Zionist Actions Committee Session Urges Soviet to Ease Up on Jews; Wars of Navi Revival JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Zion- tribute to Israel's economic re- David Ben-Gurion for the latter's statement with an outspoken trib- not have any kind of diplomatic st Actions Committee, the ruling covery, but called upon Israel to public criticisms of Premier Levi ute to Eshkol, which he said was relations with West Germany. He also said he hoped for some kind body of the world Zionist move- make a greater contribution to- Eshkol and his government. Dr. also on behalf of the WZO. ment between congresses, con- wards the social and economic Goldmann emphasized that he was Dr. Emanuel Neumann, New of agreement among the Great eluded its weeklong session here integration of the immigrants, with speaking as president of the World York General Zionist leader, said Powers which would clperive the he favored the proposed reor- Arabs of their power to blackmail Sunday night by adopting resolu- particular emphasis on the first Zionist Organization. ganization of the Zionist movement and thus contribute to the pacifica- tions urging the Soviet Union to arrivals from the Soviet Union Although he did not refer to and that he felt that the practice tion of the Middle East. remedy the situation of Jews in already in Israel under the reuni- Ben-Gurion by name, the refer- the USSR and calling for increased fication of families scheme. ence was clear. Earlier, Ben- of individual American Jewish or- vigilance against neo-Nazi tenden- Gurion appeared at a meeting ganizations of sending delegations THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Another resolution called for the of the Mapai-sponsored kibbutz to West Germany should not be 12—Friday, January 20, 1967 cies in West Germany. creation of a "Zionist Council for movement and there again ac- permitted. The resolution on Soviet Jewry Israel" whose task would be to cused Premier Eshkol and his Expressing a personal view welcomed Premier Alexei Kosy- develop the consciousness of Jew- colleagues of being "people of about the career of Prime Minister gin's recent statement promising ish unity and Zionism within For Some no honor" and again declared Levi Eshkol, Dr. Neumann said that the USSR government would Israel. The resolution called on the of the he viewed Eshkol not only as a do everything possible to facilitate proposed council to "propagate that Eshkol was not fit to be best buys premier. He asserted that Jews premier of Israel but as a Zionist the reunification of Russian Jews knowledge and information about from other countries would not with deep concern for the future on new with relatives abroad and ex- the Diaspora in Israel and to en- come to settle in Israel as long of the Zionist movement, and as a pressed satisfaction over certain courage all actions liable to aid Pontiacs as there were "untruthful", peo- leader who had given many years Positive steps taken to ameliorate the social and cultural absorption and ple at the helm of its govern- to the problem of agricultural set- of immigrants within Israeli so- the cultural and religious life of ment. Tempests tlement in Israel. "I see in him ciety." Russian Jews. "If leaders of Israel with inter- a great builder of Israel and for In an address on Israel's foreign It stressed, however. that Rus- ASK sian Jewry was "still bereft of policy, Foreign Minister Abba S. national standing and an assured that I honor him," Dr. Neumann essential media and institutions Eban listed as the country's four position in the history of our gen- said. FOR (In a poll of 1,007 eligible vot- required to transmit Jewish cul- main objectives: a closer integra- eration insult the prime minister, ture to the younger generations tion into the European Economic personally accusing him of im- ers by an institute surveying public opinion, Ben Gurian got and to maintain contacts with Community; an extension of tech- morality and untruthfulness," said their brethren throughout the nical cooperation with other de- Dr. Goldmann, "this must do un- 222 votes; Levi Eshkol, 195; AT world." The actions committee veloping countries; the stimulation told damage to the image of Israel Menahem Beigin, 141; and Abba delegates urgently called on the of "realistic attitudes" in the in the eyes of Israeli youth and of Eban, 103.) Jacques Torczyner, president of Soviet Union to remedy this situa- Middle East; and efforts to the Jewish people and the