jiillman_Katz Rites Rabbis of 3 Branches Thank Governor Position on Eastern Standard Time Women's hind Nets $74,500; First atNewBn ai Davi d for The wire to Gov. Romney. sent A telegram sent to Gov. George THIE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS I 16—Friiday, January 27, T967 Aided by Posen and Nosan Families Romney this week by three De- in conjunction with the Jewish troit area religious leaders wel-1 Community Council, urged prompt Aided by two generous gifts' that shut the airport here that corned the position taken by the" enactment of legislation which from the Posen and Nosan fam- day and was unable to get to the governor in which he urged nec- would exempt Michigan from Day- ilies, the Women's Auxiliary of meeting on time. essary action to keep Michigan in light Saving Time. the Jewish National Fund boosted The enthusiastic audience ac-, the Eastern Standard Time Zone.1 A similar wire was sent to Sen. its income from this year's donor claimed the musical renditions ; In their wire, Rabbis Leizer. Basil Brown, commending him for by Cantor Harold Orbach, who event to $74,500. I Levin (Orthodox) ; Benjamin Gor-i his action in introducing legisla- At the annual celebration at: selected for his program the relick (Conservative) and Leon! tion which would keep Michigan Temple Israel, marking the con-1 latest Israeli songs, Yiddish se- Fram (Reform) noted that the in-I in the Eastern Standard Time clusion of this year's fund-raising; lections and other musical troduction to Daylight Saving Time' Zone. effort, Mrs. Sidney Ravin, who' themes. He was accompanied by in Michigan would pose serious presided as program chairman, an-I Bella Goldberg. problems and handicaps to the' Folks Farein Banquet pounced that the women had raised: A number of pioneer JNF work- religious practices and observances. a total of S73,000. An additional ers and the president of the JNF of many persons in the Jewish at Ahavas Achim Feb. 12 sum of $1,500' presented at the Council, Judge Burton Shiffman, community. Reservations are being taken for function, which was attended by were introduced as guests of the Because of Michigan's location' on the western end of the time the Yiddish Folks Farein dinner- more than 800 women, was pre- afternoon. Mrs. Jacob Axelrod led n banquet Feb. 12, at Ahavas sented by Young Women of JNF. in the singing of the national an-1 zone, the sun sets in Detroit 40, dance Mrs. Ravin announced that thems, accompanied by Mrs. Gold- minutes later than in New York, Achim Synagogue. There will be MRS. NEIL MILLMAN and other Eastern Seaboard areas,I dancing to the music of Eric Rose- the grand total included two berg. major gifts of $10,000 each for The first wedding to be held in even when all are on Standard; now. - the establishment of Nahlot set- I r the newly-completed Bnai David Time. This, in effect, places Mich-1 Members are asked to bring Wan GhaSte/91 tlements in Israel by two fam- igan on partial Daylight Saving Synagogue was the marriage of Time all • year round. Adding an , guests. For reservations, contact ilies. They will be set up in Gan- Anita Lee Katz and Dr. Neil S. Irwin and Emily Small. 398-8882, on area in the Galilee and each Millman. Parents of the couple additional hour would be tanta- . or Audrey Lepofsky, LI 8-7838. Nahla will provide for the re-' are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Katz of mount to having double daylight i• demption and cultivation of )70 1 21660 Westhampton, Oak Park -, time. For the HY Spot dunams of land. (A dunam is a The additional hour would de- and Mr. Abraham Millman of Of Your Affair quarter of an acre). One Nahia lay the end of the Sabbath ob- Griggs Ave. and the late Mrs. is being redeemed by Albert servance until 8:30 or 9 p.m. Music by Anna Millman. and Libbie Posen. The other by Observant Jewish families would The bride wore a peau de soie Mrs. Pearl Nosan, the president find that the use of synagogues gown with Kabuki sleeves of im- of the JNF Women's Auxiliary, and kosher facilities on Satur- And His Orchestra ported Alencon lace with pearls and her family, Harold M. and day night — the most conven- (Hy Utchenik) and crystals. The detachable Pet Nosan, William and Caro- ient • and popular time for such chapel train had the same lace 342-9424 family celebrations such as wed- lyn Nosanchuk,- Douglas and • Distinctive Ceremonies and beading motif. She wore a dings and Bar Mitzvas — will Sydell Schubot. a Specialty! pillbox headpiece of hand-cord- be almost entirely eliminated The Nahlot donors indicated ede Alencon lace with a should- from consideration f or six that the inspiration for their gifts, er-length