Cuban Jewry: Its Current Ac Live Functionaries By BEN KAYFETZ (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) * 4 * Cuba's 2,500 Jews are a mere 25 percent of the 10,000 who lived on the island in the days before the successful Castro revolution of New Years Day, 1959. The dominant occupation is ex- comerciante, and the prevailing age is the 60s. The young people are gone and, to a great extent, their parents too. For, until 1962, the children, once they were ad- mitted to the United States, could claim their parents with the all- powerful "waiver." As a result many, if not most, who remain are in the category of the unmarried or the childless. . The island is living under a rigid Marxist dictatorship that operates with little regard for the amenities of civil freedoms as we know _them. The Jews of Cuba, though virtually fully declassed, and stripped of their property, all concede that they merely share the lot of all Cubans of their na- tion—they reject all complaint of anti-Semitism or discrimination. is the Adath Israel, whose presi- dent is a Galician-born watch- maker (who still retains his es- esentially one-man watch repair business). This is a "heimishe" institution of the old school, lo- cated in Old Havana (Habana Vieja), one block away from the famed "Moishe Pipik" restau- rant, now nationalized but still under strict kashruth supervision. The synagogue's membership is a mixture of all East European dialects and varieties of Yiddish and Hebrew accentuation. Its shammes is a sibilant Litvak who stems from Eishishok (until I met him I thought this was one of those mythical hamlets invent- ed to mock the Lithuanian Jew). Its parness is a shirt manufac- turer who is permitted retain his small plant but who manufac- tures, of course, only for the gov- ernment. The shoihet has a saintly bearded face. To add the shtetl touch, he is known as Pinye-Shoihet. This congregation, until recently, was the organization responsible for matzoh distribution to Cuba's Jews — a task now taken over by a coordinating committee. The uptown Ashkenazic synago- gue — known popularly as the "Pa- tronate"—is far more than a syna- gogue. It is a communal center, a catering hall, a cultural home. It possesses one of the outstanding Jewish libraries in Latin America with well-stocked and well-used shelves in Spanish, Yiddish and English. It houses Havana's sec- ond, though part-time, kosher re- staurant, which like the first has a rather severely limited range of choice in the menu at present. The Patronate is a symbol of the Havana Jewry that was—a corn= munity of prosperity and good liv- ing but which paid attention to the spirit no less than to the senses. The present executive members of the Patronate are in the main not the well-to-do founders of 15 years ago, most of whom have long It is this mixture of proletarian dictatorship and relative freedom for Jewish community life and ac- tivity that make this community an interesting one at this time, despite its bleak outlook for the future. All the Jewish religious and commun- al institutions that flourished be- fore the Fidelist regime are still in existence, some perhaps more ac- tive than ever. This would certain- ly apply to the auxiliary welfare and relief committees such as the Bikur Holim, the Beneficencia, the Frauen Farein and the Anti-Tuber- culosis League. There were and are five synago- gues in Havana, arranged and lo- cated in regular fashion according to "ethnic origin" and social level; two Ashkenazi synagogues, o n e downtown and one uptown; two Sephardi, similarly situated and— something of an anomaly in the Cuba of today—an American Re- form Temple. since left. They describe them- The downtown Ashkeanzic shul have a fierce proprietary pride in their institution. They resent rum- ors that have been spread by emi- gres in Mexico and by stories in the New York Yiddish press that the Patronate is on the verge of collapse and has been virtually taken over by the government. Marcus Matterin, a bachelor in his late 40s, who was brought to Havana from Kovno at the age of 6, is the librarian and cultural di- rector. He conducts—lectures and discussions on Jewish music, on Great Jews of the Western World- Herzl, Heine, Freud, Einstein, etc. The language used is Spanish, though Yiddish is used when the themes deal with the writing of Leivick, Peretz or Sholom Alei- chem. One of the hero figures of Cuba —common to Fidelistas and Cub- an patriots of all shades—is Jose Marti, an intellectual rebel who lived in the 19th century. He made frequent observations about Jews and Judaism in his writ- ings, and one of the favorite oc- cupations of the Cuban Jewish intelligentzia is to collect these observations and catalogue them. In my two visits to Cuba since 1962 I have seen two such com- pendiums, one in Yiddish and one in Spanish, published by the Maim- onides Lodge of Bnai Brith (or Bene Berith, as it is Hispanically spelled). The two Sephardic congregations are the Shevet Achim in the Old City, and the Centro Hebreo Sefa- radi, situated in the more elegant suburbs. Cuba's Sephardim are in the main from the Aegean lands of the former Ottoman Empire, stemming from Smyrna and Istan- bul. They came to the Caribbean island just before World War I, but were soon overtaken by the more numerous and more aggressive Ashkenazim, who arrived after World War I. They had little diffi- culty making the transition to Spanish, as their native vernacular was Ladino (still in use I was told selves as simple folksmenshn, and by the very old, and, like