Precautionary Measures Taken by Federal Agencies to End Nazi Racial Exploitation 14—Friday, August 26, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Syngagoue Near the U.S. Capital Is Subjected to Daily Desecrations (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) in the area tackle the problem WASHINGTON — An Orthodox of contacting parents and children, synagogue on the edge of the Dis- to see to it that "the obscene trict of Columbia has been van- role" of completely destroying the dalized so badly and desecrated synagogue be reversed. "It is to be so many times that the situation hoped," stated the newspaper, "calls for something more than "that the neighborhood organiza- ordinary policing," it was reported tion will have risen to this situa- tion." here Tuesday. The house of worship is the Young Israel Shomrai Emunah Teaneck, N.J., Synagogue Synagogue, located in Hyattsville, just across from the boundry of Defaced With Swastikas the District of Columbia. The TEANECK, N.J.—Police pushed synagogue's spiritual leader, Rabbi an investigation Wednesday in the Gedaliah Anemer, said that in swastika defacing of Cong. Beth four raids within a five-day Sholom her in what was termed period: the first such desecration of re- Vandals smashed 40 windows, ligious structures in the commu- some of these dedicated to the nity. memories of deceased members, Police Chief Robert Fitzpatrick Tore up holy scrolls, spilled said the defacing of the synagogue wine on prayer shawls. was a crime but that the nature Broke a Star of David decora- of the smearings "makes this par- tion separation the men's section ticularly grave." A neighbor found from the women's section, defaced the vandalism early Monday walls, burst open locked doors morning and notified synagogue and strewed the floors with stones, officials. rusty cans and charred- logs. Rabbi Harry Schaeffer said 18 Rabbie Anemer said there swastikas had been "carefully in- had been previous attacks scribed" with white paint on win- against the, synagogue during dow panes, pavement, doors and Civil rights "testers" who were denied housing in an all-white neighborhood in Chicago pass prayer services, but that he had wood trim of the synagogue. He between youths carrying Nazi signs, the swastikas and Nazi emblems having been distributed by refrained from publicizing those said "This was not the work of American Nazi Party members. Two agitators belonging to racist and anti-Semitic organizations were actions for fear of offending per- little children who did not know arrested Sunday when they sought to hold rallies without police permits in an effort to exploit the sons living in the community what they were doing." He said an growing racial tension in this city. George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, was, whose teen-age children were oil base painting was used which however, granted a permit and spoke to a crowd of 700 persons for 40 minutes. He urged the organiza- will make it very difficult to re- believed responsible. tion of a "white guard" to resist integration, and charged that "Jewish money" was financing Negro civil rights demonstrations. Those arersted in Marquette Park, in the southwestern section of the city, On Tuesday, however, Simon L. move the swastikas. were the Rev. Charles Lynch of the anti-Semitic and anti-Negro National States Rights Party; and Cain, president of the Neighbor- In saying he was hopeful that Evan Lewis of Akron, Ohio, who appeared in the white robe of the Ku Klux Klan. hood Citizens Association pledged the arrests would be made, the that everything possible will be rabbi explained that he was not so Officials of Chicago's suburb of Cicero announced Wednesday that they had turned down an done to prevent further desecra- much concerned about punishment application from Rockwell for a permit for a rally he said he wanted to hold Saturday in front of tions, by either adults or children. of the vandals as he was that such the Cicero City Hall. One police official in the area persons had to be educated "to In his application, Rockwell told the officials he wanted "to organize the white people of Cicero said the synagogue was being the enormity of their act. By dis- to defend their homes and neighborhood against Martin Luther King's black invasion." vandalized because many nearby playing this symbol, they are dis- Rev. King, leader of the Negro drive in Chicago to remove racial bias from the housing field, residents believe it has been playing their ignorance of the evil has scheduled a march to be held in Cicero on Sunday. abandoned. The house of worship, it stands for." Cook County Sheriff Richard Ogilvie said that he would have Rockwell arrested on sight if the opened eight years ago, had many man set foot anywhere in the county outside the Chicago city limits. David Paloff, congregation pres- scientists among its members. ident, said he was disturbed that * * * By MILTON FRIEDMAN recent white outbursts in Chicago. More recently, however, many of such an incident could happen "in (Copyright; 1966, JTA, Inc.) Now he wants to ride the horse these members have shifted to a a community like Teaneck." He WASHINGTON — Federal law of white resentment, white fear, Coventry Cathedral synagogue in Silver Springs. said the congregation was consid- enforcement officials are taking white prejudice, white anger --L- Defaced With Swastikas The Jewish Week, local news- ering offering a reward for infor- precautions lest Nazi efforts to under a slogan of white' power. COVENTRY, England (JTA) — peper, declaring that the issue mation