Purely Commentary The Fifth WJ Congress Plenary in Brussels BRUSSELS, Belgium — In retrospect. although it is only a few days in the past, the fifth plenary of the World Jewish Congress, whose 10 days of sessions were held here in the Palais des Congres, the EEC headquarters, will surely be viewed as an event of great significance. Several of the plenary's occurrences contributed to the historic importance of the "Jewish Parliament," as the WJCongress plenaries have come to be known. Dr. Nahum Goldmann, the unquestioned leader of world Jewry, summarized the sessions with great skill at a press conference that took place some 10 hours before the final closing of the plenary sessions on Aug. 9. He had advocated that dialogues be held by world Jewry with the West German Federal Republic, and he won his point against serious opposition but by an overwhelming majority. He has differed with many in Jewish ranks in the approach to the Russian-Jewish problem and he won a unanimous vote in sup- port of his contention that Jews are free citizens in Russia but that they are deprived of the rights to live and to worship as Jews, and that the appeals to the Soviet Union must be that Jews be granted the right to live as Jews, just as 100 or more nationality and religious groups are permitted to enjoy the traditions they inherited. Because he considered the Russian resolution of such great importance, Dr. Goldmann requested that its adoption be marked by a standing vote of solidarity with Russian Jewry by all the delegates. There is no doubt that Dr. Goldmann's view on the Russian relations has won overwhelming acclaim because of its pragmatism. As in the instance of Dr. Goldmann's great triumph in having arranged the reparations agreement with Germany, it is possible that he may yet reach accord with Russia to assure just rights for Russian Jewry. Justifiably, Dr. Goldmann was pleased with the participation of two delegations from Communist countries — from Romania and Hun- gary. Those who had been at the fourth plenary in Stockholm re- gretted that Polish Jewry was not represented. But the presence of Hungarian and Romanian spokesmen was an indication that there is a dent in the Communist wall, that Dr. Goldmann is justified in his optimistic expectations that Russian Jewry yet will be part of the world Jewish movement. It is on this score that the Brussels sessions may be considered significant. Dr. Goldmann maintained at the press conference that not more than 60, possibly 62, Jewish communities in the world could be expected at the plenary — excepting Russian Jewry, which has no address because there is no central Jewish organization in the USSR— this being one of the complaints about Russian prejudices against Jews. Since 57 countries were represented at the Brussels sessions, making the WJCongress' fifth plenary the best represented Jewish assembly ever convened, last week's meetings were of the utmost value historically. The success of the WJCongress is due in large measure to the genius of Dr. Goldmann. This commentator was among the American Jewish Congress national administrative committee leaders who, in the early 1930s, welcomed Dr. Goldmann on his arrival in this country to assume a role of leadership in the Congress movement. There was an overflow audience in Carnegie Hall when Dr. Stephen S. Wise delivered the welcoming address and spoke of Dr. Goldmann as Nordau redivivus. In the course of the ensuing years, Dr. Goldmann, firm, dedicated, fearless in dealing with Jewish issues, proved that Dr. Wise had not exaggerated. Dr. Goldmann proved his ability to lead in Zionism and in other movements, and now he is directing the world Jewish forces in efforts to inspire cultural ativities to assure understanding of Jewish - needs- by all, and especialti the youth. Dr. Goldmann holds at least five world presidencies and= chairmanships in Jewish ranks. In addition to being president of the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, he is the chairman of the Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, chairman of the Conference of Jewish Organila- tions and the head of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture which has inspired the formation of the World Council on Jewish Education. Perhaps they are too many jobs for a single person, and the cause for regret is that there are so few in view who can replace Dr. Goldmann. But in the meantime there are ex- pressions of gratitude that he is on the scene to direct world Jewish affairs. The Brussels sessions were lengthy. There were many — the The World Jewish Congress in Brussels: Its Numerous Lessons and Its Aftermath feeling was they were too many — speeches. But in a world parliament this is inevitable. Witness the endless talks in all other parliaments— including both Houses of the U.S. Congress! In its totality, therefore, the sessions here must be viewed as of great importance. If only it could be said that many of the delegates who were here for the fifth plenary — many of us also were at the fourth in Stockholm — will be around to attend the sixth plenary session seven years hence. The major hope, therefore, is that the youth will be enrolled to take over when the next Jewish Parliament meets in 1973. Because hardly an item of concern to world Jewry was eliminated from the discussions in Brussels, the sessions quite naturally echoed the interests of Jews everywhere on all conceivable problems affecting Jewish life. The issues that are difficult to solve in any one land are similarly perplexing on a worldwide scale. A typical example is the educational problem. The WJCongress resolved to devote its interests to the cultural field, in efforts to stimulate learning and to inspire an understanding of the Jewish position among the youth. But when we asked Dr. Goldmann, at the press conference on the concluding day of the plenary, whether practical action is in the offing, his reply was that the World Jewish Congress can only serve "as a guide" to the world communities in this sphere; that the aim is to "create an atmosphere" through the World Council for Jewish Education and the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture whose aim is "to create a climate to concentrate on this work," But because, as Dr. Goldmann said, "the geographical totality of the Jewish people" was represented in Brussels, there is at least another medium through which to inspire the major efforts for Jewish knowledge. • • • • The German Jewish dialogue proposal remains a question that continues in a state of tension. Neo-Nazism, admittedly, is not