Yadin's 'Masada': History Reconstructed and Reconfirmed (Continued from Page 1) It is only by seeing the actual results of Yadin's work, of view- ing the scores upon scores of photographs and charts in his book that describe the findings, that one can fully comprehend the vast sig- nificance of the Masada archaeo- logical expedition. Because of the thoroughness with which Yadin reports on the diggings, describ- ing them by introducing all avail- able data, the impressive photo- graphs, the stories about the volunteers, that. his book becomes such a vital factor in understand- ing the facts related and in recognizing the emergence of the historic fortress as one of the most fascinating tourists sites any- where. The Masada explorations open new sources to link the pres- ent with the past. Once again the chronicled story of Israel and of Jewry is corroborated. Yadin's explorations were con- ducted at the invitations of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Israel Exploration Society and the Israel Government Depart- ment of Antiquities. The volun- teers who aided him came from the kibbutzim and from other groups, and individuals, Christians as well as Jews, assisted in the efforts. With the diggings com- menced the trek back into 1,900 years of history, the Yadin'::3 "Masada," resorting to facts in, Josephus, covers the events to the fullest, sharing with his readers the known data. The findings, the discovery of coins—and of skele- tons—led to the corroborations' of what could have been brandied as legends but which emerge/ as his. torically true in the mtonstructed Masada environments. The Yadirt story provides bet- ter yalterstanding of the Zealots and their determined aim to battle for liberty without sacri- ficing freedom to inevitable slavery if they had been cap- tured alive by the Romans. The manner in which Yadin and his diggers commenced their task is a fascinating adventure as de- tailed by the general turned arch- aeologist. The proximity of Ein Gedi, the nearby youth hostel and the availability of good water and of electricity encouraged the choice of the starting point. Point by point, Yadin indicates, "the writings of Josephus which had seemed to many scholars to be legendary" were confirmed. The story of the Zealots becomes real in Yadin's "Masada." He describes the site and he gives impressive accounts of the findings — fortresses, synagogues, storerooms. He indicates how true was Josephus' account of the availability of water when he saw the collection in the cisterns after a rain that fell during the dig- gings. Coins "with such typical inscrip- tions as 'The Freedom of Zion' " were among those uncovered. Among the most deeply moving accounts of the findings is the following heartrending story about the location of three skeletons: "When we came to clear the formidable pile of debris which covered the chambers of the small bath-house, we were ar- rested by a find which it is difficult to consider in archaeo- logical terms, for such an ex- perience is not normal in archaeological excavations. Even the veterans and the more cyni- cal among us stood frozen, gaz- ing in awe at what had been uncovered; for as we gazed, we relived the final and most tragic moments of the drama of Ma- sada. Upon the steps to the cold- water pool and on the ground nearby were the remains of three skeletons. One was that of a man of about 20—perhaps one of the commanders of Masada. Next to it we found hundreds of silvered scales of armor, scores of arrows, frag- ments of a prayer shawl (talith), and also an ostracon (an in- scribed potsherd) with Hebrew letters. Not far off, also on the 48 Friday, October 14, 1966 — steps, was the skeleton of a young woman, with her scalp preserved intact because of the extreme dryness of the atmo- sphere. Her dark hair, beauti- fully plaited, looked as if it had just been freshly coiffeured. Next to it the plaster was stained with what looked like blood. By her side were deli- iDtely fashioned lady's sandals, styled in the traditional pattern of the period. The third skele- ton was that of a child. There could be no doubt that what our eyes beheld were the remains of some of the defenders of Masada. In describing the last moments, Josephus writes: 'And he who was the last of all, took a view of all the other bodies lest perchance some or other among so many that were slain, should want his assistance to be quite dispatched; and when he perceived that they were all slain, he set fire to the palace, and with the force of his hand ran his sword entirely through himself, and fell down dead near to his own relations.' Could it be that we had discovered the bones of that very fighter and of his kith? This, of course, we can never know for certain." Descriptions of the architec- tural patterns of the terraces, of the apartments, elevate "Masada" to a work of great significance not only in archaeology but in archi- tecture as well. The