24—Friday, November 11, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Businessmen Assist Beth Yehudah Planners of the anual dinner held by the Businessmen's Council of Beth Yehudah Schools are (from left) seated: Kenneth Fischer, Daniel A. Laven, Benjamin Brodman, Leon J. Simon and Meyer Weingarden; standing: Reuben Grevnin, A. M. Silverstein, Wolf Cohen, Dave Goldberg, Hillel Abrams, Irving Palman and Rabbi Samuel Adler. The dinner, scheduled for Nov. 20 at Cobo Hall, will honor Circuit Court Judge Victor J. Baum and will feature as guest artist the comedian Myron Cohen. Chei ylS.Harwin Bride Vietnam Conflict Brings New Force of Robert Martin _title?' to Meaning of Veteran's Day 1966 MRS. ROBERT ATLER Our fighting men overseas will world, which asked our help. This be remembered in the synagogue our national leaders have done so this weekend, as Detroiters mark that the aggressors who now threaten one small nation—posing Veteran's Day, Nov. 11. Rabbi Joel Litke will deliver a a threat to free people everywhere sermon at Cong. Beth Hillel as —shall not succeed. "Let us on Nov. 11 take stock part of the nationwide participa- of a simple truth. Enemies of the tion in 1,000 communities. democratic way of life respect only Rosenwald Post of the Ameri- our military strength and deter- can Legion will participate in mination. Only through these ele- Sabbath Veteran's Day services ments can their resolve be de- at Adas Shalom Synagogue Sat- terred. Their hope is that in a urday morning. Rabbis Jacob Se- nation like the United States, gal and Leonard Cahan, both where men of many minds are free former chaplains in the armed to speak up, division from within forces, will conduct the services. will weaken us in Vietnam. They Jack Berman, commander of the look forward to the belief that Department of Michigan, Jewish inaction and appeasement on our War Veterans, issued a message part—the kind of blunders that of particular pertinence during the history proves only whetted ag- Vietnam crisis. gressors' appetites in Manchuria, Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia—will It reads in part: "Veteran's Day, 1966, finds bring them victory . . . "On the sidelines, many na- the sons of many World War II and Korean Conflict veterans at tions only recently emerged from grips with the same kind of en- colonial empires watch closely. emy their fathers faced in the early '40s, and again in 1950 . . . They are weighing and determin- "Young Americans are fighting ina the validity of solemn, official Cheryl Sue Harwin became the bride of Robert Martin Atler in a candlelight ceremony at Cong. speak on "Goals in Hebrew Edu- Shaarey Zedek Sunday. Rabbi Ir- OAK PARK LODGE F.&A.M. will hold memorial services dedi- cation." Parents of school children win Groner officiated, along with cated to the memory of departed and friends are invited. Refresh- Cantor Reuven Frankel. brothers of the lodge 8 p.m. rnents will be served. The couple's parents are Mrs. in the hills and valleys and in American commitments, such as Wednesday at Berkley Masonic Gertrude Harwin of Kingswood the skies of Vietnam today for two we made to South Vietnam. Their SHAAREY ZEDEK MEN'S Temple. Services will be conducted Ave. and Mr. Morris Harwin; and reasons. Our nation chooses to ful- future conduct on the international by Rudolph J. Newman, worshipful CLUB will hear Circuit Court Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Emmis Atler fill its world leadership responsi- stage, as well as that of hostile master, and the officers of the Judge Victor J. Baum following of Eastwood Ave. bilities to those who want to have nations, will be determined by what lodge. Cantor Louis Klein and the 9 a.m. services and breakfast The bridal gown, fashioned of a voice in the kind of government we do—or what we fail to do—in sisterhood choral group of Bnai Nov. 20. The title of Judge Baum's beaded Alencon lace applique over under which they live. Also, we Moshe Synagogue, together with presentation is "What's Wrong silk peau de soie, was styled with are meeting our commitments to our support of a people whose Cantor Hyman Adler of Bnai David With Marriage?" Chairman of the a sleeveless bodice and a modi- resist aggression. greatest desire is to be able to Synagogue, will assist. For the first Wayne County Circuit Court Com- fied bell skirt. A beaded coat fell "T hr e e American Presidents choose their own leaders." mittee on Domestic Relations, he time, wives and guests are invited. to a cathedral train. She wore a have taken the course of aiding Refreshments will be served at the is the author of the Circuit Court beaded Juliet cape and full-length South Vietnam. In increasing num- conclusion of the program. For Marriage Counseling Act of 1964 veil of silk illusion. bers and quantities, we have con- information, c a 11 co-chairman and is active on both state and signed fighting men, aircraft, Mrs. Jerry Harwin was matron national levels in helping to bring Harry J. Levitan, LI 7-6610. ships, munitions and supplies to a of honor, and bridesmaids were professionally trained marriage DRY CLEANED small nation, half