Malamud's 'The Fixer': Great Novel, Superb Condemnation of Czarist Cruelty There -is no longer any doubt about it. "The Fixer" by Bernard Malamud must be rated not only among the very best novels of our time but as, perhaps, the very best story published in at least a decade. Review after review of Mala- tincd's newest work hails him as the master of the narrative art. And his new story, published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, has stirred so much interest that it is Certain to serve as a weapon against tyranny and bigotry. Malamud himself told an inter- viewer for the Saturday Review (Haskel Frankel) that he intended his story as a myth, not intending it to be the story of Mendel Beiliss; that it is a condemnation of in- justice; that he had studied case histories. including the Dreyfus Case, for details. Nevertheless, his character, Yakov Bok, the fixer, is so close to Beiliss', the details are so akin to what had hapen- ed in Russia in 1911, that it is dif- ficult to divorce "The Fixer" from the Beiliss affair. Malamud's story appeared about the same time as Maurice Samuel's "Blood Accusation" (published by Knopf jointly with the Jewish Publication So- ciety), which is an historic re- view of the Beiliss case. In many respects it is amazing how close- ly the two are tied in, how well they described the real murder- ers and the fact that Czar Nicho- las II had taken a personal in- terest in that dramatic event, in- sisting that a Jew be made the goat in a ritual murder charge. The.appearance of the two books simultaneously is an amazing co- 4ncidence. Two eminent writers de- voted themselves to study of the ease: Both had read all available newspaper clippings and other data. Samuel had a research staff gathering data and he learned Russian to be able personally to provide all the factual details for his history. Malamud said he had worked nearly three years on the story, reading up on the details. In Milwaukee, on the occasion' of the appearance of the Samuel history of the Beiliss case, the Mil- waukee Journal reprinted the story from its issue of Oct. 8, 1913, con- taining a special report from Kiev by Mary Boyle O'Reilly, its staff correspondent, who showed that Nicholas was the guilty instigator of the case against an innocent Jew. The Wisconsin Jewish Chro- nicle, published by former De- troiter Irving Rhodes, reprinted that story with facsimile heads and Beiliss' photograph showing him as "The Dreyfus of the Russian Ghetto," as he was portrayed in Harper's Magazine. It was a serv- ice exposing an ancient and an atrocious libel. If it were not for the fact that anti-Semites even today resort to the ritual murder libel, these books the Samuel history and the Malamud narrative — might not be as vital. But anti-Semitic leaflets resorting to the ritual murder charge were distributed in Flint only two years ago and the charge has been repeated in the Ukraine. Therefore the ex- poses serve the purposes intend- ed and whether or not Malamud would link Yakov Bok with Beiliss his task has been accom- plished; he has effectively con- demned injustice. of the evil and cruel role of Nicho- las II but also the attitudes of his predecessors, Nicholas I and Alex- ander I, who officially repudiated the ritual murder charge. In the story, as Yakov ruminates, as he fights against the efforts to have him either 'confess or commit sui- cide—thereby eliminating himself as an instrument against the anti- Semitic campaign—he reviews his- tory, he refers to declarations by several Popes who condemned the blood accusation. "The Fixer" is a simple man who became religious. He left his small village environment when his wife, who could not bear the children he craved for, left him and was unfaithful. His father-in-law pleaded with him not to go to Kiev where Jews were not permitted to establish residence. But he had begun to teach himself Russian and he studied a grammar. He read Spinoza. He became an unbe- liever. He took the chance. He landed in Kiev. He saved the life of a Russian wealthy owner of of brick plant and was given a good job. His new boss was an anti-Semite but Yakov did not reveal to him his Jewishness. He was loyal in his work. He re- jected the love-making of his boss' daughter when he found her in a menstrual state. When a 12-year-old boy was found murdered and the Russians sought to pin guilt on Jews, he was uncovered, he became the innocent sufferer and the en- durance against cruelties during his two years in prison reveal an unlettered Jew who rose to great heights as a symbol of justice- seeking. Malamud had gone to many sources, and especially to the plight of Alfred Dreyfus. He read up in the manner in which Drey- fus was tortured in an effort to crush him; how his oppressors had hoped he would escape and would be shot in the attempt, thus clos- ing the case with the Jew as the guilty traitor. It was hoped he would commit suicide. But Drey- fus had to live to prove his inno- cence. This is the case also of Yakov Bok, He knew what was hoped for o He had acquired a New Testa- ment and he found the referenc- es to blood in the Jesus story as a refutation of the unfounded charge that Jews tolerated use of blood. The Jewish laws against the use of blood are re- viewed. The reveries of Yakov become arguments against the false accusers. He was provided with a tatter- ed Old Testament and soon that, too, was taken from him. There was an attempt to poison him, and he demanded food to share with other prisoners. For a time that was granted. Then came the chains- to-the-wall, and even the right to sweep his cell and to walk about were denied. But he lived on. And because he lived to face trial, even though the Malamud story ends without indicating freedom for the sufferer—one surmises that only a guilty verdict faced the lonely man— he emerges the victor. That's the purpose of the powerful story in which a Jew subjected to cruelty defies the forces of bigotry, the Czar himself. Yakov has many debates in his