Purely Commentary Johnson, Vietnam, JWV and Israel The Vietnam situation presents many serious problems for the entire world. The American position has been criticized widely, and Arab war-mongers utilized the existing situation for anti-American and anti-Israel -.propaganda. At the same time, however, the impressive group that has taken part in appeals for extensive efforts for peace has created a demand for recognition to the right to dissent. It would be a calamity if the right to dissent were to be denied to anyone in this country. That could lead to the end of our demo- cratic way of life. That is why the report that President Johnson is puzzled by the Jewish position on Vietnam is a bit disturbing. An argument has been used that President Johnson has promised assistance to Israel and has pledged to protect Israel against aggres- sion. Does this have anything to do with the dissent principle? It has been our contention at all times that assistance to Israel, on a par with other countries receiving aid from the United States, must be on the basis of merit. It must be offered on a bi-partisan basis. It should be given in recognition of a need to raise the stand- ards of a small and friendly nation that seeks peace and that will not wage war, although it must reserve the right to defend itself against attacks from the outside. It is as a friendly country and as a mem- ber of the United Nations that Israel must be given the cooperation and assistance of the free democratic countries. Such assistance can not be made conditional upon a return of favors. Our government must be given all the aid required to emerge victorious in its struggles on many fronts. But that does not imply a denial of the right to criticize policies or to demand urgent peace efforts. If these rights are interfered with, then the injection of the Israel issue is an affront to the freedoms inherent in American idealism. Neither the Jewish War Veterans nor President Johnson is justified in even being puzzled by rabbis and laymen speaking up in behalf of the most pressing pleas for a speedily negotiated peace in Vietnam. Any suggestion of a lack of patriotism because some one disagrees with the Johnson administration is in iself lacking in appreci- ation of the American way of life. In this case, as in all other occurrences, Jews are like other people. There are, many rabbis among them, who plead for speedy action to end the Southeast conflict. There are others, like the Jewish War Veterans, who want an all-out effort. There are many who are con- fused — Senators and Governors of States and even President Johnson's associates who are at a loss what's to be -done. Why, then, the report that President Johnson was puzzled by "the Jewish attitude because Jews otherwise were always compassionate?" * * Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel * of Misinterpretations Jewry's Vietnam Role . . . Expose of American Nazis By Philip German Official Slomovitz Offers to Resign University of Chicago. He was virtually laughed off the stage in Breasted hall. Rockwell decided to make hay during disorders in Louisiana in 1961. He hired what he called a "hate bus," and he and nine of his idiot buddies headed for New Orleans. The New Orleans police promptly threw them in jail. At the peak of Rockwell's activity his Chicago group had 19 or 20 members. Usually they could count 10 or a dozen members at best. Now Rockwell has returned to Chicago to cooperate in Martin Luther King's drive to bring latent hostilities to the surface. Years of successful and positive effort to treat this animal Rockwell for what he is are endangered. He finally has found fertile soil for his seeds of hate. The ignorance of the kids he is recruiting is pitiful. Most of them weren't born when the blood of thousands of Americans was shed to stop nazism. One kid on the west side who was waving a swastika and passing out Nazi handbills was questioned by a reporter. "What do you think of the Nazi stand on hte Jewish question?" the kid was asked. "Well—ah, I don't know too much about it. I'm Jewish myself," the young man answered. If these kids who are responding to Rockwell can read, they should read this. The term Nazi derives from the National Socialist German Workers' party, a revolutionary political and social move- ment founded in 1918. Hitler joined it in 1919. The Nazi party took power in Germany in 1933 when Hitler, who had risen to leadership of the party, was appointed chancellor of Germany by, President Hindenburg. The rule of the party was climaxed by Hitler leading his country into war in 1939. The party went out of existence on April 30, 1945, when Hitler killed his mistress and then himself in a bunker under burning Berlin. During its brief rule the Nazi party was responsible for the most evil outrages in the history of mankind. Millions of Germans, Poles, Jews, and Russians were murdered for their political or religious beliefs. Nazism was the complete opposite of American democracy. Total power was vested in one man—Hitler—and his will was enforced by the militia. Hitler hated America and he hated democracy. Alfred Rosenberg, the major Nazi philosopher, dendunced Chris- tianity as a Jewish creation, and toward the end Hitler was consid• ering a blueprint for eradication of Christian churches, after