upon a spot of ground, ing office help, asking whether where only one grew before, would they would accept a job order for would appeal to religious riders in this area to boycott the co- deserve better of mankind, and a "Protestant and white" stenog- do more essential service to his rapher. Of the 77 Los Angeles operative. The principal aim of country, than the. whole race of agencies queried, 66 accepted the both the Religious Council and the Bus Cooperative is to keep job requested of it, and 11 reject- politicians put together ed - = - the "minibuses" off the streets. • 14—Friday, March 10, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New Orleans Center Sees Rift Grow Wider Concerning Issue of "All °- Jewish" Policy NEW ORLEANS (JTA) — Label I A. Katz, former president of Bnai Brith, has charged that Robert Reisfeld, president of the New Orleans Jewish Community Center, was confusing the issue of the center's membership policy. Katz is spokesman for some 140 center members who seek a general mem- bership meeting to consider their "all-Jewish" membership policy. Katz asserted that Reisfeld, in a letter dated Jan. 25 "and sent only to non-Jewish members of the center," had indicated that the all- Jewish membership policy was a view held only by Katz. Katz noted that the 140 members had sent Reisfeld a petition last Nov. 25 urging such a policy. Katz said that in that letter and in one to the general mem- bership on Jan. 20, the JCC president had failed to mention a resolution adopted by the cen- ter board on Aug. 31, 1966 which ruled that "until further action" by the board, membership would be restricted to Jews and no further bids from non-Jews would be accepted. Katz also asserted that Reisfeld had neglected, in a press state- ment, to mention that "the petition- ers urged the acceptance of the 18 non-Jewish families whose ap- plications had been submitted be- fore Aug. 31 and that we have further suggested that under all circumstances, present non-Jewish members should retain their mem- bership if they choose." The former Bnai Brith president also contended that a mail ballot of the membership on the issue, now being considered by a study committee "c a n n o t serve as a substitute for a general member- ship meeting." A man that flattereth his neigh- bor spreadeth a net for his feet.— Proverbs 29:5. HOME IMPROVEMENT Is OUR BUSINESS ! WE DO IT ALL ! I IF YOU TURN THE witpc•ri. • Bonded and Licensed Craftsmen • Quality Products • Personalized Supervision • 60 Months To Pay • Free Estimates UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN KE 8-0050 REVERE CONSTRUCTION "Milan Wineries,. Detroit, Mich. The Detroit Jewish Community Is Cordially Invited to Join in the Nationwide Tribute to the World Renowned Gaon, Builder of Yeshiva City and Childrens Homes in Bnei Brak, Israel ,Nabbi gos ep Xalianetnan, In celebration of his 80th year coinciding with the opening of the newest of Yeshiva City in Ashdod at a Jestimonial inner Wednesday, March 29th at 6 :30 p.m. 18451 Wyoming The Imperial Room For Reservations Call: DAVID J. COHEN ARTHUR E. SELMAR UN 4-7521 DI 1-4091 MIZRACHI TOURS TO 01112 ISRAEL? 10 DAY EXCURSION Round Trip Departures from New York every Sunday and Saturday night until March 20, 1967 1, EXPO '67 — to Montreal — May 20-31 ____ from $295.00 Make your reser- vations now for Passover and Yom Atzmaut (Israel In- dependence Day) tours, April 22 - May 16, all costs included. $ 1,025 Get Your Informa- tion by Calling Us CALL TODAY For Information Regarding 21-DAY TRIPS. TO ISRAEL & All EUROPE inclusive '825 SPECIAL. 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