ZOA Establishes First Accredited. American High School at Kfar Silver; Convention Acts to Expand Youth Activities in the U.S. 10 Friday, October 28, 1966 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS cause of his people as vice presi- tion and youth are particularly dent of the Zionist Organization of vital at this period when the trends America, as national chairman of of assimilation have assumed ser- the United Jewish Appeal and first ious proportions. He voiced con- president of the Israel Bonds Or- fidence that the nationwide mem- ganization. But he is preeminent bership of the ZOA will respond and enduring in the annals of Zi- to the challenge of the needs in The speaker urged that a way on, restored in his pioneering lead- terms of increasing substantially country, to continue without taking Special to The Jewish News was to be found of attracting a ership in the heroic undertakings their financial contributions to- NEW YORK — The 69th annual effective military action." Prospects of American Aliya and larger number of our youth from known as Americans for Haganah ward the ZOA projects in Israel convention of the Zionist tion of America, which Organiza- concluded the economic situation in Israel the age of 12 by offering them and Materials for Israel. These con- and on the American scene. four days of sessions Sunday night was the subject of a symposium something "constructive, practical stitute an important chapter in the Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller at the Statler Hilton Hotel, estab- and question and answer period at and inspiring, thus insuring that history of the struggle for the re- of New York, addressing the open- lished a new American high school the Saturday afternoon Oneg Shab- they will continue to be active birth of the Jewish State." ing session, Organization of Amer- ica, voiced his concern "that after which will be the first of its kind bat session. through college and afterwards." "The time has come for the Vice President Hubert Humph- He voiced the belief that the Zion_ 18 years of Israel's existence her in Israel accredited by the Board rey, in a message to Torczyner, ist organiization can serve as a Zionist Organiaztion of America to security is still threatened and get its share of the American Jew- of Regents of the State of New conveyed the greetings of Presi- guiding light in this direction. the reality of her existence and York. Rabbi Barry Friedman of the ish community dollar," declared permanence are not yet fully ac- dent Johnson to the convention. Leon Ilutovich, executive director Inaugurated with an initial gift Harrison M. Symmes, director of Fairmount 'Temple, Cleveland, cepted.' He emphasized that "peace, of the ZOA. of $150,000 from Abraham Good- Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs of another principal discussant, de- "For too long has the ZOA been in the Middle East is inescapably; man — part of the $250,000 sub- the U.S. State Department denied dared "that Zionism to the com- timid in presenting its case for interlinked with world peace" anti :' scribed for this purpose at the categorically allegations by "those mitted young American Jew is the financing of its programs and that "Israel is a bastion of free:— convention — the school will be opposed to U.S. interests" that the not a political movement. The activities on the American scene dom and democracy and a symbol named in memory of Mr. Good- United States intends to "become organization is present only to and in Israel. A radical reappraisal of a better world to come for all man's wife, Mollie. a major arms supplier in the implement the ideology." in this approach is called for, and mankind." Plans for the establishment of . Middle East." He emphasized that Six Detroiters were elected mem. He further stated that "Zion- in the first place it will involve the new academic high school in "we would be the first to welcome ism means attributing to Zion ZOA's relations with Jewish Feder- bers of the national executive coun- Kfar Silver were outlined to the the cessation of all sales in this a prime position within Judaism. ations and Welfare Funds through- cil of the ZOA — Carmi M. Sloino. vitz and Rabbi Moses Lehrman, convention by Chaim Danieli of area." The existence of this concept is out the country." Tel Aviv, chairman of the Kfar , Symmes rejected charges of any Jack Lefkowitz, treasurer of the president, respectively, of the Zion. a reality, an axiom which is Silver board in Israel, who report- American interference in the eco- assumed along with God and ZOA, who presided at the session, I ist Organization of Detroit and the ed on the contributions made to nomic and social life of the Middle Tora that constitutes the founda- said that the expanded program I Michigan region of ZOA; Richard the agricultural development of Is- East countries. He said that "the tion of our religion." undertaken by the ZOA in the j Kramer, Dr. Alex Friedlaender, rael by the student body of 300 United States considers that it is areas of public relations, educa- Philip Slomovitz and Ben M. Lewis. The sessions concluded with a boys and girls and hundreds of up to the people concerned to de- dinner in honor of Rudolf G. Son- graduates of Kfar Silver. tide how they will proceed in their neborn of New York, pioneer Zion- Contributions in the form of be- economic and social development." ist and philanthropist. Principal quests and legacies to the Zionist He observed that " .. . a hearten- speakers who paid tribute to the Organization of America for its ing degree of economic and social guest of honor for his lifelong Offers projects in Israel and on the Amer- progress has been attained by var- services in the furtherance of the ican scene totaling close to $2,- ious states in