Ellen Brown Engaged to Alan 11. Alalisow THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS People Make News Friday, August 19, 1966-27 Richard Bladen to Wed Volume on Sefer Hasidim by Bloch Gail Himelstein Dec.24 Is A Published 285-page, hard-bound tome IRV OLIN, athletic director of HARRIET BERG, instructor in Brandeis University, has been dance at Wayne State University, about Jewish ethics and morals in named manager of the 40-mem ber is attending the 19th annual Con- relation to modern times titled, United States team that will par- necticut College School of Dance "God and Man in the Sefer Hasid- ticipate in the Pan-American 11 lac- serving as an instructor and di- im," has been written by Dr. Simon cabiah Games in San Paolo, B ra- rector of the Dance Educators' G. Kramer, president of the He- zil, Aug. 23-28. Olin, a gradu ate Workshop. Mrs. Berg, 19977 Snow- brew Theological College, Skokie, of Trenton State Teachers Coll ege, den, is director of the WSU Dance Ill. served two years as basket ball Workshop and holds dance classes Published by Bloch Publishing coach at Brandeis. He was as- at the Jewish Center. Her hus- sistant coach of the 1961 g old 'band, Irving Berg, is head of the Co. for the Hebrew Theological medal United States basket ball fine arts department at Cass Tech College Press, this is the first team in the Sixth World Mac ea- High School. Mrs. Berg's students extensive English work about the biah Games in Israel. Sefer Hasidim (Book of the Pi- also attending the workshop are * * ous), a 13th Century volume by Anita Schnee, Michelle Levine, Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel of Rat- ..Appointthent of BOYCE TOPE, Pauline Lee, David G. Thorman isbon. executive vice president of the De- and Nancy C. Ztikin. troit Auto Dealers AssOciation as The new book is in English, * * * regional chairman of the 14th says Dr. Kramer, in the hope that The executive officers council it will stimulate concern and dis- annual Michigan Week, was an- of the National Association of • MISS ELLEN BROWN cussion in the entire field of Jew- nounced by Postmaster Edward Home Builders this week named Mr. and Airs. Arthur D. Brown, Baker of Detroit, deputy general ish ethics. MISS GAIL HIMELSTEIN 24828 Maryland, Southfield, chairman for southeastern Mich- IRVIN H. YACKNESS president His book discusses the conduct for 1967. Yackness is executive announce the - engagement of their igan. of man in relation to God, to one vice president and general counsel Mr. and Mrs. Reuben I. Himel- * * * daughter Ellen Susan, to Alan M. for the 800-member Builders As- stein, 20441 Oxley Ave., announce another, to governmental authority Malisow, 25624 Lincoln Terrace, Rabbi LEON FRAM will deliver sociation of Metropolitan Detroit. the engagement of their daughter and to one's non-Jewish neighbors, Oak Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. the commencement address at It deals with worship and prayer, Yackness will be installed as coun- Gail to Richard Bladen, son of with sin and repentance, with Saul Malisow of Minneapolis. summer graduation services of cil president in Chicago next De- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bladen, Sabbath observance and the study Miss Brown is a graduate of the Cooley High School, at 9:30 a.m. cember when the group meets in 4150 W. Outer Dr. University of Michigan. Her fi- today in the school's auditoriu of the Torah. The wedding date has been set ance attended the University of Participating in the exercises a re connection with the annual con- for Dec. 24. Minnesota. Fred Mitchell, class president; vention of NAHB. More than 75 A Dec. 17 wedding is planned. Kren Serajian, who will give the Detroit-area builders, headed by invocation; and Susan Lynn Foster, Louis Hechtman, BAMD president, Classified Ads Get Quick Results who will sing "The Lord's Prayer." are attending the meeting of the directors in Las Vegas this week. Katz-1IM/1Jan Vows * * * * * * RECHA FREIER, who con- Planned forDecember ceived Dr. Mordechai Levy, assistant and initiated the Youth Free Custom Fitting by Aliyah 'movement which has res- to the president for academic liai- Experienced Corsetieres son at the Technion, Israel Insti- cued and trained more than 130,- 000 Jewish children since its in- tute of Technology in Haifa, is to 15842 W. 7 MILE ROAD 3 Blks. W. of Greenfield ception, will receive the 1966 Sil- serve this summer as consultant Open to 6 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. ver Medallion Award of the Miz- on manpower development and rachi Women's Organization of utilization to the United Nations BR 3-2509 or YE 7-9783 America. Mrs. Freier, now in her Economic Commission for Africa, FREE PARKING IN REAR with headquarters in Addis Ababa. 