THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 30, 1966 7 U.S. Jews Split on Vietnam Issue, Full Freedom to Jews Assured -1-1 - Poll Confirms by Argentine Foreign Minister NEW YORK (JTA)—The views of American Jews on United States UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA involvement in the Vietnam war –_Nicanor Costa Mendez, foreign ) phatically that Argentina extends freedoms to the Jews in —subject of a heated controve rsy minister of Argentina, assured Is- fullest the country. in the Jewish community Inv olv- raeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban Regarding Israel, Casta Mendez ing President Johnson—are s plit that, contrary to reports giving pretty much like the attitudes of "a wrong picture" of the policies assured Eban that his government Americans generally, according to of the new Argentina regime under supports Israel. He urged Eban to a Gallup Poll. Gen. Juan Carlos Ongania, th persuade the Israeli government The poll asked a typical s am- Buenos Aires government extends e to ask Israeli President Zalinan piing: "Do you approve or dis ap- full freedoms to all peoples in tha t Shazar to visit Argentina. had been scheduled to .prove of the way President Jo hn- country, including the sizeable Jew _ . Shazar . visit Argentina last summer dur- ;son is handling the situation in ish community in Argentina. ing a tour of several Latin Ameri- Vietnamr Forty-three per c ent Costa Mendez was one of seven approved, 40 per cent disapprov ed, foreign ministers with whom Eban can countries. However, that visit and 17 per cent had no opini on. met here in continuing his series was cancelled, since the political overturn of the Buenos Aires A sampling of Jewish res- of high-level conversations with government coincided with Presi- pondents showed that 41 per many of the world statesmen at- cent approved, 41 per cent dis- tending the current session of the dent Shazar's scheduled trip to approved and 18 per cent had General Assembly. Among others, Buenos Aires. no opinion. The vote of a sam- Eban conferred with Poland's for- In his conference with Rapacki, pling of Protestant Americans . eign minister Adam Rapacki, con- Eban and the Polish foreign minister resumed discussions was similar, but a majority of sidered one of the key Soviet bloc they began last May, when Eban Catholics — 54 per cent — ap- statesmen here for the Assembly. visited Warsaw. On the agenda proved the President's role. As he did in most of his con- were the traditional Polish-Is- Three weeks ago, the Jewish ferences with the various for- raeli atmosphere of friendly re- War Veterans met with President eign ministers here, Eban talked lations, including bilateral inter- Johnson and subsequently told the with the Argentine foreign pol- ests in Polish-Israeli political, press that the President had ex- icy chief mainly about mutual economic ang cultural relations. pressed "surprise" at the lack of efforts to coordinate the poli- Jewish support for his Vietna m cies of the two governments re- Accompanying Eban to the talk policy, and that the President h ad garding general issues before with Rapacki was Gideon Raphael , linked American Jewish backing the United Nations at the pres- vice chairman of Israel's delega- of that policy with United States ent time; bilateral relations con- tion to this year's assembly, who aid to Israel. cerning economic, social and had been with Eban in the Polish As a result of growing concern technical matters; and the vari- capital when he talked with War- over the President's purported saw's foreign minister last spring. ous Middle East issues, especi- views. 40 Jewish leaders held a The Eban-Rapacki conference ally the question of Arab refu- meeting with Arthur J. Goldberg, was Israel's first high-level talk gees, to be debated by the here this year with any represen- United States ambassador to the assembly this year. United Nations, who reportedly tative of the Soviet bloc at this However, the foreign minister year's assembly. clarified the President's position of Argentina, noting that his gov- and assured the Jewish leaders the eminent felt conferences included one eent felt that Israel has a spe-. with J. M. A. H. Luns President did not seek to link cial interest in affairs concerning foreign Jewish views with aid to Israel. all Jewish people, referred to the minister of The Netherlands; and The position of the Jewish lead- fact that, as he stated, many press these other foreign ministers: An- ers that American Jews did not accounts have wrongfully reported tonio Carillo Flores of Mexico; have any uniform view, as Jews, that Argentina's new regime was Rene Chalmers of Haiti; Samuel on the Vietnam struggle was thus not friendly to the Jews in Argen- Ngude Odaka of Uganda and confirmed by the Gallup Poll. tina. M. P. Ilboudo, of Upper Volta. Meanwhile, Israeli government He said he "regretted" those Among items discussed with the circles have categorically denied reports "deeply." He stated em- various statesmen were also Is- reports alleging that they h a v rael's interest in the issues con- counseled American Jews to man cerning Africa, especially the re- fest a more affirmative attitud Germany Charges Two gime in Rhodesia, apartheid in towards the Vietnam