Purely Commentary Labor Problems in the Jewish Community There is an established rule in Jewish ranks that internal differ- ences must be solved internally and that differences involving per- sonalities, their incomes, their status of employment, should be resolved amicably. Anything that could become a public linen-washing exhibition is usually avoided. Seldom have affairs related to synagogues, or to Jewish public institutions, been taken to the courts. True, there have been exceptions to the rule. The issue related to the mehitza—to the separation of the women's from the men's sections in the Mt. Clemens synagogue—went as far as the State Supreme Court. There have been other occurrences in Jewish communities that led the litigants to the courts. But these were never with the approval of the general community the feeling in which always is that a Bet Din —as explained here last week—should be the means for solving com- munal difficulties. Our community nevertheless has become involved in mediation outside the traditional arbitration of a Bet Din. A synagogue is charged with unfair labor practices. It is not a pretty picture and there is cause for serious regret that it should have occurred. There is equally urgent need for action to avert even more damaging results from such con- troversies and a demand must go forth to all who may be involved in the teacher crisis to come to terms as speedily as possible. It is possible, of course, that there are faults on both sides of the warring fence in such labor strife. All the more reason why there should be mediation within the communal structure. Possibly, the Jewish ranks are affected by similar developments to those in general civic ranks. As has been said, wie es christelt sich so judelt sich—Jews usually act like their Christian neighbors. By the same token, however, the diva d'malkuta diva—the admonition to Jews that the law of the land is your law—is similarly applicable to Jews if there are objections to the unionization of Jewish teachers. And let us not forget that the times and the conditions of the era and the pat- terns of living also enter into consideration: 0 tempera! 0 mores! The developments which have dragged our teaching profession and their schools into the limelight did not occur over-night. A long summer has intervened and during those months there should have been a meas- ure of accord. With the difficulties already encountered in assuring good teaching staffs for our schools, (one principal recently said on that score: we have already scratched the bottom of the barrel); with the obstacles in our path in encouraging parents to induce their children to dedicate themselves to Jewish studies and to cease making Bar Mitzvah factories of our schools, we don't need additional obstructions. Responsible leadership must make certain that the crisis in our midst. involving our schools and our teachers—affecting thereby our children—should be solved honorably and with justice, without delay! Let it be said to the credit of the United Hebrew Schools that its leadership recognized the right of teachers to act as an organized body and averted a crisis by such recognition. The central educational sys- tem can and must function smoothly, without hindrance that can be caused by mediation outside Jewish ranks. The UHS will mediate within the ranks. That's how it should be! David Ben Gurion - — Octogenarian David Ben-Gurion's 80th birthday is an occasion for celebration by world Jewry. For Israel, his birthday was a holiday and the celebra- tions will continue for some time to come. Special medals have been coined, there will be postage stamps, public gatherings, published tributes. But it is an occasion for world Jewry to take into account the contributions this great man has made to his people, to the cause of liberty, to the need to liberate an oppressed people, in the field of inter- national relations. And it should not be forgotten that Ben-Gurion is a man of cul- ture, that he has mastered languages (Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish, Ger- man, Greek), and that he is a philosopher who has been able to meet the most learned on equal ground. He has erred in recent years. He has been a bit unjust in judging the Zionists of America. He could have remained on better terms with his former labor colleagues in his own movement. But none of these acts can possibly erase the fact that he was the architect of the State of Israel. In that role he remains among the immortals in Jewish history. Losses to Mankind: Vera Weizmann and Saul Raskin Noted names now are missing from the ranks of the living in Jewry. We have suffered numerous serious losses, and the most notable in recent weeks were those of Vera Weizmann, the first Lady of Israel, and the eminent artist, Saul Raskin. The many artistic works, and the art books, of Saul Raskin, now gracing thousands of homes, stand out as tributes to the memory. of the great and creative artist. Mrs. Weizmann was a gracious lady, evidencing genuine nobility, a leader among Jewish women and a supporting patron of many notable movements. Like her husband she was a distinguished Zionist, a leader in WIZO (Women's International Zionist Organization), the head in Israel of Magen David Adom, the honorary president of Youth Aliya and above, all a charming hostess. Blessed be the memory of the two eminent figures in Jewry! Saul Raskin's 'Ovinu Malkenu' Thanks to the enterprising labors of B. Morris Pelavin of Flint, Saul Saskin's last work, "Ovinu Malkenu—Our