J Liebman's 'Hope for Maw'--Powerful Sequel to Best-Selling Pastoral Guide 'Peace of Mind "Peace of Mind" was a sensation. For a number of years, even after the death of the eminent author, Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman, it was a best seller. It was a guide for the disturbed, a ray of hope for , the perplexed. /- /J /-2 And while he states that "pessi- mism dooms us in advance by its philosophy of hopelessness," he ex- plores continually and reaches a hopeful conclusion. He explores many problems, deals with morality, with the is- Dr. Liebman had left many man- sues involved in the sex conflicts uscripts. His widow, Ray Loth and asserts that — Liebman, hesi- "Immorality is not sexual ir- tated to collect them. She finally regularity only. Such a definition was induced by is merely a clever device by Leon Shimkin which modern men and women and M. Lincoln legitimatize many of their worst Schuster of Si- antisocial trends. If you can con- mon and Schus- fine evil to the sexual realm and ter to pursue that allow your pride and aggressions and cruelties to run rampant, task and to pro- vide a supple- you have made quite a good bar- ment to the gain. You can get the reputation earlier work. The of being a 'good person' by fol- result is the new lowing the conventional code of Simon and Schus- respectability while pursuing many subtle demonic pathways. ter volume, Dr. Liebman "Hope for Man I would say rather that a person —An Optimistic Philosophy is truly immoral when he wastes and Guide to Self-Fulfillment — A his own potentialities and the resources of other people, then Sequel to 'Peace of Mind,' " pub- lished by Simon and Schuster with he abuses himself phycholog- ically and spiritually and abuses a preface by Mrs. Liebman. It the men, women and children in recognizes anew "the great impetus the circle of his influence . . . " that 'Peace of Mind' gave to pas- toral psychiatry" and it offers new He adds: "We must become as guidelines to proper thinking in brilliant in maturing our con- evaluating life. science as in deepening our in- tellects . . . There is no reason for The new philosophy, outlined pessimism about our moral adven- in a series of impressive essays, ture. Man is not a static creature , is optimistic. It views life with imprisoned forever within an un- confidence. It explores every changing room . . . The experi- facet of human experience. mentalism of science shows us that The sum total of Liebman's con- life moves, man evolves, the uni- clusions is that "there is hope for verse progresses . . . " man." It rejects pessimism. It de- There is the added emphasis: clares. nevertheless: "Pessimism "As a Jew I am persuaded by can, indeed, lead men to despair my whole tradition to believe in or to atheism, but they can also the educability of the human lead men to greater sensitivity. race and in the reality of a bet- Their words and thoughts often ter future; that man can learn are like the physician's little ham- from his mistakes and his trag- mer testing our spiritual reflexes; edies, as indeed man has learned they make us know whether we in the past; as he has created are numb and paralyzed within or new science, new medicine, new alert to the mystery and also the technology, new democratic in- majesty of the universe and our stitutions upon the earth, he can place in it. Pessimism is a chal- still go on to create better ones." lenge to the superficial optimism There is a guide for "personal which lulls human beings into com- placency and a kind of sleep of designs for happiness" in an im- pressive chapter "Love in Marriage death- ... " Today" in which he indicates that And there is the emphasis that "life is not paradise," that the "there is nothing inherently de- rabbis of old understood the truth structive or aggressive in human of the existence of pain and hard- nature which cannot be tamed." ships, declaring: Try and Stop Me By BENNETT CERF F ABLE: A wise old king once had a heavy stone placed right in the middle of a busy thoroughfare. Passers-by stepped gingerly over it, or kicked it angrily—but not ono of them made the slight- est effort to remove it. Finally one good-hearted fellow came along and managed to roll it to a ditch paralleling the road, thus clearing the way for all who followed him. Under the stone he dis- covered a purse filled with gold which the king had placed there. * * * 1 \- 7 2 From the memoirs of the great violinist, Mischa El- man: "While visiting a 9-25 friend of the family, I was asked to play something for the assembled group. I rattled ( Beethoven's 'Kreutzer Sonata'—very neatly, I thought. The So ata has in it several rests. In one of these, a motherly old laci . leaned forward, patted my shoulder, and said, 'Play somethir_ you know, young man? " * * * Here are a few of Roger Price's newest "non quotes": 1. "You slept where last night?"—Martha Washington. 2. "Your guess is as good as mine."—Nostradamus. 3. Who in thif claff can fpell `Miffiffippi?' "—Chaucer. 4. "NEXT!"—Delilah. • 5. "I'm sorry, Signor da. Vinci, but I keep thinking of ti. joke you just told."—Mona Lisa. 6. "I don't know what you're up to, Tom, but I can't sic _ with that light on."