El Fatah Raider Activities Result in More Casualties on destroying the "traditionalist" rael. Footprints showed that the France over Egyptian nationaliza- their right to return to their coun- (Continued from Page 18) try." He said Syria "reconfirms" grievance Thursday afternoon, the regimes in Jordan and Saudi Ara- raiders entered from Lebanon. tion of the Suez Canal. its desire for peace but would not They were identified as members The Syrian official said he based bia, the Telegraph reported. members of the council continued accept "scorning" of its rights of the El Fatah terrorist organiza- his statement on "information re- A Jordanian spokesman said to study the report on the recent and threats to its security. He ceived by Syrian authorities." The terrorist incursions into Israel, that King Hussein was in "no tion. An Israeli patrol engaged four press conference was held in the added that Syria would reply with filed by Lt. Gen. Bull. Israel mood to be pushed around" and armed Arab commandos, killing Arab League Rome office. He said force to any Israeli "aggression, filed a fresh letter to the that Jordan would not tolerate three and wounding one. The that, according to this "informa- whatever the consequences." council Tuesday bolstering its case "another Yemen tragedy" devel- wounded Arab was made prison- tion," the "pretext" for the "new against Syria by pointing to one oping in Syria. As Jordan sees it, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS er. One Israeli died of Arab aggression" would be "operations more mining incident wounding an the Telegraph reported, the Syrian gunfire. of the Arab people to re-enter oc- 30—Friday, October 21, 1966 Israeli soldier, near the Syrian regime and the Syrian army are An Israeli soldier was wounded cupied territory." border, and continued official Sy- beginning to fall apart as a result 6 He made it plain he was refer- rian threats against Israel's secur- of repeated coups and purges of Tuesday when an army command 4 ity. It was understood that, at the the army. This is seen as a threat car in which he was riding hit a ring to El Fatah guerilla attacks council meeting Thursday, Comay to Jordan because it provides the mine in the Upper Galilee near on Israel, an issue currently be- would list a total of nine El Fatah Soviets with an opportunity to es- the Syrian position of Tel Azzaziat. fore the United Nations Security MIAMI terrorist mining incidents perpe- tablish a Communist -,dominated The command car was being driv- Council, by adding that the Syrian BEACH trated on Israeli soil in the last regime in Syria and a foothold en along the patrol track at the government "refutes responsibil- FLORIDA (305) 538-4621 ity for the Arab refugee move- for Soviet subversion in the Arab foothill of the Syria positions. nine months. "9,7,(SPECIAL DIETS AVAILABLE)V". The area of the incident was ment in Syria and will not impede world. Behind the scenes Wednesday, the place where several Jewish These developments m i g h t efforts were under way toward drafting a resolution, or possibly tempt President Nasser of Egypt National Fund workers were in- two measures, in efforts to wind to move back into Syria to pre- jured several weeks ago when their tractor hit a mine. Investi- up the present controversy be- vent a collapse. The events also gators were sent to the scene. It tween Israel and Syria. For any might lead Syria, through irre- appeared that the mine must have resolution to pass, it must receive sponsibility or desperation, to been laid recently, since the patrol touch off a major clash with Is- a minimum of nine votes—and, track is in constant use. even then, it can be vetoed by the rael which would inevitably in- T h r e e Israeli soldiers were Soviet Union, which has taken the volve Jordan and the rest of the slightly wounded Oct. 3, a little Arab side completely in the pres- Arab world, the Telegraph re- less than two miles from the Jor- ent case, as it has in every other ported. dan border, while on a motor However, Jordan's w es ter n Arab - Israeli dispute before the patrol in the Lahish area. The council in the last 13 years. Other friends and many Jordanians were attack appeared to be that of a certain negative votes against any reported to be concerned about group of El Fatah which am- King Hussein's steadily hardening resolution that might seek to cen- bushed the soldiers near the vil- Syria. Critics of King line toward- sure Syria, as requested by Israel, lage of Nehusha, while the Is- BEACH