Bonnie Rotenberg togied 4 Brilliant Novels Robert Winston Roberts in Feibleman's `Strangers, Graves' Danny Raskin's LISTENING Already highly acclaimed for his novels, short stories and plays, Peter S. Feibleman emerges in new glory with his "Strangers and Graves," published by Atheneum (162 E. 38th, NY16). Containing four novelettes, the new Feibleman work is vibrant, forecful, masterful as narrative literature. Th first two novels in this group of stories, "Death of Danaus" and "Fever," are set in New Orleans. HAL TAINES, now living in,Flor- The last two, "Along the Coast" ida, came back from a trip to and "Eyes," are in Spain. In all Europe so anti-French that folks instances they show a deep under- couldn't believe it was the same standing of life in the areas, of the Hal speaking . . . He especially people described, of the events boiled to see the manager of his that mark the actions in the four fine hotel practically kissing the MISS BONNIE ROTENBERG stories. feet of two, Red-Chinese generals Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Leonard A native New Yorker—he is . . . After Hal became friendly with Rotenberg, 13431 Vassar, announce now only 36—Feibleman's child- the manager, he-asked him if those the engagement of their daughter hood was in New Orleans, and the Red-Chinese generals or perhaps Bonnie Sue to Robert Winston impressions left with him are the people of Red China were res- Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ponsible for. getting his France evident in the two novels with ert T. Roberts, 19160 Woodston. that city as their locale. When he back from the Nazis during World Miss Rotenberg attended the was a theater company manager War II . . . The manager replied, Northwood Institute for girls. Her and an actor in Europe he lived "It wasn't so bad under the Nazis. fiance attended Northwood Insti- for several years in Spain where The only thing we really didn't tute. he wrote his first novel. "A Place have was the right to vote, and Without Twilight." Thus, in all this is what we wanted." . . . Hal instances, his writing is based turned and walked away before NY Day School Pupils on knowledge of events and peo- his temper got him into trouble. * * * ple and the places used as back- to Get Split of OK'd grounds. HAL AND GERRY TAINES make $65,000,000 U.S. Aid - In the novel:. with Spain as their up the brother act responsible for NEW YORK (JTA) — Children settings, Feibleman portrays life, building the gorgeous Diplomat attending Jewish day schools in people, attitudes with such skill Towers . . . They are getting ready New York City will be among the - that his narratives emerge as su- to break ground on a new high beneficiaries of a $65,000,000 pro- perb descriptions based on im- rise building which will be located gram approved by the New York pressive experiences. The roles of on the ocean in Hollywood, Fla., City Board of Education to help tourists in their relation to the about a block north of Diplomat disadvantaged public and non-pub- natives in Spain, the poverty and Towers . . . It will be the largest lic school children. the family strains, the love affairs apartment building in Florida . The program, to be financed with and the struggles of daily life, lend The former Detroit builders are naming their new building the funds from Title I of the Federal power to these stories. Elementary and Secondary Edu- Collectively, "S t r angers and Presidential Towers. * * * cation Act of 1965, has been the Graves" offer a great treat to dis- JOE CORNELL, last Saturday, subject of widespread debate criminating readers who will find among Jewish organizations. Ortho- in the four Feibleman novels pow- was flown to Roanoke, Va., to emcee dox Jewish groups have joined with er, imagination, excellent narration, as a bar mitzvah present for Drew Babich, son of Shirley and David other similar groups in opposing it brillinant writing. Babich, former Detroiters . . . on grounds of breach of church- state separation. When Dave was transferred to Congressman Suggests Roanoke by his firm, Drew was In approving the program, in promised Joe as emcee just like which a board official estimated Arab-Jewish School brother Leslie had at his bar mitz- that $3,500,000 would be used ex- to Encourage Amity vah four years ago. clusively for projects in religious * * * WASHINGTON (JTA) — Rep. schools, the board listed for the first time the criteria it would use Thomas C. McGrath Jr., New Jer- JAY KALTER, three-and-a-half in deciding the eligibility of religi- sey Democrat, proposed in a House year old son of Sylvia and Dan ous schools and children who at- speech that Americans should help Kalter, insists his name is O'Jay tend them. The criteria were establish "a comprehensive Arab- because Sylvia keeps say, "Oh, promptly called "unfair" by reli- Jewish elementary school" to pro- Jay!" . . . When Dan calls him mote integration in Nazareth, Is- by his rightful name of Jay, he gious school educators. says, "Daddy, that's not my name, As a basic yardstick, the board rael. said that any non-public school in Rep. McGrath said that, on a re- it's O'Jay!" * * * which more than 10 per cent of cent visit to Israel, President Zal- pupils received free lunches under man Shazar agreed with him that JACK SWARTZ, owner of Pro a federal program would be qual- a school to educate Arab and Jew- Golf Dist. on Plymouth, can readily ified to get Title I help for pro- ish children between the ages of attest -to the accuracy of the equip- grams conducted during the reg- 12 and 18 would be "an excellent ment he sells . . . Jack had a hole- ular school day. A total of 213 non- starting point" in promotion of in-ane recently on the 208 yd. 13th public schools asked for a share Arab-Jewish mutual trust. hole at Rackham, using a No. 2 of the $65,000,000. These included The Congressman said: "During iron . . . His score for the 18 holes Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and