policy o South Africa, the situation in as Brains Behind Drive Southwest their government. The same circle Africa and the affairs add that Israel will never advis Nazi Power in Mozambique and Angola; human . American JeWty on prolllengsuc e i to Revive rights in general; and the drive BONN (JTAY_ as this as it would imply interven American toward economic and social de- tion in the internal affairs of th e and a German have been accused velopment. United States. by the German High Court of Eban met over the weekend However, the daily newspaper forming a secret organization with' Davar stated the Israel govern- Nazi tendencies and of planning, with Arthur J. Goldberg, chair- man of the United States dele- ment will soon reexamine the violence in Germany in coopera- gation here, and Maurice Couve posibility of extending full diplo- tion with Nazi movements in other de Murville, foreign minister of countries. matic recognition to the South France. Vietnam government. Davar is Reinhold Ruppe, 24, the Amer- the organ of the Ilistadrut, Is- Eban also met with Paul Martin, ican, and Erich Lindner, 34, were rael's labor federation. also charged with having as their Canada's minister for external af- The Davar report said that the target the re-establishment of Nazi- fairs. possibility stemmed from the re - ism in the Federal Republic, with All the conferences, according cent elections in South Vietnam the aim of bringing nazism to to Israeli sources here, have been to choose a commission to write power. "very satisfactory," concentrating a constitution for the nation. The not only on Israel's relations with The two were arrested at Old- newspaper report noted that while enberg. They are also accused the countries reperesented, but many public statements had been also on international political af- of planning a bomb attack on made on the issue, Israel still has the state prosecutor of Frank- fairs. In the conference with Couve not replied officially to the Saigon de Murville, Eban and the French furt, Fritz Bauer, who is con- regime's request for recognition. sidered the official mainly re- statesman discussed the Vietnam Government sources questioned situation, among other issues of sponsible for the trials against by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency vital importance. Nazi criminals, including 20 were unable to confirm or deny Eban is scheduled to continue members of the Auschwitz con- the Davar report. They said only his top-level talks with United centration camp staff. that no government action was Furthermore, according to the States officials next week, when being considered in the immediate indictment, they had planned a he is to meet in New York with future. bomb attack against the Central U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk. * * * * Office for the Prosecution of Nazi Reform Leaders Appeal Criminals at Ludwigsburg, with the Argentine President's for Peace on Yom Kippur purpose of destroying files there. Statement Accepted A third man—also an American NEW YORK—Two leaders of NEW YORK (JTA)—An Argen- American Reform Judaism issued citizen—is allegedly involved. But tinian Jewish leader, visiting New his name has not been given be- a Yom Kippur statement calling York, told the World Jewish Con- cause there is less suspicion of his upon their fellow Jews to join with gress that the Argentinian Jewish other religious forces throughout being an active participant. He is community had "confidence in the world including Pope Paul, not under arrest. President Ongania's recent state- to "stop the war in Vietnam." ment in which he promised us Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, Algeria Deports Singer there would be no anti-Semitism president of the Union of Ameri- in the country." for Performing in Israel can Hebrew Congregations, and Dr. Eliezer Tenenbaum, the pres- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire Rabbi Jacob J. Weinstein, presi- to The Jewish News) ident of the Rosario DAIA, Jewish dent of the Central Conference of PARIS — The French singer Representative Council, said that American Rabbis, stated: "At this Maria Vincent was deported from time of self-reckoning we cry out Algeria a day after she arrived in President Ongania had stated, in a in mortal anguish against the suf- Algiers, learning that she was on message to Argentinian Jewry, that fering of God's children. We heed the Arab League blacklist for sing- there was no room for "extremism the voices of sanity and of hu- ing in Israel. The blonde singer of any sort in the country." The manity, which rising throughout had to spend the night in a police Argentinian Jewish leader said the world, seek to stay the onrush station before she was sent back that the entire community num- bered about 550,000, of whom be- of destruction." to Frances. tween 350,000 and 400,000 lived in Several months ago, another Buenos Aires with smaller num- As we advance in life, we learn singer, Dalida, was barred from bers in Rosario, Cordoba, Mendoza the limits of our abilities.—Froude. Morocco for the same reasons. and other centers- 2ND ANNUAL JOURNEY TO ISRAEL TWO DEPARTURES: DEC. 21, 1966 FEB. 8, 1967 10 DAY JOURNEY TO ISRAEL Haifa . . 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