World Congress Concludes with Resolution Urging Identification by Jewish Youth (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BRUSSELS—With the adoption of a series of resolutions on some of the most vital subjects facing Jewry today, the fifth Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress, in session here for _the last 10 days, closed Tuesday night. The principal resolutions, dealing with Soviet Jewry, Arab-Israeli relations, attitudes between Chris- tians and Jews and relations be- :tween the Jewish people and • Germany were supplemented by a "declaratory" measure, entitled "An Appeal to the Jewish Peo- ple," which proclaimed: "The assembly, deeply con- cerned with the permanent and grave dangers that assimilation and indifference constitute for the Jewish people, and intensely con- scious of the many signs of revival and renewal of Jewish life all over the Diaspora and responding to the call of the young genera- tion which is searching for Jewish knowledge and Jewish identifica- tion, appeals to the Jewish peo- ple for the launching of a cultural offensive to face up to the spiritual dilemmas of our day." The lengthy WJC deliberations, attended by more than 450 dele- gates and observers from all over the world, except the Soviet Union, were adjourned after a closing address by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the global body. The principal resolutions included the following: Concerning Israel and the Arab states, the assembly took note of Israel's continuing readiness to enter into peace negotiations with the Arab governments. The body addressed an "earnest appeal to the great powers" to take joint or parallel action which will assure the world that neither an imbal- ance in Middle East arms nor prospects of new arms deliveries to the region will encourage military aggression in the area. In the interests of stability in the Middle East, and "indeed in the world over," the assembly urged all governments, "irrespec- tive of their political systems," to facilitate the emigration of those Jews who desire to go to Israel and participate in the building of the Jewish state. Finally, on . this subject, the WJC appealed to "all enlightened sectors of the Arab people to support and strengthen the "sober voices in the Arab world that have courageously called for an effort to reach an understanding between Israel and the Arab states." The resolution dealing with the situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union expressed the WJC's "dis- tress over the continuing "cultural and religious discrimination ex- perienced by Soviet Jewry," and urged the Soviet government "to re-examine its policies and ad- .: ministrative practices with a view to ensuring that the Jewish minor- ROSH HASHANAH TOURS #1 Sept. 11-Oct. 9 $99500 All inclusive #2 Sept. 11- 1095 " Oct. 16 (with Paris) $c3500 100's of tour flights Only 41F For Information and Brochure Call MIZRACHI OFFICE 17596 Wyoming, Detroit 48221 DI 1-0708 ity enjoys the same rights and facilities as are enjoyed by all other minorities in the Soviet Union." The Congress voiced a series of requests to the Soviet government in this measure, summarizing those points under these head- ings: 1. The Cultural and religious rights of SoViet Jewry; 2. The unhampered practice of the Jewish religion and the es; tablishment of country-wide repre- sentation and a central religious institution for Soviet Jewry; 3. Giving the Soviet Jews the same facilities and rights to par 7 ticipate in international Jewish meetings and organizations as are enjoyed by other minority groups; 4. The intensification of educa- tional and administrative measures against anti-Semitism. in the Soviet Union;, and Re-Elect Goldm ann W JC President . (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BRUSSELS — The World Jewish Congress must start looking toward younger leadership at the - helm of the organization's global activi- ties, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, presi- dent of the WJC, warned here. He voiced that caution in addressing the delegates to the WJC's fifth plenary assembly, which closed 10 days of sessions. by re-electing Dr. Goldmann as president and two other leaders as vice presidents. The latter are Samuel Bronfman, of Canada, and Lord Sieff, of Brit- ain. "Those elected," Dr. Goldmann said, "are almost all of an age which makes us ask 'who will eventually take over.' We must bring in the young, even if they criticize or even if they are im- patient with us—as young people are bound to be. The congress today, after 30 years, is as neces- sary as it always was." One of the ceremonies in connec- tion with the closing of the plenary assembly was the traditional speech by the oldest member of the WJC. This time the honor fell to 80-year-old Yaacov Zerubavel, of Israel, author and