Oak Park High ead- lines . Akiva Day School Boasts New Lab NEWS Friday, January 13, 1967-27 Susan Silk,Richa rd Gehl to, Speak Vows iii july Dr. Platt is Named Hebrew University Visiting Professor .. Dr. John R. Platt, acting di- rector of the Mental Health Re- search Institute at the University of Michigan, has accepted an invita- tion to serve as visiting professor in the department of physical chemistry at the Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem, it was an- nounced by Prof. Nathan Roten- streich, Hebrew University Rector. Dr. Platt arrived in Jerusalem on Jan. 12. gy RICHARD VICTOR Robert Wurdock, director of 7'HS's 1964 presentation of 'Bye l e Birdie," will again lend his ents as acting director for "Okla- • homa" April 13-14. Choreographer will be Eastern Michigan Univer- sity's former star of "Oklahoma," Judy Gothelf. Musical director will be Thomas Wurdock. Among the activities now being planned for the semester is a pro- gram of "cadet teaching" spon- sored by the Future Teachers Club at OPHS. In this program, mem- bers of the club (which now has • over • 100 students) will be "stu- -' dent teachers" at elementary, jun- ior high and high schools. Officers of the club are president, Marion , Hornstein; vice president, Sharon Schumer; treasurer, Richard Victor; and secretaries, Sue Warnick and Alice Dick. This year, our outstanding de- bate team has won every debate in its league. In the Metro lea- gue, Oak Park came in second to Ferndale for the championship, but statewide won all debates to wrap up the state league cham- pionship. Much credit is in order for the new coach of this fine squad, Sim Stovack. The varsity team consists of Robert Ostro- vitz, Margie Cohen, David Et- tinger and Jerry Lerman. The senior class at OPHS has I elected to have the song "The Im- possible Dream" as its class song, while the following was selected > to be the class motto: "Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every to- morrow a vision of hope." THE DETROIT JEWISH Akiva Hebrew Day School Parents Association has presented a complete science lab unit to the school in honor of Rabbi Hayim Donin and his tireless efforts on behalf of the school. The facilities are located in the new quarters of the school at Young Israel Center of Oak-Woods. Taking part in the presentation are (from left) Mrs. Jerome Kelman, chairman of the board of the PTA; Rabbi Donin; Harold Lax,, PTA president; and Rabbi Manfred Pick, principal. Youth News A native of Jacksonville, Fla., Dr. Platt received his bachelor and masters degrees at North- western University and his doc- torate at the University of Mich- igan. Prior to joining the faculty at Ann Arbor, he held positions at the Universities of Toledo, Minnesota, Northwestern and Chi- cago. He has been a visiting pro- fessor at the Universite de Parit, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology and most recently at Har- vard University. MISS SUSAN SILK Mr. and Mrs. Irving Silk of Lau- der Ave. announce the engage- ment of their daughter Susan Lynne to Richard Stanley Gehl, son of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Gehl of Maplewood, N.J. _ The . bride-elect is a senior at Michigan State University, and her fiance, a graduate of the Univer- sity of Michigan, where he was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, is attending medical school at the University of Pitts- burgh. A July wedding is planned. As reported by Rector Roten- streich, Dr. Platt will be at the Hebrew University for the sec- ond trimester of the 1966-67 ac- ademic year which begins on Jan. 15 and terminates on Mar c h and convince him of his misdeeds, 24. The Faculty of Science at the and explain how they can harm Hebrew University, as well as its his family and himself, and his other faculties, has for many years congregation, not to -mention the benefited from the availability of Kfar Ivri Reunion Jan. 21 poor individuals who are forced visiting professors from this coun- Mar Ivri campers will gather for to live in his rundown tenements." try as well as from universities and colleges in Europe and other a reunion 8 p.m. Jan. 21 at the Esther Berman Building of the parts of the world. Honors String Symphony United Hebrew Schools. The date announced in lag week's paper was of Public Schools to Debut; Local Students Take Part Queen of England Honors incorrect. Last year's director, Aviddor For the first time in the Detroit Two Austrailian Jews Klingman, will show slides and Public Schools honors program, an SYDNEY (JTA) — Two Jews movies of the Hebrew-speaking vil- all-string symphony will be pre- received awards in the Queen's lage at Camp Tamarack, and stu- sented in its concert debut at the Honors List. They were Bernard dents will participate in dancing, Community Arts Auditorium, 8 p.m. Freeman, a member of the Great singing and skits. Jan. 31. Synagogue, and Mrs. Ruby Rich The string symphony consists of Shalit. first-chair players from the high Music the Stein-Way Freeman was made a Knight schools of the Detroit area and will - iibe directed by Bachelor for many services to the DICK STEIN • 'Jerome Stasson public welfare. He was awarded a & ORCHESTRA and Joseph Ker- listing as a Commander of the British Empire in 1956. Mrs. Sha- tecz. T h e orchestra lit was made a Member of the was organized British Empire. Sir Bernard is a founder and this year to en- able young musi- was managing director of Metro- cians to benefit Goldwyn-Mayer in Australia and from the experi- New Zealand for 41 years. He re- By Marcia ence of playing in tired last week. FRENCH FOLD—GOLD AND a string symphony Mrs. Shalit, an honorary life SILVER LINED ENVELOPES and also to be member of the Women's Interna- Weddings, Showers, Bar Mitzvahs, able to explore tional Zionist Organization, was Anniversaries-25th, 50th the vast litera- honored for community welfare ac- And Accessories . . ture that a group tivities, particularly as a leader in Shown In Your Home! of this kind can the movement for the advance- 646-6138 Stasson perform. ment of women. Stasson is conductor of the Sha WW■0411•0.0111■ 01 .11111•.