Kamin-Gold Betrothal Told at Open House THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 21, 1966-23 Activities BEN GARFUNKEL, president of here since the Civil War. He polled Savannah's Orthodox Bnai Brith the highest vote among the six TIKVAH CHAPTER will meet Jacob Congregation, has been winning aldermen candidates. noon Tuesday at Cong. Beth Hillel. elected temporary Mayor of Sa- Judge Joseph Pernick, member of vannah, Ga. He will head the first the Michigan Regional Advisory Republican city administration IHE NEWEST' Board of the Anti-Defamation ■ ;.±. ..4 LONDON (JTA)—Efforts by the 1N WEDDING • BAIUMITZVAH "111;,*;41 . League will speak on "The Rad- Bnai Brith in Britain for British 1.■ 71,7.71ar:li • r:- .71 tr.;7i t7:71 r:i t7.;:t r7:71.7ni .CONFIRMATION -- 10.1) PAR IY ical Right." 'Lunch will be served, Jewish unity is gaining acceptance, ENTERTAINMENT CHAIRMEN ACCE4SORIES and guests are invited. For infor- Contact the mation, call Mrs. Jack Weinberg, and the movement here has mem- bers who belong to all secular and :8; president, UN 4-1040. SEYMOUR SCHWARTZ ;31C.' religious groups, Jack Morrison, 'K * AGENCY Mr.' president of the British Bnai Brith, CENTENNIAL LODGE will hear ,for Chanuka parties, bowlinon. a talk by Dave Nederhauser, di- reported at a meeting of the sev- :;'banquets, dinner dances, etc' rector of the West Central Or- enth plenary session of the order's International Council. 356-8525 ganization, 8:30 p.m. Thursday at ; :)C; ; • Dr.William A. Wexler of Atlanta, , *1799 Coolidge, Berkley, Mich.t the Bnai Brith Council building. 2:14 Ilc at;4 ■ ;.. 4;1112.:4 11;: ■ ;4 Bnai Brith president, told the coun- 47.7.,1711.171,7's •7:74 .7;°. cil meeting that there were many problem areas for Jews in the 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 I SEC" world, citing South America, South Africa and Austria. He said that, THE NEW even in the United States, "we have a MISS FRANCINE KAMIN a George Rockwell and similar Green-8 Center Only! At an open house, Mrs. Louis E. phenomena, and the virus of anti- Greenfield/8 Mile Rd. Kamin of Oxley Rd., Southfield, Bernard E. Pincus, president of Semitism is being spread over announced the engagement of her Hughes Hatcher Suffrin clothing there." He also referred to the sit- daughter, Francine Sheila, to Ed- chain, was named "Man of the uation of Soviet Jewry as addi- ward David Gold, son of Mr. and Year" by a Bnai Brith lodge in tional evidence of his thesis that Mrs. Morris Gold of Northgate New York, the Chaplain Alexander "we have no right to be compla- Blvd., Oak Park. Miss Kamin is D. Goode-Ben Goldman Lodge. cent." the daughter of the late Dr. Dr. Wexler noted that Bnai Brith Pincus, 18800 Fairway, will re- Louis E. Kamin. was now sponsoring 259 Hillel ceive the award April 1 at &tail Foundations throughout the world, The bride-elect received her Brith's annual Four Chaplains bachelor of arts degree from Award dinner at the Waldorf- including Israel, and added • that Wayne State University and was Astoria Hotel, New York. much more could have been done affiliated with Phi Sigma Sigma if the means were available. He This is the first time that the Sorority. The prospective bride- said it was his duty as president groom attended Wayne State Uni- lodge, composed of leaders in the "to demand more sacrifices" from versity and received his juris doc- men's apparel and textile indus- the movement for the Hillel Foun- tor degree from the Detroit Col- tries, have named a retailer and dations program. lege of Law. He is a member of non-New Yorker for the award. Dr. Wexler was honored at a DESIGNER Pincus also will receive the Ben luncheon at the House of Commons the national board of Alpha Epsi- lon Pi Fraternity, Tau Epsilon Goldman Human Relations Award attended by Dr. Horace King, Rho Law Fraternity and Pi Sigma from Bnai Brith's Anti-Defamation speaker of the House, and members Alpha, national honorary political League. of both the House of Commons and science fraternity. the House of Lords. Sir Myer Gal- pern, a member of Parliament, was A January wedding is planned. Regularly Lodge Bulletin Editor host. 11 $125 to $300 Dr. Nahum Goldmann told the Wins District 6 Contest meeting NOW Rabbi Wine to Speak that it appeared certain a Phil Rothschild, editor of the there would not be a second delay on 'Euthanasia' Today Exactly 1/2 PRICE! Henry Morgenthau Bnai Brith in payments by West Germany of a The moral question of euthanasia Newsletter, was named winner in Dress Shown: or mercy death will be the sermon the annual Bnai Brith District 6 compensation to certain victims Regularly $200 of Nazism, and that the West Ger- topic of Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine Lodge Bulletin Contest. a NOW man promise that the first delay at services of the Birmingham The contest had entries from was an isolated action would be a Temple 8:30 p.m. today at Robert eight states and three provinces of kept. He said that a considerable Frost Junior High School, Oak Canada. amount of money was still due from Park. Rothschild, named winner also _ For information on the temple, in the 1965 District 6 competition, West Germany in compensation to individuals. Dr. Goldmann was in- call Dr.