Father, Our King" was published only a week before the great artist had gone to the Great Beyond. He had been made happy by the efforts of the Flint group that organized to finance the publication of his book and Jewish homes now can be additionally enriched by this impressive creation. It will, undoubtedly, rank among his finest works. There is much that is superbly great about Saul Raskin's works, and his 46 illustrations of the traditional Ovinu Malkenu are so awe- inspiring that they deserve the widest distribution. Shortly before his death, Mr. Raskin wrote to a group of his friends: "This 14th book of mine, `Ovinu Malkenu,' is the fulfillment of years of dreams, doubts and fears—mostly fears that I may never reach the power of expression needed for such a work. Not one of my former books (not even my Kabbalah book) arouse in me such doubts and fears. "It is probably because no artist heretofore has devoted to an entire book the subject of a single prayer, and I postponed the task for a period of ten years, after which, being aware of possible handicaps of 'old age'—I could hesitate no longer. I felt that I had 2—Friday, October 7, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Tributes to Saul Raskin and Israel's First First Lady . • Conflicts Must Be Arbitrated By Philip c iomovitz to make this book of our greatest prayer of despair, hope and trust. "After two years of intense work, I finished the book which is now before you—the book God helped me to make, and, blessed be His name, He sent me a publisher—the first I ever had, the first I ever needed. "I consider the book to be the ultimate in the artistic endeavors of my life. If I am destined to be remembered by my people it will be as a result of my books—mainly the result of my latest, `Ovinu Malkenu.' " The "publisher" who came to him is, of course, the Flint group under Pelavin's leadership. They have earned Jewry's blessings for their kind act. Those who will acquire the latest Saul Raskin book will find them- selves blessed in possessing so inspired a treasure. An exhibition of Raskin's works at Garelick's will serve as a tribute to this artist's memory. It is a blessed memory. * * * Is There Hypocrisy in Jewish Living? There was a symposium in Leeds, England, with boys and girls of Young Friends of Donisthorpe participating, and the questions raised included views on intermarriage and whether it is hypocritical to eat trefa away from home while retaining a kosher home. Some of the responses, as reported in the London Jewish Chronicle, were: It is hypocritical to eat trefa, whether in the home or out, and yet subscribe to Judaism, although it is difficult to keep kosher always. One group felt that a kosher, but not necessarily an Orthodox home should be kept, while another emphasized that there was more to being a Jew than eating kosher or trefa food., It was denied that it was permissive to eat salads and fruit out, if meat was excluded. Eating out at a trefa establishment— right or wrong—was a matter for individual conscience. On intermarriage, the crux of the problem centered on the children. The girls held that when the girl married out and conversion to Judaism followed, one could make the best of a bad job. It was generally agreed that a Jewish boy marrying out was guilty of weakening his people and his faith. While it was felt that increasing assimilation was the main cause of intermarriage — and it was stressed that Jews could not be segregated—it was suggested that it was difficult to prevent the marriage of two people who loved each other, but thought should be given to the problems facing children of such marriages and the grief generally caused for parents. The editor's comment, upon presenting the questions and the expressed opinion, was that "certainly Leeds Jewish teens are no hypo- crites." By raising these questions the youth of Leeds hurled a challenge at many Jewish groups in many lands. The question also could be posed with ease why children in America who attend religious parochial schools reverse their aims by going to non-Jewish camps for the summer. The question of trefa-out- and-kosher-in-the-home could be addressed to presidents of synagogues. Is there hypocrisy? There certainly are deviations that are in no sense contributory to consistency in Jewish life. There is such an urgent desire to be congenial, so many Jews who fraternize with non- Jews—as they should—are so ready to partake of their food and of their customs, that there is a lack of courage. There still are men in public life who insist upon adherence to Jewish customs, traditions and dietary laws. No one disrespected Judge Harry B. Keidan for insisting upon kashrut even when in most un-Jewish company. This is true of many professors, jurists, officials high in rank. It is more a question of consistency than of hypocrisy, because hypocrisy would be denied so staunchly. The observant Orthodox will say that rabis should not officiate at events that are followed by non-kosher meals or at events that desecrate the Sabbath or a holiday. But there also are Orthodox rabbis who officiate at such events and thereby negate the protests. Leeds teens raised the issue courageously. Tunisia Breaks Off Ties With Egypt LONDON (JTA) -- Tunisia formally broke off diplomatic rela- tions Monday with Egypt. The two countries have been at odds for years over questions of Arab world leadership and the Israeli issue. The announcement followed a meeting of the Tunisian Cabinet in Tunis. Tunisian's President Habib Bourguiba shocked