Israel's Aims in Ending Arab Terrorism, Gaining Charles Madison Authors Historical Shipping Freedom Told in Dayan's Si nai Campaign ' Record of Publisher-Editor Henry Holt, There is no doubt that the story in this important book a series of Sinai? Dayan asserts that "the of the Sinai' operation during which circumstances and of events, all military victory in Sinai brought `The Owl Among the Colophons' ' Israel went deep into Egyptian territory and might have reached Cairo if the Israeli army had not been stopped by the United Na- tions now assumes even greater importance as a result of the pub- lication of "Diary of the Sinai Campaign" by Major-Gen. Moshe Dayan, published by Harper and Row. Because he had been the leader of the campaign, the command- ing officer who not only directed the armed forces but also sat in on the planning of the invasion of Egypt, in a partnership with merging into an operation that may be discussed for many gen- erations because of the union of three nations against an aggressor and in eventual disruption of that union that brought about the col- lapse of the Eden administration in England, Israel's virtual sub- mission to UN demands and repercussions in France as well. Of special interest at this time also is the revelation by Gen. Dayan that Israel was forced by Britain to withdraw a cease-fire agreement in the Suez Campaign because it would have removed the justification for the invasion of Egypt by France and Britain. Then Britain insisted, only a few days later, at the UN, that Israel should withdraw its forces from the Sinai Peninsula. This is part of the crisis detailed in Dayan's book, and the revelations certain- ly revive the discussions about it. There are scores of interesting episodes recorded in this signifi- cant work. Of interest is the tribute to the then Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. A warning ar- rived from the Soviet Union signed GEN. MOSHE DAYAN by N. Bulganin to withdraw the France and Great Britain that Israeli troops from Egypt. Dayan brought serious repercussions from writes after quoting the Bulganin the United States and other na- letter: tions in the UN, Gen. Dayan is "Ben-Gurion did not hide his perhaps the best informed man to deep concern over the Soviet offer an account of the occurrences stand, nor did he seek to ignore in October, 1956 when the entire the full gravity of its signifi- world sat up to take notice of cance; but his reaction was not what the Israelis were doing. a trembling at the knees. He was not seized with panic. On The Israeli general's diary com- the contrary, the emotional ef- mences in 1955. a year before the Sinai campaign, and extends fect of the Soviet ultimatum was through 1957, in order to provide to spur him to struggle. What particularly infuriated him was not only background but the after- effects of an historic event. While the difference between the let- this work is "a personal perspec- ters sent to Britain and France and that sent to Israel. The tive," it nevertheless carries with it sufficient responsibility in re- one to us is couched in terms of contempt and scorn, and it porting and recording to indicate ac cur ac y, authoritativeness, a threatens the very existence of military leader's right to present Israel as a State. The messages and interpret occurrences that to France and Britain also con- tain the clear and explicit threat electrified the world. to use military force and to The Dayan story enables the bombard them with ballistic mis- reader to understand siles, but there is calumny, no what had happened, to review threat to their political independ- again the threats to Israel by the ence, and there is none of the fedayeen and the invading coarse mockery that marks the Egyptian terrorists who mur- text of the ultimatum to Israel. dered children in nurseries and "I was very happy at the cool and made life miserable for Is- composure with which Ben- raelis living-close to the border. Gurion analyzed this new de- Of immense value in the diary velopment. I can think of several is the day-to-day account of the people who might have filled the invasions into Israel by the position of premier if Ben- fedayeen, the fears that were Gurion were not exercizing this injected, the assassinations, the function, and whose reactions in brutalities — all of which forced such a situation would have action by Israel. reflected more than a slight These accounts are as vital as dash of panic." those dealing with the military Were there gains? Did Israel activities. There is thus combined benefit from the operation at Sargeant's Valuab le Jazz_ History Originally published under the title "Jazz: Hot and Hybrid," the important study of the subject by Winthrop Sargeant, has just been issued as a paperback by McGraw Hill Book Co. as "Jazz: A History!' It covers the subject from Africa to