—Mrs. Thomas A. Edison. (More of the same can be found in Mr. Price's very funny ani - "Life does not ask us all to become great statesmen, clever generals, brilliant politicians; it does call upon most of us to become successful husbands and wives . . . A joyous home be- comes a haven of refuge in the storm of disillusionment, frustra- tion and fear of the future." He presents "four designs for personal happiness in marriage. First, learn to accept yourself and your physical desires with natural piety; second, understand that you are a psychological person, a un- ion of past and present and future; third, realize that in marriage you become a citizen of a new republic, the democracy of matrimony, to which spiritual state you must give your primary loyalty so that through it you may find your un- shaken security. And, finally, vis- ualize your marriage as a religious means to a religious end, the priv- ilege given to you and your part- ner together to add to life' possi- bilities and glories, and thus to become joint co-workers with deity." Is life worth living? Dr. Lieb- man suggests "five roads to emo- tional security": "The first is to be brave enough to accept our own imperfections . . . Nature does not demand that we be perfect. It re- quires only that we grow . .. The courage of imperfection means that while we shall strive always to achieve the best in our power, we shall not torment ourselves continually by seeking to make an absolute out of our r e l a t i v e achievements .. . " "The second way to make life worth living is to develop a ma- ture conscience. Life often be- comes a burden because we are afflicted with an overwhelming sense of guilt and sin . . . It is only when we become liberated from the haunting voices of dec- ades ago, only when we become liberated from the prohibitions and commandments which served our childhood needs but which are tragically out of place in adult- hood — it is only then that we can become free, healthy person- alities, m a k i.n g life worth the struggle." "The third way to make life worth living is to develop courage, the kind of courage that gives us a combative spirit . . . " "The fourth way to make life worth living is to adopt a long- range scale of values ... We have to weigh a present pain against a future pleasure and a present pleasure against a future pain. To do this well is to become an artist in the values of life . . . " "The fifth way to make life worth living is the way of love." Warning against egocentricity which he calls "the most tragic of all the causes of cynicism and pessimism," he declares: "We shall never find life worth living so long as we remain imprisoned within our own little egos. The secret of survival and success in the world is to place one's ego at the service of loved ones, of large social pur- poses, of great causes." And the conclusion is: "There is hope for man." In this spirit, Dr. Liebman's se- quel to "Peace of Mind" is a pow- erful guide, an encouragement to self-fulfillment, making the new work, "Hope for Man," worthy of inseparability from the earlier, the best seller that has given courage and confidence to the millions who had read it. —P.S. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 26,1966-17 **At "DEXTER*** „* CHEVROLET IS _ t A 'THE BEST PLACE' : TO GET YOUR CAR." 41E * Belier Every Way 4( * * Darrow and Gratitude The famous lawyer Clarence Darrow once won a very tough case for a beautiful client, and as they walked out of court into the sunshine she fluttered her eye- lashes at him and cooed, "How can I ever show my gratitude?" "My dear young lady," replied Darrow gallantly, "ever since the Phoenicians invented money, there has been only one sound answer to that question." MORE REPEAT CUSTOMERS SAY: +4 • Better Service • Better Deals .4( * Slatkin's * DEXTER 4 4( c * CHEVROLET 4( * 20811 W. 8 Mile Road KE 4-1400 4C ************ CONGREGATION BNAI ZION 3841 HUMPHREY & HOLMUR Invites friends and neighbors to our airy and spacious shu( for holiday services. Tickets are very reasonable. Phone: WE 4-0008 ::•2W 4P> :ie.- 14000 W. 9 MILE RD. OAK PARK LI 8-2666 Ih '*4 Invites You to Take Advantage of * OUR HIGH HOLIDAY SEATING ARRANGEMENTS * OUR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL REGISTRATION L.- TEMPLE BETH AM offers a meaningful affiliation in the living traditions of Reform Judaism. A HOUSE OF WORSHIP Services conducted by Rabbi David Jessel in the Cohn Building, 31840 W. Seven Mile Road, Livonia A HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY SISTERHOOD • MEN'S CLUB • YOUTH GROUP A HOUSE OF STUDY Religious School • Hebrew School • Adult Education HIGH HOLY DAY TICKETS Available TEMPLE BETH AM 474-7973 - Livonia P.O. Box 144 - Membership Is Now Open If You Missed Our Previous Announcement A Limited Number of Enrollments Available If You Mail This Form or Call Now 11/11.■ IMMO am.= •■■•• 111■•■• MIMS 11•••••• ONION. NMN.10 MEM= IMIM11 IM.MIN 11.•••I•1 REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION FORM Name of Child. Age Address Phone Parent's Name Please register my child for September 12. of wish additional information, • ❑ WORKMEN'S CIRCLE NURSERY 18340 W. SEVEN MILE KE original magazine, Grump.) 7-5440 Office 0 1966, by Bennett Cerf. Distributed by King Features Syndicate OMANI 1111.1■1110 1111•••11•1 ,1 CONG. MISHKAN ISRAEL NUSACH LUBAVITCHER CENTER 'AN WORKMEIVS CIRCLE NURSERY INIMM 4c BR 3-9252 Director 1/NIMN 110.•■■ ••••111 476-4100