dead, and while dialogues have been conducted by Israel with West Ger- many, and by Jewish delegations from numerous lands with German spokesmen, the formalization of such discussions inevitably is accom- panied by suspicions. The German spokesman at the Brussels session on Germany, Dr. Eugen Gerstenmaier, president of the Bonn Parlia- ment, recognized it, and the Jewish spokesmen became so involved in polemics that they hardly clarified the issue. Meanwhile the swastika is still the symbol of anti-Semites every- where, as an inheritance from Nazism, and the never-forget-never- forgive attitude is certain to remain as an historic rebuke to Nazism. There were repercussions involving anti-German protests in. Israel, in the course of the Brussels discussions. References were made to a recent statement by the Israeli ambassador to Bonn, Asher Ben Nathan, who had said that "it is hypocritical to request money from Germany for cultural projects and to oppose Israel-German cultural relations," and that: "It is hypocritical when people oppose playing German music and then enter their Volkswagens and drive home." "I cannot agree that every German should be treated with contempt simply because he is a German. After all, 60 per cent of the people in the German Federal Republic today were not born during World War II or were too young to have taken part." Dr. Goldmann won overwhelming support for his proposals for dialogues between Jews and Germans. But he concurred that the Nazi crime can not be forgotten, and the delegates' tribute to the victims of Nazism—to those who were herded together for deportations and the mass murder at Malines, outside Brussels—was deeply moving. On the wall of the General Baron Dossin de St. Georges Kazerne at Malines, there is a plaque in French and in Flemish with the follow- ing words: "Belgians, remember that from this barracks 24,161 Jews were deported to the camps of Germany, 1942-1944. The text in French reads as follows: "Beiges, souvenez vous que cette caserne 24,161 Is- raelites,ont ete deportes vers les camps d'Allemagne 1942-44." The gathering at Malines was an occasion to recall the total mass murder, the numerous concentration and extermination camps. It was a reminder of the tragic era that can not be forgotten. For some delegates, the WJCongress period was an occasion to visit the city of Amsterdam in Holland, where the Anne Frank House has been turned into a museum that is visited by many thousands, where people from many lands come to pay tribute to the young girl who recorded in her diary the experiences under Nazism. Many Ger- mans visit the Anne Frank Museum, climb the narrow and steep stairs, study the records—as a reminder of the crimes under Hitlerism. In Amsterdam there is an opportunity to visit the Joods Historical Museum which was closed during the war, reopened in 1955, now, as its sponsors state in a plea for its upkeep, to have it perpetuated as "a memento of the rich and glorious past, a summons to lasting corn- meinoration." The Jewish ceremonial objects and art works gathered in this museum are of historic interest. For the record, in view of the commemoration in Holland, it should be noted that Delta, a quarterly review published in the Netherlands, some time ago published the following record of sufferings by the Dutch under the Nazis: "Died in German prisoner-of-war camps, 104,250, including 104,000 Dutch Jews." "Resistance members shot in the Netherlands-2,500." "Died in prisons and concentration camps-11,000." "Civilian victims of bombings and other acts of war-23,000." "Victims of starvation 1944-56-15,000." "Victims of forced labor-8,000." - Anne Frank and the historic Anne Frank House in Amsterdam that now serves as a museum to commemorate the tragedy under Nazism 2—Friday, August 19, 1966 The large Netherlands Jewish community has been reduced to about 10,000. The historic syna- gogue now usually depends for a minyan upon tourists. But the synagogue, like the Great Syna- gogue in Brussels, has been pre- served, by intercession of the ruling families of Belgium and Holland. The Antwerp synagogue, however, was burned, and we had occasion to speak to survivors who had helped save Tora from the Antwerp synagogiL, and near the main Amste: m synagogue there is the one whence Nazis had pulled scrolls and benches to use for firewood. The memory of the terror still haunts the surviving witnesses! * * * In view of what had transpired when the World Jewish Congress was founded by Stephen S. Wise 30 years ago, and recognizing that neo-Nazism still is a disease to be reckoned with, it is no wonder that concern should have been ex- pressed over the rising tide of bigotry in Germany. There is an overwhelming desire to meet with the West Germans and to discuss with them the need for coopera- tive activities, but the re-emer- gence of a semblance of Nazism is not overlooked. At the same time, the Brussels plenary took into account the rise of anti-Semitism and expressed itself unanimously in this resolu- tion: "The Assembly draws atten- tion to the resurgence of anti- Semitic activity in various parts of the world and the develop- ment of international organiza- tions, some public and some clandestine, which seek to co- ordinate the agitation of na- tional groups and to disseminate racist and anti-Semitic material throughout the world. "The Assembly expresses the hope that the governments of the countries which both export and receive this racist material will cooperate in preventing a traffic which can only lend en- couragement to movements sub- versive of democratic institu- tions. "The Assembly calls upon all its affiliated communities and organizations to maintain a vigi- lant watch on anti - Semitic groups in their countries, and to keep the headquarters of the Congress informed on such movements and their activities in order that appropriate action may be taken on an international level. "The Assembly also expresses the hope that governments will ratify without delay the Conven- tion adopted by the United Na- dons on the eradication of r ,gal discrimination and, und' ie provisions of this instru'L, will take the necessary stepS to curb and outlaw the efforts of anti-Semitic organizations to in- cite to racist and religious hatred. The sum total of this declaration is the admonition to libertarians everywhere and to Jewish com- munities: be on guard against the re-emergence of bigotry ! VE9.8keNTESNOSiArAa 'ea ,szp THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS afelysl$ By Philip Slomovitz Ve" The concentration and extermination camps of the holocaust