Zoe Oldenbourg's 'The Crusades' • Tragic Era of 'Soldiers of Christ' Replete With Horror of Massacre "Crusade" has become a word still was the "singularly abstract for the rallying of forces for causes summons" for the cross-carrying, which—without knowledge of the as an appeal by Christ, "You shall background or the origin of the help me carry the Cross". Mme. religious medieval movements to Oldenbourg asserts: capture the Holy Land from in- "The strange thing is that for fidels and Moslems—are accepted more than a century a section as mobilizing points for great good. of Western Christendom had `'resident Eisenhower often spoke genuinely believed in this myth f "crusading." Others resort to it. and had, in some inexplicable With a knowledge of the crimes way, confused Christ and the and cruelties that were heaped place where Christ lived on upon innocent peoples during the earth to such an extent that Crusades, one would be com- they saw him banished, driven pelled to use the term very cau- out of his birthplace, or a pris- tiously. oner, tortured by his enemies in his own land . • . It was an The story of the first Crusade, excuse for a mystical adventure. with emphasis on the Kingdom of Jerusalem, especially during the • • • The idea in itself was too farfetched to exercise any real rule of the Baldwins, is told bril- influence over Western thought liantly by Zoe Oldenbourg, a native and opinion." of Leningrad who escaped from Communism with her family, to But while it lasted it caused France. She has written extensive- damage, it led to massacres, it ly and has made the Middle Ages brought about frightful feuds her specialty. In "The Crusades," among kinsmen, wars between published by Pantheon Books, Moslems and Christians, massacres Mme. Oldenbourg has incorporated of Jews. . . . so much material about the crusad- Curiously, Peter the Hermit, one ers, their motivations, the role of of the first inspired Crusaders, is the Popes, the fanaticisms as well absolved of anti-Semitism by Mme. as the dedications to religious Oldenbourg. "Adored by the peo- ideals—and the pogroms against ple and respected by the great, Jews—that her work emerges as Peter the Hermit was already, in a most authoritative work. It is a 1095, a leader of crowds," Mrs. skilful compilation of facts, pre- Oldenbourg writes. "Whether or sented in • a masterful style, offer- not we are to believe that he ing historical data that reads like would have exploited the idea of a fiction—so well has this historian holy war in order to increase his polished her narrative. own popularity, it is certainly a The Crusades, as a holy war, fact that he attempted to dispute tad many romancers, but their with the Pope the credit for the late did not always end in glory. enterprise which had appealed to There were more tragedies than the popular imagination from the joys, and when the adventure outset . . . " Proceeding to de- resulted in failure, women were scribe the Hermit's tray e l s sold to brothels, young men through the French provinces, we "were destined for masters' are told by Mrs. Oldenbourg: pleasures," and "there is no rec- "Peter appealed to the nobles ord of the tens of thousands of and wealthy citizens and even adventurers, • fanatic, tragic, or to the Jews, for help in his merely ordinary because they pious undertaking and his move- were so frequent, or even im- ment quickly swelled to consid- probably lucky, which happened erable proportions. Some gave in the course of a century of him money from motives' of pie- Crusades to tens of thousands of ty, and others—the Jews—be- pilgrims. Those lucky enough to cause they were afraid. In Rou- make their way back to their en, Peter even obtained a letter countrymen told their adven- from the chief rabbi of the city tures, and their family and to the Jews of Mainz, urging friends" remembered them. But... them to show charity to God's in Europe there were so many poor. (This last touch seems to tall stories going about that it show that Peter had not was not easy to tell truth from abandoned his evangelical work lies . . . " when he undertook the Crusade, But in the 13th century "poets and was able to remain on good were still arguing about the neces- terms even with the Jews. Alle- ' sity, or lack of necessity, for the gations that, in Normandy, the holy war . . . People were still talc- preaching of the Crusade gave ;ing cross" in 1235. . . There rise to demonstrations of anti- Semitism appear to be unfound- ed; if this had been so, Peter's :'New Jersey Cemetery letter of introduction would have been unlikely to win the good .Probed by State Senate graces of the Jews of Mainz)." TRENTON, N.J. (JTA) — Beth This statement is subject to !:Israel Memorial Park, a Jewish cemetery