Germany's. Past and Present on the screen By HERBERT G. LUFT THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 16, 1966-53 of the common soldier caught in the whirlpool of National-Socialism. Kirst's "The Officer Factory" ex- poses the • rotten hierarchy of Hitler's army, and his prophetic "The Seventh Day" warns us that, the strengthened "Fourth" Reich may bring atomic war and the de- struction of world civilization. The scope of "The Night of the Generals," on the surface, is much more limited. The novel basically deals with . a sex killer who is a p p r eh end e d after 14 years of sadistically murdering prosti- tutes very much in the style of "Jack The Ripper." Yet, German author Kirst feels compelled to comment that the fiend was the sort of a hero whom only the Third Reich could have produced. The novel is an indictment of a decayed clique of high officers, debased and perverted, riding on the crest of conquests and foreign exploits until the downfall of the war machinery causes the con- spiracy of July 20, 1944, the Night of the Long Knives, of the dis- satisfied generals. Lt.-Gen. Wilhelm Tanz, com- mander of the SS Nibelungen Division, a career officer rising from the ranks of the "Freikorps," to the author symbolizes the Prus- sian spirit of the fearless warrior time is today and the story as who sees only two alternatives timely as the headlines of the fall GREETINGS HOLLYWOOD--"The Night . of for himself, a cross on his chest of 1966. The renaissance of the the Generals." the Samuel Spiegel or another one over his grave. A National Socialist Party of Adolf M & M epic which has been in procluc- career of organized mass murder Hitler has its real-life counterpart tion for more than five months, has destroyed the general's in- in a splinter party with all the AUTO PARTS CO. is based on the novel by German hibitions and activated his latent ideological trappings of the old author Hans Hellmut Kirst, whose 9105-27 Michigan killer instinct, triggering his path- NSDAP (Nazi) organization, "Gunner Asch" trilogy was a best- LU 2-9300 ological desire to cut up the bodies The real party is scheduled to seller in 20 languages and of women who had been the ob- hold a national rally in the city gained Kirst -a reputation as a jects of his degenerated passion. of Karlsruhe in the near future. fierce critic of the Prussian mili- ■111 ■ ■ ■ Anatole Litvak, famed for his During the last national election, 1 tary of yesterday and today. While "Mayerling," "D e c i s i on Before they drew a frightening 600,000 I- l oliday Good Cheer "Gunner Asch" shows us the fate Dawn," "Anastasia" and "The votes, approximately 8 per cent of I Journey," directed the picture on the total ballot, not enough to elect Mike's 9 Mile- location in Warsaw, Paris and a _delegate to the Bundestag, but NEW YEAR GREETINGS Berlin. Majestic Service enough votes to win city councils Gore Vidal who wrote the and mayoralties in smaller provin- MADORA 10200 W. 9 Mile Rd.. screenplay to the Spiegel-Litvak cial cities, chiefly in Bavaria, Han- LI 7-9170 epic is also the co-author with nover and Schleswig-Holstein. Sportswear, Inc.- Francis Ford Coppola of a more 1217 Griswold "The Quiller Memorandum" conventional anti-Nazi yarn, "Is deals with such a movement ap- WO 5-0724 ' Paris Burning?" from the novel pealing to the Fuehrer-PrinziP of Hyman Blumenstein by Larry Collins and Dominique Happy New Year To All Our the German Untertan, who in Lapierre, -which recounts events Friends and Customers reality rallies to the grave site .—.0......, ..........„--0........„-- in Paris of August 1944, when the of 19 war criminals executed by citizenry. rose up in arms and PARADISO CAFE the Allies to pay homage to their routed the German Wehrmacht Fine American-Italian Foods memory every year since 1946. after five days of street fighting. MAJOR'S CAFE The new leader, in the scenario, 17630 Woodward, near 6 Mile The late Paul Graetz produced the "Fine Food for Fine People" is called "Oktober," addressed as TO 9-3988 still unreleased picture last year $ Bring the Family f in Paris, with Rene Clement di- "Reichsfuehrer" and portrayed. by REASONABLE PRICES Swedish thespian Max von Sydow 268 Ookwood Blvd. recting and Charles Boyer por- who made his Hollywood debut as traying a French doctor who risks VI 3-2013 Christ in "The Greatest NEW YEAR GREETINGS his life driving a resistance leader The „...„_______________ Story Ever Told." through the German lines so that * k * N, he can convince Allied Commander Michigan Bakery Senta Berger, an Austrian Dwight D. Eisenhower to send his Holiday Best Wishes actress who was elevated to an Supply Co. NEW YEAR GREETINGS armies to the rescue of the city. Israeli heroine in "'Cast A Giant * Established 1914 Manufacturers Steel LOUIS TILE Paris and the aftermath of war Shadow," returns to the father- 2434-20th TA 5-2885 s also the subject matter of a land as the dubious link between Company COMPANY Quiller's search and his high- rather superficial melodrama, 2162 Cloy CERAMIC TILE ' `Return From the Ashes," in placed quarry, the self-effacing in- heritor of robes and rituals of TR 5-5676 WA 4=1266 which Ingrid Thulin appears as NEW YEAR GREETINGS I. a Adolf Hitler. Against the new concentration camp survivor of I leader, depicted by