1111111111.1111_. THE JEWISH NEWS Fishing in Troubled Waters Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48235. YE 8-9364. Subscription $6 a year. Foreign $7. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ SIDNEY SHMARAK Business Manager Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 25th day of Elul, 5726, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuch& portion, Deut. 29:9-31:30; Prophetical portion, Isaiah 61:10-63:9. Licht Benshen, Friday, Sept. 9, 6:34 p.m. Vol. L. No. 3 Page 4 Sept. 9, 1966 School Bells and Their Auditors School bells rang again. The vacation has ended, our children are back in their classes, teachers have picked up where they had left off less than three months ago, and with the responsibilities of teaching and of learning there also is a resumption of duties related to many problems. We are faced endlessly with the duty to provide the best facilities, the ablest teachers, the highest standards of training our youth. But there are obstacles. There is the poverty problem that creates classes and introduces castes. There is the sad condition involving the Haves and the Have-Nots. As a result, many of the children in large communities — Detroit is a typical example — have been enrolled in private schools, the parochial school has gained new status, and some of the public schools have experienced a lowered standard. The race issue has played a role in the struggle for the highest ideals in our educational system, and the controversies that have ensued have caused irritations, have inspired resentments and did not contribute towards the spirit of good will that is vital in assuring communal amity. Those responsible for the advancement of our educational values therefore face many challenges, with accompanying obstacles. To help them solve their problems, to assist them in providing the best there is in educa- tional merits, they should not be hindered. Vitally needed funds must be provided for the upkeep of our schools, and every effort should be made to assure the improvement of our teaching personnel. * * * That is why it is so vital that the extra millage to be voted upon in November, to in- crease the allocations to our elementary school system, should be given the voters' overwhelming approval. The Jewish schools commence their new year simultaneously with the public schools. Many problems confront us on the Jewish level. They are, in large measure, more serious. The habit of turning Jewish educational systems into Bar and Bat Mitzva factories has to be overcome. We have come to a stage of advocacy, by rabbis and others, that the Bar Mitzva custom be abandoned in order that education for education's sake should become the aim of parents' desires to enroll their sons and daughters in Jewish schools. Frank discussion of issues involved, of the craving for improvements, of the need to educate our people so that there should be a better understanding of Jewish aims and values, is helpful in the present situation. Enough has been said to indicate that there is a deplorable lack of knowledge about things Jewish in Jewish ranks. Now we must strive to improve conditions and to assure adherence to wholesome, firm and practical methods of pursuing our aims to assure priority for Jewish education in Jewish activities. Such priority already has been conceded and is practiced in many communities. Per- haps even with the precedence in importance already granted to educational programing there is need for new and increased efforts to encourage that every effort should be exerted to improve upon the existing school systems and to provide such facilities — no matter what the cost — that will grant highest status to the urge to learn. This demands the attracting into our Jewish school systems of the ablest men and women as teachers. We must encourage young American Jews to pursue the Jewish teaching profession, and for that purpose the teaching profession must be given the highest rating. The teacher in our traditions is the person who, as the guide of our children, possesses a high rank in Jewish life. Teachers with a sense of responsibility to our community can and should be partners in the great task of assuring that our schools will be the inde- structible citadels of Jewry. * * * The opening of a new school year carries with it the admonition of the importance of the school and of the responsibility of the Jewish community not only for the training of the youth but also for the education of the elders. In a letter he had written in 1915, the great Jewish philosopher, Ahad HaAm, stated: "The heart of the Jewish people has always been in the Bet HaMidrash; there was the source from which they drew the strength and the inspiration that enabled them to overcome all difficulties and with- stand all persecutions. If we want to go on living, we must restore the center to the Bet HaMidrash, and make that once more the living source of Judaism." This applies to the elementary school, it encourages advanced secondary education, it demands that adults should never stop learn- ing if they wish to be wholesome elements in an honored community. The realization of this ideal is the chief concern of Jewry in our traditions and the major appeal to us in our time. All Extremists Menace Our Way of Life The hooded Klansmen had been treated with derision, and it was believed that they had been reduced to such minuteness that they could not possibly emerge anew as a force threatening democracy. But they seem to have gained new life. Acquiring the swastika as a symbol in the battle against civil rights, the Ku Klux Klan now is visible more in the northern communities, much more in the Midwest, especially