Dramatic Book 'Death in Rome' Puts Blame Upon Pope Pius XII try. Failing that, he could have spoken out not as the Pope but as the Bishop of Rome—as he had when American bombers threatened the security of the Vatican. There was-no need to sacrifice or compromise his principle of silence. Further, this was not a 'Jewish ques- tion." about which he had decided long before not to raise his voice in protest. This was a question of the extermina- tion of his own Catholic children in his own Catholic diocese—the diocese of Saint Peter. Surely a word from the Bishop of Rome—other than calling on the Romans to control their "violent urges"—was in order. "Given the existence of the first three of the four preconditions stated above, and given the absence of any intervention by the Pope, one can hardly , escape the conclusion that Pius XII lacked the will to attempt to save' the men destined to die in the Ardeatine caves. "In other words, it must now be said, .Pope Pius XII chose to do nothing in full awareness that action by him "Four preconditions were necessary might prevent the reprisal." before a papal intervention would have Vatican sources have alreadY been possible and advisable. These were: branded Katz's charge as "a vicious a) knowledge that the reprisal was going to take place; b) a channel of lie" and the . Vatican organ L'Os- communications between the Pope and servatore Romano is expected to the massacrers; c) some chance of suc- ceeding; and d) a will to act in behalf reply to the book now it is off of the doomed men. "Pius knew reasonably in advance of the press. - Katz has issued a statement the Ardeatine crime of the German intention to commit a reprisal in Rome. challenging the Vatican and he "As for the second precondition, at least two means of communications be- has also questioned the position tween the Pope and , the murderers were open on March 23-24. 1944: through of the present Pope (Paul VI) Padre Pancrazio and through the Ger- who was Pius' secretary. Katz's man diplomatic mission to the Holy statement declares: See. The third precondition—a possibil- ity that intervention by the Pope might "On March 24, 1944, the Germans be effective—existed in the form of massacred 335 men and boys in the many precedents. Ardeatine caves in the city of Rome, "Surely Pius, working quietly through which was then under Nazi occupa- German channels, without having to tion. While this incident is widely break his well-known silence on other known. at least to students of World questions, could have won at the mini- War II, actions of Pope Pius XII mum a twenty-four-hour stay of the in_ the -hours that led up to the mass- mass executions. Surely such a possi- acre and in the period during and bility existed and was worth at least a. immediately following it have for nearly (Continued from Page 1) Katz's charge emphasizes that those who were chosen to die in the Nazi massacre included many of Pius XII's "own Catholic chil- dren, in his own diocese." The author of "Death in Rome" con- tends that the late Pope Pius XII "feared a popular insurrection, the establishment of radically left-wing anti-Fascist power in Rome, and — with an incredulousness explain- able only if Pius believed himself already too compromised with Fascism—the possible destruction of the Vatican City State." In his analysis of the Vatican position Katz makes these charges: Austrian Envoy Rejects Pro-Nazi Charges; Repudiated by Dr. Prinz NEW YORK (JTA)—Dr. Ernest Lemberger, Austria ambassador to the United States, rejected a charge by the American Jewish Congress that Austria willingly embraced Hitlerism and that Nazi sentiment remains strong in his country. Dr. Lemberger called the charges "one-sided and dis- torted" and cited, in his reply, a statement by Chancellor Josef Klaus, criticizing "generalizing in- sinuations" and asking that Aus- tria be judged by the behavior of all 7,000,000 Austrians "and not by the behavior of a few." The Austrian envoy made his re- buttal in response to a study of anti-Semitic and rightist tendencies in- Austria made last fall by the American Jewish Congress. The study accused Austria's_ political parties and national leaders of failure to admit Austria's Nazi past, to atone for anti-Semitic ex cesses, and to create a new nation- al mood invulnerable to Nazi teach- ings. The study charged, 21 years after the end of World War II, "Austrians have yet to demonstrate they understand their country's true role as a partner of Hitler- is m ." Dr. Lemberger retorted that the Austrian share of responsibility for "the horrible crimes" against hu- manity in the Nazi era "has to be confined to those individual Aus- trians who _unfortunately partici- pated in these atrocities, and it should not be overlooked that such criminals collaborating- - with the Nazis existed in practically every European country under German occupation." He replied to a charge that Austria's restitution program was "lagging" with an assertion that "there cannot be any basis for legal claims against the Re- public of Austria for damages and crimes committed by individual Austrians under Nazi rule." Dr. Joachim Prinz, chairman of the AJC commission on interna- tional affairs, said that Dr. Lem- berger had continued "to minimize and isolate each criminal act" and to attribute such acts to "aberrent and atypical individuals." Dr. Prinz said this tended to confirm what the AJC report called "the conven- tional Austrian response to the question of anti-Semitisim and neo- Nazism." He added that Dr. Lem- berger's position appeared to be Hebrew_ Corner that "the present Austrian nation as a whole has no special connec- tion with or responsibility for these acts." Union of Kvutzot and Kibutzim U.S. Communist Leaders Reported Ducking Debate on Jews in USSR NEW YORK (JTA)—Leaders of the Communist Party in the United