Canadian Jewry's !Defense Program, Communal Activities By B. G. KAYFETZ (Copyright, 1966, JTA, Inc.) MONTREAL — The outstanding event of the year in group rela- tions in Canada was the report issued by the Minister of Justice's Special Committee on Hate Propa- ganda, commonly known as the Cohen Committee after its chair- man, Maxwell Cohen, dean of the McGill Law School. The seven-man commission brought down a unani- mous recommendation in favor of legislation to ban incitement to religious and racial hatred. In one respect the recommenda- tion did not go as far as the Unit- ed Kingdom's Race Relations Act. The Cohen Committee suggested an exculpatory clause that truth may be a defense — a safeguard missing in the British legislation. The proposals met with a mixed reception from the press. • Among the • newspapers greeting it were the Manitoba Free Press (its execu- tive editor, Shane McKay, was a committee member), the Montreal Star, and the Toronto Telegram. The Toronto Star was guarded and evasive, only •agreeing in full to the anti-genocide provision. The Toronto Globe and Mail, the Lon- don (Ont.) Free Press, Peterboro Examiner, Kingston Whig-Standard and others were opposed on libera- tion grounds. The report was made public in April and by the time the House of Commons adjourned in July for its summer recess it had not been dealt with. It is hoped that, when Parlia- ment resumes in the fall — or be- fore — the administration will make some announcement of its intentions in this r e s p e c t, i.e., whether it will implement the rec- ommendations of the Minister of Justice's committee by bringing down legislation more or less in conformity with its principles. Neo-Nazi Agitation In Toronto, Canadian Jewry's second largest community (Jewish pop. about 95,000), a 24-year-old unemployed agitator named John Beattie continues to grab attention in press and television out of all proportion to his minuscule follow- ing, by his attempts to break into the limelight in the approved style of Lincoln Rockwell (whose avowed disciple he is). After last year's virtual riot in Allen Gardens, the City Council made the grant of a speaking license in the parks de- pendent upon its discretion. When it found that Beattie was making a regular public trek to City Hall and exploiting the situation, an amended by-law was passed (sug- gested by the Canadian Jewish Congress) that made the giving of permits mandatory but contained a clause forbidding the stirring up of racial and religious hatred. On June 5, Beattie's speech in- dulged in a few snide innuendoes. but two weeks later (to those who could hear it above the din of the hooting and the virtually sound- proofing cordon of policemen on horseback) his talk seemed clearly an invitation to Jew-baiting. The chief of police, tired of providing the agitator with whole squads of protective police personnel, asked that, for purposes of public safety, Beattie no longer be given a speak- ing permit. He was charged with violation of the by-law and hils case will be heard in the fall. In the meantime Beattie continues his semi-clandestine activity, mak- ing grandstand gestures such as the "invitation" for a neo-Nazi in- ternational conference in Canada (an event the Canadian government has no intention of permitting), meeting with Rockwell half way across the international bridge over the Niagara River, and using every Possible notoriety-capturing tech- nique to penetrate the mass media. Nothing public has been heard from David Stanley, 21-year-old original instigator of active neo- Nazism in Canada, since his recan- tation in August, 1965. He is rumored to have returned to school. Adrien Arcand In Quebec, Adrien Arcand's star blazed up again for a while but now seems to have been re-ex- tinguished. In November 19 65, . Montrealers were shocked to learn that the aging leader had attracted more than 600 persons at a and dinner (the preliminaries and plans for this event had been cam- ouflaged and successfully kept from the public). Later that winter, 450 came to hear him and—to add in- sult to injury—on municipal prem- ises in a building in the Botanical Gardens. However, since these two sessions, he had been unable to enter municipal or church-owned buildings and has had trouble find- ing an adequate meeting-place. In the spring, after two last-minute changes of venue, he mustered 150 onlookers. Quebec's Elections Quebec had a surprise political upset when the forward-looking Liberal government of Jean