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October 14, 1966 - Image 22

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1966-10-14

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22—Friday, October 14, 1966


Hebrew U. Latv School Dean,
Sees Legal System Evolve

Susan Silverman Weds To Honor Osias Zwerdling at Dinner
One of Michigan's most vener-
Richard Allen Banks

able community personalities, Osias
Zwerdling, the veteran Ann Arbor
leader, will be honored at a testi-
monial dinner Oct. 22, by the Anti-
Defamation League of Bnai Brith.
The dinner will be held at the
Michigan Union in Ann Arbor, and
the principal speaker will be Benj-
amin R. Epstein, national ADL
Zwerdling was the organizer
of the University of Michigan Hil-
lel Foundation when it became the
second of the foundations to be
formed in this country. He was the
founder of the Beth Israel Syna-
gogue, Ann Arbor Family Service,
Ann Arbor Savings and Loan, Ann
Arbor Bnai Brith Lodge, and is a
leader in ZOA, UJA, Michigan in the fight against such extremist
Synagogue Council, Kiwanis, Boy groups as the Ku Klux Klan and
Susan Harriet Silverman and Scouts, YM-YWCA, and other the John Birch Society, have ele-
vated him to leadership in the
Richard Allen Banks were married movements.
Epstein has authored or co battle against rightists.
recently at Mayfair Caterers, with
Rabbi M. Robert Syme and Cantor authored such books as The
Troublemakers," "Cross-Currents,"
Harold Orbach officiating.
Parents of the couple are Mr. Some
of My Best Friends . . . , "
House Parent Wanted
Frank Silverman of Woodbine Ave. "Danger on the Right," and others.
Port time relief house parent, one
and the late Mrs. Lillian Silverman His activities have been on behalf
or 2 days a week for Agency's
and Mr. and Mrs. William Banks of the Jewish community in such
children's homes. Coll David
of Murray Hill Ave. diverse areas as the Arab boycott
against Israel, the recent contro-
peau bride wore an Empire ersy over the alleged statement by
Jewish Family &
peau de sole gown with modi- P
fied bell sleeves. The bottom of President Johnson on Vietnam and
the Jewish community and discrim-
ination against Jews in the United
DI 1-5959
train were covered with lace i States, and his vigorous leadership
border. The top of the gown had
a round neckline with bodice
covered with lace going on to
the sleeves. She carried orchids.
Shirley Silverman was matron of
honor. Bridesmaids were Cindy
Silverman, Sherry Roth, Eleanor
Garfinkel and Myra Gutman. Jodi
Garfinkel and Lisa Gutman served
as flower girls.
Best man was Raymond Norber.
Ushers were Arnold Silverman, Ed-
ward Docks, Morris Garfinkel and
Sur prised Also)
Nathan Gutman.
The Deals Will Be About $100 Better in a Few Weeks
After a honeymoon trip to 'Miami
and I Will Be Relocated.
Beach and Nassau, the couple will
'It's to Your Advantage to Wait for
reside on Rensselaer Ave., Oak

