General Rabin's Decisive Influence in Israel By ELIAHU SALPETER (Copyright, 1967, JTA, Inc.) economic aspects of national de- fense. As a result, General Rab- in's opinions today carry prob- ably not less weight with Esh- kol, when it comes to the polit- ical side of the issues involved, than those of Peres did with Ben-Gurion. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 3, 1967 7 acts of Arab terrorism committed The fourth chief of staff General Book on Arab Terrorism on Israel territory. Moshe Dayan, went into politics. Being Prepared in Israel He became a Knesset member, JERUSALEM (ZLNS) — A docu- Minister of Agriculture, and is now mentary volume on the Arab cam- WHEN YOU - AC A COCKTAIL one of the leaders of the Rafi Par- paign incitements and threats ty, which — under Ben-Gurion's aaginst Israel since the emergence leadership — split off from the of the state, is now being prepared ruling Mapai Party. by the foreign ministry, Abba Eban It is rather difficult to imagine announced in the Knesset. The book :klTEi ERANOS • DETROIT. Pad(); • General Rabin as a business man- will also include a precise list of ager or a back-slapping politician. More likely, he might find a career in the top echelons of government administration. JERUSALEM — Prime Minister and Defense Minister Eshkol took the unusual step of announcing that Gem Yitzhak Rabin will continue to serve as chief of staff of the Israel defense forces beyond the normal three-year tour of duty in The extension of General Rab- that post. The announcement was • unusual because it happened only in's tour of duty only postponed, once before, in the case of General but did not eliminate. a favorite Dayan, that the chief of staff con- guessing game here: what will the tinued in that post more than three. chief of staff do when he retires? Israel's first chief of staff, General years. Yaakov Dori, is now president of There are probably several rea- the Haifa Institute of Technology. Education Ministry VIP 'sons for Eshkol's decision in this His successor, General Yigael Yad- matter. Israel is facing another in is also in the academic field: he Quits Post of Six Years (Direct JTA Teletype Wire critical period along her borders is now Professor Yadin, the He- to The Jewish News) because of the announced intention brew University's most widely JERUSALEM — Dr. Hanoch of the Syrians and of the Egypt- latown archeologist. The third, Rinot, for the last six years direc- 22 Day Grand Tour of Europe supported Palestine Liberation fifth and sixth men in the top tor-general of the ministry of edu- Movement of Ahmed Shukairy to tart' post went afterward into ad- cation, resigned Tuesday. His exit start a guerrilla-type of warfare : ministration of government-con- is believed to be due to basic dif- against this country. The govern- trolled enterprises: General Mor- ferences between him and Minis- July 14, 19 & 21 Per Person ment probably felt that this was dechai Makieff is director general ter of Education Zalman Aranne. and August 1st from Detroit not the time to make top-level of the Dead Sea (Potash) Com- Rinot had been appointed to his changes in the defense forces. Esh- pany, Israel's largest mineral ex- post by Abba Eban, when the lat- kol presumably also preferred to ploitation company; General Zvi ter held the education portfolio. avoid the necessity of choosing be- Tzur is director general of Mek- Aranne accepted his top aide's tween the likely successors to Gen- orot, Israel's water resources de- resignation. It is believed Rinot eral Rabin. velopment company; and General will be succeeded in the director- 20441 JAMES COUZENS BR 2-2400 Above all, the extension of the Haim Laskov is the director gen- generalship by his present deputy, present chief of staff's tour of eral of the National Port Authority. J. Sarid. duty reflects General Rabin's overall success in his job and the harmonious cooperation be- 86 PROOF, 100% BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKIES, IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY GOODERHAM &WORTS LTD., DETROIT, MICH. tween him and Eshkol. General Rabin, a shy introvert, is the in- tellectual type. When he took over his post early in 1964, the choice was generally applauded as a most suitable one for what was then expected of the de- 86 fense forces for .the subsequent three years: the procurement and obsorbtion of new sophisti- cated weapons and the training of the officers and men in their •Authentic use. Scotch However, soon afterward, this Dollar task was pushed into the back- ground by the more urgent chall- (Crown) enge of the Arab threats to divert minted the headwaters of the Jordan, to between prevent the completion of Israel's 1603-1625 national irrigation project. It is understood that General Rabin had a major share in developing the strategy of flexible response to these threats, a strategy which along with the diplomatic actions, proved so successful that the irri- Leave it to the Scots to find a way to save a gation project was not only com- dollar (whether it's this rare Scottish pleted without major border dollar or the modern American greenback). clashes, but also demonstrated Thousands of Scots (and Americans, too) are again.the deep internal fissions in switching to Lauder's Extra Light Scotch at the Arab camp. This flexibility of response and originality of ap- its new reduced price. That's because proach to some of Israel's -perren- Lauder's now sells the same 86 proof, the ial defense problems became the same high quality Scotch, with nothing hallmark of General Rabin's think- changed except the price. ing in the past three years. Another quality which obviously endeared General Rabin to Eshkol was his unswerving loyalty to his boss. No chief of staff — General Dayan not excluded — had such a decisive influence in defense matters as General Rabin. This is due not only to General Rabin's own qualities. General Dayan, for example, had a stronger person- ality than the present Chief of Staff. But Ben-Gurion was more familiar with defense matters and Q UART more interested in both broad strategic problems and minor tech- nical _details_ than who — before becoming Prime Minis- ter — dealt with defense matters only from their financial angle. Consequently, Eshkol is under- stood to rely more heavily on his chief of staff's advice than his predecessor did. What goes for Eshkol, in this ESCORTED TOURS FOR TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS rvH BOOK COUZENS TRAVEL you want proof? Lauder's is still proof! you want tradition? - Lauder's has been around since 1834! you want a reduced price? Lauder's has done that too! now your Scotch dollar* buys more Lauder's STILL...FULL 86 PROOF 11111111fS SCOICII PRICE RIOUCIO respect, goes also for his deputy. The deputy minister of defense — the man who is actually in charge of the day-to-day running of the defense ministry — was Shimon Peres. He "rose from the ranks" in that ministry and dealt also with many of the top- level political aspects of Israel's security affairs such as the de- velopment of close cooperation with France. The present deputy minister of defense, Dr. Zvi Dienstein, on the other hand, "grew up" under Eshkol's wings in the Ministry of Finance and before his new post was familiar mostly with the procurement and ALL TAXES INCLUDED - 4/5 pint only $2.75 1 /1 gallon only $12.93