Lesage was defeated by Daniel Johnson's Union Nationale party in June. There had been close observation of the election campaign in the more remote areas of the province, and no evidence was found of anti- Semitic appeals among the various separatist factions. Immediately after the voting, the new premier commented that he would have re- ceived even more seats in Mont- real had "the English and the Jews" voted for him, but his has not been interpreted as a hostile remark. Several weeks after the election ; however, one of the sep- aratist parties—the one linked with the provincial Social Credit Party —was found to revert to the clas- sical anti-Semitic gibes about "Jui- verie internationale" and its bond with Lesage—all based on a com- ment by Raymond Aron in far-away Paris. Stock Exchange Bias Quebec's new anti-discrimination law will receive a test when a case is heard against a well-known brok- erage firm for not engaging Jewish job applicants. A direct result of the attention this has received was the naming to the Montreal Stock Exchange of its first Jewish mem- ber. The firm accused of discrimin- ation is being defended by a promi- nent Jewish attorney who is chal- lenging the constitutionality of the anti-discrimination law. (See Story, Page 10). let Aid to Day Schools While in the U.S.A: the anti- poverty program has enabled a wedge to be inserted in the wall separating church and state, in Canada no positive advances were made in the direction of such sub- sidies despite the absence of any strict constitutional division. In Quebec, the defeat of the Lesage government was interpreted by some as a negative reaction to its apparent willingness to do away with the "confessionality" of the province's traditional school sys- 18—Friday, August 26, 1966 tem. Whether the new regime will look kindly on government money for Jewish day schools is not yet clear. A committee of Jewish day school parents is working toward this goal in Montreal, and there the Canadian Jewish Congress is giving assistance and guidance to this committee with no complaints from any elements in the Jewish community. In Ontario, however, which has had a different histori- cal development in its school pat- tern, Jewish citizens are evenly divided on the problem. Nothing else reflects the region- al differences of Canadian Jewish life as this difference between Ontario and Quebec in the attitudes towards government aid for the Jewish day school. Jewish day schools in Canada are no longer to be found exclusively in the large metropolitan centers of Jewish concentration. Ottawa (Jewish pop., 6,000) has had a day school for about 15 years. Van- couver (Jewish pop. 8000) has one. In Calgary and Edmonton (Jewish pop., 3,500 and 2,600) they have virtually replaced the after- noon Jewish school; Hamilton (Jew- ish pop., 4,000) has started its Jew- ish day school. ' Zionist Politics Canada's internal Zionist con- flict is still bubbling. Last fall, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS after the Labor Zionists and Miz- rachi staged a walk-out from the convention of the Zionist Organiza- tion of Canada, there was talk of rapprochement. A Zionist self-study commission was set up under Jus- tice Abraham Lieff. Before it had completed its considerations, a Canadian Zionist Federation was announced, comprising the "dissi- dent" groups—Lazor Zionists, Miz- rachi, Ahdut Avoda, and the Lea- gue for Pioneering I s r a el (i.e. Mapam). News dispatches in the general press gave the impression that the Zionists of Canada had indeed united when, in actual fact,. the breach had widened between two groupings of Zionist ideologieS. The Revisionists who, in the past, have so often been "on the outside" of the Establishment, now find themselves aligned with the Z.O.C. Issue at stake is the control of funds raised by the Cana dian United Israel App eal. The dis- senters resent the fact that the Z.O.C., though not a member- ship arganization, has control of the disposal of UIA funds and their allocation. Two communities — Vancouver and Ottawa — have split their unit- ed fund-raising in two (contrary to the trend since 1948): one for overseas -MA and UJRA (i.e. JDC); the other for local causes. • Rosh Hashana occurs this year on Sept. 15 & 16 To assure yourself of being remembered to all your relatives and friends .. . PLACE YOUR NEW YEAR GREETING in The Jewish News Types of Greetings Available: $5.00, $10.00, $15.00 or. 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