- Roy Woolf, 342-1604. has been editor of the Morgenthau troduced by Philip M. Klutznick, Newsletter for the past seven years. former Bnai Brith president. He is also co-chairman of publicity The International Council has for the Detroit Bnai Brith Council. decided to increase the Bnai Brith Other winners in the Detroit area membership and to expand the by are Julius Chupack, editor of the council's program, it was an- Motor City Lodge, second place, nounced by Maurice Weinstein, JULES PASSERMAN and Ben Mandell, editor of the chairman of the body. Your Neighborhood Pharmacist Eddie Jacobson Lodge, third. At a dinner celebrating the 40th anniversary of Bnai Brith's Grand Bnai Brith Receives Art Lodge of Great Britain and 'Ire- for Display in Washington land, Klutznick, honorary supreme WASHINGTON—Bnai Brith has president of Bnai Brith, told the acquired a number of works of audience that "Israel, its security art, among them a memorial and its continued happiness, is the sculpture dedicated to victims of chief and Number One problem the Nazi holocaust, for permanent before the Bnai Brith." display in the Bnai Brith Building The wife who doesn't here. Pisgah Lodge Ranks 4th mind having her husband Dr. and Mrs. Abram Kanof of Among World's Largest spend an evening with the New York donated the items from Pisgah Lodge, with 1,481 mem- boys is married to a Scout- their personal collection of Judaica. bers, is the fourth largest Bnai master. Mrs. Kanof is a member of Bnai Brith lodge in the world, according * * Brith's Jewish Historical Com- to David M. Blumberg, national At twenty a man thinks mittee. membership chairman. he can save the world; The three-foot sculpture, shaped The Detroit lodge ranks behind 0 at thirty he's tickled if like a burning bush, was designed South Mountain Lodge, a suburban a by noted American artist Maxwell lodge outside Newark, with 2,177 he can save part of his Chayat. salary . . members; Denver Lodge, 1,612; Other works include a painting and Beverly Hills Lodge, 1,541. depicting the history of aliya to Others among the 10 largest are Just because nobody dis- Israel by Israeli artist Zvi Gali, Mt. Royal Lodge, Montreal; Mis- agrees with you doesn't a tile mosaic of the Talmudic souri Lodge, St. Louis: Kansas City always mean you are right scribe Ezra by Dutch painter Mar- Lodge; Suburban Lodge, Chicago; —maybe you're the boss. cus Holleman and etching and Hillside Lodge, New Jersey; and 0 engraving titled "Esther's Bou- Cincinnati Lodge. Poster in a pet shop: "For quet" by AmeriCan artist Aubrey Schwartz. sale: Prize Doberman Vocation Guidance Week Pinscher. Eats Anything. WASHINGTON—Bnai Brith's 23 Very Fond of Children." regional vocational service offices Alan Smith Named will participate in the first National Bnai Brith PR Man Vocational Guidance Week here Comedian Jack Leonard Alan Smith, member of Tikvah Oct. 23-29. used to be so big that Lodge, has been named chairman Directors and staff of the Bnai whenever he got a shoe- Juliet Charge of the public relations committee Brith offices, which provide col- shine, he had to take the Michigan Bankard of the Bnai Brith Council. Smith lege and career counseling to some bootblack's word for it! Security Charge has written numerous articles, 40,000 youths annually, will ad- among them one on Joseph Soss dress community groups and con- in National Jewish Monthly which duct exhibits and open-house dis- served in part as the basis for the cussions to focus public attention a Green-8 Shopping Center, Greenfield/West 8 Mile Lincoln at Coolidge Soss article in The Jewish News. on the value of vocational guid- Mon., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. til 9 p.m. ance. 25901 Coolidge LI 3-7847 Michigan's shoreline is longer The nationwide observance is PAY ALL UTILITY BILLS HERE ! Shop Sunday 12 to 5 p.m. than either the U.S. Atlantic coast- sponsored by the National Voca- line or Pacific coastline. tional Guidance Association. World Bnai Brith Council Convenes ; ... ■ :"..: _ . Detroit Clothier `Man of Year' to Lodge in New York a a a a a a a a a a a Suburban a a SHOP SUNDAY 12 TO 5 P.M. a a a aaa a a a a a a a a a a a THE LIGHT TOUCH a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a _ Gown Sale! a a a a a a a a LINCOLN DRUGS a a a a a a a 1 a a a a a a a or asuiliassaaaassa *a a a • ono* a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ll a a a a a a a a a a a a a a st a a a a a a a a --