Journey Into the Past 18—Friday, February 17, 1967 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Budget Woes to Close Israel Defense College JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel's sity of Jerusalem and former chief Defense College, which trains high of staff of Israel's armed forces. dish. Under these circumstances, government officials in military (Copyright, 1967, JTA, Inc.) for how long more will a Polish problems, is expected to close at EDITOR'S NOTE: Victor H. Bernstein Jew identify himself as Jewish? the conclusion of the present was the JTA correspondent in Germany RIDE THE One More generation? Two more study term, it was reported here. in 1937 and 1938, with headquarters in Berlin. He and his wife witnessed the generations?" He waved an arm. Nazi seizure of Austria and the brutal- It is believed economic reasons "We are a dying people. I pass ization of Vienna Jewry in the first days of the Anschluss. Later, in 1946, as cor- no judgment; I merely state a are behind the decision to discon- respondent for the New York daily, tinue the college. The decision had fact." PM, Mr. Bernstein covered the Nurem- been recommended by a special burg war crimes trials and wrote a Assuming my friend is right, to book about them. Mr. Bernstein was investigation committee headed by what shall we ascribe the phe- Gen. Yigael Yadin, professor of one of the Nuremberg trial veterans who attended a reunion 'conference in Your Best Buy Is At nomenon he described? To anti- archeology at the Hebrew Univer- Warsaw last winter to mark the 20th Semitism? To a process of en- anniversary of the trials. En route, he revisited Nuremberg and Vienna. He forced assimilation? To-Communist recorded this intensely personal ac- Through UNICEF, $1 worth of anti-religionism? I pass no judg- count of his experiences because, he insecticides sprayed in mosquito- explained, "I wanted to record my ment; I merely relay what were impressions, not as a journalist, but 10 Mile at Greenfield infected areas can protect 14 chil- as a Jew." This is the second part of This dredging up of past horrors presented to me as facts. dren from malaria for one year. Mr. Bernstein's two-part series. S S had a purpose, of course: to imbue * * * us with fears for the future in the five sessions were chaired, WARSAW—The door to Room light of West German develop- in Our turn, by a Polish journalist and 600 opened for me—not in Nurem- ments. I think that on this all of by one each from the "Big Four" berg, but in Warsaw. us—from West as well as East— —Great Britain, France, the USSR Here live a people so determined were united in any case. By chance and the United States. I chaired never to forget that they have one of the British correspondents the final session. By this time made remembering into a national had come to the conference di- we had agreed on what action policy. Nor is their Foreign Min- rectly from a meeting of German we should take: to request that Are you interested in more than ordinary travel and want the most istry the only place where this neo-Nazis in Bavaria. His report UNESCO (the United Nations exciting travel money can buy (superb services at minimum prices) offer- policy is reflected. Stroll almost chilled us, and must in addition Educational, Scientific and Cul- ing•the possibility not just to see all the sights but to meet people and visit places of special Jewish interest not on the ordinary tourist calendar? anywhere in the city and, sooner have given our Polish hosts tural Organiaztion) take steps to or later, you will meet a group of enormous satisfaction; surely they assure that the youth of the world Want to travel with, interesting people from all over the United States school children, led by adult could not have timed their meet- get more, and more accurate, in- and meet important Jewish personalities all over the world as well as guides, standing on bits of hal- ing better. people who share your particular and personal interests? formation about the Nuremberg lowed sidewalk and imbibing evidence than is now available to Yet, listening to the Poles re- Eager to visit ISRAEL? ORIENT? SPAIN? SCANDINAVIA? U.S.S.R.? stories of Polish heroism and Nazi call the anguish of the past, I them. To this end we approved and LATIN AMERICA? GREECE? FRANCE? ENGLAND? YUGOSLAVIA? atrocities. wandered more than once whether dispatched to Geneva a communica- "Let us remember!" This was the martyrdom of Polish Jewry tion which cited school curriculinn, Want to NEVER have to worry about lifting a finger for your luggage? also the dominant theme at the affected •them as much as they text books, encyclopedias and the getting to and from airports? understanding foreign money? checking conference which had brought me professed. It was a shocking mass communications media gen- in and checking out of hotels? tips, taxes, etc.? to Warsaw—the reunion, initiated thought to entertain, and perhaps erally as proper avenues for Curious about the magical ingredients and exciting extras in AMERI- by Polish journalists, of the Nurem- an unworthy one as well. Certainly UNESCO concern. The conference CAN JEWISH CONGRESS OVERSEAS PROGRAMS tWat have enabled berg trial press corps to mark the there was nothing in the immedi- closed with a vote of thanks to us to grow into the largest group travel program in the United States to 20th anniversary of the trial. ate circumstances to support my our Polish colleagues, who had Israel and Jewish communities throughout the world? * * * fleeting suspicion; if anything, the proved themselves to be gracious, If the answer is YES to any one of these questions you are invited to We were a mixed group, some evidence was the other way. Sev- thoughtful and generous hosts. Things had gone smoothly, I 32 or 33 in all: Poles, Russians, eral of the Poles around the con- JOIN US Czechs, Yugoslays, British, French, ference table were Jewish, includ- thought as I rose from my chair. The subject of our sessions had ing the head of the committee Dutch Danes and a sole American 8 p.m. —myself. (Other Americans had which had organized the meet- been eminently worthwhile; the Monday, February 20, 1967 been invited, but for varied reasons ing. (There were one or two Jews timing perfect. Then I thought: B'NAI DAVID SYNAGOGUE could not come.) Through five among the Russians, too.) Printed We have erred in the place. 