in Woodbridge, N.J., was challenge. There was one Crusade .charged at a hearing conducted by that was organized by Louis IX -;'the New Jersey State Senate's busi- with Jewish financial support. But Hitless affairs committee of attempt: the fact that a Crusade leader had ;; : ing to "shock" customers into buy- a letter from a rabbi proves noth- ing: it could have been obtained Ang burial plots. The Committee is investigating under threat and pressure. Mme. Oldenbourg does provide practices of cemetery operators, .:headstone and vault dealers and data about "The Great Massacre :funeral directors who accused each in Jerusalem in July of 1099. "The "other at the hearing of alleged ir- Crusading army appeared in full force before the walls of Jerusa- regular practices. The charge against Beth Israel lem on June 7, 1099. . . During Memorial Park was made by How- the days of July 15 and 16 the , and Stern, a lawyer representing `solders of Christ' were masters the New Jersey Monument Build- of the Holy City, They scoured ers Association, who read excerpts streets and' alleys, gardens and from a manual of Beth Israel in courtyards, breaking down doors . which the salesmen were urged to of houses and mosques and killing, .confront the prospect with what killing all who fell in their path, was called a "shocker" describing no longer the soldiers, who had the possibility of the sudden death been killed first, but civilians, men, women, children, and old of a member of the family. Irwin Shipper, vice-president of people." - . , .. Asserting that "the massacre perpetrated by the Crusaders in Jerusalem has long been reck- oned among the greatest crimes of history," Mme. Oldenbourg writes: "The Jews, as many of them as the building would hold, were shut up in the syna- gogue, which was then set on fire. The entire Jewish com- munity of Jerusalem perished in the flames." There were tragedies without end. Mme. Oldenbourg gives an historic record of the Moslem- Christian battles, of the control of Jerusalem by the holy crusaders, and the eventual victory over them by Saladin. The crimes against the Jews are only briefly referred to. In that respect this chronicle of events is incomplete. But because it deals primarily with the First Crusade and the Kingdom of Jerusalem, it is thus limited. As history Mine, Oldenbourg's "The Crusades" is superb. As a record of the crimes against the Jews it is most incom- plete. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 12, 1966-9 I JULES DONESON TRAVEL SERVICE Syria Still Has Six Israel Prisoners Released Captive Tells Authorities TEL AVIV (TA) — Israel and Syria exchanged prisoners at the Bnot Yaacov bridge on their bor- der in the north, Israel receiving back four men who had been in- carcerated in Syria for periods varying from three years to 12 years. In return, Syria received six men, one of them a convicted spy. The four Israelis returned by Syria are Yoseph Shemesh, 43, who crossed over into Syria 12 years ago; Yehuda Vaankin, 26, who went into Syria three years ago; Shlomo Yifrach, 32, who entered Syria 11 years ago; and Yitzhak Reznik, who has been imprisoned by Syria when he was caught across its border nine years ago. Six other Israelis are still im- prisoned in Syrian jails, Yoseph Shemesh, one of the men returned here revealed. Of the four Israelis given back by the Syrian jailers, Shemesh, who is 43 and had been imprisoned by the Syrians for 12 years, was the only one who seemed able to face Israeli journalists. ' Two of the four were taken im- mediately after brief medical ex- aminations to mental hospitals. The fourth of the men, Shlomo Yifrach, is still being examined. All four had suffered severe mental disturbances,' physicians said. Shemesh said that Avraham Daskel, one Israeli prisoner re- ported by the Syrians to have died three years ago, had committed suicide after being tortured in his Syrian prison. The Syrians refuse to turn over his remains. Shemesh said that he was sure there were still six more Israelis, two of them Arabs, in Syrian jails now. The Syrians denied they were holding any more Israelis. The six Syrians • returned in- cluded Mouhammed Arifa, a con- victed spy who was serving a 15- year sentence here. Israel offered a year ago to exchange him for Eli Cohen, the alleged Israeli in- telligence man, who was convicted as a spy by a court in Damascus and, later, executed. Syria had refused to exchange Cohen for Arifa. Now they took Arifa, another man who is insane; and four Syrian sailors who were detained aboard a Lebanese boat in April, 1964. Syria at first denied that it was holding any Israeli prisoners, but finally admitted it held the four. Starting this Sunday, Aug. 14. 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