the Middle East with- Zionist movement and as a leader frir THE FINEST DEAL 000,000 since the establishment of , out undergoing revolution or advo- in the efforts for the independence 1 THE FINEST SERVICE the ZOA Foundation two years ago, ' eating it for other states. Come See for Yourself at of the State of Israel, included: was reported at a session devoted The Friday night Oneg Shabbat Moshe Kol, Minister of Develop- to the foundation at which Con- , session was given over to a dis- ment and Tourism in Israel, Frank gressmen Leonard Farbstein and cussion by young American Jewish D. O'Connor, President of the New Seymour Halpern were guests of intellectuals on the theme "What York City Council, and Dr. Joseph does Zionism mean to the young H. Schwartz, vice president of honor. A gift of $25,000 in cash was American Jew." Several concepts Israel Bonds. Jacques Torczyner, made by Morris Nassau for the of the meaning of Zionism were president of the Zionist Organiza- 20735 GRAND RIVER establishment of a scholarship voiced by the participants in the tion of America was toastmaster. Minu tes From KE 2-7500 fund. symposium. Oak Park & Southfield The citation emphasizes Sonne- Between 6 Mile & Evergreen Dr. Max Nussbaum of Holly- Jacques Torczyner, who was born's "distinguished service to the unanimously reelected ZOA pros- wood, former president of the ident, announced the launching ZOA, who presided, opened the of what he termed a "broad discussion by stating that Zion- and dynamic" program in co- ism was a "state-building revolu- operation with major rabbinical tion, a quest for Jewish identity." and lay bodies in this country in He drew an analogy with the revo- an all-out effort to combat "the lution in the African countries rapidly rising tide of cultural where "every national and state- disintegration in this country." building revolution is a quest for Torczyner emphasized that the identity aimed at achieving the program for the enlistment of status as have the other nations." Carmi M. Slomovitz of Detroit youth into work for Zionism will encompass support for Jewish sec- maintained that "to the young non-affiliated or non-active Jew, ular Day Schools. He announced a plan for intensi- Zionism means the establishment Pied activities on the campuses for of the State of Israel and nothing the purpose of counteracting anti- else." He further said that "to Israel propagenda by . Arab students the knowledgeable youth it means and by involving Jewish students the second phase of the original and professors in the problems. thesis of Theodor Herzl namely, In a series of resolutions adopt- that it is our duty to insure the ed at the convention, the ZOA enrichment of Jewish life in called upon the U.S. government to every place of Jewish settlement, continue its firm stand in the plus the continuous vigil to in- United Nations opposing Syrian sure and safeguard the existence aggression against Israel. The reso- of the State of Israel." He lutions commended President Lyn- charged that every major Jew- don B. Johnson and the adminis- ish organization has "failed to tration for their decision to sell come up with a solution or prac- arms to Israel and its correcting tical answer to the questions: of the arms imbalance in the Mid- How can we attract the young dle East. American Jew to the Zionist Another resolution dealing with movement; and why does the the Arab refugee question said , young American Jew not follow that the Arab states should desist 1 the tradition of his fathers." He further charged that the from the exploitation of the refu- gees as political pawns and as- failure "to instill in our children sume, with international assistance, a sense of responsibility for the the responsibility for their reset- safeguarding and advancement of tlement in the vast and rich Arab the positive value in Jewish life is the reason for their drifting territories. U.S. Senator William Prox- away from our fold." Slomovitz nevertheless sounded mire of Wisconsin asserted that "U.S. policy in relation to safe- an optimistic note in asserting that guarding the security of the in- there are some signs "of good to dependence and territorial integ- offset the bad." He cited the situ- rity of every country in the ation in the Jewish community in Middle East remains inviolate." Michigan. He reported that the The baby's ill and you can't leave the house. Senator Proxmire spoke before University of Michigan campus in 1,000 delegates at Saturday night's Ann Arbor has close to 100 stu- You keep the doctor posted on her temperature. plenary session devoted to the dents who are active members of theme "Israel on the International the Student Zionist organization, You phone the druggist to send over the prescription. Scene." Dr. Emanuel Neumann, and added that the same can be You shop by phone for -dinner. member of the American Section said for many other campuses and of the Jewish Agency and presi- communities. And then unwind by calling mother. "If we take a moment to ana- dent of the World Union of Gen- lyze the Ann Arbor campus we find eral Zionists, presided. What else in your home does so much for you, Dr. Emanuel Neumann, world what things we are not required costs so little ? Zionist leader, in his address, de- to offer," he said. There are enough scribed the Syria-Israel crisis as social affairs, he claimed. What "extremely dangerous," adding was wanted was culture. "By the Michigan Bell that "no one expects that Israel way," he added, "this meeting of can or will allow acts of sabotage Jewish youth of both sexes also Part of the Nationwide Bell System and murder of her citizens by in- helps to decrease the chances of filtrators from Syria or any other , intermarriage." IRV KATZ One of those days when your phone means so much