States are seeking to avoid a specific party condemnation of Soviet policy toward Russian Jews, it was disclosed Sunday. A draff resolution calling for a national party conference "on work among the Jewish people and the fight against anti-Semitism, and conceding Soviet "shortcom- ings" in the treatment of Soviet Jewry, was made public last Aug- ust in Political Affairs, the party's theoretical journal. The draft was prepared by the party's national Jewish commission. -- Some party members now re- portedly fear that the conference will never be held. An indication of the change in American Communist leadership views was contained in a party "discussion bulletin" by Daniel " Rubin, a "member of the leading bodies" of the party. He asserted that "Jewish masses in the Soviet Union and other Socialist coun- tries are the best off in the world." He said Communists should ask themselves whether, "if it is true that Jewish culture in the USSR will be dead in 10 years, is this in itself bad?" Jewish members of the party were reported to be worried that the proposed conference had been canceled, but a party spokesman said it had only been posfponed to allow "more discussion." He admitted no new date had been set. The current issue of Political Affairs declared that "this section of the resolution needs to be re- drafted in the direction of un- equivocally rejecting any idea of `Soviet anti-Semitism' in whatever UNICEF aid takes the form of guiSe it may appear and any cam- supplies and equipment for under- paign of public criticism, however friendly." developed countries. 32—Friday, January 27„ 1967 2.3 years remained obscure, unrevealed by the very few who knew. "In the past three years I have made an effort to trace Pius's movements and have uncovered evidence which clearly indicates that the Pope knew of the impending bloodbath as much as 19 hours before the first of the victims was shot—at about 3:30 p.m. that day— and did nothing other than look on in grotesque silence. This bizarre moral paralysis by the Vicar of Christ took place despite the fact that at least two channels of communication were con- stantly open between the Pope and the massacrers and that previous precedents had proved the possibility existed that an intervention by Pius XII would have forestalled the German slaughter. "I am now publishing this evidence and detailed information about its sources (documentary material and eye- witness testimony) in the context of a full reconstruction of the two-day period that began with an attack against the Germans by the Roman Resistance and ended in the Ardeatine massacre. "On the basis on what is now known, and in the absence of any word from the Vatican, one can only conclude that Pope Pius XII was an accomplice to the Ardeatine crime—guilty by complic- ity. What extenuating circumstances, if any, accompanied this complicity, or what evidence exists, if any, that dis- proves it, now only the Vatican can say. ssue Should not be confused issue with the recent controversy regarding Pius's silence before the Nazi attempt to destroy European Jewry. The Ardea- tine caves massacre was not a "Jewish question." It was a question of the ex- termination of innocent Catholics in the Pope's own diocese, the diocese of the Bishop of Rome; the extermination—in the -language of the Church—of the Pope's own children. "If, as the present Pope has stated. there were well-reasoned considerations behind Pius's silence on the 'Jewish question,' in the "Ardeatine question" we can see only an example of what Cardinal Tisserant has termed the Holy See's wartime `policy of selfish con- venience.' Here there was no need for Pius to lift his voice in universal con- demnation of Nazi bestiality; he had only -to lift the telephone. "As I--have described in my book, all attempts by me to learn from the Vatican itself what the Pope's position was regarding the events of March 23-24, 1944, were unsuccessful, although in talks with high officials at Vatican City I was assured that my questions, which at ,their request had been submitted in written form, would be answered. (The principal question—of a total of three—asked if it had been possible for the Pope to take any action in behalf of the Ardeatine victims on March 23 and 24, and, if so, how was this initia- tive received on the part of the Ger- mans. The other questions concerned the Pope's reaction to the partisan attack on the 23rd, and to representa- tions said to have been made by the Vatican, but not necessarily on the day of the Ardeatine crime, in behalf of a priest who was among those shot in the caves on the 24th.) "Since the most recent attempt to elicit a response from the Vatican (June, 1965) a number of unusual events have taken place in the Church which both heightens the need for answers from the Vatican and would appear to facili- tate such a reply. For example, on the one hand Pope Paul VI has initiated the process that is to lead to sainthood for Pius XII—.a step that at this time would, seem irreconciliable with the wartime Pope's role in the Ardeatine affair. On the other hand. Paul VI has authorized publication of. World War II documents in the Vatican archives, breaking a tra- dition that no Vatican paper be pub- lished before it is 50 years old. "Against this background, and - in the spirit of the new Church liberalism that is sweeping toward Rome, I - again ap- peal to the Vatican to speak, to answer the questions now being raised about the Ardeatine caves massacre—one of which asks: What were the actions of the present Pope, then Undersecretary Monsignor Montini, who, it is known, was in the Vatican on the day of the massacre?" THE DEMON' MVISH NEWS The Secretariat of the "Union of the Kvutzot and Kibutzim" (collectives) in Israel deals with eighty-one seftletnents with a population of 30,000 souls. The settlements cultivated about 500.