HOTEL are Bulgaria and Jordan, both of Hussein were reported as regard- raelis were on their way to the Golf and Country Clubs/Hollywood Beach, Florida which are members of the coun- ing it as the height of folly for main road. cil. There was doubt also whether the Hussein regime to provoke Israel lodged a complaint with the African members on the coun- Syria and Egypt in view of Jor- FIRST CHOICE FOR ALL THE FAMILY the Israeli-Jordan Mixed Armis- dan's "impressive" economic de- cil—Nigeria, Uganda and Mali— tice Commission, because the in- would vote in favor of any anti- velopment program. But earlier, Jordan told Arab filtrators had come from Jordan. Syrian resolution, and would per- leaders that its armed forces were However, an Israeli spokesman haps abstain if any such measure ready for any showdown with Is- voiced belief that the terrorists were presented. had come from Syria, and were Nine members of the council rael and asked the Arab countries members of the Syrian-based El have spoken up either outright in to be alert to "thwart Israel's Steve Alaimo The Clefs of Lavender Hill Fatah. plotting," it was reported here favor of Israel's case or in sup- There's fun for all the family at the Hollywood Beach Hotel The Israel-Jordan Mixed Armis- Monday from Amman. on your Xmas Holiday ... wonderful entertainment ...star- port of Israel's step to take the ring the greatest names of show business ... the Clefs of Another dispatch reported that tice Commission ruled that Jordan issue to the council instead of Lavender Hill appearing all through Xmas - New Year week was guilty of violating the armis- for the young set ... Steve Alaimo, star of "Where the Action resorting to retaliations against Syrian anti-aircraft artillery fired tice agreement by not preventing Is" on Xmas night ... tremendous programs of entertain- Syria. These are the United States, at an unarmed Israeli plane in- ment for guests of all ages. the crossing into Israel of a group side Israeli territory. The Israeli Britain, France, Argentina, China, NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTIES of saboteurs three weeks ago. The Japan, The Netherlands, New Zea- plane was not hit. * * Usher in the New Year with noisemakers, champagne, paper raiders blew up a power substa- hats, dancing, great entertainment and everything else that land and Uruguay. This, the "nose (Direct JTA Teletype Wire will make this the greatest and most memorable New Year's tion in the Dead Sea area. count" showed that, at best, even celebration you have ever enjoyed ... it's all complimentary. to The Jewish News) The MAC meeting, under the The commander of Egyptian a mild resolution weighted toward WILL YOU BE A HOLLYWOOD It's never been greater...a Holiday that chairmanship of a United Nations BEACH HOTEL FAMILY? each and every member of the family will the side of Israel could squeak by land forces told an army day observer, found conclusive evi- remember and treasure ever after! - only with the minimum of nine meeting in Cairo that troops in 500 acres of private resort estate (prac- dence that the infiltrators had the Sinai Peninsula were "look- tically a full acre for each guest) ... and favorable votes necessary. (BEACH CLUB) near to everything else exciting and It was hoped here also that, by ing forward" to their mission to come from Jordan and had re- wonderful! $265°s 82900* turned there. The damage to the Thursday, the council may have destroy Israel. Dec. 16 to Jan. 15 Dec. 16 to Jan. 15 ALL THIS FREE! MAIN BUILDING) (GOLFERS' LODGE) Gen. Abdel Mortaga also told substation was slight; but flow two further reports from Gen. FREE UNLIMITED GOLFat our famed (ft, INCLUDES 3 DELICIOUS MEALS DAILY of power to the Dead Sea Potash and at our spectaCu• Hollywood course ... Bull, resulting from the sessions the gathering that Egyptian troops 'Daily, per person. double occupancy, far new Hillcrest Country Club at a mod- 210 of 500 rooms Works was temporarily interrupt- erate charge for our guests. were now equipped with "secret scheduled by, respectively, the TENNIS on 5 superb courts, SWIMMING FALL GOLFERS' HOLIDAY Syrian-Israeli Mix e d Armistice weapons" and with the latest type ed. Israeli sources said the sabo- in the Olympic Pool and from the 1000 ft. private Ocean Beach, GREAT PROGRAMS 7 Golf-filled days) Commission and the Jordan-Israel amphibious tanks, capable of op- tage was carried out by El Fatah for youngsters and teens, NIGHTLY DANC- guerillas directed from Syria. 