17—HOUSES FOR SALE OPEN SUN. 1 - 4 40 - A — EMPLOYMENT WANTED THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38—Friday, January 20, 1967 New Models Open in Pontchartrain Woods 24321 SENECA OAK PARK North of Northfield Blvd., East of Scotia. On quiet curved street, large treed lot, is this 3 bedroom brick ranch with 2 full baths, paneled den, central air-condi- tioning, gas heat. Exterior offers no clue to the large interior liv- ing area of home. Low taxes. Immediate occupancy. SHELDON ROSS REAL ESTATE 342-8383 FARMINGTON OPEN SUN. 2-5 28136 Sybil Court in Green Castle Estate, 12 Mi. Betw. Inkster and Middlebelt Rd. Nr. Site of New Birmingham Temple. 4-bedrm. brk. ranch. Family Room, 2 1/2 baths, 1st flr. Laun- dry, Basement Recreation Rm., 2 fireplaces. 1 1/3-acre wooded lot. Priced $39,900. EXPERIENCED WOMEN desires baby sititng, care to sick woman. TE 4-1646. Sam Steel, Inc., builder of cus- tom homes, announces the grand opening of new ranch and colonial models in Pontchartrain Woods, adjacent to Shevington Forest and Kenwick Estates on Pontchartrain Dr., three blocks north of 11 Mile Rd. Featuring up to 3,200 square feet, the homes have four large bedrooms, huge family room, separate study, four baths, first floor laundry room and many other custom features. On large wooded lots opposite Shaarey Zedek, they will also build to individual plans and specifications. They are priced from $45,000 to $55,000. 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Subdivision — Desirable corner, 130x140. 398-9064, eve- nings. BIRMINGHAM, 14 Mile Road near South- field. Sewer and water, 40x120, $3,500. 363-7579. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Agent — KE 7-7337 Washington Heighis SOUTHFIELD Most desirable area in Southfield, with sewer, water, paving. Ready for bldg. Lots sold to builders or individuals. Call Mr. Rodd. 22411 AVON LANE SOUTHFIELD REALTY OPEN SUN. 1 - 4 Beautiful landscaping surrounds this custom 3-bedroom ranch home. Modern fully equipped kitchen, liv- ing room with fireplace, family room dining area, 2 baths. Large terrace for summer luxury. 2-car at- tached garage. 1 block from school. DI 1-0441 or LI 6-1290 19-E—BUSINES-S PROPERTY FOR SALE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 9 Mile Road, 2 blocks West of Southfield, off Greenview LI 7-7551 1110-480-4510-41110-4110--- WASHINGTON SHINGTON HEIGHTS DELUXE COLONIAL Four bedroom traditional colo- Mal with 3,000 sq. ft. of gracious case; area; large center en- trance tranc e foyer with winding stair- case; four separate bathrooms utility room on first floor; unusual floor plan with library, full sized dining room and extra large family room. At this point you can decorate to suit your taste. O PEN SUN. 1-5 ADDISON DI 1-0441 or LI 6-1290 R EA.1.71rir Sherwood East 5 DIFFERENT RANCH AND COLONIAL MODELS, 26 500 PRICED FROM Featuring 3 and 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large Family Rm., 2-car att. garage and many other custom features. 15643 Jeanette 1 blk. W. of Greenfield 2 blks. N. of 10 Mi. SAM STEEL, Inc. LI 7-7337 Bldg. with 60' Store Front on Livernois nr. 7 Mi. Over 6,000 sq. ft. Air cond. Ideal for almost any type of busi- ness. Out of town widow must sell. Easy terms. Ask for Mr. Shook. GROSS REALTY DI 2-1300 20—BUILDER I'D LIKE TO BUILD YOUR HOME ! See my models in Olde Franklin Towne Subdivision, Farmington Township. Call me direct and I will build on your lot. Remco Construction Co. 353-6055 Seymour Eichenhorn 30-A—INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS by professional folk singer and guitarist. LI 4-7652. PIANO LESSONS. Attended Juilliard. By appt. Call 869-0075. BAR-MITZVAH, Hebrew and piano les- sons for beginners. Experienced teach- er. LI 3-5163. BAR-MITZVAH, Hebrew, Bible, Yiddish, English; experienced teacher, 342-9254. MATHEMATICS tutoring. High school teacher. B.S., M.S. degrees. 17 years experience—Modern mathematics. 353- 3562. 31—TRANSPORTATION CARS TO BE DRIVEN To Philadelphia, New York City, Seattle, Florida, Utah, California, Texas( Arizona, etc. Also drivers furnished to drive your car any- where. Insured Driveway System 17-A—LOTS FOR SALE ATTN.: BLDRS. . ! LOTS SOUTHFIELD AREAS Sherwood Village Washington Heights MELJOY 353-1700 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Beautiful lot overlooking Meadow Lake Will build to suit. ROSS & PREGERSON BUILDERS, INC. 999 So. Adams Road Birmingham 644-4277 9970 GRAND RIVER DETROIT, MICH. 48204 WE 1-0621 40—EMPLOYMENT CLERICAL—Northwest section, experi- enced. Phone 3424000 between 2 and 3 o'clock only. PERSON to work in pawn shop. Al's Loan. 2309 Gratiot. LO 7-9833. 