■■ ■ 11■0■ ■11■0■ ■ ■ arey Zedek Youth Symphony and fine arts department head at the new Eastern High School. Members of this orchestra in- clude violinists Sheila Fiekowsky of Ford High School and Rochelle Lincoln 5-8614 Abramson of Oak Park High; ■04 i0,■.0.011■01111110 • 0 ■ 0■ violinist Gloria Kleinman of ■ ■ Ford; and cellist Richard Busch of Cass. The concert will also feature' the Detroit Honors Band and Choir. Coordinator for the concert is Dr. Robert Klotman, supervisor of mu- sic in the Detroit Public Schools. There is no admission charge, Presents and tickets can be obtained from individual schools and from the School Center Building. Beth Am Students Explore Concern of Congregation if Member Is Slumlord "Does a congregation have any obligation to concern itself about a member who is a slum landlord, cited frequently for health and safety violations in his tenements?" This was the question asked in the current issue of Keeping Posted, a publication of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Reform), and answered by stu- dents of Temple Beth Am's reli- gious school. The panelists, from grades 10 through 12, included Donn Gold- stick, Maur e e n Davidson, Sue Farer, Naomi Seedberg, Debbie Midanek and Doug Rosengarten. Donn, Maureen and Sue argued that it is not the congregation's business to become involved in Rochelle Abramson the private transactions of a mem- ber, although Maureen and Sue to Play in Concert of conceded that the man might be taken aside by the rabbi as long Detroit Symphony as the congregation is not publicly • Violinist Rochelle Abramson has shamed. been selected to play with the De- Naomi, Debbie and Doug in- troit Symphony Orchestra Feb. 28 sisted that it is the congrega- in a School Concert Series presen- tion's concern to "inform him tation. - - that as both a human being and Rochelle, concertmistress of the a Jew, he has a moral respons- Shaarey Zedek Youth Symphony, ibility to make repairs on his was among the members of the tenements," as Doug put it. I l Detroit Honors String Symphony "If he cannot see his wrong- who tried for this honor. Three violinists were chosen during the doing by himself," said Debbie, "then it is the rabbi's place to try highly competitive • auditions. She will be seated among the regular professional performers, at- Ottawa Jews Want to End tend two rehearsals and perform challenging scores from "Swan School Religious Teaching OTTAWA (JTA) — An appeal Lake" by Tchaikovsky, "S a b r e Dance" by Khachaturian and selec- for elimination of all courses in tions from "The Love of Three Ottawa schools "which teach for commitment the doctrines of a Oranges" by Prokofieff. religion" has been made by the Community Council of Ot- Western Night, Luncheon Jewish tawa. The appeal was made in a brief submitted to a government I Agenda of USY'ers committee on religious education Members of United Synagogue in public schools at a hearing here. Youth and friends will meet 8 p.m. The council also said there was Saturday for a western-style eve- ning at Cong. Beth Moses to raise considerable opportunity in Otta- money for the-national USY Build- wa's "wide and varied school pro- gram" for teachers "to build char_ ing Spiritual Bridges Project. The program includes a square acter and to implant moral-values." dance, a "campfire" and refresh- The council said such school ef- forts should be encouraged and ments. For information, contact Karen that the teachers should be as- Tweeners at Center sisted in such efforts "without re- Abugow, KE 8-3149. The junior USY group of Beth course to religious sectarian dog- Hold Band Spectacular The Cavaliers, a Jewish Center Moses will present a luncheon at mas which are not acceptable to tween club, is sponsoring a band the synagogue Saturday following all." spectacular 8 p.m. Saturday at the the services. Rabbi Schnipper will The brief said that 'comparative Center. talk on intermarriage. religion as a goal "towards which This program is open to all 7th, For reservations, contact Joanne we can strive" should be ap- Marshak, KE 4-8292, or Jeff Louis, proached "with great care and cau- 8th and 9th graders. Dress for the evening is school clothes. The pro- KE 4-8609. - tion." The brief added that the gram will feature dancing and en- council had "grave doubts whether tertainment by a number of live there is such a thing as objective bands. There is an admission 5 AJC Chapter to Meet Members of the American Jewish teaching in religious matters, total- charge. Congress, University and Profes- ly free of bias, even under the Club adviser is Dave Kideckel. sional Chapter, will meet to watch best circumstances." Ahavas Achim Young Adults will the Superbowl game 3:15 p.m. Sun- MAX M. FISHER was elected hold a square dance 8:30 p.m. Sun- day at the home of Gay Rothen- berg, 28805 Brooks Lane, South- Tuesday as a director of Fruehauf day at the synagogue. Admission field. Refreshments will be served. Corp. ;charge. LI 74770 ._ Invitations 1 ..0111•1111.0■ 13.01•11-011111 =1.0 .11111.4 ••tp 04 0.10.131•11.0 111.114/ .1111•11(NNEWIIMIIMI 1 each gitt and Y- { (9rcAestra 111■0■ 0•1•1.0111.0.041 •1•0 .41111111.011111 1110.1.1111111”•••••0111•1110(1.M.OMINI.1411•11111.0.1•14.11 1341!0.1 STYLES UNLIMITED A PRE-ANNIVERSARY SALE Special Group of DRESSES AND GOWNS Formerly $35.00 - S150.00 N OW '25.00 WE KNOW WE ARE HARD TO FIND BUT WE ARE WORTH LOOKING FOR! Your Hostesses 10460 W. 9 Mile FRAN & L1L (Corner Seneca) Oak Pork Hours: Mon.-Fri. 11-5 398-2161 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — SECURITY CHARGE AVAILABLE ,