Encyclopedic Christian Work, 'The Jerusalem Bible,' Issued by Doubleday in English From French Original There is no doubt that there is a growing interest in Scriptures, as indicated by revised transla- tions, commentaries and numerous texts containing interpretations by schools representing all faiths. Biblical studies are further en- hanced by the appearance this week of "The Jerusalem Bible," edited by Father Alexander Jones of Christ College, Liverpool, a widely recognized biblical author- ity, and published by Doubleday. This immense work is based on the very famous French Bible de Jerusalem which was published in Paris. by Les Editions du Cerf. It retains the Hebrew and Greek tra- ditional texts and is replete with commentaries, with notes and in- troductions to each book, and there is fidelity in adhering to the original texts. This encyclopedic work de- votes 1,547 pages to the Old Testament books and the anno- tations to them; 451 pages to the New Testament, and there is an additional section of nearly 50 pages containing maps, chrono- logical tables, lists of biblical themes in the notes, calendar listings, tables of weights and measures. Thus, the lay reader is provided with basic data for an easier understanding of the themes presented, and "The Jerusalem Bible" assumes im- portance for preachers and lay- men, for Christians especially, with a definite interest for Jew- ish students. lem: a careful system of cross-ref- and therefore not equal to other erence enabled this edition to in- clude all the information from the fascicules which could be useful to the thoughtful reader or to the student. This present volume is its English equivalent. The intro- ductions and notes are a direct translation from the French, though revised and brought up to date in some places—account being taken of the decisions and general implications of the Second Vatican Council." This is sufficient explanation of the basic values of this work —especially intended for Chris- tians with an aim of inspiring interest in biblical studies. Yet the many historical notes have much value for students of all faiths, and Jewish theological students will be compensated immensely by acquainting them- selves with this work. The initial drafts for this work were made from the Hebrew and the Greek "and simultaneously compared with the French when questions of variant reading or in- terpretation arose." This is due, as the editor explains, to the fact that translations of biblical texts could not be made from the French and: "In the case of a few books the initial draft was made from the French and was then compared word for word with the Hebrew or Aramaic by the General Editor and amended where necessary to ensure complete conformity with the ancient text." Explaining basic approaches to The editor's foreword is especial- ly significant because it explains translations, Father Jones makes the basis for this work. Father this interesting observation in re- lation to the Psalter: Jones states: "It is in the Psalms especially "The form and nature of this edition of the Holy Bible have that the use of the divine name been determined by two of the Yahweh (accented on the second principal dangers facing the Chris- syllable) may seem unacceptable— tian religion today. The first is the though indeed the still stranger reduction of Christianity to the form Yak is in constant use in the status of a relic—affectionately re- acclamation Hallelu-Yah (Praise garded, it is true, but considered Yah !). It is not without hesitation irrelevant to our times. The second that this accurate form has been is its rejection as a mythology, born used, and no doubt thdse who may and cherished in emotion with care to use this translation of the nothing at all to say to the mind. Psalms can substitute the tradi- What threatens the mother ional 'the Lord'. On the other threatens her two children even hand this would be to lose much of more seriously: I mean Chrisian- the flavor and meaning of the ity's adopted child, which is the originals. For example, to say 'The Old Testament, and her natural Lord is God' is surely a tautology, child, which is the New. The as to say 'Yahweh is God' is not." It is in the annotations and in Christian faith, after all, has been able without betrayal to adjust it- the introductory essays that the self to the needs of succeeding student will find inspiration for centuries and decades. The Bible, further study and for becoming on the other hand, is of its nature fully aware of the sincere tasks a written charter guaranteed (as represented in this immense, new Christians believe) by the Spirit of Scriptural text, "The Jerusalem God, crystalized in antiquity, never Bible." to be changed — and what is Anchor Bible to Publish crystallized may be thought by Books of the Apocrypha Doubleday & Co. announces. some to be fossilized. Now for Christian thinking in the 20th plans to publish the Apocrypha, Century two slogans have been also called "The Lost Books of the wisely adopted: aggiornamento, or Bible," in six or seven volumes keeping abreast of the times, and within the Anchor Bible, begin- approfonclimento, or deepening of ning in 1970. Under contract so far are: theological thought. This double program must be for the Bible, too. Prof. John Strugnell of Harvard Its first part can be carried out by Divinity School for "The Wisdom translating into the language we of Sira" or "Ecclesiasticus"; Prof. use today, its second part by pro- Jonas Greenfield of the Near East- viding notes which are neither sec- ern languages department at Berke- ley for "Tobit" and "Judith"; Prof. tarian nor superficial. "This twofold need has long Jonathan Goldstein of the history been appreciated, and strong ac- department at the University of tion was taken in France when, Iowa for "I and II Maccabees." The books of the Apocrypha under the influence of the late Pere Chifflot, Editions du Cerf ap- were included in the early Latin pealed to the Dominican Biblical and Greek editions of the Bible School in Jerusalem to meet it. but not in the Hebrew Bible or the This led to the production of sep- canons of the Holy Scripture. The arate fascicules with a full textual Catholics, following the decree of critical appartus for the individual the Council of Trent in 1546, have books of the Bible and with ex- always included them in their tensive notes. Subsequently, in Bibles. The Protestants, especially 1956, a one-volume edition ap- the Puritans, from Luther's Bible peared which came to be known of 1534 onwards, have not con- popularly as La Bible de Jerusa- sidered them divinely inspired Scriptures. In the current ecumen- ical spirit the Protestants have agreed to include the Apocrypha in the Anchor Bible. The Anchor Bible began publica- tion two years ago. The ten vol- umes published to date have sold over 200,000 copies. The most re- cently published volume, "The Gos- pel According to John" by Ray- mond E. Brown, has sold 16,000 copies since its publication in May, 1966. On schedule for publication in 1967 are: "The Acts of the Apostles" by Johannes Munck, "Psalms II" by Mitchell Dahood, "Isaiah II" by John L. McKenzie, the second part of "The Gospel According to John" and "The Epistles of John" by Raymond E. Brown. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24—Friday, October 28, 1966 Who May Receive Charity? From the Shulhan Arukh of Rabbi Joseph Karo (1488-1575) One should always avoid charity and rather roll in misery than to depend upon the help of man. And thus our Sages commanded, "Rather make thy Sabbath a week-day than be dependent on men." And even though he be scholarly and respectable, let him engage in some occupation, even an unpleasant occupation, so as not to need the help of man. Whosoever is not in need of charity, but deceives the public and takes it, will be in actual need before his days are ended. And whosoever is so much in need of charity that he cannot live un- less he receives it—as, for in- stance, a man who is old or sick or in constant pain—but takes none out of pride, is guilty of blood- shed and is responsible for his own life; so that he has nothing for his suffering save punishment and sin. But, whosoever is in need of charity and suffers pati- ently and leads a pinched and humble life, so as not to become a burden to society, will live to help others some day; and it is with reference to such a person that the Bible says, "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord" (Jer. 17:7).—Article 255:1-2. Michigan has a highly diversi- fied skilled labor force, as shown by the fact that skilled labor in Michigan mans 365 different types of industry. Classified Ads Get Quick Results You do! You select the men who judge . . . including the Justices of the Michigan Supreme Court. Your vote Is what does it. Or your failure to vote. 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