40 - A — EMPLOYMENT WANTED Efficient secretary wants position for general office work in North- west section, Oak Park or South- field. 5-day week—City references. Call after 6 p.m. LI 1-8156 or write The Jewish News, Box D-7, 17100 West 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, Michigan 48235. MR. AMBITION Improve your status in life— age is no barrier! We will train you now for a career in REAL ESTATE. 2 openings available to complete staff in the OAK PARK office. Call Ron Galperin, LI 8-1500 Chamberlain 24621 Coolidge, Oak Park 45—BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WORK CLOTHES business for sale. Price reasonable. Owner ill. TO 8-1618. Manufacturing bus. and distribu- torship, long established accounts, formulas and registered "trade name," 73/4 acres, modern home, new mfg. plant fully equipped, trucks, etc., $40,000 takes all, $15,- 000 down. We do sell more proper- ties each month than any other firm in Michigan. Let us sell yours. ELSEA VI 1-1400 50—BUSINESS CARDS COMPLETE poodle grooming, $6.00 LI 3-2531. JULIUS ROSS MOVING CO. By Hour or Flat Rate Local and Long Distance Packing, stor- age. pianos, appliances, household furn- ishings. 8829 Northend—Ferndale 543 - 4832 AJCongress Loses Pennsylvania Suit; Court Upholds State's Busing Law HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Penn- sylvania State Supreme Court up- held Tuesday the constitutionality of the state's busing law which re- quires public school districts in the state to provide free transportation to children of private and religious schools. The 5-2 decision dealt with a consolidated suit filed in two coun- ties, Abington and Rose Tree, in which the American Jewish Con- gress was a sponsor. Leo Pfeffer, the AJCongress law expert, served as an attorney for the plaintiffs in the consolidated case. The suit was filed directly with the State Su- preme Court in August, 1965. The ruling also struck down a separate challenge to the constitu- tionality of the 18-month old law which was filed as a taxpayers suit in Philadelphia in March, 1966, by the Presbyter of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Baptists Association, the Council of Liberal Churches and the Philadelphia Jewish Com- munity Relations Council. Germany to Hold More Trials of Nazi Staff at Auschwitz FRANKFURT (JTA)—The state prosecutor's office in Frankfurt is now preparing 36 new trials in- volving hundreds of alleged war criminals, including former camp and inmates at the LARKINS MOVING CO. personnel Auschwitz death camp, Dr. Hans Household and Grossman, the chief prosecutor, disclosed. Office Furniture Among the defendants in a third LICENSED MOVERS Auschwitz trial which is due to PROFESSIONALS start soon, he said, will be three 894-4587 former camp inmates accused of FURNITURE refinished and repaired. participation in the murder of Free estimates. UN 4-3547. other prisoners. A fourth Au- A-1 PAINTING, paperhanging, interior schwitz trial, he said, would in- UN 4-0326, UN 2-3873 after 6:30. volve former members of Hitler's FOR BETTER wall washing, call James SS. Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005. Dr. Grossman noted that the 526 Belmont. first two trials of Auschwitz guards and camp personnel had Wall Paper Is My Business not been concluded because the My Only Business defendants had appealed their convictions and the appeals were If you want professional results still pending. He said that in- Call John Lepine dictments would be forthcoming 836-4953 early in 1967 against at least six former Nazi police officers. Current investigation, he said, cover the activities of hundreds DRESSMAKER SPECIAL of persons suspected of war crimes Straight Hems $1.00 in Czechoslovakia between 1939 and 1945, the years of the German All kinds of alterations REASONABLE. occupation. He said preparations Fast efficient work. were being made to bring to trial those responsible for execution of Call for appt. the Nazi campaign to exterminate 345-6878 20016 Greenfield the gypsies. - The Frankfurt prosecutor's of- fice, Dr. Grossman said, is cur- rently examining the possibility of 55—MISCELLANEOUS bringing to trial the Nazi officials who devised the train transporta- ELECTRIC tion plans for deportation of Jews ADDING MACHINES to the extermination camps in Adds, subtracts, multiplies to 11 Poland. I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter work. We specialize in rec. rooms. BR 3-4826, LI 5-4035. Column Total. Has Cred. Bal. $135 with 90 day guarantee. Metropolitan Typewriter Co. 18050 James Couzens 342-2211 Open 8 to 5 or call for eve. app't. 57—FOR SALE: HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FURNISHINGS 30-INCH gas range for sale. 342-1062, call evenings. 