mind, with the Czar with whom he argues over the inconsistency of the ruler's position, with the prose- cutor, with his tormentors. One of the prisoners, before he is placed in solitary, reveals him- self as a friend of the Jews—hav- ing worked for the Jews—and he later is shot by a prison Warden. The investigating justice who want- ed to expose the true murderers of the Christian boy was found hang- ing: every attempt was made to crush the emergence of the true facts. As in the Beiliss story, it is evi- dent that not all Russians, only officialdom and the misled masses, desired to condemn an innocent man and to direct an atrocious ac- cusation at all Jews. There was trickery. The accusers, attempting to extort a confession, spoke of of our people shiver in every only Hasidim as requiring Christ- weather"; that "they shoot with ian blood for matzot. What Mala- popguns and run from the mud did was to expose the entire noise." crime of anti-Semitism, in his skill- And as Yakov ruminated anew, as fully woven tale about a victim of he determined to live to expose the intolerance and hatred. lie, he thought to himself: "They're Yakov Bok at the outset had afraid of the trial, the fixer thought hoped that the only charge bitterly, after the warden had left. against him would be for the Maybe people are asking when it only crime he had committed— will begin. Maybe this has them living in Kiev, without identify- worried. If I live, sooner or later ing himself as Jew, and breaking they'll have to bring me to trial. If the law by living where Jews not Nicholas the Second, then were not permitted to reside. Nicholas the Third will." At least he begins to believe that But when, after two years, he was shown the indictment in his the news about his incarceration prison cell, he knew at once that which was to be a secret is leak- the true murderess, the Christ- ing out, that people are beginning ian boy's mother and her fellow to take an interest. He had been criminals who were threatened prevented from making any con- with exposure of their thefts by tacts and the friendly investigating the boy, was being shielded be- justice was murdered. His assist- cause the Russian officials want- ant was sent to Siberia. Only of- ed a Jew as a scapegoat in the ficialdom was building up a case. ritual murder case the Czar and But Russia began to stir and Yak- his cohorts wanted to concoct. In ov began to become aware of it. the trickery, reference to the ritual murder accusation was re- moved from the indictment, but there was no doubt that it would come up, and the warden im- plied it. A new indictment came with the ritual murder charge. It was brought by Yakov's estranged wife Raisl. Where his signature was requested Yakov wrote "Every word is a lie." And he said to himself that he will yet be tried for the Crucifixion. The visit with his wife was ar- ranged in another effort to extort a confession from him. Meanwhile the "barren" wife brought him the news that she had given birth to a son, fathered by another man, and in his ,compassion Yakov legi- timatizes the boy by slipping a note to his wife in Yiddish for the presentation to the rabbi of their town. By asserting fatherhood he performs a mitzva, removing a stigma from his wife. When a Jewish lawyer came to see him, finally, after nearly three years of jail suffering had passed, it was the first indica- tion that he was not forgotten. But the lawyer, informing him about Christians who were com- ing to his aid, said that "some On the way to the court, dur- ing a procession watched by people who lined the streets, many ignorant Russians cursing him, some Jews giving him courage, Yakov again dreamed, in his imagination, that he had a discourse with the Czar, that he took a gun and shot him to avenge the many wrongs. Then: "One thing I've learned, he thought, there's no such thing as an unpolitical man, especially a Jew. You can't be one with- out the other, that's clear enough. Thus we have a drama about an innocent victim in an historic case, suffering from a vile accusation which was supported officially by an emperor. The will to live for the sake of truth and justice makes a hero of a martyr. The role of Yakov Bok is one of Malamud's great crea- tions. Even though he seeks a wider field, taking in all injustices, whether against Jews or Negroes, Malamud neverthelsss has exposed the crime of the Beiliss case and of the ritual murder charge. "The Fixer" is a great novel and a superb social document. P. S. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 36—Friday, September 9, 1966 ACT NOW! A New Year's gift that will be remembered all year .. . A subscripton to — Samuel's book has already been reviewed in these columns. Mala- mud's deserves widest attention. Not only has the eminent novelist indicated the bigotry that was ram- pant, the lack of fairness in the Russian prosecuting procedures, but he has also presented the anti- Semitic case and has uncovered all the ills of the distorted minds that seek to make the Jew the scapegoat for every evil. Malamud presents the argu- ments of the anti-Semites. He quotes them at length, giving them a platform for all their venom. Then come the exposes and in them are contained the basic data, the historic 'facts, the revelations by the Russian tyrants, but he had to live. He was placed in chains and his agonies will cause the reader to shudder as they are des- cribed in the masterful work, "The Fixer". But he had to live. The un- political fixer of things who was willing to live a poor life, from hand to mouth, became a political force in the Russian drama. The Jewish News Be Sure Your Relatives and Friends Are Kept Fully Informed on Jewish Happenings, Everywhere ACT TODAY! - - - - I THE JEWISH NEWS 17100 West Seven Mile Road I Detroit, Michigan 48235 PLEASE SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: Address CITY State Zip Code FROM $6.00 • iss Be sure check accompanies this form am as EN me Es me me I= ow EN i= sii • EN Ns • • I= al „.: