10—Friday, August 19, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Brazilian Dictionary Revised but Still Defines Synagogue as 'Place for Illegal Business' Important Jewish Customs, Israel Flag and Hymn, Among Items Traced in Brasch's 'How Did It Begin?' There are many Jewish historic- the universities and Jewish The- It took Dr. R. Brasch, the Aus- al items that are dealt with at con- ological Seminary in Berlin and tralian rabbi, a number of years (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) to compile the facts contained in siderable length. The explanation Wuerzburg, where he received his RIO DE JANEIRO — A revised edition of the dictionary of the his study of the origin of super- for "Bill of Divorce" includes a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Portuguese language, published by the Brazilian Literary Academy, stitions, habits, legends, customs long, long description of the evolu- 1937 and was ordained a Rabbi in was issued here Wednesday, with deletions of some definitions and terms used in daily life, but tion of such writs among the He- 1938. regarded as anti-Semitic. The revised version had been cleansed of the reader of his book, "How Did brews and it contains the text of Dr. Brasch has occupied pulpits the word "Jew," which, in former editions, had been described as It Begin?" will concur that it was the Bill of Divorcement as pre- in London, Dublin, Eire and South "devil" and "swindler." However, the work still uses anti-Semitic worth it. Into this volume, pub- scribed in Jewish law. Africa, and is presently Chief definitions for "rabbi" and for "synagogue." The latter, as of old, lished by David • McKay Co. (750 "Pork as Forbidden Food" is Minister of Temple Emanuel in is still described as "a place for illegal business." 3rd, NY17), he has incorporated so an informative chapter. In the Sydney, Australia. In Sydney, he is While the new version of the dictionary was seen here as an many fascinating facts that his section "Symbols of Nationhood" well-known as a contributor improvement, it was noted that the official dictionary, issued by the volume will be -read for pleasure, appears an explanation of the various magazines and a frequ government for use in public schools, has not yet been revised or will be retained as a reference origin of the Israeli flag, as first guest on radio and television p work and will be used in homes designed by David Wolffsohn at grams. He has also lectured at co cleansed of its anti-Semitic definitions of certain words and terms. Meanwhile, in spite of a three-year-old government ban against and schools whenever actual data the first World Zionist Congress leges and universities throughout its distribution and sale, a Portuguese translation of Hitler's "Mein is desired on every conceivable at Basle in 1897. There alsb is the world, and has been a guest an explanation of the origin of preacher at churches of all de- Kampf" made its appearance again Wednesday in a number of subject. nominations. book stores in Sao Paulo. "The story of our customs is not Hatikvah, the Israeli hymn, in A student of 12 languages, in- an article about its author, always easy to explain," he states The Portuguese translation of "Mein Kampf" was issued three years ago by the Sao Paulo publishing house of Mestre Jou. Imme- in his preface, in which he briefly Naphtali Herz Imber. The defi- cluding Cuneiform, Syriac and diately, both the justice and interior ministries issued orders ban- comments on his explorations, and nition of "Amen," the last- item Persian, Dr. Brasch has spent ning the book as "slanderous and subversive and an incitement he i n f o r ms his readers that in the book, is similarly impres. many years of research' on the origin of superstitions and customs against peoples, races and religions." In addition, the West German "though we may now take them sive and important. There is such a vast amount of all over the world as background government brought a suit against the publishers, charging infringe- for granted, there is nothing in life ment on the Bonn government's rights to the book. The Brazilian that has not its initial significant material in this book that no re- for "How Did It Begin?" government's order banning the work is still in force, and the German meaning and purpose." And in the view, no matter how lengthy, can course of his exploratory efforts do it sufficient justice, since it government's suit is still pending. The conference on Jewish Ma- he has found that "layers of is impossible to refer to all the terial Claims Against Germany legend are woven around historical items in the variety of subjects last year allocated 318,000 pounds gathered by Rabbi Brasch. For in- ($106,000) for the various voca- facts . . ." stance, April Fool's Day is traced tional training projects of ORT in Starting with the origin of occupation of teaching should be By SAUL KLEIMAN superstitions, concluding with to the time of Noah. Many reli- Israel. (JTA) accompanied by the ideals of the The Hebrew term for education religion and its symbols, dealing, gious terms are defined. is "Hinuch" which carries two two other connotations of the trio. in 25 chapters, with background There is a valuable chapter on "Every person," says the Eng- more connotations — consecration "Covering of Head in Syna- .4 44 "DEXTER*** material relating to birth, ritual lish historian Edward Gibbon, "has and dedication. What a significant gogue"—an informative tracing * CHEVROLET IS IC of courting, courtesies, drinking, A and salutary combination of terms! two educations, one which he re- dress, medicine, magic, langu- of the custom for popular -rather Implicitly it signifies that the noble ceives from others and one, more age, stage, writing and scores THE BEST PLACE* than priestly practice. important, which he makes for upon scores of customs affecting Another chapter of immense * TO GET YOUR himself." (1). the daily life of all peoples, he value is the explanation of the This significant observation re- reveals sources that are not gen- origin of "The Star of David"— * * CAR." calls a similar meaningful