way around the Mrs. Howard Moss, Mrs. Alvin '--- PERFECTION LODGE, F&AM, counseling services to divorce AND will hold its pre-Thanksgiving Day courts. Judge Baum will attempt Singerman, Mrs. Sheldon Hassal and Joan Levin. to analyze the reasons for the FINISHED fun tournament, 7:30 p.m. Wednes- Arnold Atler served his brother day at the Masonic Temple. Wives growth of family disorganization. With Decorator Fold as best man. Ushers were Law- and friends are invited. Herman Removed, Measured and rence Harwin, the bride's brother, Raznick, juniOr warden, is chair- Rehung To Your Satisfaction Sanford Wald, Joel Yellen, Howard man of this event. * * * Marsh and Jerry Harwin, brother Commercial - Residential of the bride. ADAS SHALOM MEN'S CLUB Phone For Free Estimates will present its annual pre- Following a honeymoon in Mex- Thanksgiving party 8:30 p.m. ico City and Acapulco, the couple Wednesday in the social hall. Alan E. Luckoff and Carolyn will live in Southfield. Games, prizes and rgfreshments Kaplan Greenberg (Mrs. Hugh W.) will be featured. The evening, are the recipient of this year's DRAPERY CLEANERS - • PRCWS,SIONAL COLOR Exclusivelii, free to paid-up members and their young leadership awards made by 8914 W. 7 MILE RD. FREE ILLUSTRATED wives, is under the chairmanship the Jewish Welfare Federation. UN 1-6688 .-r,AVAILABLE . of Malcolm Rivkin. Dues will be Presentation of the Frank A. 18,9079.*Nyfimt accepted at the door. Wetsman Leadership Award to * * Luckoff and the Sylvia Simon BNAI DAVID MEN'S CLUB will Greenberg Award to Mrs. Green- hold a social meeting 8:30 p.m. berg was made Monday by Hyman Thursday at the synagogue. The Safran, president of the Federa- newly appointed educational di- tion, at the board of governors rector, Rabbi Aaron Brander, will meeting at the Fred M. Butzel Building. The citations are given annually to the young man and young wo_ man who have given outstanding ORCHESTRA service to the community. The CALL: LI 7-0896 or LI 5-2737 asea awardees will attend the general assembly of the Council of Jew- ROBERT J. RAFELSON AUX- ILIARY will hold its annual mem- ish Federations and Welfare Funds bership party 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at which opens Nov. 16 in Los the home of Mrs. Sidney Kay, Angeles. Luckoff, 35, is corporate secre- 18450 Midway, Southfield. A smor- gasbord dinner prepared by the tart' and TV-radio director for members will be served. Members L. H. Luckoff advertising agency. are asked to bring guests and He is on the board of the Fresh prospective members. Mrs. Howard Air Society, a member of the MISS SARA KRUGER "Speedy Recovery," "Sympathy" or "Bon Voyage" Schwartz, junior vice president, is Federation's health and welfare budget and planning division and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Kruger of membership chairman. more important than what you say is vice chairman of the arts and Cranbrook Dr. announce the en- is how you say it. Expressions of crafts division of the Allied Jew- gagement of their daughter Sara YETZ-COHEN AUXILIARY will ish Campaign. sympathy, best wishes or congratu- Diane to Louis Marvin Brooks, hold its membership tea 8 p.m. He is a former member of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks lations are much more effective with Monday at the Oak Park Com- United Hebrew Schools board, of Pierson Ave. a gift basket that speaks for you munity Center. A fashion show former president of the Federa- . . in an eye-appealing, taste-tempt- Miss Kruger attended Highland of wigs will be presented with tion's junior division and secre- ing and satisfying manner. Park Community College and members of the auxiliary as tary and a director of Knollwood Wayne Business Institute. Her fi- models. Glen Reynolds, Michi- Country Club. We are Michigan's leader in gan director of the Muscular Mrs. Greenberg is a board mem- ance, a graduate of Wayne State GIFT BASKET PREPARATION Dystrophy Associations of Ameri- ber of the Women's Division of University with a bachelor of sci- ence degree in special education, There must be a reason!! ca, will present the auxiliary with 'Federation and for the past three is working on his masters degree. a citation for its outstanding work years has been chairman of the Call 862-6800 .. end CHARGE In The couple plans a March 26 with muscular dystrophy patients. division's fall forum educational wedding. series. She is a member of the 'A skit also will be staged. Re- freshments will be served. Pros- planning committee for the Wo- rn- Beauty is the first present Na- pective members are invited. For men's Division institute and serves a . 3205 W.. McNICHOLS RD. .(at.: Witdeniere) DETROIT 21. MICHIGAN ture gives to women, and the first " information, call Ruth Benach, UN as an officer of the division's Al- it takes away. lied Jewish Campaign activities. 1-1334. MEN'S CLUBS DRAPERIES Alan E. Luckoff, Mrs. Greenberg Get JWF Awards YOUNG'S WEDDINOPBOTOGRAPH Sara Kruger, L. Brooks Plan March Wedding JWV GIFT BASKETS day et ‘eireor WATT ligtil‘ O/ OSS LTY Co. "Sm a rtest Move 1111117111 . 11 You'll Ever Make" 17350 LIVERNOIS DI 2-1300