General Cass' Friendship With Jewish Pioneers by IRVING I. KATZ came to Illinois in the 1780s as an Wisconsin) appointed John agent of a Canadian firm. About Lawe, a Jew, as associate jus- 1793 he settled in CahoXia, St. tice. This year marks the centennial Clair County, Illinois, as an in- Lawe was born in Montreal of the death of General Lewis Cass. dependent fur trader. having Dec. 6, 1779. His mother was a distinguished American statesman served in the milita of St. Clair sister of Jacob Franks, nephew of whose outstanding monument is County beginning 1790. His land the well-known Col. David Salis- the State of Michigan. His mem- warrant payment for his military bury Franks, a notable figure in ory was honored recently at a service enabled him to purchase the American Revolution who was graveside ceremony at Elmwood 100 acres of land, and he farmed a personal friend of George Wash- this land successfully. He held ington and participated in his in- Cemetery. The story of Lewis Cass is part numerous public offices. auguration as President of the For many years he was post- United States. Lawe's father, a of the record of America's early years. Cass was born in Exeter, master in Cahokia. From 1798 to non-Jew, was a captain in the N. H., in 1782. In 1806 he became 1818 he was Sheriff of St. Clair British Army. a member of Ohio's legislature, County. He was Collector of Inter- Lawe was educated in Quebec. where he attracted President Jef- nal Revenue for the Indian Terri- In 1797 he joined his uncle, Jacob ferson's attention with a paper on tory beginning 1814. In 1821, he Franks, in Green Bay, Wis. where the Col. Aaron Burr Conspiracy. was appointed Indian Agent at Franks came in 1792 as the agent Burr, ruined financially, in a plot Fort Wayne (Indiana). of a Montreal trading firm, and in JOHN LAWE LEWIS CASS As Indian agent, Hays' imme- 1797 established his own trading to recoup his fortunes, planned to detach the Western States and the diate superior was Lewis Cass, post. Franks carried on an exten- vited to Jewish balls and banquets Your community is hallowed by many newly acquired Louisiana Territory acting ex-officio as Commission- sive trade with the Indians. sacred recollections, by many impres- where funds were raised. These sive from the Union and set himself er of Indian Affairs. On Oct. 11, associations. To your people, in the In 1805 he erected a grist and upon the throne of a vast new em- 1820, Cass wrote from Detroit saw mill on Devil River. At first Christians spoke appreciatively of days of the Prophets and Patriarchs, were committed the oracles of the true pire as Emperor Aaron I. His to Hays in Cahokia, giving him a Lawe worked for his uncle at his Jewish philanthropy and the Amer- and living God, and your separate ex- complete failure was due in large number of instructions regard- trading post in Green Bay. As icanism of Jews. In 1854, Senator istence through ages of calamities and persecutions, is one of those perpetual Lewis Cass of Michigan was in- part to Cass' disclosure of the ing the handling of certain af- early as 1805, both John Lowe and miracles which prove the truth of your vited to be the guest speaker at a history—and that the. end is not yet. wild plot. fairs with the Indians. Jacob Franks are mentioned as fund-raising dinner of the Jewish Driven from your own promised land, For the next 60 years Cass al- Beginning 1824, Hays was Re- residents of Michilimackinac Providence has provided you with an- Charities of Philadelphia. The fol- other, unknown to the host that went most constantly occupied a public ceiver of Public Moneys at Jack- (Mackinaw City, Mich.), then an forth out of Egypt; not a land of lowing is the text of his warm and refuge office, playing an important part son, Missouri. merely, but of enjoyment, the important northern outpost in the friendly reply: enjoyment of social, political and re- in the country's development on Hays married, in 1801. Louise fur trade. In that year Franks sold ligious equality; and where, though many fronts: As a major general Brouillet — "a lady of excellent to Lawe his equipped farm near Washington, Jan'y 21, 1854. you do not cease to be children of Is: rael, you become Americans, proud of in the War of 1812, as Territorial family"—in Vincennes, Ind., and Michilimackinac. During the War Gentlemen: The necessity of attending to my home, and attached by all those Governor of Michigan for 18 years they had three daughters. Hays of 1812, both Lawe and Franks public duties here deprives me of the their ties of gratitude and affection which of accepting your invitation bind men to their country. Order, in- (1813-1831), twice as a cabinet apparently retained his sense of fought with the British forces that pleasure to attend the second dinner in aid of dustry, obedience to the law, the per, member, as Ambassador to France, Jewish affiliation, although his defended Michilimackinic against Hebrew charities, to be given on the formance, indeed, of all the duties of 2d of February next. Senator from Michigan, and once wife was not Jewish and his daugh- the Americans. faithful citizens, have marked your I should be much gratified to be community, and I thank God with you, as unsuccessful Democratic candi- ters married non-Jews. He died present on that occasion, and to partic- that you are in the land where all the Following the War, the Amer- ipate in the duties of the day. They avenues of distinction and prosperity date for the Presidency. He died in Cahokia in 1836. icans regarded Franks as a dan- will form a glorious commentary on our are equally open to all. in 1866. The