59 - A — PIANOS FOR SALE MAHOGANY PIANO, Hudson console. VE 5-2729. Home on the Range Right-Wingers Picket AJCongress Building NEW YORK (JTA) — The head- quarters of the American Jewish Congress was picketed here Jan. 11 by the ultra-rightist National Renaissance Party. Demonstrators carried placards denouncing the AJCongress for "torturing" Ger- many. The picketing lasted one hour, in accordance with a police permit. The pickets included Joseph H. Madole, leader of the group, who carried a placard stating "Jewish Vampires Bleed Germany" Ma- dole and five others, guided by a contingent of police, stood across the street from the entrance to the Stephen Wise Congress House as guests were arriving for a meeting on Germany sponsored by the Horace }Callen chapter of the Con- gress. Dr. Neils Hansen, West German deputy consul general in New York, saw the pickets as he ar- rived to address the meeting. The late financier, Bernard Baruch, once became convinced that his subconscious mind was producing sensational ideas while he was sleeping, and set out to train himself to write them down on a pad he placed at his bedside. He awoke one morning in a pleasant glow, convinced that he had jotted down something interest- ing while he was in dreamland. He was right. Scrawled across the page were these three inspiring Classified Ads Get Quick Results words: "Ride 'em, cowboy!" A spokesman for the Philadel- phia JCRC said that the ruling would be studied before a deter- mination was made as to whether the decision should be appealed. The ruling was hailed WednesK day by the Agudath Israel of Amer- j ica and the National Jewish Com- mission on Law and Public Affairs, an organization composed of young Orthodox Jewish lawyers. Rabbi Morris Sherer, executive vice presi- dent of Agudath Israel, said that the Pennsylvania Supreme decision was "the latest victor justice for nonpublic school dren." The commission on lazy ,,nd public affairs had filed a brief sup- porting the defendants in the case. In Los Angeles, the Board of Rabbis of Southern California Wednesday reiterated its opposi- tion to Jewish participation in the released-time program of the c: Los Angeles Public Schools ) which allows pupils time off from school to receive religious instruction in an institution of their choosing. Rabbi Samson H. Levey, presi, dent of the board, declared in a statement that "We are opposed tort released time and continue to 1 maintain that indoctrination and', education in religion is the exclu- sive responsibility of the home. the synagogue and the church, and it is not the business of the public school's either through direct or in- direct action." o - Coalition Partners Oppose Eshkol on Wage Freeze (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — Premier Levi Eshkol's government encountered new opposition Tuesday from two, of the coalition parties over its partial freeze on wages for 1967.1 Ahdut Avoda, which is in align- 1 ment with Mapai as the dominent element in the government, and, the leftist Mapam joined with leaders of the Histadrut, the Is-', rael Labor Federation, in insisting' on payment of a previously schecI-J uled 5 per cent wage increase for', industrial workers. The two parties S, also have resumed pressure for compulsory loan or for new taxes, in the battle against Israel's' mounting unemployment. The two parties also criticized Finance Minister Pinhas Sapir fo his announced plan to dismiss some 1,500 civil servants in the govern- ment's retrenchment pro g r a m.I Mapam sources claimed they had been given assurances that His-, tadrut officials would "stand up l for the rights of the workers." Zioniit, Swiss Educator ' 1 Dies on Visit to Russia BERNE (JTA)—Prof. T. Gordon-, off, a long-time Zionist and faculty: member of the University of Berne, died at age 74 during a visit to, Moscow. The remains were re) turned here where burial tool% place in the communal cemetery. Born in Russia, Prof. Gordonoff, arrived here as a young man. He' studied pharmacology and achiev= ed international status in that f= He was an honorary govern the Hebrew University, prey of the Swiss Friends of the Hebrevqi University and president of the' Zionist Society of Berne. He had served as editor of a number of scientific publications. Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the as- tonishing ability to shrink hemor- rhoids and to relieve pain — without surgery. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduc- tion (shrinkage) took place. Most( amazing of all — results were so thor- ough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne®) — dis- covery of a world-famous research- institute. This substance is now avail- able in suppository or ointment form called Preparation HO. At all drug counters. -