my visit to Israel, I noted that was a mighty respectable 72 . . . other denominations. . Arab and Jewish children are now Don Aaron, with whom he was An investigation of 156 of the taught in separate schools. This golfing, came in with a fine 74 .. . applicant schools indicated that system gives rise to the possibility Jack started playing golf five years only three would be ineligible for that future citizens of Israel will be ago and now plays five days a the aid, the board said. divided in their attitudes toward week — no weekends because the Rabbi Bernard Goldenberg, di- the state and widen the gap of sus- courses are too crowded . . He rector of school organization of picion that has existed between the and Dan are together on the greens Tora Umesora, the Society for He- two communities since the creation four of the days. * * * brew Day Schools, questioned the of Israel in 1948." SEEN IN FRONT of the Shera- use of free lunch as an appropri- Rep. McGrath told the House ton-Cadillac Hotel . . . a parcel- ate yardstick. Rev. Eugene J. Molloy, chair- that a balance of military power laden woman shopper asking the man of the committee of non-public "can at best provide only a tem- doorman, "Did you happen to no- school officials, also challenged the porary and unstable peace between tice an angry man in a blue sedan use of that yardstick and said that the Arab states and Israel." He drive by here a few dozen times?" advocated education as a means of it would mean exclusion of a sign- building trust. ificant number of pupils from such "Matching jet plane for jet plane; Algerian Exile Leader aid. The committee represents Jew- ish as well as Christian religious missile for missile and gun for gun Proclaims Self Zionist may stave off a military show- school officials. MIZRA (ZINS)—"I am a Zion- down," he said, "but only mutual ist !" was the sensational declara- trust and respect between Arab tion made by the Algerian leftist and Jew — which once flourished leader Abdul Kadar R in the in Palestine — can bring_ true course of a luncheon azek at Kibbutz peace." Mizra. The Algerian leader, now a The NEW YORK CITY BALLET, He estimated the cost of the political exile, added that he is America's foremost ballet com- proposed Nazareth educational convinced that his party will come pany, will give three performances project at $665,000, and urged into power eventually, at which at the Masonic Auditorium, Oct. Americans to contribute toward time it will recognize Israel be- 21 and 22. This will mark only the realizing the proposal. cause the Algerian people harbor second time this famous group has no hostile feelings toward Israel. appeared in Detroit. The first time If a cause be good, the most was in 1961. violent atack of its enemies will Let us believe neither half of the not injure it so much as an injudi- good say of ourselves, nor Self-conquest is the greatest of cious defense of it by its friends. half of people the evil they say of others. victories.—Plato —Colton --J. Pettit-Senn Brevities . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 9, 1966-35 Turkish Jewry By DAVID GREEN (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) ISTANBUL—The Jewish commu- nity in Turkey is one of the oldest and most conscious of its heritage. It now numbers about 44,000 of whom 37,000 live in Ankara. The recent visit by Israel's (Sep- hardic) Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Nis- sim highlighted their condition. His impressions of that visit illus- trate the degree of tolerance shown by the Turkish authorities towards the Jews, and also some of the community's present problems. That visit, at the end of July, amounted to a holiday for Tur- key's Jews. In 1492, after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, the Ottoman Empire opened its gates to the refugees and the Turkish Jewish community achieved great import- ance. Rabbi Nissim visited Turkey at the invitation of the local Chief Rabbi, David Asseo, extended when Rabbi Nissim made a brief stopover at Istanbul Airport on his way to Rome. The visit was then coordinated with the Turkish gov- ernment, and after winding up his Rome visit, • Rabbi Nissim, accom- panied by his son, Dr. Meir Bena- yahu, diriector of the Ben-Zvi In- stitute, flew to Istanbul. Guides and bodyguards were provided by the Turkish authori- ties, who also opened to Rabbi Nis- sim and Dr. Benanahu libraries, institutions and historic sites which are normally closed to visi- tors. An interpreter was provided by the Israel Legation in Ankara. A chance cordial meeting be- tween Rabbi Nissim and the Tur- kish foreign minister took place in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel where Rabbi Nissim stayed. At the end of the visit, the presi- dent of the Jewish community, Yisrael Menashe, responded to an appeal by Rabbi Nissim for the intensification of religious life and Jewish education by saying that although he himself was not reli- gious, he was grateful for Rabbi Nissim's remarks which, he said, "will henceforth be our guide." SALE 14 KARAT GOLD JEWELRY SALE EARRINGS • RINGS BRACELETS • PENDANTS CUFF LINKS • CHARMS CHARM BRACELETS SAVE Up to .50% Hundreds of Items to Choose From I BY POPULAR DEMAND ! Now Booking - ED BURG and His Orchestra Good Music for All Occasions LI 4-9278 283 HAMILTON, BIRMINGHAM Just E. of Demery's-644-7626 Thurs. & Fri. to 9 p.m. Classified Ads Get Quick Results NO GREATER GIFT Of all gifts you can give your child early in life . . None is more important than social confidence • . . Mature, attractive courtesy . . And the ability to adjust well to others .. . This invaluable social education can be theirs through the right kind of Ballroom Dance Instruction . LAST CHANCE TO ENROLL YOUR CHILD ! CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 9th Kickoff Party Sept. I I — Call for Details JACK BARNES Ballroom Dance Studio COOL1DGE-9 MILE, OAK PARK LI 7-4470 C)