Ancedotes From the Mid rash The Salesman of Idols Once Terah left his son Abram in his shop to sell the idols which he had fashioned. An old man wished to buy a fresh idol for his birthday. Abram said: "Here is a new idol, completed this very day. Do you not think that you are of more importance than a god a day old?" The graybeard left in con- 'fusion, and Abram did not sell the idol. "You are incompetent as a sales- man," said Terah. "I shall try you out as a priest." Abram asked his mother to prepare a tasty dish for the idols. He then took a large axe, smashed all the idols with the exception of the largest one, in whose hand he placed the axe. When Terah returned, Abram said: "The large idol became incensed at the presumption of the others in wishing to partake of the food before him, and he smashed them." Terah was angry at this conduct on the part of his son and informed King Nimrod that the youth had desecrated the temple. - Nimrod asked Abram: "Why do you not worship my god?" Abram replied: "Is it an idol of wood or stone that you mean? If so, how can I worship that which I have seen made before my own eyes?" "Nay, those are for fools," said Nimrod. "My god is the consuming fire that gives light and destroys." "But how can fire be god if water quenches it?" asked Abram. "Then worship water," com- manded the king. "But a cloud is mightier, carry- ing water where it wills." "Worship the cloud then." "But wind is stronger, for it dis- perses the clouds." "Then worship wind." "But man withstands wind, and I cannot worship man because death overcomes him."—Bereshit Rabbah, 38:19. Enjoy the Safely Plus higher interest of a Secure Bank deposit 0A Time Certificates OAKLAND NATIONAL BANK • SOUTHFIELD RD. at 10 Mile PHONE: 353-6800 • W. 9 MILE at Greenfield Rd. PHONE: 353-5611 I ALL DAY SATURDAY BANKING TO 4:30 Open to 4:30 weekdays Friday to 6 p.m. All deposits insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Deposit insurance Corporation. iliii. Threat of Assimilation, German Questions Highlight Opening Talks of WJ Congress (Continued from Page 1) a cter as a specific collective entity." This applied to all aspects of Jewish life. "In many co u n t r i e s," Dr. Goldmann continued, "especially in the most important Jewish community in the world, the United States, there is a tend- ency among some religious lead- ers and their followers to equate the Jewish religion with others, to make out of the Jewish re- ligion another modern church and to forget that the Jewish people was never only a re- ligious group" but a "combina- tion of peoplehood, religion, and the bearer of a total civiliza- tion." While welcoming discussion be- tween Jewish and other religious leaders on moral obligations—safe- guarding peace, 6ie fight against poverty and the protection of rights and liberties—Dr. Goldmann said "the exaggerated zeal of many religious leaders for so- called dialogues with religious leaders of other churches" on "purely religious ideologies and religions" could lead "to a weak- ening and gradual elimination of the specific traits of what one calls the Jewish religion." If assimilation is not stopped "from the inside" it could lead in a relatively short period to the loss of large parts of the young Jewish generation, the WJC leader stressed. "We have to develop new priorities in our life," he said. "Our future does not depend any longer on the fight against anti- Semitism, on defense, on relief and philanthropy, or organizational competition. It depends on look- ing for new values and sources of inspiration." Dr. Goldmann declared that the priority "given yesterday to the fight against anti-Semitism must be accorded today to Jewish edu- cation. The effort invested in the past in relief must concentrate in the future on cultural creative- ness." Reporting the situation of the 3,000,000 Jews in the Soviet Union, Dr. Goldmann said "despite anti- Semitic tendencies here and there in Russia, as in many other parts of the world, the individual. Jew- ish citizen is not persecuted, is not denied his political rights or his economic existence, or his pos- sibilities in participating in the scientific, cultural and artistic life of his country, although in certain s p h e r es some discrimination exists." The problem was the denial to the Jewish minority of "facilities to live their lives as a Jewish col- lective group with a grave danger that we may lose this second larg- est community in the course of one or two generations," he stated. Following the keynote address of Dr. Goldmann, a program of action "to counter the possibility of drop-outs eroding Jewish con- tinuity" was outlined by Samuel Bronfman, vice-president of the Congress. Bronfman made his remarks at the session of the American Jew- ish Congress Assembly, at which he presided and during which there was a general discussion of Jewish matters. Stating that, while the world seemed finally to have outlawed IRV KATZ Offers 1/' THE FINEST DEAL V THE FINEST SERVICE Come See for Yourself at 20735 GRAND RIVER Minutes From Oak Park & Southfield Between 6 Mile & Evergreen KE 2-7500 extreme tendencies that might "generate another Hitler," Bronf- man added that there was "the sorry possibility that an atmo- sphere of economic security, of great freedom in every sphere of human activity may lead to a subtle and disastrous erosion of our people." To counter the challenge, Bronf- man proposed the following four- point program: 1. "D e vise and provide a thorough, modern Jewish teaching for Jewish children, stressing the heroics and successes pointing up the lessons of grim and dangerous times. But the emphasis must be on modern teaching and in the revelance of a teaching in the democracies of the 20th Century. If this requires a pedagogical rev- olution, let us be courageous enough to initiate it. 2. "We must have a solid found- ation for a continuing change, a continuing and ever-grow bond be- tween the future generations of Israel and Jews in many other lands. In the same way, the World Jewish Congress must safe- guard the bonds between different communities themselves. 3. "We must develop our or- ganization and welcome the af- filiation of small communities in remote areas of the world. We are in a trust position for many of the 64 countries affiliated. We must encourage association with other major Jewish bodies dedi- cated to preserving the Jewish heritage. 4. "We must act with dedication and resolve, with courage and thoughtfulness wherever the well- being of Jews is threatened, wherever the Jewish religion and culture suffers setbacks or dis- crimination." Bronfman noted in the course of his remarks that the "Jews in the USSR and her satellites pose a very special kind of problem. It is an important agenda item for Jews everywhere." He added that there was "some reason to believe that the World Jewish Congress action of sober protegt, of studied analysis and of useful demarches and of attract- ing world opinion has performed very tangible results. There seems more room for optimism today than at any time for over a quar- ter of a century." Considerable controversy de- veloped at the Congress session when it was learned that one of the speakers would be Eugen Gerstenmaier, president of the West German Parliament, who participated in Thursday's sym posium on "Germans and Jews." Delegates representing Mapam and Herut announced publicly at the fifth plenary session that they would boycott the symposium. The two parties announced the boycott after WJC delegates re- jected a proposal by Mordechai Ben-Toy, Israel's Minister of Housing, a Mapam leader, to amend the agenda in view of the opposition by the two factions to the participation of German rep- resentatives. The WJC plenary rejected Ben- Tov's proposal by a two-thirds majority and also voted down a motion that the symposium deal with anti-Semitism instead of Ger- man-Jewish relations. Asserting that a boycott of the symposium at this stage would be both unwise and unacceptable, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, WJC president, told the session that relations with Germans were not a new phenomenon. The government of Israel had such relations as did the Jewish people, Dr. Goldmann declared, adding that he himself went to Germany several times a year on Jewish business. He said he did not do this for pleasure, but as a duty. He expressed the belief that the symposium would have beneficial effects and produce new ideas and new attitudes. Explaining the purpose of the symposium in a prepared state- ment, Dr. Goldmann asserted: "This symposium has caused some doubts and many misunder- standings. The leadership of the World Jewish Congress regards the open and frank discussion of this difficult and delicate problem as necessary, just because the prob- lem is far from being solved, de- spite the indemnification payments and the normalization of relations between Israel and the German Federal Republic. "After what happened in the Hitler period, it is obvious that it will take quite some time until German-Jewish relations will be psychologically and spiritually normalized, and recent symp- toms of a new anti- S e mitic ally colored nationalism in Germany have given cause to worries and fears. On the other hand, to ig- nore this problem and not to take (Continued on Page 9) 8—August 5, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • PERSONAL .• ' ComktIllrAVICARDS Handsome reproductions of historic Jewish art COMMENTARY CARDS 165 East 56th Street New York, N.Y. 10022 I enclose 10it for catalog. Nam. Address City Ste. 218A ROSH HASHANAH TOURS # 1 Sept. 1 1 -Oct. 9 $99500 All inclusive #2 Sept. 11- Oct. 16 I wish to purchase a recent photograph of Rabbi Adler (or borrow a negative). Please phone 869-5547 af- ter 6:30 p.m. - CET30/T. D. S. S. • -:42'0R ,SOF UNITED BRANDS $109500 (with Paris) 100's of tourC3500 flights Only 10 For Information and Brochure Call MIZRACHI OFFICE 17596 Wyoming, Detroit 48221 DI 1-0708 American Women for Bar-Dan University invite all members and friends to the Semi Annual Meeting Wednesday, August 17th 12:30 CYClock in the afternoon at the Stollman Summer Home 2675 Lake Angelus Rd. Pontiac, Mich. to hear an address by the outstanding educator and scholar DR. 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