6 fun-filled nights! M i x e d Armistice Commission. erating in all conditions. Refer- ING, FUN for the College Crowd, FREE * * * $iic*pjeurubplea occupancy PARKING on Premises. However, Israel is expected to ring to the Israeli front, he said (Direct JTA Teletype Wire PLUS! Magnificent buffets, cocktail Oct. 15 from boycott the Syrian-Israeli Commis- the Egyptian soldiers in Sinai to The Jewish News) parties, children's counselor, fashion' •210 of 500 rooms shows, swimming and dance lessons, chil- ROME—Yassin Zakaria, the Sy- INCLUDES: • 3 complete sion, as it has for a number of were "now looking forward to dren's talent shows, dance contests, meals daily • Electric golf wiener roasts, sports tournaments...and cart (for 2) for 5 rounds of years. In any event, it was not undertake the mission awaiting rian charge d'affaires, charged at golf . Unlimited free green so much more! fees • 3 new golf bails • certain whether either commission them, namely the elimination of a press conference here Tuesday Tournaments • Trophies & For reservations, SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT or Call: that Israel was preparing "new Prizes • Free locker • free or both would be ready to decide imperialism." DETROIT—ENterprise 6594 club storage & cleaning * * aggression against Syria similar Call Us Free—Dial Operator the Israeli complaints, and wheth- PARIS (JTA)—While the tense to Suez." Israel attacked Egypt BEN TOBIN President JACK PARKER Managing Trector BARBARA BROOKE Resnient Manager er those decisions would reach mood of the Syrian public during, in 1956 in concert with Britain and here by Thursday. the past few days has been remi- * * * niscent of that prevailing before (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) the Suez campaign of 1956, and the LONDON — Jordanian officials people in the streets talk much were reported, in a Daily Telegraph about war, many want to believe dispatch Tuesday from Amman, that the "dynamics of peace will as believing that the "critical state finally win in the end." This de- of affairs" in the Middle East was scription appeared in a dispatch due largely to a "mischievous new from the Beirut correspondent of turn" in Soviet policy • toward the Le Monde, the authoritative Pari- region. sian daily. The Jordanian leaders see Rus- We've gone all the way to be more beautiful for you! It took a king's According to the account, Da- sian influence and economic pres- mascus lamented the "loneliness ransom to add all the new luxury, comfort and convenience to our great sure as being directed toward the of Syria on the international health resort ... but you'll agree it was worth it, when you vacation formation of a bloc of Socialist scene" and the Government's "in- this year at Larry Paskow's HARBOR ISLAND SPA. Arab states increasingly depend- competence in involving the popu- Slim down! Relax! Regain youth and vitality ent on the Soviet Union and bent lation in the struggle it intends to at Miami Beach's luxurious health spa! lead against Zionism and imperial- Remote Control TV's ism." In addition, many people in all rooms were described as wondering whether there might not be an in the internal Syrian op- Stops Itch—Relieves Pain element position which wished for an Is- For the first time science has found raeli intervention that could deter- daily, per person, double occupancy a new healing substance with the as- 15 of 107 rms., Nov. 4 to Dec. 15 mine the Government's fall. tonishing ability to shrink hemor- * * * rhoids and to relieve pain — without Includes meals and all health pavillion facilities. * -, LTD SLIM DOWN Sp I I • HOLLY-WO OD YOU LOVED US BEFORE... WAIT TILL YOU SEE US NOW! Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery surgery. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduc- tion (shrinkage) took place. Most amazing of all — results were so thor- ough that sufferers made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne0)— dis- covery of a world-famous research institute. This substance is now avail- able in suppository or ointment form called Preparation II®. At all drug .7.ounters. (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) TEL AVIV—Israeli forces Wed- nesday clashed with an Arab com- mando squad in a battle that left one Israeli and three Arabs dead and one Arab wounded. Military officials said the clash took place 1,500 yards southwest of Ramat Naftali in Northern Is- RE-OPENING NOV. 4TH FREE GOLF, MASSAGES For reservations and brochures. write us or phone Miami COLLECT (305) 751-7561 I