Hays family had its begin- gerous enemy and his home in institutions in their operation; and I am, gentlemen, very respectfully, certainly I should feel myself honored Of special interest to Illinois, nings in the United States some Michilimackinac was "wantonly by performing the task you have as- your obedient servant, Wisconsin and Michigan Jewish 250 years ago, when six brothers pillaged" by them. Fearing fur- signed to me, that of responding to the Lewis Cass. which proclaims our country to be rvl history is the discovery by the came here from Holland. Some of ther reprisals, Franks left for toast "the stronghold of liberty", and that To A. Hart, L. J. Leberman, M. A. writer of this article, after many the descendants, relatives of John Montreal where he became an "her gates shall never be closed to the Dropsie, Esqs., Committee, etc., etc. oppressed of other lands." Never, in- years of research, of Cass' rela- Hays, became distinguished Amer- army purveyor and where he deed. Oppression drove our fathers Expressions of friendship like tionship, during his governorship icans and occupy an honored place married 'Mary (Polly) Solomons, here, and the lesson will not be for- gotten by their sons, to the 50th and Cass' helped immigrant Jews to ad- of the Michigan Territory, with in the history of the American Jew- daughter of Lucius Levy and the 100th generation. just to life in the United States. two pioneer Jews, and his friend- ish community. Rebecca Franks Solomons. He - ly reply to an invitation to ad- David Hays of Bedford, N.Y., died in Montreal in 1823, at the and his son Jacob, fought in dress a fund-raising dinner of age of 57. (Renegade?) various battles during the War the Jewish Charities of Phila- John Lawe returned after the delphia, during his service as for Independence. Arthur Hays war to Green Bay and took charge Senator from Michigan. Sulzberger of the New York of the extensive property of his If a book were to be judged by non-Jew were to write it, might he In 1818, when Illinois became a Times, son of Cyrus Sulzberger uncle, Jacob Franks, as well as State, the population of the United and Rachel Peixotto Hays, is a the care of a half-breed Indian its title, one, "The Last Jew in not be called an anti-Semite? States was about 9,000,000, which great-great grandson of Jacob woman, whom Franks married in America" by Leslie A. Fiedler, He may not have a second edi : included an estimated 3,000 Jews, Hays. Green Bay, and her children. He published by Stein and Day (7 E. tion to his last Jew, else we would Samuel Hays of Philadelphia mostly Sephardim (Spanish and was Green Bay's agent for John 48th NY17), could at once intro- suggest the inclusion between the Portguese) whose forebearers had was secretary pro tem at a meet- Jacob Astor's American Fur Com- duce irritation. Why the last Jew two words of the word renegade. S S* come to America between 1654 ing of Congregation Mikveh Israel pany. He learned the Indian tongue anywhere? Perhaps Fiedler meant and 1750. Ashkenazic Jews, mostly of Philadelphia in 1790 at which and was commissioned a lieuten: the last renegade Jew? After all, Then there is' the second story from Germany, began to arrive in it was decided to join the Jewish ant in the Indian Department by in his story, he deals with the in the book, also dealing with an the United States early in the Congregation in New York, the British. elderly gentlemen who are strug- episode—in what is described as 19th Century, when the westward Charleston and Richmond in one Lewis Cass named him associate gling for a return, to observe Yom an American Western community, letter of congratulations to George migration was in full progress. justice in 'the first court held in Kippur; with the dying element Lewis and Clark City. "The Last While some of the older Jewish Washington on his accession to the Brown County. In 1835 he was that had become unaffiliated with WASP in the World" is the story communities in the U.S. in the Presidency of the United States. elected a member of the first Leg- Jewry, who had intermarried, who of a wedding, a Jewish wedding, 1820s were in decay, like Newport, The letter was delivered to Wash- islative Council of Wisconsin Ter- couldn't be an asset to Jewry un- where the poet Vincent Hazel- R. I., or entering a period of de- ington in person by Manuel Joseph. ritory. He was an organizer and der any circumstances. baker, the non-Jew, creates dis- cline, like Charleston, S. C., a few son, an uncle of Samuel Hays. Fiedler is a brilliant writer. He turbances, at which the bride and Dr. Isaac Hays (1796-1879) of one of the largest stockholders of possesses a fine style. He tells good the mother of the bride and a isolated Jews were pioneering on the Fox River Hydraulic Company, the western frontier. These men Philadelphia was one of the fore- formed in 1836 to build a dam stories. (There are three narra- number of other men and women were the advance guard of the most ophthalmologists in the coun- across the Fox River. tives in "The Last Jew in Ameri- are involved—the mother having large Jewish communities that try and served as the first presi- ca."). But there are the negatives been one of Vin's mistresses, the Late, the only Jew then in were later to develop in the Middle dent of the Ophthamological Soci- what is now the State of Wiscon- in his approach that compel the question arising whether the bride ety of Philadelphia. He was one of West. query: why write us all off? Aren't herself is his daughter. * * the two men who wrote the Code sin, had a general religious inter- there millions of Jews who refuse It's a