leading to arrest of the exploit racial tensions in Chicago By proclaiming that he will lead lead to an explosion "that could a march into the Negro slums, Police here intensified their watch was a community problem, asked vandals. Teaneck has four other make the Watts riot look like a Rockwell sees a chance to get a over Coventry Cathedral and over editorially that civic organizations synagogues. Sunday school picnic." white mob moving under the other public buildings, due to a Police surveillance is being main- swastika emblem — a mob psy- tained on Nazi plans to organize chologically ready to follow a rash of painted swastikas and anti- a massive march into seething hatemonger and defiantly wave Semitic slogans that has broken out Negro ghetto streets of Chicago. Nazi emblems." here, including desecration of the Reform Jewish Congregation The anti-Negro "Back to Africa" cathedral itself. The swastika is now appear. demonstration is tentatively sched- ing as less of an ideological The walls and pillars of the uled for Sept. 10. Ernest J. Conrad, Rabbi The Nazis, operating from small commitment to Nazism but as a cathedral were discovered Sunday night to have been painted with will initiate worship services cells in a number of cities, are prevented and sadistic protest trying to organize motorcades of gesture to attract attention, ac- large swastikas and slogans of a cording to Federal officials. Nazi Nazi character. One three-foot high FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT 2nd, 8:30 p.m. fanatics from Southern California, adherents are focusing their slogan proclaimed "End Jewish Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Missis- at the Birmingham Unitarian Church Control." Another demanded "Re- Woodward Ave. just North of Lane Pine Rd. sippi, Virginia, Massachusetts, Con- efforts on infiltration of spon- lease Hess," and a third slogan taneous anti-Negro eruptions necticut, New York, New Jersey, because this is more "timely" was worded "Support Rhodesia." ALL WELCOME Michigan and other areas. Such and "in the vogue" than anti- motorcades have been asked to The Hess call related to Rudolf For Information About High Holiday Services Semitism, officials said. But Hess, Hitler's close confidant, who converge on Chicago for the and Religious School Please Call authorities have no illusion about flew to England in 1941 presum- Sept. 10 weekend. The intention any absence of anti-Semitism ably to seek peace. He is serving is to spark current unrest among DAYS EVENINGS some white elements, with Nazi from the thinking of anti-Negro a life sentence in Spandau Prison, Temple Office Mr. Kenneth Solomon-353-3353 activities. in West Berlin. "leadership" in the streets, for 646-5534 Mr. Julian Scott-626-1686 Rockwell has stated that "thou- a "massive counter-attack." Under the various daubings, in- sands of white Chicagoans have Police do not take the Nazis cluding a swastika on the wall of expressed desire to march under seriously. Their attempts to stir the Police Training Center here, up anti-Semitism failed dismally Nazi banners in Chicago. He said were the initials "N.S.M.," be- since their emergence in the he will be at the head of the lieved to stand for National column. In the heart of the worst Socialist Movement. Assistant Chief late 1950s. A call by George Negro slum, he will "nonviolently" .Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the of Police Stanley Porter said Mon- denounce Negroes and demand day that "our inquiries will cer- :American Nazi Party, for a that they go "back to Africa." white "army" to demonstrate tainly be stepped up to find those The Nazi agitator said the mood responsible for the serious and against the 1963 Negro rights in Chicago appeared "March on Washington" was receptive to dastardly defacement of the ignored. Only a handful of Nazi Nazism in anti-Negro street demon- cathedral." strations. followers emerged, and soon ROBERT FROST SCHOOL evaporated. But what about the Negro mood? But passions are now such that Is it receptive to suggestions by 23261 SCOTIA (North of W. Nine Mile Road) even a few Nazis may provide a outside agitators that Negro citi- spark to ignite a conflagration. zens depart from their country for Oak Park, Michigan Negroes have sought open hous- Africa? The Negroes may feel that ing in segregated areas of Chicago. the war against Nazism did not Next Tours: Sept. 2-11 Marches led by the Rev. Martin really end in 1945, and consider a Rosh Hashana Yom Kippur (Labor Day) Luther King were met by violence. final battle. Sept. 28-Oct. 9 September 14, 8:30 p.m. September 23, 8:30 p.m. An ugly, climate exists. • (Succoth) In any event, police are prepar- September 24, 10:30 a.m. September 15, 10:30 a.m. A U.S. Justice Department ing, and Jewish and other com- FOR Children's 2:00 p.m. INFORMATION & Children's 2:00 p.m. source said that Rockwell is "a munal agencies are cooperating. .• RESERVATIONS, Memorial 4:30 p.m. •5 CALL flop." He termed the Nazi leader Washington feels that present (212) FA 7.1010 "a frustrated man on horseback racial nroblems can be solved with- Complimentary Tickets Available Upon Written Request to who is desperately seeking a new out the help of Communists and horse to ride. He has noted the Nazis. Dept. k 04 Elvira Ave., Far Rockaway, N. Y. Temple Office, 6435 Telegraph Rd., Birmingham 48010 See Editorial, Page 4 minor role of Nazi agitators in MEE 22a04414,WanatiMigaiia' A THE NEW TEMPLE birmingham temple HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES Kosher Tours Dorado Hilton, Puerto Rico ) ORTHODOX TOUR