world at 18650 LIVERNOIS tion and expressed hope that the achieve agreement among the four large. It will certainly not help the • Zionist Organization of Ameri- 1 block South of 7 UN 3-9300 USSR would also use its influence major world powers to support the in developing the people of Israel can, asserted that the Jewish peo- ple, as distinct from Israel, could to be a chosen people. to ease tensions in the Middle status quo in the area. He declared that criticism of East. In an address at the concluding The resolution on Germany, session of the actions committee, government by opposition parties Interested in which was approved after a Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president was natural in democracy but that "OPPORTUNITIES IN ISRAEL" stronger IVIapam proposal was re- of the World Zionist Organization, the kind -of criticism he meant took EMPLOYMENT 9 9 9 9 jected, also condemned the refusal called upon Jews throughout the the form of individual insults and TEACHING LEARNING HEBREW by East Germany to make restitu- world to rally around Israel and personal' denigration undermining RETIRING tion to Nazi victims aid expressed to come to her assistance with all the morale of public life with dis- HOUSING PURSUING YOUR EDUCATION dismay over that country's sup- possible means at this difficult mo- astrous efforts on Jewish and non- Jewish public opinion outside of Mr. Shmuel Werzberger of the Israel Aliyah Center will interview people port of Arab hostility toward ment in her existence. interested in Opportunities in Israel on Wednesday and Thursday, January Israel. Representatives of Manam Charges by the rightwing He- Israel. Dr. Goldmann ended his 25th and 26th. For appointment, contact the Labor Zionist Institute, 19161 Schaefer Rd., Tel. DI 1-0669 prior to those dates. If you are unable and Ahdut Avoda voted against rut Party of waste by the Jew- to meet with Mr. Werzberger, but are interested in Aliyah to Israel, the majority resolution, and Herut ih were rebuffed by Dr. write to: abstained. Goldmann and Pincus in closing 111111 MN MI MI MI ROI an IN NM MI MN I•11 • MI IMO MN The c o m mitt e e anuroved a general debate. Mr. Shmuel Werzberger Israel Aliyah Center Inc. budget for the 1967-68 fiscal year Dr. Goldmann charged Herut 13947 Cedar Rd. totaling 309 776 On0 Israel nownr1; leaders with "irresponsible" state- Cleveland, Ohio 44118 I ($103.255,000). The budget was pre- ments. He declared that power Gentlemen: Please send me information on: sented by Aryeh L. Pincus, chair- corrupts but opposition corrupts NEW ORLEANS (JTA)—Jewish Teaching Employment Opportunities Educational Opportunities . man of the Jewish Agency execu- too. Pincus took sharp issue with community centers should main- City or Kibbutz Ulpan ■ Others (please specify) tive, who pledged that despite the Herat charges of waste and with tain their sectarian character "in Age Profession Name State City cutbacks in budget. "no immigrant discharge of employes "too late in order to achieve the stated aim of Address. M1111111111111111111MMINIIIIIIIIN11111111111M11 1111•11 11•11 M111•ME , wishing to come to Israel will be the day." He asserted that Herut developing a p o s i t i v e attitude barred from doing so or delayed members had never documented toward our Judaism and a com- because of the agency's financial their charges of waste, as he had mitment to the meaningful con- problems." tinuity of Jewish life in our com- recuiested. - In a resolution on immigration, Pincus also described the dis- munity," Label A. Katz, former the actions committee delegates missal of agency employes as "a international president of Bnai reasserted once again that immi- miserable task" dictated by cir- Brith, affirmed here Sunday night. gration to Israel was the main cumstances which could and did Katz called for an end to the basis of the Zionist movement. change. He said that Jewish policy of some Jewish community It called on Zionist organizations Agency personnel were as efficient centers in providing for admission throughout the world to encour- as those of the government and of a limited proportion of non- age emigration to Israel and that he had nothing but praise for Jews as members. He charged that urged individual members them- those employes he had to dismiss. this constituted a "silent quota selves to settle in Israel. Dr. Goldmann also reiterated his system." Jewish centers, he de- The resolution also stressed im- view that Socialist and