September 16, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH Mrs. Bishop's Biography 'Yeshu, Called Jesus': Splendid' 12—FridaY1 Lending Use of Jewish Background Material: Only for Christians If you lend a person any money, kindness. If you begin to Claire Hucher Bishop, author of a number of outstanding books for children, having made a thorough study of the Bible—of the Torah and the New Testament—and hav- ing visited Israel, has written a most interesting story about Jesus, with emphasis on his Jewish back- ground, on early life in the Holy Land and on the Jewish heritage in Christianity. Under the title "Yeshu. Called Jesus," Mrs. Bishop's book, pub- lished by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, her story, 'splendidly illus- trated by Donald Bolognese, is de- voted mostly to a review of ancient Jewish history. It describes life in the Holy Land in the time of Jesus, pointing to the difficulties the Jews of old faced under the rule' of the Romans. Mrs. Bishop has utilized history and tradition, the Bible and the sources dealing with Jewish ob- servances, to describe the forms of life, the holidays observed by CARMEL WINES Make Your Holiday Table Complete NV? Distributed by: KITCHEN MAID FOOD CO. 8938 — 12th St. Jews, the Sabbath and the festivals, leading up to the Passover pil- grimage to the Temple in Jeru- salem where Jesus, then 12 years old, engaged in discussions with the learned men while his parents searched for him for several days, delaying their return to Nazareth. From this point on commences the Christological factor. Then Yeshu, as he was named by his parents Mary and Joseph, begins to emerge as his people's long- sought Messiah. Mrs. Bishop is very cautious in her work. At the very outset, describing the miseries under the Romans and the events that caused Jesus to await the Messiah, she explains: "The liberator to come was ex- pected to be a king. Kings in Israel were not crowned but were anointed with oil. For that reason, a king was called the Anointed, or the 'Messiah,' from a Hebrew word which means 'to anoint.' The Greek word for Mes- siah is 'Christ.' " It is clear that she deals with her subject factually. Throughout the text, to make it historically and biblically correct, she quotes from Scriptures and these appear in her biography in italicized form. She takes the versions from the Ma- oretic text, the King James and Cobfraternity edition s, Ronald Knox's New Testament translation and the French Bible de Jerusalem, and the concluding selections from the Christian Creed are from Cath- olic and Protestant texts. It is an impressive work and at least two rabbis have commended it highly, expressing the hope that it will be used in Christian schools as guides for youngsters, to make them understand Jesus' Jewishness. Jewish children, however, will need guidance in using this text. It will be necessary for them to under- stand that the acceptance in this work of Jesus as the Messiah means acceptance of Christ as the Chris- tian Messiah by Christians. 5727 1966 54th Year DETROIT BUSINESSMEN'S GROUP CITY OF HOPE EXTENDS El Al Israel Airlines Mrs. LBJ Heads List of Sponsors of WICS Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson leads the list of those honoring members of the National Council of Jew- ish Women and three other groups for their work enabling young girls to benefit from the war on poverty. The First Lady will be honorary chairman of WICS Day, Oct. 18, which pays tribute to the vol- unteers of t h e NCJW, National Council of Catho- lic Women, N a - tional Council of N e g r o Women and United Church Women, who recruit and screen 16-21-year- old girls for the Mrs. LBJ Women's Job Corps and conduct local Commun- ity Action Projects through WICS (Women In Community Service). WICS was organized by the four womens' organizations, represent- ing 27,000,000 women, in the fall of 1964 to enter into an unusual contract with the Federal govern- ment, enabling their members to I play a unique role in the war oni poverty. About 10,000 volunteers I conduct its activities, which include work with the families of the girls, and assistance to those who could not be accepted by the Job Corps. WICS estimates that t h e r e are 500,000 16-21-year-old girls in pov- erty. The theme of WICS Day is "A Dream Whose Time Has Come," symbolizing the opportunities open- ing up for disadvantaged girls through WICS and the Job Corps. The event also stresses that WICS, operating in almost 200 c i t i e across the nation, stands for "worn- en who believe in girls and for girls who believe in themselves." I World Book Lore .. "Man, Is, Indeed, His Brother's Keeper" bassamsainammusamormorimmum (-/ SHALOM' Greetings 11/414, press There is no doubt, as indicated, it becomes lost for any purposes still further—either you must part about Mrs. Bishop's sincerity of of your own. When you ask for it with that which you have intrusted, purpose, her brilliant approach back again, you find. a friend or else you must lose that friend. to the subject matter, her skilled made an enemy by your own —Plautus. use of Jewish sources, even her use of the aleph and the beth in describing the Hebrew alphabet 1 as it was taught to Yeshu—to Jesus. But the delineation of Jesus as the Messiah is not and can not be acceptable to Jews, much as they may commend the fairness of the background mate- rial in Mrs. Bishop's "Yeshu, Called Jesus." gratefully acknowledges the The significance of this work has • patronage of the people of been hailed as implementing the Detroit during the past years recent Vatican Council Declaration and looks forward to serving on Jews. That's all well and good, provided it is designated as sup- I you again and again. plementary good-will material for non-Jews. But if it were spread among Jewish children without their knowing the finality of the story—the acceptance of Jesus as the Christ—then it would be pro- selytizing matter rather than bib- lical-biographical-historical. —P. S. Happy New Year Jack Beckwith President NEWS May you and yours be inscribed in the book of life for a year filled with health, happiness and prosperity.: May peace and contentment come to all mankind throughout • the World. EL AL ISRAEL AIRLINES L IN It 1327 David Stott Bldg. Detroit 48226 Phone: 963-7626 n r1 :11 r°1 I 1 t rt,1rLS As we take stock of the events that transpired in the year 5726, looking forward to a happy and peaceful 5727, we extend our heartiest good wishes to the entire community for a year of joy and contentment. We join in prayer that the coming year should be marked by an end to conflicts, by an era of amity among all peoples, by good will in- stead of discord. And may the year 5727 spell security and peace for all Americans. We especially greet our co-workers in the Allied Campaign, the Friends of Bar- Ilan University, University, the Mizrachi-Hapaoel Ha- Mizrachi, our fellow-Zionists, the sponsors of educational programs for our youth and their elders, and the Jewish Welfare Federation, and pray for successful continuation of ef- forts for these great causes. May 5727 be a Very Happy Year for all. Omar Khayyam, author of The Rubaiyal, was an astronomer and mathematician as well as a poet. SOURCE: WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA The Stollman Family =_