supplemented photographs provide material for study of ancient modes of con- struction. Describing the surprises of the architectural finds, Yadin writes: "In and around these heaps of earth and rubble we dis- covered scores of pillar drums, as well as bases and capitals, which had been flung, higgledly-piggledy in the dump. This offered evidence that there were pillars on the up- per terrace, too, and also that these were not made of a single stone, but of several stone sec- tions." Staircase systems, bath- houses, mikvot were located. Yadin tells of a visit by the most orthodox rabbis of Israel to examine the mikvot — the ritual bathhouses—and their excitement when they concurred that they had been built, 1,900 years ago, ac- cording to prescribed Jewish law. No reviewer can possibly do jus- tice to "Masada" as a description of what had been unearthed. The Yadin volume must be studied— for its historical merits, for knowl- edge of the tactics of Roman war- riors and of the defense methods of the Zealots; for an understand- ing of the role of Herod and the occurrences of his time. It should serve as a textbook for special courses in higher schools of learning. The record as provided by Josephus, and the findings of the excavators, showed that while the 960 who committed suicide in order not to fall alive into the hands of the Romans, left food supplies behind to prove to the conquerors that they were well supplied with means to live on, although the fortresses and storerooms were burned by the last survivors. Yadin states: "The fact that we found store- rooms containing wine, oil and flour jars which were broken and burned might suggest a contradiction to the words of Josephus. But our discovery of empty and unfired storerooms perhaps explains his report, or the report that was transmitted to him, in this way: in order to achieve their purpose, the Zeal- ots did not need to leave ALL their stores of food to the Romans. It was enough for them to leave one or two rooms with untouched victuals to show that they had not died through lack of food. It is possible that the undamaged storerooms which we unearthed were the very rooms in which the Zealots had left food, which was later eaten by the Roman garrison." Thus, the Yadin story reads like two sons. And, as did Cleopatra, he turned to grave-robbing to fi- nance his bloody exploits, even looting the tomb of the poet- warrior King David. Although Herod feared the revenge of the Jews, he could contend with domestic insurrec- tions so long as he controlled a sizeable military force and his network of spies and informers functioned. However, his army was no match for the legions of Rome —and these would be turned against him the moment Mark An tony could no longer say "no" to Cleopatra. Josephus puts it vividly: "she (Cleopatra) extended her avaricious hum or to t h e Jews and Arabians, and secretly laboured to have Herod and Malichus, the kings of both those nations, slain by his order." Antony, unwilling to kill Herod and Malichus, neverthe- less "was . . . alienated from the friendship he had for them." He took away land from Herod and the other ruler and, when Cleopatra entered. Judea later, Herod had to swallow a bitter pill indeed. To a woman he loathed as well as feared, he had to give "large presents." To retain those lands which Anthony had taken from him at her instigation, he had to give Cleopatra a yearly rent of "two hundred talents." He had to bow and scrape and "con- Masada, the ancient fortress, built during Herod's reign, was her as far as Pelusium, the last stronghold in the resistance to Roman rule by the Zealots, ducted and paid her all the respect pos. in the first century of this era- For three years the Israelite fighters sible cle.'0' held off the Roman attacks, and instead of falling into the hands Cleopatra was far from ap- of the enemy as slaves, 960 men, women and children committed Shortly afterwards, she suicide. Shown here is one of the approaches to Masada, not far peased. "prevailed with Antony to com- from the Dead Sea. The rock has been excavated under the direc- mit the war against the Arabians tion of General Yigael Yadin. to Herod." Her strategy was bril- liant. Since she hated both Herod and the other, she would delight in the death of either and would seize the victim's lands- So long as Cleopatra was alive, therefore, Herod could not relax. Everyone in Judea knew the de- fensive value of Masada and even During the Israel Week fes- Cleopatra—The Evil Herod had once sent his family tivities to be observed here Nov. 7-11, under the sponsorship of El Spirit Behind Masada there for protection. At that time, it was discovered, the only By a Special Correspondent Al Israel Airlines, the Israel Gov- The recently-uncovered palaces, shortage from which they suffered ernment Tourist Bureau, Greek Shipping Line and the Sheraton Roman bath complete with fre- was water. The time would come when