THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16—Friday, March 3, 1967 Psychiatrist and Humorist to Share Double Billing at Hadassah Event A double-feature program, "Hu- lessor, will discuss "Humanizing manizing and Humorizing," is Life's Meaning." Sharing the program will be Lew planned by Detroit Chapter of Norman, actor and humorist. A favorite in the Catskill resort area, he has also appeared in theaters and hotels in all parts of the United States. A veteran of the Yiddish Art Theater, Norman won the Show Business Award for his performance in the Yiddish version of "Death of a Salesman." Mrs. Morris Gross, ctairman of the day, advises that admis- sion is one filled eye bank. Norman Dr. Dorsey Funds raised will be used at the Hadassah Medical Hospital Hadassah for the Eve Bank event to be held 8 p.m. March 14 at in Israel for the treatment of glaucoma and other eye diseases. Temple Israel. Each filled eye bank makes the Dr. John M. Dorsey, psychiatrist and Wayne State University pro- contributor eligible for prizes, one of which is a portable television set. Attendance is not necessary to be eligible. Group eye bank chairmen who will act as hostesses at a social hour following the program are: Mesdames Max Stone and Louis Silverfarb, Bagley. Stanley Eisen- berg, Eleanor Roosevelt; Joseph Glickman, Evergreen, Gerald Ka- beck, Greenfield; Marvin Berman, Livonia, Bernard Mirvis Meyers; Sam Cohen, Schaefer; jack Feld- man and Herbert Moss, Sherwood; James Goodfriend and Nathan Fink, University East; Lawrence Blau, University North• and Lee Furth, University South. Al s o Misses Lillian Abraham, Business and Professional; and Marilyn Klein, Sunday Group. So ► ou'll Say Oeshmakste. Center Theater Offers Spring Acting. Course Mimi S taq12.71.S Engage( to Mr. Michael Gross Registration for a spring acting For information, call Mrs. Or- workshop offered by Center The- bach, UN 2-6019. ater will be held at the Jewish Center 8 p.m. Monday. For the HY Spot The class is limited to 15 stu- Of Your Affair dents, who must be 18 or older. Those interested are asked to come Music by prepared for an informal interview and audition. The course will ter- minate with a performance for in- And His Orchestra vited audiences. (Hy Utchenik) Mrs. Evelyn Orbach, who will 342-9424 teach this Workshop II will devote • Distinctive Ceremonies a Specialty! the course to in-depth study, fur- ■•■•••■•11o1O1, thering acting skills of the stu- dents. (Workshop I, conducted by Leonard Bradley, managing direc- YOUR CANDID tor of Center Theater, is held for beginners.) Hy Herman AJCongress Women Plan National Parley in D.C. WASHINGTON. D.C. — The na- tional women's division of the At a recent party given at the American Jewish Congress will hold home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey its biennial national convention Vinton of Dorset Ave., Southfield,lApril 4-6 at the Mayflower Hotel the engagement was announced of here. Mimi Stawis, daughter of Mrs. I Theme of the three-day meeting Vinton and the late Cantor Mendel !will be "The Achievement of Peace Stawis, to Michael Sheldon Gross, 1 and Opportunity." son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gross of Fairfax Ave., Southfield. Miss Stawis is a graduate of the Detroit Business Institute. Her fi- ance is a senior in the school of education at Wayne State Univer- sity and is affiliated with Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. A Dec. 10 wedding is planned. MISS MIMI STAWIS WILL BE WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY BERNARD H. WINER KE 1-8196 ORCH ESTRA CALL: LI 7-0896 or LI 5-2737 q3rith, ■ N•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i • • • Ar ctivities • LOUIS MARSHALL CHAPTER • Beth Aaron Young Adults , will hold its 25th installation of • • to Hear Psychiatrist officers 