journalist who is director of the Central Ar- chives of the Jewish Laber Move- ment. In his address, which was the final business of the meeting, Dr. Goldmann declared, "We must go home, satisfied that we had a suc- cessful assembly. But we must also be aware of the dangers looming in this day and age. There are dangers of assimilation, and other internal problems. But there are also other dangers from the outside. "Dark forces are trying to raise their heads again. We must be watchful and ready to fight for Jewish rights and Jewish freedom as before." Among the resolutions adopted prior to adjournment was one nam- ing Hebrew, for the first time, as one of the official languages of the ,WJC. Until now, only Yiddish, English and French were recog- nized as the Congress' official lan- guages. Two of the major resolutions adopted by the Congress—one of them dealing with Israel-Arab re- lations, the other with relations be- tween the Jews and Germany— were picked out for open reserva- tions by some of the delegations. On behalf of Mapam, Avraham Schenker, of New York, noted that his group abstained on the Israel- Arab measure because no mention had been made of the "courageous voices in the Arab world, calling for realism and peace negotiations with Israel." For Herut, Solomon Friedrich voiced an objection to the declara- tion regarding Jewish-German re- lations. "It is the duty of every Jewish organization and institu- tion," he stated, "to warn hu- manity against new dangers which are apparent in Germany." 5. The facilitation of the reunion in Israel and elsewhere of sep- arated families. Regarding relations between Christians and Jews, the assembly noted "with satisfaction" that the leading church assemblies of the world—the Council of Churches at New Delhi and the Ecumenical Council in Rome—have, through recent pronouncements, urged Christians throughout the world to eliminate age-old prejudices con- tained in Christian teachings con- cerning the Jews." The measure then went on to say that the WJC assembly takes these Christian pronouncements as evi- dence of the good will of many Christian ecclesiastic leaders from all countries, stating that the WJC "expects the practical implementa- tion of these pronouncements at all levels." Regarding Germany and the Jews, the assembly declared that "the Jewish people cannot forget the appalling tragedy, the suffer- ings and the losses inflicted upon the Jewish people by the Third Reich and the annihilation of 6,000,000 Jews. "This' inequity," the resolution stated, "imposes upon the • Ger- man people and its government responsibilities which have not yet been fully discharged." The resolution concluded as follows: "The assembly is particularly disturbed by recent tendencies in Germany to forget the past. The assembly acknowledges that many German leaders—religious, politi- cal, intellectual and, indeed, the leading German press—have often warned their own people against the dangers of a rebirth of Nazism. The assembly expresses the hope that the young German generation will understand its moral obliga- tion not to forget the past, and will refuse to allow a revival of an ideology which brought misery to Jews and to Germany itself." THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 12, 1966-7 African Jews Free of Political Unrest Leader Says (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) BRUSSELS — There are 6,000 Jews in Rhodesia and about 800 in. Zambia, - it was learned here from a report about the Jews in Africa. The report was given to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by Maurice Wagner, of Johannesburg, general secretary of the Central African Jewish Board of Deputies. He was here to attend the sessions of the World Jewish Congress Plenary Assembly. The recent political develop- ments, both in Rhodesia and Zambia, have not affected the Jewish populations in those regions, Wagner said. The Jewish corn- mUnities, he added, are not par- ticularly worried about their fete. He reported that in Rhodesia, a Jew, Dr. Aharon Palley is a mem- ber of Parliament, elected from a constituency which is predominant- ly African and non-white. Another Jew involved in Rhodesian politics, he said, is not a native Rhodesian, like Dr. Palley, but of British origin. He is Leo Baron. a brother of Dr. Jacob Bronowski, the famous scientist. IF YOU TURN THE UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN ra>4 0,e r,dt, - 'Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. We fly all around the world but we never lose sight of you. Brazil Jewish Community The Jewish Community of Brazil, which dates back to the early part of the sixteenth century, today numbers some 130,000 persons, the majority of whom live in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. 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