veil of silk illusion. months of the year because the was the selection they chose from Orchids and Stephanotis were Sabbath would end too late. the Ethics of the Fathers (Pirke • carried. Social activities of synagogues Abot): "All that you have, shall Annette Warsen served as maid and youth groups would be sim- be given, therefore give now that FOR EVERY OCCASION of honor. Bridesmaids were San- ilarly affected. the season of giving shall be , di Cherrin, Joan Greenfield, Mar- yours and not your inheritors." lene Katz and Marta Weiss. The Mrs. Nosan, in her presidential MISS SUSAN GLICKSTEIN Music the Stein-Way junior bridesmaid was Janice welcoming address, and Mrs. Po- Anniversaries sen, as the JNF fund-raising chair-, Mr .and Mrs. Jack Glickstein, Katz, sister of the bride. Hospital • New Babies man, outlined the women's activ-, 25509 Greenfield, Southfield, an- Dr. David Bolden of Philadel- Bon Voyage • Birthdays • Sympathy & ORCHESTRA ities and reported on the progress nounce the engagement of their phia was best- man. Ushers were made in efforts to spur aid to Is- daughter Susan Diane to Charles ' Edward Belkin, Dr. Paul Chase of les easy to be thoughtful ... call us ... we'll sign your rael through the land redemption H. Schubiner, son of Mrs: Betty Philadelphia, Harvey Katz, broth- card and deliver a gift and reclamation fund. Schubiner, 25350 Greenfield, Oak - er of the bride, and Larry Millman. basket for you. The afternoon guest speaker was Park, and the late Mr. Melvyn Seating the guests were Ronald Philip Slomovitz who substituted Schubiner. Bonheim and Dr. Bruce Miller of PHOTOGRAPHY by Jusr CALL DI 1-8840 for Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld. The ( The bridegroom-to-be attends Passaic, N.J. Also in the bridal BERNARD H. latter was grounded by the fog the Lawrence Institute of Tech- party were the bride's grandpar- nology's college of engineering. erns, Mrs. Jacob Novetsky and Mr. The couple plans a Dec. 17 wed- and Mrs. Harry Katz, and the ding. bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. B e 11 e Rimer of Beverly Hills. KE 1-8196 Bar Mitzvahs — Weddings 8922 W. 7 MILE RD.. at Wyoming Aliens Told 2 Days Left The couple will reside in South- field. to Iled • S chub iner C harles Hy Herman Fruit* Food *Wine - DICK. STEIN LI 7-2770 When It Comes To Noodles .. . INER to File Annual Report The U.S. Immigration and Mothers' March Tuesday Naturalization Service reminded all aliens in Michigan today that to Help Treatment Center The Annual Mothers' March for only two days remain in which noncitizens must file their annual 1 - the National Foundation-March of Music Entertainment LI 1-2563 address reports as required by ; Dimes is scheduled for Tuesday, when 22,000 volunteers in Wayne law. doorbells i n their Address report forms are avail- Count s - able at the nearest Immigration neighborhoods to collect funds for ' • and Naturalization Service office research into the causes, treatment ; I: MEAT • and at all post offices for the con- ' and prevention of Birth Defects. OR venience of noncitizens required “Meeting the goal of $400,000 is • DAIRY ._ to report their addresses to the , more important this year than ever S - IDEAL FOR BRISS, PIDYON HA-BEN & ALL OCCASIONS government each January under before," Charles Gehringer, Wayne • a provision of the Immigration , County campaign chairman stated: BE A GUEST AT and Nationality Act of 1952. ' "This year, our long-awaited goal • of establishing a birth defects di- • • . agnostic and treatment center in • • Roasted Whole Chicken or Turkey with Stuffing, KOSHER the Detroit area will be put into • • Cheese Blintzes Potatoes and Gravy • operation through the Wayne * MEATS • Fresh Knishes Daily State University Medical School." Le • Tasty Delicious Kishka ALL SPECIALS GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST • Dill Pickles • Chopped Herring The local birth defects treatment I: • Chopped Liver SONPAY ONLY center will be supported by Wayne, • WE DELIVER IN SOUTHFIELD! • . Oakland, 'Macomb, Monroe and St. • • • Lb. . Clair County March of Dimes vol- • Call WE • unteer chapters. • DELIVER UN -1-9645 • Birth defects are the nation's • Lb. • _, - second greatest destroyer of life, : 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS claiming approximately 500,000 un- S - • OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDOWN TO I A.M. born babies aild 60,000 children ; • lbs. and adults each year. lb. 55c SAM BARNETT Greenfield's Tops Them All 6••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••s • SHER PARTY TRAYS YOUR OWN PARTY! 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