sexy story, Vin's wife est as indicated by the fact that The first known Jew to settle in of Ethics for the American Medical to say die, most of whom will be being witness to some of the he made possible the establishment what is now the State of Illinois Association of which he was a of Christ Church, the first Prot- in their synagogue pews in a boasts to the exposition of Vin's was John Hays, son of a distin- founder, and he was known as an estant Episcopal Church in Green couple of weeks, many of whose filthy character, to the entire guished Dutch-Jewish family which outstanding editor of and author Bay, incorporated in 1829. He was sons and daughters, even if they loathsome scene of lust and - over- emigrated to New York City early in the medical sciences. Hays' the founder, in 1831, of the first are displaying an indifference, sexed literary narration. in the 18th Century. His grand- Journal, founded and edited by Temperance Society west of the nevertheless retain a certain loy- Is this contemporary literature? father, Solomon Hays, was one of Isaac, was considered for more Great Lakes. alty to ancestry, to heritage, to Then we witness continuation of six brothers who came to this than 50 years "the best American the debate whether it is so pretty. Lawe married Theresa Rankin, the associations of their parents? country from Holland. His father, medical monthly". "The Last Jew in America" is In his third story, Fiedler mere- daughter of a British officer and a Moses Michael Hays (1739-1805) Baruch (or Barak) Hays, came to the story about a chap who seeks ly introduced a Hebe, tells about Chippewa mother, and had several New York City about 1763. Unlike of Boston is well known in the a minyan for Yom Kippur for hiS "a little sheeny with a shoe-clerk's the many members of his family, Masonic world as an early pro- children. He died in Green Bay friend who is believed to be dying. moustache, a big fat queer who Feb. 11, 1846. Baruch maintained his loyalty to moter of Masonry in the colonies The last Jew could be meant as a struck it rich." The ,story itself is The publication in 1854 of the the British during the American and states. He was a founder of pun. But a title in itself becomes about a Negro who had an affair will of Judah Touro, New Or- Revolution. As a known partisan the Harvard Medical School and galling. with a white woman who died the leans merchant and philan- (he had served as an officer of was one of the petitioners for a Is it satire, or is it ridicule and night of the affair and the body scouts), he found it advisable to mutual life insurance company in thropic pioneer, revealed that mockery? In either case it could of the white man whom she mar- leave the United States after the Boston in 1798. His son, Judah, was there was an informal union of be insult. ried that day is dragged into the * * S war. Influenced no doubt by the a founder of the Boston Athenae- American Jews which then num- bed to indicate that it was he who bered some 50,000. Touro's fact that his brother, Andrew, was um, first library association in the There is no doubt that Fiedler had the power, not the Negro, an established merchant in Mont- United States, and the first Jew wealth was almost legendary. He knows his background. He calls to whose role remains a secret. real, Canada, Baruch fled across in Boston to be elected to public bequeathed a half million dol- witness in dealing with the "last It is an introduction to miscege- lars to dozens of organizations the border. There he became a office, as fire warden, in 1805. Jew" myth the prayerbook, the nation, a tale about Indians and and philanthropies, Catholic, Reyna Hays, sister of Moses merchant and auctioneer. He was dredel, Eban and Weizmann manu- Negroes and whites in an era of an early member of Montreal's Michael Hays, married Rev. Isaac Protestant and Jewish. scripts, the menora, with the com- civil rights. It is an excellently Touro was the first American ment: "Pitiful enough, this jetsam first Spanish and Portuguese Con- Touro, Hazan and Minister of New. written story—again with lots of gregation, Shearith Israel, founded port's Congregation Jeshuat Israel. Jew to be respected and acclaimed left by the ebbing of a great faith, sex which apparently is what read- as participant both in general Their son, Judah, of New Orleans, in 1768. Baruch was married twice the death of a heroic people . . ." ers want and therefore what writ- and had a son (John) by his first was one of the great philanthrop- American affairs and in Jewish It isn't that easy, Mr. Fiedler, to ers produce. That's the product of life. Psychologically, he helped marriage, and three children by ists of the 19th Century. write off faith and people, since Fiedler who introduces a last Jew When the first court of every Jew, to take courage in the the people and its faith is undying, his second marriage (Kitty, Jacob but does not indicate that there and Joseph). He died in the West Brown County (Wisconsin) was task of being a Jew. He helped to no matter how one views Jewry's established in 1822, Lewis Cass, make America a warmer home for role in the world. Frankly, if a probably never will be a last Jew. Indies, April 13, 1845. —P.S. Baruch's son, John, was horn as Governor of the Michigan his fellow Jews. in New York City in 1770. He Territory (which then included Prominent Christians were in- 40 Friday September 2, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Executive Secretary, Temple Beth Et Historiographer of the Jews of Michigan Copyright by Irving I. Katz `The Last Jew in America': Taking Issue With Author's Views . —