74th year, will fly from Israel to accept the award at the 41st an- Dr. Levy did similar work in Ni- nual national convention of Mizra- geria as UNESCO consultant in chi Women, Oct. 30 through Nov. 1962-63. * * * 2, in Washington, D.C. * * * ALVIN B. RUBIN, noted Jewish Six swimmers who won gold attorney of Baton Rouge, La.. was medals at the seventh world Mac- nominated by President Johnson cabiah games in Tel Aviv, Israel, to be United States District Judge last summer, including 16 year old in the Eastern District of Louisi- high school sensation MARK ana. Born in Alexandria, La., in 1920, SPITZ of Santa Clara, Calif., and former world record holder in he received his law degree from the 400 meter freestyle, MARILYN Louisiana State University where OF THE SHAAREY SHOMAYIM SYNAGOGUE RAMENOFSKY of Phoenix, Ariz., he later lectured on law as a vis- 74200 W. 10 Mile Rood, Oak Park MISS ANITA KATZ were among eight athletes named iting- professor. He is a member For Information_ Call 398-8824 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Katz of to represent the United States in of the national council of the Joint Never-A-Rental ar Synagogue Charge Westhampton Ave., Oak Park, an- swimming and diving competition Distribution C o m m i t t e e. B'nai ipunce the engagement of their at the Pan American Games in B'rith and other Jewish and non -1 daughter Anita Lee to Dr. Neil Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 23-28. Jewish philanthropic and civic 1 organizations. ;heldon Millman, son of Mr. Abra- * * * :lam Millman of Griggs Ave., and LAWRENCE WAYNE was re- _he late Mrs. Anna Millman. cently awarded the National Sales Parents Oppose Using Miss Katz is a graduate of Achievement Award, in recognition Wayne State University College of of successful sales and service Religious Buildings for t!! Education where she was affili- achievements by the National As- Public School Classes ated with Phi Sigma Sigma So- sociation of Life Underwriters. SPRING VALLEY, N. Y. (JTA) ority. Her fiance attended Wayne * * * —Twenty-five Jewish, Protestant State University and is a graduate RABBI IRWIN GRONER was and Catholic parents served a of the Kirksville College of Osteo- appointed chaplain of the Civil De- athy and Surgery, where he was fense Unit, by Arthur C. Becker, complaint here Monday night against a local school board which affiliated with Alpha Tau Sigma. defense director of the city has assigned pupils to attend pub- A December wedding is planned. civil of. Southfield. lic school classes, beginning in * * * September, to be held in a Catho- Prof. STEPHEN A. FREEMAN, lic church and a Reform temple. director of the Language Schools The complaint by the parents of Middlebury College, Middlebury, was backed by affidavits by two Vt., received an honorary degree parents — one an Orthodox rabbi, from McGill University, Montreal, the other a Catholic housewife — at a convocation conducted entire- LIVONIA LODGE will open its ly in the French language, marking who protested against assigning their children to schools conducted 1966-67 bowling season Sept. 12 at French summer school's half in the house of worship of a faith the new Plum Hollow Lanes, the Vice president and pro- other than their own. The two are Southfield. All interested bowl- century. emeritus at Middlebury, Rabbi Solomon Zeides, who lives ers are requested to attend an p fessor r of. Freeman was cited for out- here and is a librarian at Yeshiva Of all gifts you can give your child early in life . . . None organizational meeting at the bowl- standing efforts in promoting bet- University in New York; and Mrs. ing lanes 8 p.m. Aug. 29. For in- ter understanding is more important than - social confidence . . . Mature, between English- Madeline Ret, a member of St. formation and reservations, con- and French-speaking people. The Margaret's Roman Catholic attractive courtesy . . And the ability to adjust well to tact league secretary,, Leo Bes- serman, GA 2-5694 or league treas- director of the school, Prof. MAU- Church in nearby Pearl River. others . . This invaluable social education can be theirs RICE RABOTIN, awarded eiplomas The school board served with urer, Mark Klinger, 476-4580. through the right kind of Ballroom Dance Instruction . . to the graduates. the petition had decided two * * * months ago to hold some public Torah Leadership Seminar Stellenbosch University, South classes next September at St. Jo- ENROLLMENTS FOR FALL CLASSES More than 75 teenagers from Quebec, Ontario and New Bruns- Africa's oldest seat of learning, seph's Roman Catholic Church and BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9 at Temple Beth El, a Reform has honored an Israeli scholar, wick Provinces, upper New York ABRAHAM MALAMAT, by house of worship. The American NOW BEING ACCEPTED State and Michigan will attend the DR. conferring upon him membership Jewish Congress is aiding the com- Canadian Torah Leadership Semi- in the Old Testament Working parents with counsel. nar sponsored by the Youth Bu- Gro up, the highest body of this plaining The dissenting parents said reau of Yeshiva University's Cora- cou ntry's biblical scholars in the they would file a petition in the rnunity Service Division at Camp Mr ikaans tongue. Dr. Malamat is Supreme Court, at White Moshava, Peterborough, Ontario, asso date professor of ancient Jew- State Plains, N. Y., seeking an order Aug. 25-31, Rabbi Meyer Berglas, ish history and Bible at the He- to restrain the school board from seminar co-ordinator announced. bre w University in Jerusalem. He proceeding with its plans to use had been invited by Stellenbosch religious edifices for school pur- A man has three friends: his Uni versity to lecture during the poses. It's expected that the sons, his wealth and his good deeds. inst itution's celebration of its 100th Supreme Court case will be COOLIDGE-9 MILE, OAK PARK —Pirke Eliezer, 34.' ann iv ers ary. LI 7-4470 heard Sept. 7. CORSETS BY EVA CROWN KOSHER CATERING - NO GREATER GIFT - • • • tiTctivities JACK BARNES Ballroom Dance Studio