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the • Chef BoyArlee Marinara Sauce ALBUM FINER MEAT OR DAIRY KOSHER PARTY TRAYS IDEAL FOR BRISS, PIDYON HA-BEN & ALL OCCASIONS • • • • • • 1 : Beth Aaron Young Adults in- . Workmen's Circle Center. A musi_ • • vites - single people age 21 to 37 ' cal interlude will be presented by • BE A GUEST AT YOUR OWN PARTY! • • to hear psychiatrist Dr. Robert • Nancy Israel, soprano, and Nor- • • Drews speak on the role of the • man Berman at the piano. In- • • • unmarried person in . a changing : stalling officer is Mrs. Henry On- : • Roasted Whole Chicken or Turkey with Stuffing, • world 8 p.m. Wednesday at the , rich, past president of Metropoli- • Potatoes and Gravy • Cheese Blintzes 4 1 synagogue. Refreshments will be tan Detroit Bnai Brith Council, • • Fresh Knishes Daily • served at a nominal charge. For who will install her sister Mrs. e • Tasty Delicious Kishka information, call Loretta Wein- Beverly Toren as chapter presi- : • Chopped Liver • Chopped Herring • Dill Pickles traub, LI 8-9430. dent. Also to be installed are Mes- • • WE DELIVER IN SOUTHFIELD! • „ dames William Olsen, Louis Dorf I: c2 • d and Harry Buchalter, vice presi- 12 WE I Call • dents; Charles Sterns, treasurer; Jack Dechter, Norman Silets, Sam_ : DELIVER UN 1-9645: • uel Freedman, Harry Clive, Jack • * •• 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS Hochman and Albert Epstein, sec- • • • OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDOWN- TO 1 A.M. retaries;-and Charles Fink, coun- • • • selor. Refreshments will be served. • • ;160*****••••••48*********0****410*******000****•Imi. * * 4 0. 5 CO Lokshen Soup Delite with This great sauce is the recipe of seafaring Italian folk, made as only Chef Boy-Ar-Dee can make it! Chunks of Italian- style plum tomatoes, rich and zesty wit-h onions, herbs, spices and olive oil. For spa- ghetti, noodles and rice, meats, fish and egg dishes— it's geshmakste... and meat- less! • Greenfield's Noodles You're in Another World TRY SOME SOONI BRAVERMAN'S KMOESAHTESR ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST gUiNIDAY ONLY YOUNG BEEF LIVER SHOULDER STEAK CHUCK ROAST HOLLYWOOD ROAST BREAST OF BEEF, BRUST DEKEL GROUND BEEF • • trimmed FRESH, KOSHERMADE LB. 55c 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE ROAD lb. n. 49c 98 c 69` 95c 89c 85c 3 159 Lb. SHOLOM ALEICHEM LODGE will hold its Purim dinner 6:30 p.m. March 19 at Cong. Beth - Ye- hudah. Greetings will be extended by Arthur C. Schott, vice presi- dent of the Metropolitan Council of Bnai Brith. Prof. Rabbi Jack Goldman will talk on the festival of Purim. A musical presentation will be given by the Jewish Folk Chorus under the direction of Har- vey Schreibman. Friends are in- vited. rain° tgA4amz'aqi 1 4 1 1 kosben lu t = SALAMI oen's m Clubs (More Clubs on Page 15) JEWISH WOMEN EUROPEAN WELFARE ORGANIZATION will meet noon Monday at Jericho Temple. * * * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet 12:30 p.m. Wed- nesday at the Labor Zionist Insti- tute. Friends are invited. There will be refreshments. Hostesses will be Freda Metz and Ann Paiz- ner. Kashruth Supervision by prominent Orthodox Rabbi: Rabbi Ben Zion Rosenthal and two steady Moshgichim U.S. Gov't. InspichK1 GENERAL OFFICES, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6040, SALAMI • FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA WILNO KOSHER Distributed in Detroit and Michigan by: JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Finkel!, Detroit RECOMMENDM lb. BY BETTER INTERIOR DECORATORS lb. lb. lbs. $ DI 1-2345 Tel.: UN 2-5820 .1.11■116 E CLEAN IDRAPERies FINE DRAPERY CLEANING • CORNICES DRAPES • LAMP SHADES • SLIP COVERS BED SPREADS WE DO ALL THE WORK REMOVING AND INSTALLING (WITH PINS IN) Phone us for Free Estimate—NO OBLIGATION! • CITY WIDE and SUBURBAN SERVICE