today and contains an immense amount of valuable data. Negro influence in jazz and the spirituals is confirmed in the au- thor's statement that "in the sense that jazz and spirituals (as types of music) issued originally from Ne- gro throats and Negro fingers, and would not have appeared at all ex- cept for the specific creative activ- ity of the Negro, both are the most assuredly Negroid." On the other hand, Sargeant states, "Tin Pan Alley's creative activity has not been uninfluenced by the Negro idiom. A certain por- tion of its output has shown the traces of the Negro method of per- formance .. . Tin Pan Alley com- poses some music that is influ- enced by jazz idioms, some that is not . . . " Describing the Negro melody, the author states that "in many cases the melodies based on it , are so obviously mere embellish- ments of common European folk harmonies as to appear spurious —or at any rate not characteris- tically Negroid. This is true, for example, of both "You Rascal You' and 'St. James Infirmary Blues,' either of which might easily be a Russian Jewish or Balkan folk song as far as mel- odic physiognomy is concerned." He adds: "The harmonic minor with raised fourth degree is, of course, common among the Sem- itic peoples of North Africa and Asia Minor, and it is not alto- gether impossible that the Negro may have brought with him to America the musical fruit of an earlier contact with these peo- ples." George Gershwin, Jerome Kern, Helen L. Kaufmann come under review. and their works are re- ferred to and analyzed in Sar- geant's book. The reader gets an authoritative view here of the evolution of jazz rhythm in popular music. This jazz history is a most informative work, authoritatively presented to music lovers. Israel not only direct gains — freedom of navigation, cessation of terrorism — but, more import- ant, a heightened prestige among friends and enemies alike." He explains: "Israel emerged as a state that would- be welcomed as a valued friend and ally, and her army was regarded as the strongest in the Middle East. Friendly powers no longer looked upon her as an infant incapable of assuming respon- sibility for her own fate. And the sale of arms for her forces ceased to be conditional upon prior agreement among the Big Powers — the United States, Britain and France. "The main change in the situation achieved by Israel, however, was manifested among her Arab neighbors. Israel's readiness to take to the sword to secure her rights at sea and her safety on land, and the capacity of her army to defeat the Egyptian forces, deterred the Arab rulers in the years that followed from renewing their acts of hostility. The Sinai Campaign was not intended as a preventive war. It was not meant to forestall a sickness but to cure a situation already sick — to breach an existing blockade of Israel's southern waters, and to put an end to rampant ter- rorism and sabotage. But in fact it did have the effect of check- ing Arab ambitions to do harm to Israel. It is not by chance that the president of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, bids the Arab states to refrain from at- tacking Israel as long as they have not strengthened their forces. He makes this plea not because he has stopped seeking Israel's destruction but because he has learned to respect the power of her army." Such were the gains. They were made in spite of the threats from the Great Powers. The U.S. posi- tion during the Sinai campaign is fully outlined. So is the role of the UN and of those who sought to get a full retreat from Israel. But the gains at Aqaba, the end to terrorism, the warnings to ag- gressors — these were achieve- ments that resulted from army functions under the leadership of Dayan and his associates — roles so well depicted in "Diary of the Sinai Campaign." Hebrew Corner International Cultural Center for the Youth The International Cultural Center for Youth, located in Jerusalem in a hand- some building made of marble, was constructed five years ago by an inter- denominational organization, at the suggestion of Minister Moshe Kol. The object of the Center is to provide the youth of Israel with an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the cul- tures of the other nations through permanent and travelling exhibitions. Another way is to arrange activities. lectures, and talks on various countries, accompanied by films and slides, folk dancing, music, quizzes on other na- tions, etc. The Center also observes events and dates of the nations, such as Independence Days and famous men, as recommended by UNESCO. Over two thousand elementary school children, high school students, working youth, and young people who have completed their military service, par- ticipate regularly in the activities of the Center. The Center has three exhi- bitions each month. Among the exhi- bitions shown during