Slipshod Diagnostic Medical Practices Assailed in M. L. Gross' The Doctors' Martin L. Gross, whose earlier work analyzing psychological test- ing, "The Brain Watchers," was a sensation in 1962, believes that now it is patently clear that "by and large the contemporary Ameri- can physician is not sufficiently equipped — scientifically, intellec- tually or humanely—for the chal- lenges now being presented to him." He makes these assertions in "The Doctors," a study of the American physician and the prac- tice of medicine, publishedby Ran- dom House. Gross maintains: "Some physi- cians are not bright enough; some do not give enough time or con- cern to the art; others do not have sufficient experience to have seen a breadth of disease; some diagnose everything to relate to their parti- cular medical interests; others in- sist on diagnosing cases of `this year's' ailment — whether it is hepatitis, mononucleosis or the Asian flu. The lack of professional supervision of what goes on in the sacrosanct enclave of a private medical office is another contribut- ing factor, as is the frequent ab- sence of strict and careful diagnos- tic methodology. The doctor often diagnoses habit or prejudice, and in certain burgeoning prac- tices, economic factors can dictate what the doctor does or does not do medically." In his study of various methods, or practices that have been tested and of experts' view on major ailments, Gross points out in one instance: "The im- portance of accuracy in X-ray reading may rise geometrically as new roentgen and other radio- ; logy-like techniques are develop- ed. Mammography, a new X-ray method used to film the female breast, may—says Dr. J. Ger- shon-Cohen, chief of radiology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine — greatly increase the salvage rate of breast cancer victims by early diagnosis. Using radioisotopes that target the dis- ease site, some radiologists are now practicing nuclear medicine by taking scintillation-scan 'pie- tures' of such inaccessible areas as the liver and the brain. Ther- mography is another potential diagnostic boom related to radio- logy. Instead of X-rays, how- ever, still-experimental thermo- graphy uses infrared omissions _ from the body, creating a 'heat photograph' in which inflamed areas show up differently from normal issue. In all of these tech- niques, physician and patient understanding of the fallibility of doctor observation makes ac- curate diagnosis more probable?' Thus, "The Doctors" is not all criticism: it searches for positive roads, makes suggestions, and its observations are along a road to- wards improvement of health- giving techniques. In exposing fallacies, the doctor is viewed as a scientist, surgical practices are reviewed, life and death in hospitals are analyzed and human experimentation is con- demned. Referring to the Nazi Nuremberg rules, Gross declares that the "codes precipitated by Nazi beasts imbued with racism" are the work of "the scientist who is convinced that his detached efficiency in- evitably operates for mankind's good. This new `Uebermensch' feels qualified to trifle with life and destiny as long as he ascer- tains that it is for mankind's over- all benefit." His proposals are for "the choos- ing and training of young physi- cians of higher motivation." He calls for higher philosophical goals, for idealized young professionals. He declares: "Society can (and should) help pay for medicine with a stroke of the Presidential pen. The search for excellence in the doctor, how- ever, is considerably more trying. The primary requirement for change is to alter the 'man' within this contemporary physician. The traditional healer was constantly aware of his role as sage and com- forter, whether as an Indian sha- man with buffalo horn and incan- Friday, October 28, 1966-21 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS He advocates concentration on clinical medicine, suggests con- tinuous study by physicians, their being required to take periodic exams and establishment of a na- tional medical coordinating body. tation or as an early-20th Century American physician exhibiting a relatively superior education and comforting demeanor, and often ministering closely at the patient's bedside, much as did the clergy." You know this man by his long friendship by the good things he does What Is Power? By DR. JACOB KLATZKIN Some say: Power is the only reality. Hence, all moral laws that are intended for the protection of the weak create unreal and imagi- nary values. However, if we examine the character of dominant power, we discover that often it is itself a mythical thing, owing its existence to imagination. In essence, it is a psychological phenomenon; all the reality it has is illusory in charac- . ter. We see one .per;'son ruling a peo- ple, dictating to an entire nation. Multitudes of human beings serve him with fear. Whom do they fear? In actual power the slaves are im- measurably superior to their mas- ter. But each slave sees himself as an individual against his fellow- slaves. If they are impelled to re- bel, they are afraid of each other. 