8—Friday, November 18, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Neo-Nazi Success in Hesse Draws Anger, Warnings in U.S. "A review of existing legislation WJC British section, declared that CLEVELAND (JTA) — Dr. Na- hum Goldmann, president of the is needed to enable German au- the NDP was led by former active World Jewish Congress, said here thorities to take more effective ac- members of the Nazi Party and Oct. 12 that Jews were "angry and tion against incitement to racial "staunch supporters" of Hitler's frightened" by the election of and religious hatred. Above all, policies. He added that the Ger- eight members of the neo-Nazi Na- Germany must remember — and man people "must take the warn- tional Democratic Party in the conduct hereself at home and ing." parliament of the German state of abroad ever mindful that the Nazi In West Berlin, Heins Galinski, past can never be permitted to head of the West Berlin Jewish Hesse. community, warned that West Ger- BONN (JTA) — Wide criticism far have accepted the Kiesinger Addressing the national govern- happen again." man right-wing organizations were by some Germans and by many nomination on its face value, In New York, Dr. Goldmann ing council of the American Jewish others abroad of the Christian and several printed reports pur- Congress at Fairmount Temple issued a statement on behalf of becoming an increasing threat to German Jews. the World Jewish Congress Democratic Party's nomination of porting to back up Kiesinger's here, Dr. Goldmann warned that ex-Nazi Kurt Georg Kiesinger as claims that Allied denazification the German people were "getting warning the German leadership Addressing ceremonies mark- the Federal Republic's chancellor, authorities had "cleared" him of tired of being reminded of what not to repeat "the fatal error" of ing the 28th anniversary of "Crys- underestimating the threat of tal Night" when the Nazis began the Hitler regime did to the Jews to succeed Ludwig Erhard, did not Nazism after he had been im- the early rise of Nazism. "Jew- burning and looting Jewish prop- and to the world. They are tired prevent Kiesinger from efforts to prisoned for a year following the ish communities all over the of the problem of indemnifica- line up a parliamentary majority end of World War II. erty throughout Germany, Galin- Der Spiegel, a popular weekly, tion," he declared, "tired of war world have noted with deep con- that would insure his election to ski called on the West Germans to cern the steadily growing in- printed a report made purportedly crimes trials. But Germany can put an end to right-wing radical the chancellorship. fluence of former Nazis in the Kiesinger, 62, minister-president by a German lieutenant colonel in ill afford to tire so easily," he groups. of the state of Baden-Wuerttem- 1944, stating that Kiesinger had warned. "The memory is too fresh political life of the Federal Re- Following the success of the public of Germany," he said. made at least seven distinct moves —the crimes too vast—to permit The American Jewish Commit- National Democratic Party in to block anti-Jewish actions during the German nation to abandon the material and moral reparations tee issued a statement emphasiz- Hesse, Dr. Stokicht, a Stuttgart the Nazi regime. which it must make to the Jewish ing that it sent a mission recently lawyer, told the NDP victory rally Der Spiegel said it had obtained to West Germany to investigate in Karlsruhe that "Israel stabbed the report made by the German people. us in the back" by recognizing the "In material terms," Dr. the rising tide of rightist senti- army oficer from the National Ar- Oder-Neisse Line between Ger- ments there and that this mission Goldmann continued, "Germany chives in Washington about 18 many and Poland. dur- expressed its anxieties both has cooperated in providing eco- months ago. its visit in Germany and on its ing The Frankfurter Allgemeine also nomic restitution and idemnifi- return to the United States. cation for the victims of Nazism printed long extracts from the IF YOU TURN THE The Board of Deputies of British and their heirs, although recent 1944 report. Die Welt, of Hamburg, Jews and the British section of the said: "Twenty-one years after the difficulties interposed by some war, there are limits that nobody officials indicate a weakening of World Jewish Congress expressed UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T concern in separate statements. FIND A FINER WINE THAN can pass without getting into con- the original spirit in which resti- A spokesman for the board of tution was conceived. troversy with the German people," deputies said also that the board's "In moral terms, however, Ger- and pointed to Kiesinger's "long services with the Federal Re- many has not yet succeeded in foreign affairs committee was giv- confronting the full and awful ing the development its immediate public." Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. meaning of the crimes committed consideration. The American Jewish Con- Jacob Halevy, chairman of the in her name against the Jewish gress called on the U.S. State people and all civilization. It was Department to protest Ger- to the credit of Germany that many's "astonishing political KURT GEORG KIESINGER many of her religious, political and callousness, which betrays the intellectual leaders, and much of berg, was nominated by the Chris- widefelt prevalent feeling in the German press, has warned tian Democratic members of the Germany that the country can against these dangers. But these Bundestag, lower house of West now afford to disregard its past warnings are not enough," he Germany's parliament, by a vote in choosing its political leaders added. of 161-13'7 against the candidacy of for the future." Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroe- "Radical changes are necessary Dr. John Slawson, executive vice president of the American Jewish in German school curricula and der. Kiesinger's - principal opponent Committee, declared: "With mem- textbooks so that the young gen- for the chancellorship as of Sun- ories of the Nazi period still fresh eration will learn and understand day was West Berlin's Social in the mind of the world, we would the enormity of Nazism's assault Democratic governing mayor, certainly not wish to see persons on humanity" he continued. Willy Brandt. The Social Demo- with an admitted Nazi background crats, avoiding thus far to men- in the highest levels of the West belief that Kiesinger would most tion Kiesinger's admitted mem- German government. Many sensi- probably lead a friendly policy bership in the Nazi Party, were tive people in this country and toward Israel if he succeeded Dr. basing their opposition so far on West Europe will undoubtedly see Ludwig Erhard. Observers stressed purely parliamentary grounds, this as an affront to the millions the important role of Franz Josef hoping to obtain in the Bunde- who were brutally destroyed by Strauss, a former West German stag a "constructive no confi- Nazism in the greatest human defense minister and a reliable dence" vote against Chancellor calamity of all time." friend of Israel, had in Kiesinger's Benjamin R. Epstein, national election and the considerable Erhard, which would also name Brandt as the Erhard successor. director of the Anti-Defamation weight his influence would bear Kiesinger proceeded Sunday, as League of Bnai Brith, stated: on any cabinet led by Kiesinger. head of a 14-man Christian Demo- "More than anyone, Germans them- Alex Springer, the West German cratic negotiating committee, to selves should find it incredible press magnate, said here that seek an alliance with one or that the party of Adenauer and Er- "Kiesinger is not exactly the man another — or both — of the two hard has turned Kurt Georg Kie- I would have chosen for chancellor parties he hoped to line up as par- singer, a man with a Nazi record, but I am confident his basic ap- ticipants in a new coalition govern- to lead their party and nation. proach to democracy is okay." In "If Mr. Kiesinger is acceptable an interview with Yediot Ahronot, ment which he would try to re- form. The parties are the Social to the German people and to the Springer said also that lie talked Democrats and the Free Demo- other parties with which the Chris- recently with Kiesinger and that tian Democratic Party will have to Kiesinger told him that "he feels crats. In Washington, State Depart- form a coalition, then the world he has to act basically for a ment officials replied with a curt has cause for concern and will continuation of improvement in "no comment" when asked about have to reevaluate German com- Israeli-German relations." the Kiesinger nomination for the mitment to democracy." Springer, who came to Israel Israel is watching with keen West German chancellorship. Sec- for the cornerstone laying of the retary of State Dean Rusk has interest the efforts of Kiesinger $1,000,000 library he has do- directed members of his depart- to form a cabinet. The nomina- nated to the Israel Museum, said tion was received with mixed ment to avoid commenting on the he was convinced West Germany German political developments, feelings. One reaction was popu- Empire lends a hand with your holiday feast: must not forget its Jewish citi- lest the U.S. be accused of involv- lar concern over his Nazi past, Empire selects the finest quality young, zens or the millions killed in the while there was also a belief ing itself in domestic German name of German 'expansionist plump, tender turkeys. Cleans, soaks, salts, in official circles that if he suc- affairs. aspirations. completely Koshers, and faSt freezes to seal Meanwhile, Kiesinger clarified ceeded to the post of chancellor, Some sources here warned that some of his previous statements he would conduct a friendly in real country-fresh flavor. READY-TO-COOK. Israel would have to watch care- about his Nazi Party membership. policy toward Israel. Just prepare to your favorite recipe for the fully the developments stemming The German Embassy in Israel Having said earlier that he had from Kiesinger's elevation. Others most delicious turkey you've ever served. joined the party in 1933 but that released a statement that Kiesin- asserted that his relations with he had gone into the "opposition" ger's- affiliation with the Nazi Look for Empire-brand vacuum-pack "plastic Israel as chancellor would be mo- a year later, he has said now that Party was "strictly nominal" and bags" in your food store's frozen poultry cabinet. tivated by two factors. short-lived. The embassy also as- he did not resign from the party One was his Nazi past which serted that Kiesinger never op- but that he had worked, while a would, in the opinion of these EMPIRE Most Trusted Name in Kosher Poultry low-level scientific adviser in the posed diplomatic relations with a Hitler Foreign Ministry, against Israel and that, on the contrary, observers, compel him to adopt For Stores Nearest You, Phone Distributor: policy toward Israel and Jews lest anti-Jewish actions by the Nazi he had spoken out for such rela- any adverse action be interpreted tions in the West German Bunde- CITY POULTRY CO. regime. He characterized foreign reports about his Nazi participation stag, the lower house of Parlia- as hostile and Nazi-like. Phone 825-3000 2860 18th St., Detroit. The other factor was the influ- ment, on several occasions. as "lying and insolent rumors." Official sources expressed the ence of Strauss. Most German newspapers so Ex-Nazi Kiesinger Proceeds With Efforts for Chancellor; U.S. Jewry Incensed by Gains The best part of your Thanksgiving turkey is the part EMPIRE plays —