he, Cadillac Hotel, one of the great scoes, colonnades, storehouses, ter- tourist attractions in Israel, the races and plentiful supplies are too, might have to flee from the excavated area of Masada, the last abundant evidence of the lavish- lust of Cleopatra—and there could fortress that held out against the ness with ,which Herod built and be no secure refuge in the world for him but Masada. For six years, Roman invaders of the Holy Land stocked Masada. However, much less well known between 36 and 30 B.C.E., he used in the first century, will be dis- played and its significance ex- is the role of the lustful Cleopatra an army of slaves to build huge of Egypt in the construction of cisterns fed by aqueducts to as- plained. Masada. For her evil spirit, more sure a plentiful supply of water. Reuven Goldstein, sales man- than that of any other person, He laid in weapons with which ager for El Al in Detroit, said influenced Herod in his grandiose to arm 10,000 men, built palaces, that data will be offered during scheme to build a refuge for him- fortifications, storehouses. When the Israel Week celebrations at self at the Dead Sea. the Zealots fled there almost 100 the Sheraton Cadillac and there Herod, in his struggle to main- years later, they found "fruits .. . will be explanatory illustrated tain control over Judea, a fresh and full ripe," although, material as well as lectures on Roman province, depended en- Josephus says, "they were little the subject. tirely on the humor of Mark short of a hundred years from the Antony. While his own relation- laying in these provisions by a romance. It is, indeed, one of ship with Antony was g o o d, Herod•" Trying to rationalize thi! the very great romances in his- the Roman was, in the words story, linked with the history of Josephus guesses that they were' of Josephus, "bewitched by his the beleaguered Zealots whose preserved by "this fortress being love to Cleopatra, and was triumph over the Romans even in so high, and so free from the en t i r el y conquered by her death now becomes more appar- mixture of all terrene and charms." ent. The chapter giving a corn- muddy particles of matter." Josephus describes Cleopatra as plete account of "the dramatic a "slave to her lusts, but she still At any rate, it is one of his- end," taken from Josephus, is an imagined that she wanted every- tory's supreme ironies that Herod addendum to the historic record thing she could think of . • . " never used the fantastic palace that gives the Yadin volume add- and, as he says, "she . . . stuck and fortress he constructed atop ed emphasis. Masada. It was used, almost a at no wickedness." To ensure remaining Queen of century later, by Jewish Zealots Then there is the chapter on the pioneers, and the description of Egypt, she had her 15-year-old who there defied the Roman the devotion of the volunteers is brother (who would have become Empire for seven long years. Thus, deeply moving. It was a labor of king) murdered and then insti- the fortress built by a loyal minion love for people of many faiths, gated the murder of her sister. of Rome, was used by Jewish from many lands. The pioneers Even 2,000 years ago, queens resistance fighters who challenged were many—some who a century needed money—and Cleopatra was Rome in a gesture which still resounds throughout the world two ago had foreseen that there is no exception in this respect. significance to the Masada rock. Josephus says —"nor was thousand years later. Today, Masada is one of Israel's But it was left to Yadin and his there any holy place that was fellow-workers to uncover the ac- esteemed the most inviolable prime tourist attractions and its tual settings of the Herod palace, from which she would not summit may be reached in minutes the fortifications, the residences— fetch the ornaments it had in from the convenience of a for- ward position built many years all that went with a great pro- it." tective military area. Interestingly, Herod, who feared ago by the Romans, and renewed "Masada" by Yadin echoes in Cleopatra more than any other by Israel's engineers. Once there, literary fashion the Masada of the soul on earth for her domination one can study the ruins of the heroes and the rock of a great of Mark Antony, paralleled her titanic struggle of almost two archaeological exploration. The murderous inclinations and lusts thousand years ago and admire a book is as great and as impres- closely. He, too, murdered his rela _ view, described by early explorers sive as the history it reveals and lives. First, he killed his wife's as "a picture of stern grandeur offers anew to an admiring world relations, then, as his madness and desolate magnificence, perhaps , unequalled in the world." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS and a proud Israel. —P. S. increased, his wife and, finally Masada Story Will Be Related Here During Israel Week Fetes; Cleopatra's Evil Spirit Revealed