the Arab world two years ago and since with repeated public calls for a peace- ful settlement of the Arab-Israeli dispute, specifically urging the Arab rulers to agree to negotiate directly with Israel for a peace agreement. Simhat Tora Quiz By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) Why is it that those who are called up to the last reading of the Tora and the first read- ing of the Tora on Simhat Tora are called "bridegrooms" (ha- tantim)? The first mention of this custom comes from the writings of the students of Rashi in medieval times (Mahzor Vitri, S iddur Rashi). Various reasons are ad- vanced for this practice. One of the Kabbalists of the sixteenth century explains that both the one for whom the last portion is read and the one for whom the first portion is read theoretically adorn the Tora like a bride is adorned. Thus they are called bridegrooms. One of the Sephardic writers claim that on Sunhat Tora the Jewish people are as happy with the Tora as a bride- groom is with his bride. The hap- piness, of course, is due to the fact that we finish reading and also begin the reading anew of the Tora. Therefore those who are called up to the Tora for these significant moments are called bridegrooms. Others say it is because those who receive these honors bid and pay for it. They are thus considered like bridegrooms who bring presents to the bride on her wedding day. Generally speaking, of course, the Tora has been referred to in Talmudic literature as a bride (Talmud Yerushalini, Ta'anit, Ch. 3). The day of the Revelation of the Tora at Sinai was considered like the day of a wedding between the Tora and Israel. Interesting is the explanation of one of the late writers who believes that the reference to the one who is called up to the last reading of the Tora as the bridegroom (Hatan Tora) is a corruption of a Hebrew ex- pression which means to finish or to complete. He claims that the original expression was "Hasam" or "Hoten HaTora which means "the bridegroom of the Tora." Whatever the background is, the custom is pretty widespread today.. How did the last day of the Sukkot festival come to be called "Simhat Tora"? This name was apparently not known until the twelfth century. It is said to have originated in Spain. Its ori gi n is not quite clear. Some claim that the name was applied because on that day the people of Israel win a victory over Satan who tries to criticize them in front of the Almighty saying that while they read or study the Tora they will never conclude it and if they do they will never begin to study again. On the day of Simhat Tora we show both that we conclude the yearly read- ing cycle and immediately begin a new reading cycle. Thus, we have shown the Almighty that Satan is wrong and we rejoice over having won the bout with the power of evil. UJA Group Finds 'Democratic Seed' in West Germany (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BERLIN—A 20-man United Jew- ish Appeal delegation, led by De- troiter Max Fisher, completed Wednesday an eight-day -study of conditions in Germany in the first visit ever made to Germany by a UJA group. The mission said that they be- lieved that a "democratic seed" had been planted and was grow- ing in West Germany and that the well-being of the 30,000 Jews now resident there would be served. They also agreed that the West German government had no inten- tion of forgetting the Nazi atroc- ities against European Jewry and that the German Jewish commu- nities had a right to live in Ger- many and should be considered part of world Jewry. They also reported that they found among both the govern- ment and the German Jewish communities a great interest and sympathy for Israel and for prac- tical work on behalf of Israel. The mission members offered those impressions of American Jewry as they departed for Geneva to rejoin the other members of the current UJA mission. They had met with key officials of the fed- eral and state governments, and with mayors of Bonn, Dusseldorf, Hamburg and other cities. They visited both East and West Berlin and the site of the Bergen-Belsen death camp. They said some of the officials told them that feelings of guilt and shame still prevailed over the Nazi mass murders and at the same time they appealed for Jewish un- derstanding of the efforts which the government was making to edu- cate Germans for democracy. Mission members were shown school texts in which Nazi atroc- ities against European Jewry were described in words and pictures of the Hitler period and in which spe- cific reference was made to the Nazi slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews. The visit gave German Jews a great moral uplift which found expression in greetings by local Jewish community leaders at af- fairs tendered to members of the delegation. Chile Zionist Federation Raps Russ Anti-Semitism SANTIAGO, Chile (JTA)—The Zionist Federation of Chile con- cluded its 46th national congress here with the adoption of a resolu- tion declaring its solidarity with Jews throughout the world in voic- ing deep concern for the plight of Soviet Jewry. In other resolutions, the federa- tion called for the intensification of Jewish education and for the establishment of more Jewish schools. Miguel Maldaysky, of the Gen- eral Zionists, was elected presi- dent of the federation. Others elect ed included Amelia de Flimann of Mapai and Dr. Isaac Jzekse,11n, an independent, `,;ieG presidents; Max Epstein of Mapai, general secre- tary; and Isidoro Arensburg, of the Revisionists, treasurer.