Yiddish in the USA, also used to punctuate a homey saying or joke). Those I met were a cultured, ur- bane lot. Many had lived in Switz- erland or France, and spoke En- glish and French equally well. Admittedly not as deeply versed in Jewish lore and tradition, and with perhaps a higher rate of intermar- riage, they were very conscious of their Jewish heritage and of their link with Israel. One was proud that a son and a daughter (both abroad) were married to Ashkena- zim. Bnai Brith's mainstay is a "Turkish" Jew, Marco Pitchon; through the shehita and kashruth ration which all observant and some non-observant Jews share; through the Passover food ship- ments, sent annually by the Canadian Jewish Congress. The "Turks," as the Russo-Po- Molly Picon says: "Reach for Rokeach Gefilte Fish." It's patented! You'll taste the difference. All Rokeach Products are endorsed by the 0 lish Jews call them, constitute one- third of the community and, to some extent, are worse off than the Ashkenazim. The reason is that among them there was a higher proportion of peddlers. When the regime started to confiscate and nationalize retail businesses, they were at a disadvantage. Not having any actual store or real property or fixtures, they were not eligible for compensation and were left de- stitute. The fifth synagogue is not only American in ritual but actually so in name. Its name is neither Span- ish nor Hebrew, but English—the United Hebrew Congregation known to the community as the "United Hebrew." The former American members are gone, and there remain only a small number of Central and East European Jews who were attracted by its liberal worship. The president speaks English with Midwest ac- cent. Cuba is the only Marxist coun- try that publicly permits a Zionist organization. The offices are locat- ed next door to the Club Sociedad Arab, which displays a portrait on its door of Abdul Nasser flashing THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 4 Friday, September 9, 1966 — a toothy grin. Unlike Argentina, re- lations with the small Arab com- munity are of the best. The Zionist Center carries on no fund-raising and no political or halutziut acti- vities. It has a youth center, He- brew classes, and community get- togethers on festive occasions throughout the Jewish year. Jews for the many aliyeth, he would sing out: "Yaamod Reb Shmuel ben Reb Moshe—Hanogid!" The next man would be called •-.4 "Ha g'vir!" and the next — "Ha- 'oisher!" — all in gentle derision of their expropriated and national- ized state. The Albert Einstein School is an afternoon school that functions after 3 p.m. (before that hour, it is the neighborhood Cuban pub- lic school). It has a staff of three who teach Hebrew, Yiddish and Jewish history (no actual religion can be officially taught under pre- sent Cuban regulations). The teachers are paid by the state, and the state provides bus trans- portation (whenever possible un- der the present erratic condi- tions). The enrollment is 96, which represents the total ele- mentary school age population of Jewish children in Havana, in- cluding children of mixed mar- riages. Boston Tea Party Caterer An anti-Semite was debating with an old timer from the lower East Side of New York. . "Listen," snapped the anti-Sem- ite. "What have you Jews done to earn your place in history it' America?" The old-timer thought for a mo- ment and exclaimed, "Did you ever hear of Haym Salomon, who financed the American Revolu- tion?" The anti-Semite thought for a moment, then exclaimed, "All right, so there's one, but after him —I dare you name another." The old-timer thought, then re- plied , "Did you ever hear of the Boston Tea Party?" The anti-Semite nodded, "Yes, I did, so what?" The old-timer smiled coyly and commented, "Nu, so who do you think was the caterer?" The most fortunate Jews are those who have received compen- sation for their small businesses. Others live on their savings, which are depleted from month to month. Some receive small pensions (of 50 pesos a month). For those who have not these sources, during 1965 Men think highly of those who the European Jewish communities came to the rescue. Money was rise rapidly in the world; whereas raised in Europe and sent to Cuba nothing rises quicker than dust, via Swiss banks. In Cuba, with straw and feathers.—Hare. government approval, the coordi- nating committee distributed to the needy monthly sums based on size of family and other requirements. The Joint Distribution Committee, because of USA restrictions, can- REPAIR AND not send and has not sent any mon- ey to Cuba. It is uncertain whether INSTALLATION the European Jewish communities QUALITY WORK AT will be able to continue this aid in REASONABLE PRICES 1966. The most apt if ironic commen- tary I heard on Cuban Jewry was that made by a synagogue gabbai "Gel Our Price Last" when I was there in 1962, during Simhat Terab. In summoning the LAWN SPRINKLERS 527-5044 e fly all around the world but we never lose sight of you. ••;*,•-:.1 To Zurich, to Tokyo, to Athens, to Frankfurt, to Sydney, to Parts Lufthansa flies to over 60 cities across 6 continents. And all over our world-wide system we keep an attentive eye on you and yotrti well-being. Nothing is overlooked. Prefer Kosher food, for exarrll pie? Just specify it when you make your reservations. How fEtri can an airline go for you? Call your Travel Agent or stop by thEi:, Lufthansa office nearest you. Then fly Lufthansa—and see. . Lufthansa German Airlines, 1242 Washington Blvd. Detroit 26, Michigan. WOodward 3-6250