24—Friday, September 9, 1966 THE DETROIT FINISH NEWS Nancy Roberts Becomes Center to Host Federation Worn en's Leadership Mrs. Nat Goldberg Noted Israeli for Training Course to Be Started Sept. 119 Lecture Series A five-session leadership training course for selected women in the Women's Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation begins 9:45 a.m. Sept. 19 at the Jewish Center. Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld, chair- man of the training course pro- gram, has set up a series of five weekly meetings which will give the women a deeper picture of the work of the Federation and its agencies. William Avrunin, Federation ex- ecutive director, will open the Block-Levin Nuptials Held at Adas Shalom series with an explanation of "The Federation Idea." Samuel Lerner, director of the Jewish Family and Children's Serv- ice. and Irwin Shaw, director of the Center, will explain the work of their agencies. A trip to Camp Tamarack in Brighton and examination of the program of the Fresh Air Society is scheduled for Sept. 26. On Oct. 3, the group will visit Sinai - Hospital, Shiffman Clinic and have lunch at the United He- brew Schools. A tour of the Jewish Home for Aged and its Borman Hall branch will be held Oct. 10. The final training class, Oct. 17, will be held at the Fred M. Butzel Memorial Building, headquarters of Federation, Jewish Vocational Service and Jewish Community Council. The women will also take a look at the Vocational Service's Community Workshop, which pro- vides employment for handicapped and older workers in a sheltered workshop. The course is designed to pro- vide background for the leadership in the Women's Division in its year-round activities and participa- tion in the Allied Jewish Cam- paign. Temple School Teachers Due at Lansing Institute To Noodles .. . The annual Reform. Jewish Re- ligious School Teachers' Institute will be held at Cong. Shaarey Ze- dek, Lansing, Sunday. The all-day meeting of faculties and school committees representing 18 tem- ples from Michigan and Windsor will be sponsored jointly by Dis- trict 11 of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods and the Michigan Association of Reform Rabbis. Greetings to the audience will be extended by Rabbi Philip Frankel of Shaarey Zedek, Lansing, and Detroiter Mrs. Marshall Miller, president of District 11 of the Na- tional Federation 6f Temple Sis- terhoods, among others. The morning session of the in- stitute will be highlighted by an address by James Levbarg, the newly appointed religious educa- tion director of Temple Beth El, who will speak on "Creating a Meaningful Religious School Ex- perience." Workshops will be chaired by the following rabbis as well as Lev- barg: Joseph Schwarz, Beth El, Benton Harbor; Ernst Conrad, The New Temple, Birmingham; Philip Berkowitz, Beth Jacob, Pontiac; S h ell e y Waldenberg, -Beth El, Windsor, and David Jessel, Beth Am, Livonia. Greenfiel6 Hillel Day School Adopts Newspapers' Spelling MRS. DENNIS BLOCK Karen R. Levin and Dennis Steven Block were married recent- ly in a ceremony at Adas Shalom Synagogue. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levin of Sussex Ave. and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- cus Block of Sorrento Ave. The bride wore a floor-length gown of peau de sole with French imported lace and a chapel train trimmed in the French lace. Her silk illusion veil fell from a French imported lace crown. Mrs. Lorraine Kales was her sis- ter's matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Marsha Wolf, Janet Tolchin and Barbara Blatt. Dr. Sherwin Yale Kepes served as best man. Ushers were Harold and Yale -Levin, brothers of the bride, and Ernest Gurwich. After a honeymoon to Miami and Nassau, the couple is residing in Detroit. When It Comes Tops Them All The English-Jewish newspapers' battle for consistency in the spell- ing of Hebrew words and holidays has been recognized by Hillel Day School of Detroit. The school's calendar for the coming year takes note of the new spelling, which includes the elim- ination of the confusing "eh" in such words as Hanuka and the dropping of the final silent "h" as Simhat Tora. lest zWisites a All Our riends and Customers gor goy ous new Year BRAVE • M NTS KOS ER ME TS 13500 WEST SEVEN MILE RD. Di. 1-2345 Fisher-Fields Troth Is Announced Here • Yaakov Malkin, noted writer and lecturer from Israel, will spend six weeks at Jewish community centers in the Midwest, coming to Detroit's Center on Sundays and Mondays to conduct three series of lecture discussions b e g i n n i n g Oct. 2. Series A, dealing with Israeli and Jewish identity and conscious- ness, will be held 2-4 p.m. Sundays. Series B, "Universal Themes in Jewish Literature and Jewish Themes in World Literature" will take place 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sundays. For Series B, Malkin will discuss such topics as "Chagall Hasidism in Buber," "Generalization of Jew- ish Surrealist Symbols," "Modern MRS. NAT GOLDBERG MISS SUZANNE FISHER Jewish in American, Israeli and Nancy Ellen Roberts, daughter European Literature," as well as Mr. and Mrs. George I. Fisher of of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts of writers such as Peretz, Agnon and Briar Dr., Oak Park, announce the Wisconsin Ave., and Nat Goldberg, Alan Ginsberg. engagement of t heir daughter son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gold- Series C, to be held Monday berg of Briar Dr., Oak Park, were evenings 8-10 p.m., will be on Suzanne Carol to Sander Martin Fields, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter married recently at Cong. Beth "The Cultural Arts in Israel." Abraham. Rabbi Israel Halpern Some specific topics will be M. Drake of St. Marys Ave. and officiated. the late Mr. Albert Fields. "Modern Theater in Israel," "Art The bride wore an Empire- and Architecture in Israel," "Art The bride-to-be is a senior in style, A-line gown of organza and Society in Israel" and "Folk- the college of education at Wayne trimmed with Alencon lace, seed lore Creations in Israel." State University. The prospective pearls and bell sleeves. A long Room perMitting, tickets will be bridegroom is a senior in the col- veil fell from her matching sold on an individual lecture basis. lege of pharmacy at Wayne State, crown of lace and pearls. A nose- For information regarding series where he is vice chancellor of Rho gay of roses and lilies of the rates and topics of individual lec- Pi Phi, pharmaceutical fraternity. valley were carried by the bride A June 25 wedding is planned. tures, contact the education-al serv- on her confirmation Bible. Mrs. Sharon Balamut, sister of ices division, DI 1-4200. 75,000 Jews Left in Morocco the bridegroom, was matron of Twenty years ago, there were a honor. Bridesmaids were Penny Culture in Detroit Topic quarter of a million Jews in Moro*. Teicher and Carol Zimmerman of co; today's estimate is -75,000. Chicago and Mrs. Madeline Posner, of Parents' Meeting Parents Without Partners-, at its sister of the bridegroom. Andrea Goldberg was a junior bridesmaid. first meeting of the sea-son 8:30 For the HY Spot Michael Balamut served as best p.m. Tuesday at the Jewish Cen- Of Your Affair man. Ushers were Herbert and ter, will have Donn G. Kipka of Music by Edward Goldberg, brothers of the the -Detroit Edison Co. speak on bridegroom, Richard Winer, Alan "Who Says Detroit Has No Cul- Finer, Nat Fishman, Dr. Irwin Pos- ture?" And His Orchestra Divorced or widowed parents ner, Skipper Baumgarten of Los (Hy Utchenik) Angeles and Larry Romanoff of under age 55 are invited, at a 342-9424 Chicago. Lloyd Roberts, brother of nominal charge for nonmembers. • Distinctive Ceremonies the bridegroom, was a junior ush- For informatiOn, call Bernice a Specialty! Robbins, KE 8-0038. er. ■ Karen Posner and Jill Fishman were flower girls. Steven Goldberg was ring bearer. After a honeymoon trip to Chi- cago, the couple is residing in Royal Oak. Hy Herman ....11 CROWN KOSHER CATERING B-G's Son Seeks Market for Israel Apparel in U.S. NEW YORK (JTA)—The son of the architect of Israel's independ- ence was hard at work here for more American customers for Is- rael-made apparel. Amos Ben-Gurion, general man- ager of the ATA Textile Co., came to the United States on a two- week business trip. ATA is Is- rael's largest private enterprise as a major producer of cotton and polyester-and-cotton fabrics, Discussing ATA goals at the Is- rael Trade Display Center here, he said "only a tiny fraction of our sales are exported to the United States. We want to develop more business here, primarily in junior dresses and sportswear." He made final arrangements with the Manhattan Shirt Co. to become its licensee for men's shirts and women's shirts in Israel, starting next March. He also is studying a special process for mak- ing durable-press goods. ATA sold more than $15,000,000 in prod- ucts in 1965 and in 1966, Ben-Gur- ion said, ATA hopes to sell $17,- 000,000 and $18,000,000 in 1967. ATA consumer goods are sold through its 14 stores in Israel. "'Z'=-C-C===•i=e=.{:}=-O-C 1111116. OF THE SHAAREY SHOMAYIM SYNAGOGUE 14200 W. 10 Mile Road, Oak Park For Information Call Nevei-A-Rental or Synagogue Charge 398-8824 ammeommessemoomes•••••.......seeseo, • • • • • •• HAVING A PARTY? • • • • • • • : • • I: • BE A GUEST AT YOUR OWN PARTY — ORDER YOUR moEART DAIRY KOSHER PARTY TRAYS • • • Roasted Whole Chicken or Turkey with Stuffing, :Potatoes and Gravy • Cheese Blintzes : • • Tasty Delicious Kishka • Fresh Knishes Daily : t o • Chopped Liver • Chopped Herring • Dill Pickles • • • • • • • • • WE DELIVER IN SOUTHFIELD! WE DELIVER GRUNT'S MARKET Call UN 1-9645 : 18252 WYOMING near CURTIS OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDOWN TO 1 A.M. 3Dee.••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••••• • DRAPERIES • BEDSPREADS • LAMP SHADES • SLIPCOVERS • WINDOW SHADES • ALL YOUR HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ONLY We at Custom Drapery Cleaners have found that 'you can't be a jack-of-oil-trades. Send your wearing apparel to a reputable cleaner and your draperies to us. We are specialists in this field. Household items cannot and should not be handled in the same manner as wearing apparel. CUSTOM DRAPERY CLEANERS TW 1-1818 Suburban Call Collect Dial Operator . . . Ask for ENterprise 7818 • •