'The Shy One': Good Sometimes one of them does re- bel; then his fellows are forced Immigrant Narrative to punish that one, though in their As a native of Oregon, Dorothy hearts they wish or scheme to do Nathan writes with understanding as he had done. about the background of her in- It .is not the ruler whom they teresting story, "The Shy One," fear, but the host of slaves who do As by Random House. published his bidding. In other words, they the title indicated, Dorothy, the themselves. Their weakness heroine in this tale, is shy. She fear a fiction, an error, a slave's is afraid to speak up. And she is error. has some fears and prejudices. The ruler derives his power parents are Russian Jews. Her the fact that he adds the They came to this country, became from of others to his own. He loyal citizens and welcomed here power Dorothy's grandmother and uncle, does this t h r o u g h obliterating both of whom had to undergo pri- from the consciousness of his slaves the fact of their common vations to reach these shores. They came to the small city in interests. The multitude sees itself Oregon and Dorothy's Uncle Max as individuals opposed to each oth- was sent to school and was placed er. Each enslaved creature regards in his niece's classroom. He was himself as enslaved by the com- much older and a problem arose. munity of his fellow-slaves. It is through this common error, the a mbe d Dosr000thny was ashamed eCause of the error of many, that the power of wisdom of one of the teachers, one is upheld. The many come back into their Max was given private lessons. As the story developed, he made proper power the moment they see progress. There was conciliation through this secret of mutual fear. and when Dorothy gave a recital The abolition of error in the hearts iii school, as a surprise Max came of slaves marks the end of the fic- titious power of tyranny. in and danced a Russian dance. The emancipation of slaves is, Some Russian words were used. The kazatzka dance is introduced. first of all, their liberation from There is joy in this narration this small error. All great revolu- about a pre-war experience. Mrs. tions are really the correction of Nathan, who writes well, might an error, a trifling error in the have introduced an interesting minds of the enslaved. Jewish angle of observance of the Conduct Sabbath, etc., but the family de- Have more than thou showest, scribed here is introuced merely Speak less than thou knowest, as the Russian-Jewish group that Lend less than thou owest, has fitted in well into the Ameri- Learn more than thou trowest, can environment. Well told, "The Set less than thou throwest. Shy One" is an ideal story for --Shakespeare young teen-agers. HELP ELECT G. MENNEN DEMOCRAT/FOR U.S. SENATOR You can trust him Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alpern Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Baron Mrs. Celia W. Baruch Mrs. Zena E. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Hyman M. Beale Mr. and Mrs. Irving Belinsky Mr. Walter Berlow Mr. Marvin Berman Mr. and Mrs. Max Biber Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Brand Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brandwine Mr .and Mrs. Phil Bricker Mr. and Mrs. N. Brewster Broder Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Perry P. Burnstine Mr. and Mrs. Irving S. Cane Mr. Martin E. Citrin Mr. David J. Cohen Mr. Henry Cohen - Mr. and Mrs. Zeldon S. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Avern Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Sol A. Dann Mr. Morris Direnfeld Mr. Milton Doner Mr. and Mrs. Norman Drachler Mr. Sol Drachler Mr. and Mrs. Max Dunitz Aubrey H. Ettenheimer Dr. and Mrs. S. Joseph Fauman Mr. Mitchell Feldman Mr. Walter L. Field Mrs. Arnold E. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frenkel Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedman Mr. Philip J. Gilbert Mr. Gordon I. Ginsberg Mr. David Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goldman Mr. Max H. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gould Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Hertzberg Mr. John Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Ivor J. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Kane Rabbi and Mrs. Max Kapustin Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Karbal Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kaufman Mrs. Nathan J. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kaye Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Keats Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King Mr. Nate King Rose and Shmarya Kleinman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Krolik Mrs. Julian H. Krolik Mr. and Mrs. Sol S. Kurzman Mr. Richard Kux Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Laikin Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaMed Mr. Abe Lapides Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Leemon Mr. Morris Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Litwak Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lucow Mrs. Joseph H. Maltzer Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Marx Dr. and Mrs. Hyman S. Mellen Mr. and Mrs. David Mondry Mr. and Mrs. Sol Moss Mr. Harry Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nathanson Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Nord Mr. and Mrs, Max Nosanchuk Mr. and Mrs. Max Osnos Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Pliskow Mr. and Mrs. 1. Pokempner Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Portnoy Mr. Milford R. Pregerson Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Reinstein Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenzweig Mr. N. P. Rossen Mr. Charles Rubiner Mr. and Mrs. Abe A. Schmier Mr. and Mrs. Morritz Schubiner Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schumer Mr. and Mrs. William Schumer Mr. and Mrs. A. Josepr Seltzer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Seltzer Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sharon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Shepherd Mr. Sidney M. Shevitz Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Shrodeck Mr. and Mrs, Saainel S. Simmer Mr. Leonard N. Simons Mr. Eugene Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Rert Smokier Mr. and NIrs. Max Sosin Mr. and M's. M^rris Sukenic Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Sullies Mr. and *.s nivid Teitlebaum Mr. Morris Tulimman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wartell Mr. Leon S. Wavburn Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. William J. Weinstein Mr. Stanley Winkelman Dr. and Mrs. Max B. Winslow Fanny Yagoda Mr. and Mrs. George M. Zeltzer Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zemmol Mr. and Mrs. Morton Zieve BE SURE YOU VOTE MEM ER 8 F R WILLIAMS , 411.1=7" - VOTE FULL TERM/VOTE SHORT TERM