pro-Soviet clared, should declare their mem- migration from Western coun- personalities had to be enlisted in bership policies openly. tries, which, it said, would con- the struggle to obtain full cultural Katz told the executive commit- and religious rights for Soviet tee of Bnai Brith District Grand Jews. He also commented that Lodge No. 7 that the Jewish Com- When a plane starts down the runway (and the ad- while synagogues and religious munity Center in New Orleans had communities had an important "deviated from its original pur- vertising- is behind you), all airlines are created equal. part in Jewish life, the synagogue pose and is being converted from They all fly at about the same speed. And they all could never be an influence on a Jewish sectarian agency into a have about the same number of seats and-vvindows and Jews, comparable to the influence non-sectarian institution." ashtrays, not to mention rest rooms. of the church on Christians and So if you wanted to take off for London next Tues- He accused the center of "sub- therefore should not be compared day night at 8 :30 PM, no commercial plane in the world stituting pseudo - liberalism for in that respect. From New fork _ could get you there with more style and grace than their Judaism" and pointed out Earlier in the debate, Dr. May 20-11 days that, according to its charter, El Al's flight 232. Goldmann reasserted his own in- (Min. fare 3295) the center had been founded "to And there's only so much delicious food you can eat tention of maintaining contact assist our Jewish citizens to de- at one sitting, and so many pretty stewardesses you can with West Germany's govern- From Boston velop a positive identification watch from one seat. ment and with its head whoever May 21-10 days with Jewish life." And only one European city you can land in at one he might be, as a necessity for (Min. fare $275) Katz recalled that he had been the Jewish people and its in- time. (El Al goes to 11 of them, by the way, and you one of 140 members of the New stitutions. can land in every one of them for the price of a round- Cruise to Montreal's S. Z. Shragai, head of the Jewish Orleans Jewish Community Center spectacular, 70-nation trip ticket to Tel-Aviv.) Agency's immigration department, who had protested' the admission exposition aboard the So if you've been shopping around for a disclosed during the actions com- of 18 non-Jewish families to center pride of the Israel pas- big airline, our number is 212 PL 1-3400. membership. The center has since mittee sessions that a total of senger fleet. The luxuri- You may find some airlines with more 140,000 persons or 12 per cent of halted admission to non-Jewish ous s/s Shalom. planes than El Al, but none bigger. all of Israel's immigrants, had left families pending the report of a 3 days and 2 nights 'at the country. Only a very small study committee, but present non- Montreal. Shalom is minority of those leaving, he said, Jewish members may retain their El Al Israel Airlines your hotel while you had been new immigrants — less membership "at their option." 1150 Griswold Street explore Expo '67. This was, said Katz, "a silent than five years in the country. The Detroit • 963-7626 13 hr.call at Quebec City overwhelming majority, he point- and subtle quota system which is ed out, were either Israeli-born or violative of our Judaic heritage Sheltered water route old settlers who were here before and of our democratic legacy." If via Cape Cod Canal. the center is to adopt an open- th establishment of the state. Gourmet kosher cui- More than 10 per cent of those membership policy, he said, "then sine. Cruise activities. immigrants who left the country it must be a true open-membership Tickets to Expo '67 at or 15,000 of the emigres, had since policy. That is, admit all applica- reduced rates. BE KGUEST* GO returned to Israel, mainly because tions irrespective of race, color or See your travel ZIM of requests by their children or creed, without limitation." agent or call. LINEF. for sentimental reasons, Shragai sis Shalom built in 1964. Registered in isr2eI. The more honesty a man has, BOEING 1.7 noted. BOEING 707 Zi m Office at _ air of a saint. the less he affects the issued a state- Goldmann 327 S. LaSalle Str, Chicago, 341-0600 mare ment denouncing former Premier —Lavater. SAUL BERGH Packer Pontiac Label Katz Raps `Pseudo Liberals' ill Center Policy AN AIRLINE IS ONLY AS BIG AS THE AIRPLANE YOU'RE ON. s/s Shalom to eXP 0 67 EL AL •■•■•■■■•