Von Sydow, ewish descent, who returns to I Michigan Bag & 1 he French capital with scarred there are also Sir Alex Guinness as a British agent; George Sanders i ace, eyes ringed with deep Barrel Co., Inc. Greetings to All shadows and prematurely gre as a functionary in British intel- Established 1914 ligence• Robert Helpmann (of air. The villains this time are J. Berkowitz and Family 1 ot the Germans, but a scheming `Red Shoes" fame) as a German TE 1 3755 I "cover;" and Peter Carsten as an- !, 4825 Russell olish adventurer portrayed by other West German agent help merman-born actor Maximilian 1334 E. Vernor WO 3-7855 chell with Herbert Lam (himself ing to uproot the unholy move- a refugee from Nazidom) depict- ment. HAPPY NEW YEAR While "Funeral in Berlin," i ng a French doctor in love with simultaneously before the cameras he woman who has returned from in the former capital of the MENDELSON he ashes. Reich, re-hashes the defection of Happy New Year * * * EGG CO. Leon Askin, a Jewish actor who an official from the East to the s tarted his career at the Max West, with Michael Caine as the 4100 Joy Rd.. TY 6-2772 F einhardt school in Vienna to "Iperess File" agent Harry Pal- - mer, "The Quiller Memorandum" v ork for many years at Louise Michigan's Largest Restaurant and Bar I )umont's renowned Duesseldorfer for a change deals with realities. .„ Equipment Outfitters Some German newspapers S chauspielhaus and came to the SCHRIER . BROS., Props. Happy Holiday 4403 Russell i. J .S. in 1940 via Paris as director would like to classify "The Quiller Memorandum" as another Secret 0 f the Washington Civic Theater, A. J. Marshall Co. Agent film, others state frankly 5 h as the sorrowful part of a pig- their dismay that outsiders must Since 1897 ish, pudgy and amorous Nazi of- Bar - Restaurant - Institution Happy New Year : fi ficer in the rather silly comedy deal with strong themes of the Supplies - - o the Italian campaign, "What contemporary Germany, contem- 4400 Coss, cor. Canfield porary Germ an y, controversial - D id You Do in The War, Daddy?" TE 1-9450 T he German army could have stories German producers sweep - .. to een beaten easily if .their leaders I under the rug. - 149 W. 6 Mile near Woodward, Highland Park - A few - thoughtful journalists h ad been as stupid as the char- - TO 9-9499 Best Wishes To All Our Friends - - a( ter portrayed by Leon Askin in have said that producer Ivan and CuStomers For a Happy C ti: e current feature, and in the Foxwell and director Michael ,,, and Joyous New Year Flogan's Heroes" television series Anderson show an honest ap- proach to an unpleasant problem which the fine actor is con- LOUIS & LEINOFF mned to appear perpetually as of today, an approach which puts DELICATESSEN German film-makers of Westerns, New Year Greetings azi General Burkhalter. Tray Catering — Carry Outs (Krimis (criminal who-done-its) * * * 15315 W. 7 Mile Rd. While George Peppard intro- and Heimat films (hearts-and- BR 3-5914 ces himself as a German hero flowers epics) to shame. ■ ■ the multi-million dollar epic ■ ■ ► ■ ■ ■ ■1■ ■ ■ ■ 12010 Farmington Rd., Livonia 425-8100 Tobruk," dealing with the North rican campaign in World War Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season his exploits in "The Blue Max" ar e of a different nature. Peppard . in the First World War flying Happy Holiday m elee can be compared in char- ac ter with the ambitious, sehem- in, fighter portrayed by Kirk . IN uglas in "The Champion" al- 1■10.141 •1141■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Resources over 100 Million Dollars ' ■ ■0■ ■ ■ m, st 20 years ago. Only one is not aware at first that the ruth- Hamtramck - Warren - Centerline - West Utica le: is ace flyer is all evil. "The New Year Greetings Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation B1 ue Max," in which James Mason es says the unlikely role of a Ger- a.CULLitiLkitstsi_suzsi.os_o_o_w_suuts _sus_ - -i rm n general and Ursula Andress - . - hi: even more unlikely wife. * * * Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors "The Q u i 11 e r Memorandum," 7361 Fenkell Dl 1-5262 rrently before the cameras an .. . lac ration in Berlin and in the - stt adios of London, is of a differ- - LIGHTING CO ... .1 Co. .. . . -n . ii., t mold. A joint-production of ilywood's Carthay Center and Best Wishes For A Happy, thur Rank of England, the mo- - do n picture is based on the best- Healthy and Prosperous New Year sel ling novel by Adam Hall, with - a screenplay by Harold Pinter, - de; ling with a new neo-Nazi move- • me nt in West Germany and in the - o mer capital of the Reich. The (Copyright, 1966, JTA. Inc.) „ ••••C•blEFFIVOILIG ............................ . 001/•••1•441 4111•11.1■••11.11116.1.11•1•U 041111• 11 ] ( HAMILTON FISH CO. 1•1*0•111111111 - QA GOLD STAR PRODUCTS - - g - - DUNK DONUT SHOPS - - 8 I , FREEDLAND STRUCTURAL STEEL CO. r r0.1.1.111111•111/11•MI,ONO 1.1 041=10 1741!0 11.0 ••• •11•10 111111.11M. )• 1,41111 114111 11011111• 0 11.11•11=1.1 0•11 13 0111•11•011•11.0!, PAUL INMAN ASSOCIATES BANK OF COMMERCE !“.•11 0 ∎41•11•0111 141 IMF 41•110 0 1111.17•11111•(, 0,11=0.1) 0.111•1141 1.041 0111 111111•041 4.11111.1•ONNI.0 CHERNOFF, INC'. - Best Wishes For A Happy New Year 24200 Telegraph 353-9545 - - - cu IMPERIAL MANOR APTS. 1•1.1