dean of two law schools, and
let me tell you its not easy."
"Thou shalt not oppress thy
In four years, then, Israel will
neighbor, nor rob him: the wages
be graduating law students from
of a
with thee all night until the morn- two universities. Will two be
ing." Levit. 19:13
"In my opinion, we have too
When Prof. Shalev Ginossar
quofes the Bible to his law stu- many lawyers already. Of course,
dents, he's not just kibbitzing. In there are never enough good law-
Israel, the Bible is, quite often, yers, but I would like to see the
standards raised, and cut down on
the law.
The passage quoted above. for the number of law students."
example, is the basis for a statute
Israel's all-pervasive absorption
ensuring prompt payment of work- problems inject themselves into
men's salaries. The entire area of this area as wells "In the past few
family relations is affected by years, new lawyers admitted to
"Jewish law." There are 120 dele- the bar have been 50 per cent im-
gates to the legislative assembly, migrants with professional exper-
recalling the ancient "Knesset ience abroad.
Hagadola," which had 120 mem-
"It is up to our Chamber of Ad-
vocates (Israel's version of the
Prof. Ginossar, dean of the American Bar Association) to help
law school at Hebrew Univer- them learn the language and ad-
sity, Jerusalem, made a quick
just to the Israeli system.
verbal tour of Israeli law before
"Unfortunately, not many of
heading for Shaarey Zedek Syna-
them are Orientals."
gogue to discuss the question: "Is
As a member of the Council
Israel Really a Jewish State?"
Higher Education, Prof. Gin-
Bnai Brith Visiting Lecturer,
Prof. Ginossar and his wife Michal ossar has seen the problem of
are making the rounds of U.S. the Oriental everywhere, not
only in law school. "The percent-
cities as far west as Oregon, halt-
ing long enough to say hello to age
reaching higher education in
their daughter and son-in-law general is not in proportion to
their population. It is one of
studying in New York.
our biggest headaches; we must
In his lecture, he planned to ex-
plore the role that religion plays equalize the percentage."
Involved as he is in Israel's
in Israel..How big that role should
be in the everyday affairs of a legal world. Prof. Ginossar, a for-
modern nation he could not say. mer Tel Aviv District Court judge,
"It is an irony." Prof. Ginossar has another world that occupies his
observed, "that Israel's finest law- free moments: music. He classifies
yers who are also Orthodox Jews himself as a Class A viola player,
strongly object to inserting parts Class B violinist and Class C pian-
of Jewish law into state legislation. ist, thereby comprising his own
They actually want the separation trio "but not necessarily all at
of secular and religious law.
"Yet, the most convinced pro-
Another talent that comes in
ponent of secular law; Justice multiples is his knowledge of lan-
Cohen, urges the study of religious guages. He speaks five, reads an-
law and its secularization so that other two or three. During the
its uniqueness will be preserved, War of Liberation, his legal back-
One eye-witness is of more
Res. Phone: BR 2-2470
Best Deals Al-ways
not 'buried in libraries and syna- ground stayed in the background, weight than ten hearsays.—Plautus
gogues, out of touch with the puls- and in a style characteristic of the
ing life of the law.' " U.S. Army, the Israelis used him
An institute for the Research of ias an interpreter, promoting him
Jewish Law is compiling the vast to sergeant.
treasure of Talmudic and rabbinic
Prof. Ginossar, queried again on
legal texts covering many cen- j an issue that will ever intrigue
turies. And in the meantime, the students of law, mused on the
minister of justice has appointed Eichmann Trial:
a staff of experts to advise him in
"There is no doubt that Israel
this area with a view to future had the right to try Eichmann.
Perhaps the trial was too fair; he
Public opinion, Prof. Ginossar had facilities beyond what he had
said, has not been loud enough a right to expect. Would it have
to change anything. "For the I been expedient to try him else-
moment, the wind is toward an where? I can say only that if Mar-
extension of religious influence. tin Bormann were to be brought
Take the draft Sabbath law. The to Israel for trial, we would do it
coalition parties don't want it, all over again."
but to keep the religious parties
happy, they will pass it. And the
`Food Wonders' Book
religious parties represent only
one-sixth or one-seventh of the
a Box-Top Delight
population." •
Invest $1000 or more in an NBD 90 day
The Belgian-born (Antwerp,
Time Certificate. Earn five percent
1902) and educated (Brussels Uni- After being in the planning stage
annual interest. Plan on NBD's current
versity. 1925) jurist stressed that for nearly two years, a unique
automatic renewal feature to allow
Israeli law is linked as much with ; Premium program jointly sponsor-
your investment to be compounded
English Common Law as with the ed by the Kellogg Co. and the U. S.
Committee for UNICEF commences
quarterly. This will yield an even higher
Scriptures. A carryover from the this fall—to coincide with the 20th
years of the Mandate. English law .
effective rate of annual interest. Time
ties Israel to America's system as • anniversary of its beneficiary, the
Certificates are also available in pass-
United Nations Children's Fund.
book form, if you prefer, at any one of
Offered is "Food Wonders of the
, there is an in-
our 89 offices. Either way, you have a
creasing influence of America on World," a humorous but thorough-
choice of maturity date from 3 to 12
Israeli law — perhaps to show how ly documented book containing
months. (Of course, both you and the
independent we are from English
bank reserve the right to redeem at each
law and how capable we are of color illustrations and countless
maturity.) For individuals or non••
working out our own institutions. historical anecdotes.
profit corporations who'd like to stay
We often rely upon American pre-
Designed as a ready reference
liquid while their money works.
cedents." In a conspiratorial tone, for students and lighthearted
reading for adults, "Food Won-
Prof. Ginossar added: "Would you
mention that this subject will be ders of the World" traces the
cultural history of two score
discussed in the next issue of the
Israel Law Review? We have many nations, from Austria to Uruguay
subscribers in the United States, —and, in fact, the cultural his-
tory of the whole world—through
but the more the better, yes?"
Mentioning the Law Review, pub- what we eat and how we eat.
lished by the Hebrew University
Written by Ruth Gelarie Fox and
law faculty, brought Prof. Ginossar illustrated by Oldrich Holubar,
back to his job. "I'll have a lot "Food Wonders of the World" is
Resources! ‘11 OXCI133 of $2,000,000,000. Capitol Funds and Reserves, In excess of $200,000,000.
of work waiting for me when I already standard fare in many lib-
Member! Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
get back," he said.
raries throughout the world. Now,
"We're in the process of trans- as a Kellogg Co. promotion on 20,-
ferring our Tel Aviv branch or 000,000 boxes of cereals, it be-
the law school over to Tel Aviv comes available to the public at
University. Right now I'm the large as a box-top premium.





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