Israel's Security Problem in Border Areas BY ELIAHU SALPETER THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 25, 1966-9 • there was some criticism to the of its inherent right to strike back Chief JTA Correspondent in Israel affect that actually only the name in self defense, at the bases of the Trial Is Set for Rabbi in Sculptor's Death (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) of the system has been changed. marauders. But the government JERUSALEM (JTA) — An offi- after the chain was put in place JERUSALEM—To many Israelis However, it was pointed out that presumably wants more flexibility cial of the ministry for religious on that Sabbath. The defendant the two announcements made by it was exactly the name — imply- to act when and where it deems affairs pleaded not guilty Nov. 16 is not related to the leader of the Prime Minister Eshkol on the ing as it did that those living in most suitable, instead of being to charges of negligence in the Naturei Karta zealots organiza- same day seemed rather contra- the areas involved were considered compelled to "reflex reactions." death of David Palombo, the inter- tion, who has the same name. dictory in their implications. In less reliable citizens than the rest Extending the military service, nationally known Israeli Sculptor, the afternoon session of the Knes- — which irritated most of Israel's and increasing the patroling of who was killed last August when set, one day in mid-November, Mr. Arab population. The abolition of the borders, as well as other pre- his scooter crashed into a chain Eshkol announced the abolition of the system was intended to remove ventive measures, should also prove across the road to Mount Zion MIDWEST SEAWAY the military government which this irritant. Another, possibly to the members of the UN Security an a Saturday night. existed for eighteen years in cer- more valid, criticism involved the Council, friendly and not-so-friend- SHIPPING CO. The accident revived the con- tain, mostly Arab-populated, bor- timing of the decision. Was this ly, that Israel is making an utmost troversy in Israel over the role 2270 Penobscot Bldg. der areas of the country. In the the right moment to do it, now, effort to block infiltration on her of rabbinic law in Israel. TRAVEL BY FREIGHTER evening session, Eshkol told the when the acts of murder and sabo- side of the border. Again, it does The magistrate ordered the trial Knesset that the compulsory mili- tage by Syrian-directed El Fatah by no means indicate that Israel to start in January for Rabbi Am- Excellent Passenger Accommoda- tary service for men, which about infiltrators were becoming more considers the Arab governments ram Blau, who is in charge of tions to U.K., Continent, Carib- two years ago was reduced to 26 and more frequent? less obligated to prevent infiltra- Mount Zion maintenance. One of bean, Venezuela. months, will again be extended to The obvious purpose for ex- tion from their territory, in accord- his assignments is to black the 30 months. tending the compulsory military ance with the Armistice Agree- road on the Sabbath. For information call 962-8530 The purpose of the military gov- service to two-and-a-half years ments. The indictment charged that Cargo Space Available ernment system was to make it is to increase the number of men Theoretically, the assumption Rabbi Blau failed to take neces- Call 962-8313 easier for the security authorities under arms and thus augment seems valid that more soldiers sary measures to warn drivers to prevent illegal activities in those the number of units available patroling the border more fre- sensitive areas, particularly their for border patroling. This, ap- quently should reduce the chances becoming a "transit stage" for in- parently, was in line with the of marauders entering Israel un- filtration from across the border. government's policy aimed at re- noticed. However, nobody claims For those 250,000 people living in ducing the number of incidents, that such measures can close off military government areas — and if possible, and thus reducing the borders hermetically. It will, for those wishing to enter those also public opinion pressure for therefore, require a rather sig- TOMMY RAAD areas from other parts of the coun- retaliatory action after each ma- nificant reduction of incidents to try — the practical effect of the jor incident. prove that added patrols, and other SHORE-SEVERS COMPANY One may safely assume that in- means of technical nature, can system was that they had to ob- 13939 LIVERNOIS AT EWALD CIRCLE tain exit or entry permits. The creased patroling does not imply substantially improve the security PHONE TExas 4-3400 DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48238 military governor also had the any renunciation on Israel's part of Israel's border areas. authority to banish for limited periods of time from particularly 86 PROOF, 100% BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKIES, IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD., DETROIT, MICH. sensitive places people suspected of activities that might endanger national security. Cadillac Few persons — probably less than half a score at any time in recent years — were banished under the above authority. Also, the permit system was a mere formality for the overwhelming majority of people involved. Moreover, the actual contact of the military government with the citizens was normally through the local civilian police stations, acting on its behalf. The staff of the military government in the entire country was about 30 peo- ple altogether. Eshkol made it clear that the authority vested in the military government will now be transferred to the local civilian authorities. It was dis- closed later that movement and other reserictions will continue to apply to several hundred citi- zens when the military govern- ment is abolished Dec. 1; per- sons who in the past have com- mitted breaches of security or suspected security risks will still have to obtain travel permits from the police. you want proof? Lauder's is still 86 proof! *Authentic Scotch Dollar (Crown) minted between 1603.1625 you want a reduced price? Lauder's has done that too! now your Scotch dollar* buys more Lauder's Leave it to the Scots to find a way to save a dollar (whether it's this rare Scottish dollar or the modern American greenback). Thousands of Scots (and Americans, too) are switching to Lauder's Extra Light Scotch at its new reduced price, That's because Lauder's now sells the same 86 proof, the same high quality Scotch, with nothing changed except the price. While the abolition of the mili- tary government was welcomed by most citizens, Jew and Arab alike, STILL... FULL 86 PROOF Evangelical Protestants Ready to Fight Bias, ADL Observer Notes of Parley NEW YORK—American evange- lical seminaries and colleges are "ready to institute programs for combating anti-Semitism," accord- ing to the only Jewish observer at the World Congress on Evange- lism held in Berlin. The observer, Rabbi Arthur Gil- bert, director of the department -of religious curriculum research of the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, said presidents and deans of evangelical educational institutions he met at the confer- ence voiced willingness and "in some cases, eagerness, to rethink their theology on Jews and begin a new relationship." Evangelical Protestants, Rabbi Gilbert declared, have been largely inaccessible to conversation with Jewish community leadership de- spite the fact that Jews have en- gaged in education programs at an ever-increasing pace with liberal Protestants and Catholics. He said he interpreted his invitation, ex- tended by Dr. Carl F. Henry, edi- tor of "Christianity Today," as "a first sign" of change. "It was for this reason that I accepted," Rabbi Gilbert said, "after hesitating because of the traditionally strong evangelical be- lief that Jews must be converted." you want tradition? 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