24350 Southfield Road long sessions were discussed the material on wartime Poland which Neither Warsaw, nor Poland, nor Southfield, Michigan significance of what had happened had been distributed among us any part of Eastern Europe needed two decades ago: the trial's legal seemed not to underplay Jewish a reminder of Nuremberg. Betty Weir Alderson dynamic director of the American Jewish Congress Overseas program and moral aspects; its impact, if suffering. The famed Ghetto memo- But Nuremberg and the Ger- will discuss our world-round, year-round travel opportunities. any, on subsequent events; and, rial was a regular stopping place mans did. We should have held above all, its lessons for today in for Polish school children as well the conference in Nuremberg. If you want to receive our 48 page illustrated 1967 AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS the light of current trends in the as for busloads of foreign tourists. OVERSEAS HANDBOOK describing each tour in detail prior to the meeting, please West German Federal Republic. Warsaw has a Jewish cultural so- fill out the coupon below and mail it to American. Jewish Congress, Overseas De- : HARRY THOMAS • ciety and a famed Yiddish State partment, 15 East 84th Street, New. York, N. Y. 10028. Such disagreements as we had • • SALE were by no means restricted to Theater (soon to come to New • East vs. West. A British cor- York) whose director is Ida • Fine Clothes for Over 30 Years • NAME respondent questioned the make-up Kaminska, the brilliant actress : Open Sunday 11 to 4 : whose performance in "The Shop • ADDRESS of the Tribunal at Nuremberg. "I 15200 W. 7 Mile • • do not challenge the verdicts," he on Main Street" won an Academy • 3 Blocks E. of Greenfield • CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE Award. • Corner Sussex • said, "but one cannot deny the * * German contention that this was Was I unduly influenced by a case of the victors judging the GIVE SOUTHFIELD THE "FORWARD LOOK" Jewry'g long ,sad history in Poland. vanquished." which pre-dated Hitler? Or by the Another Britisher answered him: "As some of you know, I attended savage indictment of Polish anti- the Eichmann trial in Israel. There Semitism written recently by A. M. the defense made a kind of reverse Rosenthal in The New York Times plea—that the victims had set out Magazine? Yet it seemed odd to to judge the alleged oppressor. I me that none of my Jewish, jour- shall always remember Judge Lan- nalist friends, well-informed as dau's rejoinder. 'All of us in the they were, could tell me hoW many courtroom are human, including Jews were in Poland. the judges', he said in effect, 'and How can you tell who is a it is part of human nature to har- Jew?" one of them explained to bor prejudice. But we who sit on me. "Not by counting synagogue the bench before you are profes- membership. In all Poland, as far sional judges, trained to set aside as I am aware, there is only one prejudice and to judge strictly full-time rabbi." He said this quite on the evidence. The defendant matter-of-factly, without resent-. should know that this is what we ment. I asked him about the many shall do in his case'." "And," Jews who had been "purged" out the British writer concluded, of the Communist Party during LEADERSHIP ABILITY VISION "those of us who followed the recent years. "That was not anti- trial from beginning to end know Semitism," he replied. "It was the SOME PERINOFF ACCOMPLISHMENTS: that the Israeli judges fulfilled result of the pressure of young this promise. The Tribunal at members against the old leader- * Played an important part in building a civic center in Southfield which Nuremberg did the same." ship. And the old leadership had is one of the finest in the State of Michigan. Undeniably, a strong element of many Jews—not all of whom, I * Helped achieve close coordination between the Southfield School Board partisan national politics entered regret to say, always behaved and the City of Southfield as a member of the liaison committee. into the calling of the conference. well." * Played an important part in developing a library and recreation service Almost every Polish participant I raised the purge question with which was non-existent prior to April, 1958. another Jew, a middle-echelon * Has and will be promoting a program for development of a cultural center government official whom I met on the civic center site with emphasis on developing a symphony shell outside the conference. I relayed and expansion of library and recreational facilities. to him • the explanation that had and been given me. "I suppose that's QUALIFICATIONS: one way of interpreting it," he Lawyer — Veteran — Member of Oakland County Board of Supervisors — said. He refused to elaborate. I Member of Oakland County Planning Commission -- Former asked him about the number of Associate Municipal Judge — Present Councilman Jews in Poland. "What difference do numbers make?" he replied. Southfield Council "There are some Jews left, but Unexpired Term -no Jewishness. The Yiddish State Theater is not predominantly Jew- FEB. 20 SOUTHFIELD PRIMARY ish in content, only in language; Rated "Preferred" by Homeowners Groups Endorsed by Business and the Jewish Cultural Society mainly Sponsored by FRIENDS FOR PERINOFF Civic Leaders perpetuates Polish culture in Yid- By VICTOR H. BERNSTEIN voiced a demand for recognition of the Oder-Neisse line as Poland's western border; and resistance to German unification was apparent in the speech of every Communist of whatever nationality. Yet it would be wrong to say that the Communists were more interested in maps than in men. The word "genocide" came to their lips often. So did the word "Jews"—espe- cially from the Poles, who are well aware that perhaps half of the Nazis' 6,000,000 Jewish victims died on Polish soil. FO For 1967 Northland Ford If You Believe Travel is more than Sightseeing this Invitation is for You 041••••••••••••••••0•.0119 6••000•••••000011111••••••0 etad, ALEX C. PERINOFF Southfield's MAYOR fiONKO SKI VOTE MONDAY, FEB. 20TH IA