the elimination of Jews. Labor lost all rights under nazism as unions were abolished. Youth, schools, and the press were "co-ordinated," a euphemism for being taken over by the state. Hitler borrowed the cell system and hierarchic discipline from the communists. Hitler made a clash between his evil and the forces of American democracy inevitable, and the fathers most of the young men now waving swastikas • on the streets of Chicago fought in the war against the Nazis. This is a long account and a stretched observation on the activities of the ignorant who follow Rockwell, but it is worth quoting. It is -deserving of attention because ignorance does not discrim- inate: it draws many into the "white power" bias, just as it has drawn many uninformed into the "black power" error. The appeal to "white power" must not attract Jews, as in the instance of the young lad quoted by Mabley. There is no excuse for extremism of any sort, and in. the instance of Rockwell it is clear that he will not draw the line when it comes to hatred: if he hates all Negroes, all Jews, all Catho- lics, he will not hesitate to destroy, as Hitler had intended. And as had resulted in Hitler's case there can be only complete rejection of Rockwell under the American way of life. But he must not be given even a brief lease of life, and his efforts to rally haters under the swastika must be repudiated before he makes even the slightest gain. During War Probe BONN (JTA) — Dr. Friedrich Karl Vialon, secretary of state in the West German Ministry of Economic Cooperation, suggested in a television interview here that he be temporarily suspende d, pending the outcome of an investi- gation as to whether he was in- volved in the wartime Garman mass murders of Jews. Dr. Vialon offered the suggestion after the West German televi-' -Nn network broadcast a sharp a' on him Aug. 30, demanding immediate suspension because -of the charges. The network documentary as- serted it was hard to believe Dr. Vialon's court testimony that he had never known about the Nazi murder of Jews. The network also noted that the state prose- cutor in Bonn has been investi- gating for two years the charges that Dr. Vialon commited per- jury in his defense against the charges. Dr. Vialon served as registrar of Jewish property in the German administration in occupied Riga from 1942 to 1944. He made his statement about never having heard of the mass murders as a witness in a war crimes trial. Later he was accused by East Germans of having been involved directly in the Nazi "final solution of the Jewish problem." Documents from Latvian arch- ives are among the materials be- ing studied by the Bonn state prosecutor. The network program displayed documents bearing Dr. Vialon's signature presumably proving that he had given orders that Jewish gravestones be sold for the bene- fit of the Nazi regime. Simon Wiesenthal, head of the Documentation Center for Nazi Crimes in Vienna, appeard on the program. He said that Franz Mau- rer, a defendant in a trial of Aus- trian Nazi war criminals, was in possession of considerable mater- ial against Dr. Vialon. Meanwhile the office of Presi- dent Heinrich Luebke described as "forgeries" signatures of Dr. Luebke on a Communist-spon- sored display of documents al- legedly demonstrating that he gave wartime orders for con- struction of concentration camps. The exhibit is being held in Mu. nich. The president's office said that he had never participated in any such activity and that the allega- tions were without foundation. The office added that, on Dec. 30, 1964, the United-States Embassy in Bonn commented on similar charges made then, saying that Dr. Lu- ebke's entire life was known to the United States government, that all details of his life had been check- ed, and that the United States had the greatest respect for him. * * * Jerusalem IS the capital of Israel, but a number of nations have, as yet, failed to recognize that status. The United States, one of the governments that has refused to recognize Jerusalem's status, that decision stemming from the time when there were debates over the internationalization of the Holy City, has its embassy in Tel Aviv. But when the new Knesset building was dedicated less than two weeks ago, there was an official U. S. Congressional delegation, representing both houses of Congress. In a sense, this marked recognition of Israel's status and acclaim for its parliament which meets in the Holy City. This is to the distaste of the Arab League. It has seen fit to protest against what it said was the moving of the Knesset from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Knesset has not met anywhere else other than Jerusalem for nearly the entire time of Israel's indepen- dence, which was proclaimed in 1948. And the Arabs do not even concede to recognition of Israel. Nevertheless, the Arab League protests the movement of the Israeli parliament. Isn't this in itself a recognition? Arab newspapers in Baghdad and Damascus have published scathing denunciations of Israel for what it calls the "violation" by Israel of a United Nations resolution proclaiming the internationali- Arab and Soviet Attitudes in the Middle East zation of Jerusalem. That's a grand move! Perhaps the Arab League Tensions rise and fall in the Middle East, as they do