thought erally known. the Magen David. by a scholar who preceded Gibbon There are explanations for the Those listed are just a few of the many centuries, Rabbi Tanchuma, JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Jew- who stated: "Every person has "unlucky number 13" dating back hundreds of items, of the very * MORE REPEAT ish Agency executive approved three names, two which he re- to olden times and Norse myth- many customs, under description CUSTOMERS SAY: 4( * Tuesday radical reorganization and ceives from others and one, more ology, the "knocking on wood" in "How Did It Begin?" • Better Service streamlining of its operations, in- important, which he makes for stemming from the time when Dr. Brasch was born of British * 4c trees were deified, the breaking of parents in Berlin in 1912. He Better Deals cluding a probable merger of its himself." (2). a mirror and the walking under a studied theology, philosophy, his- immigration and absorption de- Those who depricate the limited ladder. In many instances Dr. partments. tory, and Oriental languages • at The decision was adopted by the educational achievements' of the Brasch traces customs and super- contemporary Hebrew school will stitions to the Bible. The "rabbit's 17-member executive without op- Dr. Flexner's Fame position. The goal of the reor- find the following observation per- foot for luck" he considers an Jacob A. Flexner, a 19th century. ganization is elimination of the tinent and revealing. It was made "ancient concept (that) can be duplication and bureaucracy with by one of the writers of the "Mid- traced in biblical literature as the Jewish physician who lived in * 20811 W. 8 Mile Road '10( root of many dietary laws which Louisville, was a pioneer in this which immigrants have to cope, rash Rabba": KE 4-1400 4C "It is usual that out of a thou- prohibited certain (totem) animals country in the use of tuberculin and implementation of the agency's sand who enter upon the study of and diphtheria antitoxin. being eaten." budget retreanchment and econ- the Bible only a hundred are suc- omy drive. The decisions were adopted cessful. Out of these hundred who under the chairmanship of agency proceed to the studs of Mishnah, CONGREGATION B'NAI MOSHE only ten succeed. Out of these ten executive head Aryeh Pincus. who advance to the study of Tal- The possible unification of the immigration and absorption de- mud, only one emerges who is partments was understood to in- fitted to give legal decisions." (3). The attitude of the most cultured volve also the economic depart- ment, as well as the Professional ancient nations, the Greeks and and Technical Workers Agency the Hebrews, toward their teachers (PATWA) and Committee on Man- is reflected in statements made by ANNOUNCES three of their greater sons, Aris- power Opportunities in Israel. totle, Rabbi Meir, and Rabbi Other departments dealing with education, youth and pioneering Elazer Ben Shamna. The famous for Isfael in other countries also Greek philosopher of the 4th cen- will be submitted to reexamina- tury b.c.e., and the noble Rabbi Meir of the second century c. e. tion. declared that teachers should be honored more than parents, for . Tein Mile at Kenosha — Oak Park BaltimOre Agencies Create these only gave them life; those, Social' Planning Structure the art of living. (4). (Children age 4-16 Pre-Kdg. through 10th) Rabbi Meir said: "If one finds BALTIMORE (JTA) — A new articles his father and his teacher structure to aid comprehensive in- Classes Are Held on Sunday Mornings tegration of planning by both the have lost, he shall return -his Associated Jewish Charities here teacher's first; if both carried You May Join Any One of These Sessions and the Jewish Welfare Fund has loads, he shall assist his teacher first; if both were captives, he been created by the two organi- 12 - 1:30 10:30-12 9 - 10:30 shall ransom his teacher first." zations. Entitled the Central Social Plan- (5). ning and Budgeting Committee, Rabbi Elazer admonished: "Let the new structure will have five the honor of your student be as separate planning committees in dear to you as your own and the the various social st rvice and reverence for your teacher -be-like fund-raising fields. These groups the reverence for heaven." (6). Open For Registration Also— will be assisted by a professional To Aristotle and Elazar honoring Sunday, August 28 and Sunday, Sept. 4 consulting and coordinating com- teachers was an ethical norm, but mittee composed of executive di- Rabbi Meir instituted it as a legal We Suggest You Register Your Child TODAY rectors of the various agencies. dictum. As a Service to the Community The new committees will function Notes: 1. Quoted by John Lu- on a level between the boards of bock in "The Use of Life," Ch. 7, Students of Non-Members Are Accepted the agencies on the one hand and the AJC and JWF fund on the 111. 2. Midrash Tanhuma, Exodus, other. LeRoy E. Hoffberger has been Sidra Vayakheil. 3. Vayikra Rabba, 2, 1. named chairman of the Central 4. "Forty Thousand Thoughts," Social Planning and Budgeting We Conduct A Complete Youth Committee/ The five committee C. N. Douglas, p. 1739. 5. Mishna, Bava Metzia, 2, 11. chairmen of the functional groups . 6. Pirkay Avot, 4:15. are: Louis J. Berman, national and Program With A Full Time Phone the Synagogue office for school Editor's Note: Saul Kleiman, a noted overseas; Louis B. Kohn, II, health Kansas City educator, is a distinguished and institutional services; Rabbi author and writer. Mr. Kleiman is an registration and membership information. Professional Youth Director. Morris Lieberman, community re- octoganarian. lations; Milton H. Miller, Jewish LI 8-9000 If the king loves music it is well education and group - work; and Mrs. Harry Friedman, family and with the land. — Mencius (Third Centui7). • • The Status of a Teacher . Jewish Agency to Merge Units? * Befter Every Way * * 41 .4( • Slatkin's DEXTER * * C HEVROLET * ************ BTAI MOSHE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR 1966-67 ACADEMIC YEAR Classes Begin Sunday September 11 . Congregation Memberships Available