the last school year were one on Japanese art, an international exhibition of children's paintings, an exhibition of United Na- tions activities, a large exhibition by UNESCO on the Art of Writing, the works of Mane Katz, and an exhibition from Mexico. This year the Center plans to show drawings by Indian children, Chinese art, and educational exhibits from Nor- way. Finland, and the United States. At least two large exhibitions each Year are devoted to Jewish subjects. This year an exhibition by Israeli artists was held on the subject of Jerusalem, an exhibition on illegal im- migration. and an exhibtion of the culture of North African Jewry. . Transl a tion tiebsrilti column, pub ■ dl by t le Brith with the assistance of the Memorial Fund for Jewish Culture. Material in vowelized, easy Hebrew can be obtained by writing to the Brith Ivrith Olamith, P.O. Box 7111, Jerusalem Israel. Charles Madison, former De- tesy of the trade' principle came troiter, who has been associated into fairly wide with Henry Holt & Co. publishers acceptance" and since 1924, continuing as one of that "in his eag- the editors of Holt, Rinehart and erness to further Winston, gained t h e professional high ranks in character of pub- American liter- lishing, Holt ary circles with sought to estab- his books, "Critics lish the 'courtesy' a n d Crusaders," principle on an "American Labor industry - wide Leaders" and basis. With no "Liberals in 20th copyright on for- Century Amer- eign books, he ica." He has just believed that completed a ma- Holt only by such jor study of American publishing means as 'cour- ventures and the first result of Madison tesy' could pub- this task is a noteworthy tribute to lishing be kept from chaotic com- the founder of the Holt Co.—Henry petition." Holt—who died in 1926. Holt's failures as well as suc- Holt, Rinehart and Winston pub- cesses are recorded in Madison's lished this work under the title history. "The Owl Among the Colophons— His relations with writers, his Henry Holt as Publisher and foreign representatives, the peri- Editor." It is important as biog- odical publications for which he raphy, and even more significant was repsonsible, his own writings for its relevant references to pub- — all are part of an interesting lishing efforts, to the vast number story about an interesting man. of great books published by the A special chapter is devoted to house founded by Henry Holt, to Holt's relations with Robert Frost. many of the eminent writers who There was a 48-year connection be- received encouragement from Holt tween Robert Frost and the Holt and his firm. firm, and Madison states that Wil- Dedicated "to the memory of liam James and Frost probably Robert Frost, who considered were "the two most eminent au- himself 'Holt's oldest em- thors published by the firm." The ploye,' " the author of this his- Frost story is one of the most tory points to one of the eminent fascinating portions of this book. men whose works were Holt When the Holt stock became pub- publishing products, as an ex- licly available in 1928, Frost re- ample of the greatness of the ceived Certificate No. 1. Madison lw is rt.iters who were on the Holt concludes this chapter of a most friendly relationship with this The writings of Henry Holt him- newsworthy sentence: "In 1964 the self, the wealth of cultural literary documentary film 'Robert Frost: accumulations that resulted from A Lover's Quarrel With the World,' his recognition of the worth of produced in cooperation with the great authors, the friendships thus Holt firm, won an Academy created during his 40 years of Award." The long list of outstanding Holt leadership in the publishing field, books with which the Madison his- are part of this history. tory closes is in itself a revealing Madison writes that "the 'cour- historical record. n 441;;r1, isri37 a ?pr qv» rrn,trLni1 -1 ,4 t,t*r4ri rnzln mi»- 4 p'? /1.11 -r-; pair; ,w4tri . 5 '3p`? nizni t7tr, ntrin 4 7tg niittpti itr.4,. ntit? pipn L7 t# 7n1 rviinnp. 1 717 nin=ln nkt nivIA 1 717 nirrtrn nix*Ir r rinnp tc,r1 rrmx l 7 rr3i-rri ,n,rp niplp n1 274. ,n,ps7 n'5 ,-)xr7 rr 1.711$ Tr'rri tTr.» p t3,?p rr4.L P7pri r34?1.1 1 nitt'kt, NIN7?412 104 npp • ,r.); 41.4pL?r) ninen!Otip tr pr.linp? ,n:t44 ntritg nritz tri1741 1;j17 117i3 ,tr!sin,r1 e7tri Tvirpri r4n 1 7 r .1.17P71 ni ip;1P4 171.nR witt4 :ripntimrI on.17*-1 r)4; lartg • nintrarrm nr4 :?tg rR.Inpri ;r1 ,4y, rnrAi '74.7 ri.rgy.0 ri.rprin rrilri.11.qn ninktri r ni'pvp rirpn rpxn nin , 4! rzrp;) n13740- -ipapx- riLi ?trzi, .frirpm t7tg rlir?rr 41.Lr L.7tp n ,11,4 rvri Tnirpri ropr i.)4. .;1rrINI*14'744p '2tg ni,p)ari • ;rrrp ni:tftrie? nitrjlir? ni4i -ra nivripn Tv/ '717 '71.ntr. rInrw r?Tr);:t. rn-rrr nIzirj '717 nryi ly] • rftil7 r14•;s7 21,- 1? nm4in?) (grin: main? 40—Friday, July 22, 1966 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 41111111111.