- 000 dunams of land and grew every type of crop found in the country. : They also had more than 20,000 head of cattle, as well as over 1.5 million fowls. flocks of sheep, beehives, etc. The value of their produce reached 190 million pounds; 71% of this came from agricul- ture and the remainder from industry, workshops, and outside work. The secretariat conducts and guides activities through committees which function in the fields of husbandry and finance, social and cultural activities, education and youth work, and the like. The union is characterized by its di- verse set-up, which has no counterpart in the Kibutz Movement: (a) in the age of its settlements, beginning with the mother Kvutzot (Degania and Kinner- et) which have already passed their first Jubilee (50th_annIversary) and end- ing with the newest holdings; (b) in the social and political affiliation of its members to three bodies: the major body—MAPAL the second ,,body—RAFT, and the third—the Independent Lib- erals; (c) in the fact that its institutions look after the two Kibutzim founded by the "Poalei Agudat Yisrael." Replacements for its young and new settlements are furnished by the pioneer youth movements in the country and the Diaspora. In these movements, hun- dreds of leaders (Madrihim) and emis- saries (Shelihim) are active. The Ul- panim for immigrants (language schools for adult immigrants), which combine the study of the Hebrew language with work on the farms, conducted in about thirty Kibutzim, also provide a source of new immigrants to be absorbed. The movement has many official pub- lications which deal with its problems and define its politics. Published by the Brit Ivrit Olamit with the assistance of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. Material in vowelized, easy Hebrew can be obtained by writing direct to Brit Ivrit Olamit, P.O. Box 7111, Jerusa- lem, Israel. . In his hour-by-hour account of the events that led to the Ardea- tine massacre, Katz shows that there were some Germans wild sought to soften the blows, to pre- vent the mass murder; that there were some Germans who refused to participate in the order that came from Hitler himself, who at first asked for 40-to-50 Italians to be killed in reprisal for every German who was murdered. The description of the massacre as le Fosse Ardeatine came from a phrase in the diary of the Roman journalist, Carlo Trabucco. The executioners were provided for an entire week with cognac to keep them drunk since even the Nazis who followed orders to perform the mass murder were nauseated by what had occurred. The manner in which the bodies were found, the identification of the victims of the massacre, the eulogies to them, the trials after the war of the guilty generals and administrators—these are part of the descriptive account of the atrocious event that had not been publicized hitherto. Even the his- tory of Nazi Germany by William L. Shirer, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," does not carry reference to the Ardeatine horror. The action of the resistance group on Via Rasella • still is being debated in Italy. Law suits have been started against those who blew up the TNT barrel killing 32 Nazis who were in the soldiers' march. The courts have upheld the resistance leaders, but they have been and still are being abused. But Katz upholds theni throughout. He declares: "The 'error' of the Via Rasella was that in the context of the long-range objectiveS of the re- sistance in Rome it did not suc- ceed. In any case, it is absurd to single out one attack from a genuine resistance movement, which is guided by strategies and developed through various forms of tactics, and declare in dis- parging terms that this was the battle that should not have been fought, This is the equivalent of a rejection of armed resistance to armed aggression, since any one of •a hundred partisan ac- tions in Rome might have brought on the Ardeatine crime. It rejects as meaningless and dishonors as cowardly those who fought and died for freedom from Nazism in the resistance movements of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, • Norway, Den- mark, Poland, Russia, Czecho- slovakia, Romania, G r e e c e, Yugoslavia and Italy. To dis- honor them is to disarm the freedom fighters of tomorrow." Katz has appended to his book a complete list of the men know to have -died in the Ardeatine caves, listing their ages and occu- pations. In his story he tells how, to overcome the difficulty of lining up enough men to be sent to face the Nazi firing squads, Jews were taken indiscriminately. In the group of the 335 martyrs there were 253 Catholics and '70 Jews. Not all were Italians. • "Inside the tomb, the two mounds of bodies were covered with a blanket of powdery volcanic dust," Katz reports on the scene of the horror. "The blast had shaken the sandy substance loose from the tunnel ceilings. Bound at the wrists, :their knees still flexed in eternal supplication, they lay upon each other, bearing witness to the Gerinan crinie. Their lives, which had been evaluated as being worth one-tenth of a German's, had in_ truth been devalued even-further. The executioners had murdered not 330 men but—as Hauotstur- fuehrer Pribke would soon report to Obersturmbannfuehrer Kappler —335. To Kappler's question as to how this could have happened, one of his men would reply, 'It was an error, but since they were al- ready there " Such is the extent of the Ger- man crime in Rome in March of 1964. _ Now the Ardeatine cases. have been declared nation al shrines. Tourists visit it. Members" , of the resistance have been lion- ored—and also abused. A horrible crime is unfolded in a very im portant book. —P. , S. z • It 71;E rl tr41n771 rvisInpri -mkt ntri4iz771 rrisnrn .tr,p 3 0, 0 0 0- 7 ri3in nr. 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