in Chicago and in Wisconsin communities, than in the South. Not only have the bigoted elements re- constructed their hate movements, using the Negro as an object of their venom, but they have made all justice-loving elements their targets. Even more disturbing is the fact that by their actions the KKK and their allies, in- cluding now the American Nazi Party, are forcing people who hitherto refrained from seeking legislation to outlaw bigotry to resort to measures that would prohibit the display of the swastika and would curtail public ex- pressions relating to racial, religious and na- tionality subjects. It had been a basic principle of civil liber- ties proponents that freedom of speech should be adhered to, that there should be no interference with the right to expression of views by anyone. The views of the civil libertarians has been that only through free discussion can the bigots be ferreted from decent society. That principle has been weakened by the actions of the Nazi party and the KKK in Chicago, by the appeals to rioting under guise of "white power" forces who seek to destroy the "black power." While the aims of both such powers are contrary to American ideas, the emergence of Nazism, the evils of which involved this country in a war that cost us hundreds of thousands of casualties and has dragged us into sad Euro- pean involvements, and the rebirth of the KKK, as "white power" symbols, compel action that would otherwise be most regret- table. All extremists menace American freedom. They must be driven out of public life. Jewish Traditions Evaluated Dr. Baeck's Views on Pharisaism, Mysticism, Character of Judaism Seven - of the very important essays by the • late Dr. Leo Baeck, chief rabbi of Berlin who survived the terror of the Theresienstadt concentration camp, are now available in a paperback issued by Schocken Books (67 Park, NY 16). "The Pharisees and Other Essays" contains in addition to the titled article these essays by the eminent scholar: "Tradition in Judaism," "Judaism in the Church," "Origin of Jewish Mysticism," "Greek and Jewish Preaching," "Two World Views Compared" and "The Character of Judaism." * . - S The introduction by Dr. Krister Stendahl of the Harvard Divinity School adds special merit to this collection of important essays. Dr. Stendahl declares that the defining of the Pharisees is of special significance to Christians "since the teaching of Jesus and much early Christian material - is available to us only in its sharp critique of and contrast to the Pharisees." The Christian theologian thereupon states that while Baeck was "not blind to the grave faults of many a follower of Pharisaism," he is "anxious to retain the positive connotation of `holy community' as the essential one in his presentation of the Pharisees. Thus he gives significant attention to how this community liberates Judaism from the priestly, the cultic and the Temple." This Christian viewpoint and comment is noteworthy, since Dr. Baeck states about the Pharisees, in positive fashion: ,"Phari- saism represents a great attempt to achieve the full domination of religion over life, both over the life of the individual and the life of the collectivity; an effort to exalt religion beyond a merely auxiliary role in the life of man, the community and the state. It took the idea of saintliness in earnest; it responded in deadly earnest to the summons to make life, including daily life, conform) to the ideal — the summons in which the Pharisees discovered their function and their justification: " 'Ye shall sanctify your- selves and be holy—ye shall be Perushim.' Pharisaism was an heroic effort to prepare the ground for the kingdom of God , 1, 1.0--/ The Christian's comments are additionally interesting in his evp tion of the other essays, indicating demarcations, emphasizing ences, at the same time showing the deepest respect for Baeck's view of what he called "the essence of Judaism." * * * Thus, the republished Baeck essays serve as material to inspire the dialogues that take place between Christians and Jews. It is in the essay "The Character of Judaism" that Baeck asserts: "The history of Judaism has passed beyond the boundaries dividing the Jewish people and Judaism from the rest of the world, Two great historical forms of world religion, a world philosophy, and a world socialism have arisen from it, and they can endure only so long as they remain true to their origin. Wherever they have attempted to negate Judaism, they themselves were negated.. Thus certain essential ideas and elements of Judaism have become part of mankind's heritage. One might divide the world of man into two domains: the one, into which something of the power of this spirit has penetrated, and the other, into which it has not, or as yet has not, penetrated. "And amidst all this, the people of Judaism, caught up in the history of, every epoch, led and often driven, endures and moves forward, knowing that its life depends upon its faithfulness to Judaism, and thus to itself. It exists in its particularity, in the singularity of its spirit, of its will and of its trust; it is particular even in the fact that it clings to its old land. It exists in its universality as a people of mankind, universal even where it has taken deep root in a particular j soil." In his comments on Jewish mysticism, Dr. Baeck states that "it acquired a messianic tone," that "its aim was not to release man from will and from the world, but to reconcile human will and the world with God, and to bring the beyond clown to this earth, to trans- form the Sabbath, to whose poetry all its love is directed, into the breath of the world, into the life and fulfilment of mankind."