almost now will recognize the UN whose peace aims it has been flaunting with threats to destroy Israel! What a unique position for the everywhere in the world today. But in the Middle East the situations Knesset—that its status is taken note of by the "enemy"! Is are more flexible, the crises more frequent. Yet, because Israel must fight for life, against overwhelming odds and must, therefore, be well recognition of Israel herself the next Arab move? * prepared for attacks, the resistance is strong. The result of Israel's * * will to live is that obstacles are overcome so quickly, as they were in A Comment on 'The Nut From Washington' recent weeks when it seemed as if there would be a new conflagration. Because so much of the civil rights limelight has been focused A review of the Middle East situation in the Christian Science of late on the display of swastikas in Chicago, the role of the standard bearer of the Nazi emblem deserves analysis. There is no Monitor seems to indicate that neither Russia nor Nasser desire war doubt that George Lincoln Rockwell is merely a rabble rouser, a with Israel. The Monitor's analysis of the situation states: Overheated tempers along the 45-mile Israeli-Syrian demarca- hater of Jews, Catholics and Negroes. tion line have momentarily cooled. His followers are small in number. But - But the boiling point is still low, and deeper dangers to the emblem he has raised over the city J Dr. Na- peace still simmer. JERUSALEM (JTA) — for "white power" attracted the haters Syria and Israel both concentrated heavy forces along the line, hum Goldmann, president of the among whites who will not condone the following recent air and waterborne clashes. Some factions on World Zionist Organization, told civil rights movement. And in pre-Nazi both sides favored escalation of hostilities. And Syria officially is the opening session of a Jewish Germany another nut, who had raised still committed to the "liberation of Palestine." Agency executive meeting here the swastika flag as the symbol of his But other Arab governments are tapping the brakes. Egyptian that he could not imagine that the appeal to hatred, also numbered less President Nasser, in particular, is engrossed in internal and "day of pardon" for Germany than 30 followers but gained the support economic and security problems and wishes no war with Israel. of a nation from whom the stigma of would ever come. The Soviets, while backing Syria with arms and encourage. the crimes of the 1930s and 1940s can He said that he had never ad- never be erased. Therefore it is well ment, would probably restrain Damascus, too. Moscow wants the vocated the concept of the "other Middle Eastern pot to boil, but not boil over and bring the Germany" and that he had been that a look should be taken at Rockwell. He and his cohorts are well described in United States charging in on Israel's side. grossly misquoted as so saying at "Mabley's Report," a column by Jack There is no doubt that Syria presents the major obstacle to peace the plenary session of the World Mabley, in Chicago's American. Under with Israel. Iraq is intransigent, but if the Syrian aggressors could be Jewish Congress in Brussels last the heading "Rockwell's Strongest Ally tamed there might be a chance for peace throughout the area. And month. He also said that he bad is Ignorance," Mabley wrote: Russia is certainly an element of concern in this area as part of the been still optimistic some time "George L. Rockwell, the nut ago about the future of Soviet global troubles. from Washington who has proclaimed Israel, at least, never 'gives up hope. Perhaps we shall indeed see Jewry, but that "unfortunately this himself an American Nazi and sur- stand is now changed." an end to the state of war in the Middle East very soon. rounded himself with other nuts who call themselves storm troopers, has GEORGE LINCOLN U.S. Rapped by Congressman for Failure to Sign Anti-Genocide Convention long wanted to _speak in Chicago," ROCKWELL this column said Nov. 1, 1960. He said: "It is truly lamentable WASHINGTON (JTA) — Failure ified by nearly 70 states, including He found a forum, we reported. that the United States, which has the USSR. of the United States Congress to He scheduled a speech in a Clark street beatnik saloon. When he Rep. Halpern said the treaty, always stood for the dignity of the got there, he found a bunch of muscular, hard-eyed members of ratify the United Nations genocide which would outlaw persecution of individual, has not acted in a prae- the Jewish War Veterans waiting in the audience. convention was deplored in a racial, ethnic and religious groups, tical way to enhance the applica- Rockwell never made the speech. He took one look, put his speech on the House floor by Rep. should be ratified at this session, tion of human rights around the tail between his legs and chased back to Washington. In 1963 he or "our nation's participation in globe. Our indecision on the geno- came back to Chicago at the invitation of some students at the Seymour Halpern, New York Re- the coming human rights year will cide convention is a typical in- publican. The convention, adopted stance." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS by the UN in 1948, has been rat- seem shallow." Friday, September 9, 1966 Goldmann Gloat, 2 — -